ITT: Post what you look like enjoying your favorite hobby/wasting your life, Yea Forums

ITT: Post what you look like enjoying your favorite hobby/wasting your life, Yea Forums.

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my girlfriend doesn't let me spend a lot of time playing games. she hinted recently that she wanted to tie the knot but I'm not planning on it and I dunno what to do now.

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>mfw the game fails to distract me from the voice in the back of my head telling me there are 3,800,750,379 females in the world and not a single one of them is my mate

Made me smile through the pain.

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Did you know that the german's wasted their lives fighting in ww2?

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Damn shame, mighty damn shame.

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why is he all scuffed up?

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hates himself

he's pretty cute, no homo

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He looks so fucking tired.

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Attached: BIDEOGAMES.jpg (448x416, 84K)