Well Yea Forums? Give me some examples

Well Yea Forums? Give me some examples

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every villain when you're autistic and empathize with literally everybody and everything

All Final Fantasy games

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He just wanted the imperial mutts to get out of his country and destroy the traitorous and prideful tribunal

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>tfw realizing adachi was just a sexually frustrated manlet

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That's the opposite of autism dummy.

>confusing autism with schizophrenia

Being morally correct is usually the benchmark of a great villain however.

i thought that was psychopathy

>when you realize the first beta uprising happened half a decade ago

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Talent doesn't exist, it's pure chance that determines your success. Everything from parent quality, childhood trauma, your social life, connections, medical well-being, dietary needs, access to schools and institutions exclusive to important families etc. Then there's the shit that transcends all of it such as birth country and genetics.

Every successful person was born into a series of stepping stones that made them who they are. There was never any talent involved.

more games should let you side with the villains

That's because most entertainment is created by satanic pedophile jews.

You walk as a mortal, taking no advantage from your heritage, from your talents within. So many things of flesh are greater than you. Walk among them, these beasts that are less than you are. See their strength; see how easily you fall to their muscle and skill. Why do you stand for this? Why do you submit to the flesh when death is bred in your bones? Do you realise the power you might hold? When the world of flesh is beneath you, even creatures mysterious and magical will fall.

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Liquid snake mgs1

>Not a single character has a legitimate argument for what he says
>Just keep calling him names
>Same thing happens with Goro in P5

persona is shit

Imagine being this "educated" folks

He might be right but that still doesn't excuse him from murdering people for pretty much no reason

Life is Strange

real life

>lowkey a lot of sense
Isn't that a contradiction?

Within the context of what Adachi says his definition of talent matches yours of genetics.

he didn't kill anyone though, most you could argue is manslaughter

Here's your (you).

NCR and House fags don't @ me

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>throw someone into TV
>oh shit they died
>do it again
>and again
>and again too because why not
>he didn't kill anyone

This is a pretty retarded point of view
I'm guessing you're a leftist because they're always saying how unfair life is and how everybody is equal despite it being obvious genetics plays a huge role on your capabilities

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-t. chinaman


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>villain is just an everyday man doing all in his power to make things right, even if a few must be sacrificed for the many
>hero and his band only oppose him because "dunt sacrifice muh sister" and "muh resistance, le empire so le ebil!"


Dr. Doom. The guy literally analyzes every possible future and reaches the conclusion that the only one that survives is one under his control. The "heroes" are actually the bad guys trying to stop him.

he only threw 2 people into the Yea Forums, the other guy did all the others. And that was before he even knew that it killed them. And like I said he did not kill them directly he could not be charged with those murders

Except he has no legitimate argument and the scooby gang does

cringe and marxpilled

>I didn't kill them officer, I only threw them into incoming traffic
>I didn't kill them, I only threw them into shark infested waters
>I didn't kill them, I only dropped them in the middle east, naked.


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You really have to be educated to be that stupid.

i guess i can't be blamed for killing someone if i throw someone into a pit filled with venomous snakes

I literally said genetics plays a part in how successful you are.

Imagine thinking a retarded nigger in a ghetto has any chance of being successful.

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true and anyone who disagrees is literally just jerking themselves off

Akechi didn't have an argument, he just wanted to kill his dad and strike it rich.


I haven't played the game, but from what I've read about this guy he's basically just a libertarian/ancap, yet the game paints him as a bad guy and you can't join him because leftist = good, right wing = bad

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I post BoF IV in every thread like this and this one is no different. Fou-Lu at the end of the game was completely, 100% in the right and the heroes were the bad guys who were standing in the way of justice.

your right officer, I did not kill them because they fell into a fucking Yea Forums magic world.

I wouldnt call Raiden a leftist.

imagine being this incapable of reading lmao

imagine thinking some north korean peasant boy has any chance of being successful as he dies from a worm infection

>villain had chosen the lesser of two evils
Did Breen really deserve to get turned into a grub?

i can tell you haven't played it
raiden was a child soldier, of course he hates the guy who enlists child soldiers

>Imagine thinking a retarded nigger in a ghetto has any chance of being successful.
If the nigger was one of the lucky ones who have decent intelligence genes then he'll have all the opportunity in the world, what with diversity hiring and affirmative action
A far easier life than a white

White privilege is a myth.

autism and psychopathy go hand in hand due to their related inability to empathize or learn from experience.

>Titanfall 2
>Human life is expendable. Yes we're going to kill alot of people to stop this, but humanity multiplies so fast it won't matter. All that life will be easily replaced


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It’s not that everybody is equal
It’s that the genetic differences really don’t matter that much compared to the environment you’re born into
Here’s a good example: let’s say you’re genetically predisposed to have a high IQ
But, for your brain to develop, your body needs a healthy and balanced diet. If you’re living with either shitty parents or in a shitty neighborhood, you may not have ready access to all the vitamins needed to develop your brain to its fullest when you’re younger
So despite being born with an unequal affinity for high IQ, your environment prevented you from actually developing one

Literally any mumble rapper in the 20th century slaughters your argument.

What are you even talking about? Are you a falseflagging Retardera poster?

ANYBODY born into an affluent family has a high chance of being successful because of the myriad of connections. Likewise ANYBODY born into a shit family is likely going to end up doing drugs and scrounging life on handouts and benefits.

>these replies
Well, he's not wrong. He said (while it can be implied) nothing directly about life being unfair. Albeit rare, anyone born from dirt in a figurative sense can also have these stepping stones leading to success.

Well he didn't have to be such a dick to Gordon.

Completely unfair. I thought this way until I got into a PhD program. Some people are just amazing at some things.

he was talking to a child of baal, a literal godspawn. you have to be a narcissistic dunning-kruger autismo to relate to that.

For every mumble rapper that succeeded, there are thousands who failed.

Talent is the genetics part dummy. Some people's genetics make it so they become exceptionally skilled at something with little effort.

It's really hard to argue with someone who contradicts themselves immediately.

He's a might makes right character

And that's why Trump got elected.

>White privilege is a myth
its not, it real and its right

Pretty much every templar ever in every Assassins Creed game

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It's really hard to comprehend the position of a retard when he conflates random chance with skill.

fuck off samefag

I can tell that a bugman wrote this

the japanese dont give a shit about leftwing politics. thats a western vidya phenomenon

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LITERALLY who mentioned capitalism?

Do you think these same systems don't exist under a communist regime? Do you think you'd be an elite card holder and not a peasant in a field working for the top brass and earning pennies?

Raiden was a child soldier and is a mercenary, soldiers don't fight for politics, soldiers fight because that's what they do, either by their choice or by someone's else. The goal is to fight, victory is the objective.
Game is also a lowkey two-ways-hero's journey but really, pick it up and play it, it'll make more sense once you do

You're right, but the thread is video game related.

>Some people are just amazing at some things.
And what they're good at was determined randomly by the factors in their life, ergo the person's point is still completely true.

People born into shit situations would only discover X because of that shit situation.

Hitler is in a lot of video games though

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>I'm going to go back in time and fix my life so I never become a villain in the first place, so it doesn't matter if I commit mass genocide as long as I succeed.

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>with little effort.
Of corse, it's always the lazy retards that think talent is real just so they can blame something outside their control for their failier.

Kreia's viewpoint makes a lot of sense, essentially being a deconstruction of the force itself.

Her PLAN was an incredible amount of hot garbage and is foiled by the very person it required almost immediately sucking back on that force teat. By the time she puts the black robes back on she's either seen her plan completely scuppered by a rebirth of the Jedi, or seen another numbnuts go full Nihilus, either way perpetuating the cycle.

That's why Rogue was based

Why didn't he just tell Isaac that the world was in danger and that The Wise One was wrong? You know, the exact same speech he gave to Felix so he wouldn't try to take Jenna and flee.

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Adavhi did almost everything wrong

This is unironically true, people can't even argue against it they're just in a /pol/ cult and chose to be right wing because they have no real world experience most likely. Even conservatives agree with this most of the time.


I always wondered this. Since there are genes that cause mental dysfunction and deficiency in development, is there any proof of genes that have the total opposite effect?

Because he and Menardi were clinically retarded. It's why they were unable to solve any of the lighthouse puzzles

>The world is on fire, and it is your fault.
>When are you going to learn that every problem cannot be solved with a bullet?

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20 minutes.

What if Raiden only killed him because that's his job and it was for moneyto feed Rose and John but he actually ended up taking a piece of his knowledge with him and agrees with a portion of Armstrong's philosophy.

>Learn how to drive in 1 month
>Learn how to drive in 2 years
What could cause this difference if it’s not talent?

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>They still believe in the illusion of choice and free will
It directly contradicts the existence of the fourth dimension where, if you could perceive it like a book for example, you would be able to see your entire life from start to finish. Every "choice" you made written out in black and white, clear as day, unable to be altered.

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Yeah, but you would have to post an image from one of those games to make it properly video game related.

>He wonders why people hate conservatives when saying a character who's promoting literal non stop civil war is just a conservative

Liberals are the normal people.

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Why do people choose to be retarded?

his entire boss theme is about how raiden and himself have two entirely different values that are dueling it out, hell the song is called "it has to be this way"

give up the partisan politics retard

Who gives a fuck which incel icon agrees with it? it's still fucking retarded and gay.

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Cao Cao was so good in this, props to the actor.

Name? And is it good?

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Will LotGH ever be topped? It's a true epic of galactic proportions.

I'm sorry you can't stand knowing your life is predetermined, user. It's fine, there's no changing your mind.

You're not making a good argument that wasn't already addressed

the only things that make anyone "exceptionally skilled with little effort" are outlier flukes that apply to less than one in a million people, and even then it's a predisposition not a guarantee and you get nowhere without actually trying. using these people as an excuse not to try in the first place is just you coping with being a fucking loser who's never actually tried at anything because you're so petrified of failure, let alone stuck with it through failure and grown as a person.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms I think.


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Darth Traya

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yeah let me just waste my time downloading a picture of wolfenstein or sniper elite just to appease you user

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Keep on waiting for jesus.

That's retarded but your initial hypothesis is kinda true. If everyone has total and complete freedom, then they also have the freedom to take away other's freedoms.

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He just wanted to save humanity.

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>tfw most people were either too disappointed with the game or were too retarded to understand what he was saying

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fourth dimension would be visible functions of time, so you would in fact be able to perceive the past, present and future at once. if you can perceive your life from start to finish, the choices have already been made. how can you change something which has already happened?

prior prefrontal cortex development due to various other hobbies/experiences/training
talent is just previous similar training.
On top of that, driving is a compound of motor and kinematic projection skills, most people having troubles learning to drive have problems with the latter, but those that cause most incidents are those with deficiencies in the former.
Drawing, Musical instruments, Shooting, Writing are all compound skills. People are better at learning them if they have previous experiences doing something similar, and have serious problems if they weren't ever exposed to the kind of motions/notions necessary for these activities.

True, but its not like you are being forced to make decisions, technically every decision you make was already made for you, by yourself, because of your nature
You could replay that moment a million times and every single time you would make the same decision, because it is in your nature to do so, given the cirumstances
The only way anyone would be able to influence "fate" or "the course of the world" would be if said someone was able to SEE this book you talk about, then and only then, would a person would have true "free will" but with that power, would a person even BE a person anymore?

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Well I could use the example of my own family and myself. I and several of my cousins are very talented at Math, and have all pursued careers related to Math.
I know it's a talent since I showed signs of being good at Math early on, and always did best at Math in school. It wasn't until Calculus that I actually felt that I needed to study a little to get A's on tests.

An even better example would be geniuses like Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein, who never could have done what they did without incredible talent in addition to motivation to their work.
Telsa for example never needed blueprints or notes for his contraptions since he basically had a perfect memory. That's not something that someone can possess with hard work.

This is a genius scene that you wouldn't understand if you didn't play the game, and it's not just for the hardboiled, man's man understanding of women Rokurou and Eizen have. While both Velvet and Magilou are basically fucking around with their reactions, the one trying her best to be the most sincere and defensive has been a double agent ever since she joined your party.

>Talent doesn't exist
t. untalented person

Ain’t no death!

>Tfw he was supposed to have a boss fight
>Kojima cut it because he wanted "muh phantom pain feeling"
Fuck, if a remake is made, i want to play venom one last time and fight the "ghost" of Skull face as a boss.

>when you realize that the "good guys" are even worse than the villain.

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>retarded people dont know about substantial derivatives
There are functions that change from instant to instant.
So in one instant, the function has set a "past, present and future", but a miniscule instant after that, the same function has a completely different "past, present and future"

What game?

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I should clarify that "instant" in our case doesnt necesarily involve time, but any appliable variable

I genuinely lost the plot halfway through it, never bothered actually getting it straight and just played till I couldn't stomach more of the same
To this day, I do not know what the fuck his problem was

Kotor 2 is a really great game even with all the cut content missing, but holy fuck it's impossible to replay because the starting planet is so goddamn boring.

>/pol/tards can't help but reveal their power levels

fuck off.

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Way too many factors for this type of question, but in this situation of a driving test. Could be anxiety (you cognitively underperform when doing new tasks that make you uncomfortable, even moreso when an outside party is watching you, like the driving instructor) for the retard who took two years, or just actual retardation. For the chad who took 1 month, they probably had confidence and have excelled in many things beyond learning how to drive. It's a thing. Once you snowball into gitting gud at learning beneficial life skills, other things unironically do come naturally or easier. You're developing your brain by developing new skills, that will innately allow you to know more with less issue.

>Dr. Goebbels?

Kerghan, from Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.

The best part is that, after playing through the game, the parts of his speech which you can actually verify are entirely true.

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A runner up for the best character of the entire franchise.

my time > your time
Do it, asshole

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First time I wish I saw what the other picture was.

Grigori is a prisoner of fate as much as the player.

that's what talent means you fucking troglodyte

wrong image shit

>you can literally make him disregard his entire ideology with a speech check

Antinatalism is brain cancer

Then you wouldn't be perceiving the life you lived from start to finish, you would be perceiving a collage of possible choices that could have been made in your life. Surely incomprehensible when that quickly scatters into the millions.

Idiot, I'm not using it as an excuse, I was using my own experience as an example. I've barely had to put any effort into my Math classes, and I've been able to easily get A's all throughout high-school and college in a Math related major.
Your whole argument is completely flawed since you've made the mistake of assuming that I was a talentless fool using other people's talent as an excuse to not try.

It makes perfect sense within the context of the game though. If you only want answers that you can relate to in real life, most of this thread would be wrong and/or stupid.

He's a ton of fun to play as in Marvel Heroes. Or at least he was a few years ago when I last played.

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Jacques de Aldersberg just wanted to save humanity.

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>I haven't played the game

Then shut the fuck up

Skill is just talent backwards.

Being born in the US is a talent? Being born into a family that isn't shit is talent?

>Saying that hitler was right is somehow revealing your powerlevel

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I doubt any of you will listen, but I feel I must explain a few things.

The Chapter is my whole existence. I have seen its greatness, and I have seen its follies. More of the latter than the former, I fear.

I have lost more brothers than I care to count -- every victory has come at a terrible price. This time, I have decided to pay it myself.

The chapter cannot endure in its weakened and misguided state. The ranks are barely half of what they should be and grow thinner every day.

Raw power is needed to turn the tide -- And if the cost is my own damnation, so be it.

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>when you try to make the villain look bad by telling the truth

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>you can literally make him disregard his entire ideology with a speech check
Well yeah, Arcanum as a whole was riddled with inconsistencies, plotholes, and just bad writing. And that's not even mentioning the many mechanical flaws it suffered from. But despite that it still had some really great bits.


Sotha Sil was still kindof a good person but chose to seclude himself in his own city after realizing all of his "friends" were huge assholes. Vivec was a dick and Amalexia was beyond irredeemable.

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I think you are confusing success with hapiness.
I know successful people that are not happy
I know talentless people who are happy with what little they get

What matters is your view of what a successful life is and fulfil it, one person's hapiness might be very different from another's but they all have ways to achieve it. Some people are happy with a sucessful job they finally managed to get, some others are happy with a healthy family and some others are happy with a peaceful life. If success to you is just being born in the right family or having New Game+ skills then you are a shallow person

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I agree, the ubermensch deserved to crush the untermenschen, which is why g*rmans got their country sacked and raped by Ivan

Well yes it would be incomprehensive, since there are infinite "graphs" of it
You could theoretically SEE your life if you "take a picture" of the graph in the exact spot
But obviously it would be practically impossible

Making no sense doesnt mean it isnt reality, it just means that reality is complex, thats why a lot of physics problems use models and not exact solutions

>muh destiny

>taking antibiotics for eating bad food (not bad in the infected sense)
Why are comic cucks so fucking dumb? That would have no effect.

This fella right here
He wasn't even a villan


>implying both the germans and commies wouldn't use you as a meat toilet
stop clinging to the past's embers cuck

True. But he also wanted to destroy the other provinces and rule them with the Numidium. Still, better to side with him than the gender confused faggot God.

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Caesar's Legion. They are the ultimate normalfag filter because on the surface 99% of people just say "lol they're the bad guys" and move on.

For starters, the wasteland is bombed to kingdom come and so far in the world there is literally no one better suited to deal with it than the Legion. Housefags do not bother replying, saying fuck it and going to space is the most selfish and unrealistic idea in the game. And that is assuming during the buildup some fuck huge army doesn't roll up on House and proceed to rape his one city.

It is Caesar's burden to beat the uncivilized world into submission and let them most qualified and useful tribes/factions ascend as the less useful and outright useless are subservient to the cause. Any other system under the circumstances is bound to collapse simply because the world is too brutal and hopeless to allow for any other system to be in place except for the one where the strong ascend, and the weak serve.

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Lance from Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Never played persona the fuck is going on

>I haven't played the game
Of course you didn't. The dude harvested the brains of young children.

>what is slumdog millionaire

>here is a game where your choices can determine whether or not you and your companions leave
>"lol nope, we won't let you make that decision"
>"lol we are forcing you to take this drug that you didn't take in the entire game so we can force our tragic ending"
what a shit game

Whenever someone criticizes the Legion they allways imply that Caesar will die, it's like they forget you can cure him in the game

Irenicus isn't even a good villain.
>shit story
>shit motives

remove the voice and nobody even remembers Irenicus

why are you so dumb

He wanted to kill unsalvageable criminals. He was in the right.

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Im surprised there wasn't a dozen response crying about Colour Splash


The Legion is just a bunch of raiders held together by one man's cult of personality and it'll dissolve soon after Caesar dies. Lanius is a decent strongman but no Caesar.

sure but good luck determining which ones are unsalvageable

I'm not the one who thinks people "offset" a bad diet with antibiotics.

You've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette.

Yeah i guess its hard to create your own opportunities when your a doomer commiecuck that jerks it to anime rather than trying

You'll be the first one crying once you're the egg being cracked.


talent is real. some people are naturally gifted when it comes to certain areas. you need to nurture that talent though, and that requires proper upbringing and whatnot, and pure chance does have a major part to play as well, but if you don't have that natural talent then you can't take advantage of chance at all.

the most rich people in the world all had talent and were able to take advantage of chance to become rich.

steve jobs
bill gates
warren buffet
donald trump
etc etc.

they all have natural talent in some area or another, and they took advantage of opportunities given to them or ones they happened upon to increase their wealth.

Of course talent is real, you would have to be a moron to believe otherwise. No matter how hard they try 99% of people aren't going to be a professional athlete or an Olympic medalist. A 4'11" manlet isn't going to play center in the NBA.
The lazy shits assume that talent is a magic bullet. You still have to work your ass off.
Talent without effort will wallow in mediocrity.

The only people in the wrong in the Batman universe is the police force and Gordon

If Criminals didn't bust out of jail everyday then Batman would be on the right

The dude from Farcry 4

>>you can literally make him disregard his entire ideology with a speech check
>waaaah waaaaah why videogame gives me options to play it as a videogame

imagine unironically believing this

What this nigga even wants anyway?

Holy fuck this.
>mfw realizing that Bamham Arkham City is a game about Batman saving a bunch of rapists, assassins, drug dealers and thieves

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I have never understood this argument. Caesar is a literal God and is worshiped by his Legion, his word to them is law. Lanius is not, nor has he ever been named heir. It is heavily implied post-Legion victory at the dam that Caesar comes to respect the courier so much it is likely the courier would be held as the heir. And going the Legion route, you save Caesar's life so it is likely he'd lead the Legion for some time post-dam.

Lanius isn't a statesman, he is basically the Darth Vader of the Legion. More of a symbol of terror, the guy Caesar sends to let people know he means business and isn't fucking around. He has never stated Lanius is anything beyond that. Hell, Lanius was that to Caesar from the start. Its likely that is all he ever had hopes of Lanius to be.

The Persona 5 final boss is my one true God. I can never go against what the final bosses want to do and end up hating the main casts during the end game.

I vaguely remember that selling nukes to everyone (that only he could allow to be fired or some bullshit) was a part of his plan, but the plot never really followed up on it and instead chased the parasites angle. Are aall those nukes still out there? Did they all become duds when the hamburglar died?

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he should have harvested cunny instead

Gordon and the PD don't have the means or ability to perfectly contain super criminals. They can't even catch them, let alone stop them, on their own. Batman is the only reason why any of the super villains in Gotham are ever taken down, but his unwillingness to not go the extra mile and kill them means they'll always break out and always keep killing people. It's supposed to be that way because it's Batman's major flaw as a character.

Matthias in Tomb Rebooter made nearly perfect sense. He survived as long as he did only because he was able to see something bigger than himself while others refused to believe it, and he taught others how to survive while trying to craft the most realistic plan for escaping the island that he could. You basically spend the entire game murdering hundreds of people for dealing with a supernatural demigod in a contextually logical manner. And you're only "right" because your skanky PC gets bounced around so you're supposed to feel bad for her (despite how she is invincible to all of it anyway) and the writers of the game tossed in a stupid deus ex machina at the end to let you win.

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Talent, genetics and everything else that you mentioned are little more than excuses and coping mechanics of the weak-willed, fantastic narratives on how your life went awry that place blame on everyone and everything but yourself, all to hide the fact of how you squandered your opportunities, or even worse, never sought them out.
History has more than its fair share of examples of people who rose from nothing to greatness through deliberate practice, commitment or even sacrifice, and yet, there are those who would take the opposite path. And also, here's an example, just for you.

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At least let the hill get greased a little before you do your slippery slope, you've got a long ways to go between "Killing psychotic terrorists that kill thousands every time they break out" and "Killing guys who jay walked"

Did you not pay any attention to the criminal conversations in the game? Half of them don't want to be crooks but their options are limited. The point of Batman is the whole fucking city has failed, not just that there's a lot of super villains running around. Batman is very specifically against the "Kill 'em all and let God sort them out" approach to solving the problem.

And what happens when you die?

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Solidus. Kojima is a hack though and kind of tainted him with the child soldier shit, but otherwise a kino antagonist.

weak will is also genetics

>tfw i actually shed a tear when he did

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I'm sure Gordon and Alfred have a significant impact on influencing Batman to never go that extra mile.
Even in that popular comic where Joker shoots Barbara, Gordon still tells Batman not to go there.

The argument for Adachi is that he's an asshole who murders people. They admit he's not necessarily wrong but that isn't why they bring him in.

Akechi only made sense at the start of the game and then turns out to just be a nerd.

I'm pretty sure if Caesar intended to go through with the Roman larping he would've had a council of some sort

If this wasn't pasta, it is now. Thanks.

And not wanting to be crooks somehow makes everything they done ok?
No one in there was innocent and the city wouldve been a much better place if Strange won.

came to this thread to look for this answer. not disappointed.

Can't fucking believe it's been 10 years already.
i'm a frenchfag, i remember seing the episode when airing on the first time, it sure was something.
His bonus episode about his past make the shit even more horrible for him.

>believes fatalism is a part of christian belief
You're an idiot, don't post on this site until you've finished high school.

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Right? He was betrayed by every single person of the Empire he built and made successful.


He's a straight up republican. He literally says "Make America Great Again".

The Caeser he's basing himself on didn't name a council to be his successor. He named a relative.

You find a new heir, or maybe Caesar doesn't even name you heir. Maybe he names Vulpes heir. Maybe he doesn't have an heir at all and creates some kind of a council.
>b-but that is too many unknowns
Yeah, House going to space is pretty straightforward though right?

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was he the proto incel

I wonder who came up with the slogan first, Armstrong or my boy D Trump.

I know it's cliche and the thread is in full shitpost mode but Dormin (SotC) did nothing wrong.

Augustus was adopted

>We build your houses, your castles. We pave your roads, and still you walk all over us!
>Do you ever say thank you? No! Well, you're not going to wipe your feet on me!
>It makes me so mad!

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He did it before blormpf

That's not even close to Armstrong's thing. He's enlisting child soldiers to try and make a new war economy in an attempt to replicate Sons/Guns of the Patriots while claiming it's a Might Makes Right/Social Darwinist intent when in reality he just wants the military industrial complex to line his pockets, and at times tries to quote the logic of Solidus Snake to do so. Given Raiden's a former child soldier who fought Solidus and got to hear his logic in clear, audible detail on multiple occasions enough to know that Solidus would never have wanted Armstrong's bullshit, it's entirely logical for Raiden to just wanna kill the fucker.

He adopted him as a son but he was his nephew.

Reagan actually

antibiotics are prescribed at a dangerously high rate and shit diet means shit immune system retard

Trump isn't even the first one to use the slogan. It's old as hell. Ronnie did it in 1980. The whole pitch of the republican party is that america used to be great before some nebulous enemy ruined it and we have to fix it by banning foreigners and lowering taxes

But that sword is for monsters...


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None of what Adachi says about talent has anything to do with him throwing bitches into tvs.

Joe Rogan? That fuckin cock sucker.

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Gaius literally did nothing wrong.

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What do you mean "nebulous enemy"? They flat out say the democrats ruin America with poor policies. They say it fucking relentlessly. Get out of your bubble once in a while.

The real problem with Adachi is that no matter how much he bitches about talent and whores he's super cool, so it's not possible to believe.

It reminds me of that character with the screws from Medaka Box.

He was mad that he got transferred out to the boonies, literally an incel whiner. Just a protip for people who never worked in any branch of enforcement, its incredibly hard to get fired. You have to fuck up real bad if you ever get fired. Instead most the time they transfer you to other departments or locations if you sucked at your job or even just didnt fit the work dynamic. For Adachi to be transferred he was likely a poor performer to begin with. But this is video games and they probably didnt think that far into him.


>shit diet means shit immune system retard
not necessarily.

They literally told the elder about the world being in danger and they were called liars. The point was that Vale was bigoted against the Proxians and didn't trust them. That's why they attempted to nab the stones right after and following that, why would anyone trust them?

Talent doesn't have any empirical evidence to suggest it exists. Affluence is generally what people seem to confuse talent for, the opportunities that come with it, etc. The example we were given in class was Mozart and how he wasn't good at piano because he was talented, he was good at piano because he began taking lessons at the ripe age of FOUR and kept with it throughout the entirety of his life.

>some nebulous enemy
Nebula was a good guy this time around.
Well, I guess other Nebula was a bad guy still, but that was in the past, but currently.

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Fuck GDI

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What game?

Yes necessarily. Your immune system is fueled by your diet. Malnutrition has dramatic impact on it's effectiveness and if you are malnourished during your development years then your immune system is doubly fucked.

All he wanted was to save his nephew.

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Hell no.Caesar's Legion did everything wrong.

I will start with their "romaboo" act.They're the worst wannabe romans ever.They copy a bastardised and spartanised version of rome and the only area they try to be roman is the fucking armor,which is clunky,ugly and obsolete.

They are unnecessarily cruel and violent.This only makes war shittier,because instead of surrendering your foe will fight to the last man.Also,it also galvanizes public opinion of your foes against you,so an otherwise unpopular war will get tons of support.

The Legion also lacks modern tactics and weapons,so they would be crushed in combat.This is usually the piece de resistance of villainous armies and the reason anyone still say the Empire or Zeon did nothing wrong.inb4 "muh Vietnam",the NVA had MBTs,supersonic jets,SAMs and heavy logistical support from USSR and China.

And,to add insult to injury,they manage to fight the much superior NCR military despiste these flaws because the writer wanted a pseudo-roman faction of bad guys.

So the Legion is ugly,dumb,weak and a creator's pet.They did everything wrong.

If he used his power to fuck over people who are billiobaires with more money then they'll ever need then sure, but killing two emrandom people out of rage for society just makes him edgelord.

That must mean you developed an immunity to semen when you were young.

She really was right about everything.

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What a dumbass, everyone knows the magic ticket is called nepotism.

Nepotism, aka that thing people only whine about when rich people do it even though literally everyone does it.

you've got to crack a few eggs though right faggot? No time for screening and second thoughts

y-yeah, everyone, I sure know a lot of people haha

Villains are supposed to be relate-able, to stir your emotions a bit and get you thinking. If they're just out doing genocide for some obviously retarded reason, then the writers of that plot are shit. The best villians are ones you can at least understand, if not agree with.

>it's pure chance that determines your success.
Fate niggers need to be gassed

He worked with an Ascian, that was no good, at least he is repenting for his sins now.

An omelette full of egg shell pieces isn't worth eating.

>food analogies

>did nothing wrong
>lost to what he considered subhumans and savages while being aided with a super weapon and magic niggers
>literally admits the empire is run by a pack of niggers and wants to steer them away from where they're currently heading

hey lay off

>reddit fags keep falling for the bait revealing THEIR power level

This is unironically true and free will doesn't exist, which is why it's quite funny when people make fun of others for people ugly, short, poor, whatever. Your personality and genetics are predetermined and you will always act to the environment around you based on factors that are out of your control.

If you like your own personality though, it's hard to care. I love my personality and wholly support any choices I make so it's basically like I'm living a movie; predetermined but you don't know what's going to happen next.

>religious conflict
There was literally no theocratic wars before monotheistic autism

When you have a whole pantheon of gods that aren't your all powerful lord and savior it's not nearly as threatening to your beliefs if other people have their own

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I hate nepotism because I can't exploit it.

My parents are immigrants and non-religious so we inherently don't have much connections that I can call on for favours.

Meanwhile some dumbfuck kid who barely graduated University alongside me has a cozy job with his arab family business. I am very jelly.

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>half a decade

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Walisters are literally subhuman and needed to be exterminated to make room for greater Galgastan

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Ignore the edgy 14 years old, you're right

I think it might be fable 2 somewhat but I am pretty sure the point of Fable's story is that humans were inevitably flawed creatures and trying to create a better world would be utterly pointless as it would revert to itself later on.

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Number one: In 1945, corporations paid 50 percent of federal taxes. Now they pay about 5 percent.

Number two: in 1900, 90 percent of Americans were self-employed; now it's about two percent.

Dr. Barnaby in Dead Rising. Fuck the DR4 Retcon.

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Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Does anyone know why this happens yet?

The Score was bullshit.

Neither of those "facts" are true. It's not surprising the first one isn't true because it's quoting a figure from a fictional future universe so why retards ever believed it was true I will never understand.

When you post an image at the exact same time as someone else it swaps the thumbnails for some reason

You live a sheltered life.

Newfags are sad. You think any post that generated replies and happens to be long is screencap and pasta worthy kek. Get me out

Any WW2 game

>Its only bad when the oppressor does it!

Yes that is correct. The rich are parasites and when they take steps to make the poor poor, and make their rich friends even richer its a fucking problem.

>that post
You dumb nigger, I don't think it was pasta, but I have added it to my folder, and now it is.

They really are not

Mozart is a famous as a talented composer though. You can go to as many composition schools and learn as much music theory as you want, you’re not going to be a Mozart or Beethoven.

>Talent doesn’t exist
What exactly do you call “natural aptitude or skill“ then?
That’s what talent literally means.
Some people are just born talented, fucking scrub.

Are we getting in to semantics user? You're a retarded newfag, but we all start there.

The big brained people in this thread is making all those NEET, retail and fast food worker threads on this site a lot more enjoyable knowing those two most likely overlap

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No, I'm anti-semantic, you dirty kike.

Actually its about being in the right place at the right time. The vast majority of rich people simply won a luck of the draw. Pure RNG.

>Bad things happen
>"This is god testing us"

>God things happen
>"This is god blessing us"

Chrsiticucks surrender any form of responsibility, though most of them don't realize it.

Neither does Adachi.
The entire speech is “wah people are more successful than me, and I can’t aknowledge that they may work harder than me”

Anyone got that pic with the proud legion and house guys, and Yes Man and NCR are manlet percent facers?

Makes sense to me

>drinking liquor with ice

fucking zoomers

>Boomer logic.

Working hard to succeed in life only worked when corporations didn't dominate everything. Infact, in 2019 it benefits you more to be lazy at work than to work hard.

no one cares that you drink bourbon.

>What exactly do you call “natural aptitude or skill“ then?
>That’s what talent literally means.

Yeah, and it doesn't exist. This has been well researched. Everyone who is thought to have "natural ability" actually turns out to have spent tens of thousands of hours practicing before they get that "natural ability". That doesn't sound like a "natural ability" to me. That sounds like practice makes perfect.

I'm not going to say that I agree with the speaker, but I can see where someone in Marder's position would come to hold this opinion.

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nihilism is a religious belief

cringe and phoneposterpilled

>Smothers his own baby cos he hears god in his head
Nah anything he did or said that was good was eventually going to be undone because of his own insanity

*dabs in* Hold up bro, I think you're trying to start a shit show of a thread where everyone gets mad. You didn't even try to start some discussion with that op. Why you trying to distract the bros from having fun discussing and playing the vidya they love. Not cool bro. I'll let you off this time, next time maybe try start some discussion on a game you love. I really love F.E.A.R, that game was sick bro. Anyway, take it easy and try not to take this bullshit so seriously, you'll regret the time wasted some day.

thanos out

100% unironic. Leave it to American media to name the only character who gives a shit about the unbroken chain of imperialist atrocity Killmonger.

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damn I guess Mozart composing music at the age of 6 was just because he was in a good school and his parents were really talented musicians

imagine being this much of a brainwashed leftist.

>you actually kill him later if you talk to him

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>What exactly do you call “natural aptitude or skill“ then?
an imaginary wall invented by practiced masters to keep from having to teach an unending stream of plebs who will inevitably give up because they lack discipline and dedication.

>Mozart composing music at the age of 6

That's a generous description of what he was doing. Today we would call it "remixing".

Mustapha Mond

You can also succeed through delusional overconfidence, it's the Peter principle

you need to remove that one from your phone's "pasta" folder my dude.

Underage pls fuck off

Imagine a giant penis flying towards your mouth, and there's nothing you can do about it. And you're like "Oh man, I'm gonna have to suck this thing", and you brace yourself to suck this giant penis. But then, at the last moment, it changes trajectory and hits you in the eye. You think to yourself "Well, at least I got that out of the way", but then the giant penis rears back and stabs your eye again, and again, and again. Eventually, this giant penis is penetrating your gray matter, and you begin to lose control of your motor skills. That's when the giant penis slaps you across the cheek, causing you to fall out of your chair. Unable to move and at your most vulnerable, the giant penis finally lodges itself in your anus, where it rests uncomfortably for 4, maybe 5 hours. That's what using MacOS feels like.

not to mention an autistic savant is a poor example in the first place given that the vast majority of greats throughout history had no such condition and relied on decades of practical mastery instead.

That's quite a pol-tier strawman care to back that up with an example?

>we wuz kangs bury me wit da niggas who jump off da boats and never had descendents

you should probably delete your entire pasta folder, honestly. they're all terrible.

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When did calling liberals "leftists" a thing and how is it an insult? lmao theres a reason the other side doesn't call conservatives "rightists" it sounds retarded

>It’s that the genetic differences really don’t matter that much compared to the environment you’re born into
It's literally the opposite.
At best, environment accounts for 50% of difference in outcomes, and at least 20%
That's a range, the value is most likely nearer the max of the range than the min.

here's how i interpret this: Bill Hitchert, Jon Callanan and Lori Petrosino were facebook friends (prolly IRL friends as well). One day Bill Hitchert posted the Banana image. Maybe he got some response, maybe not. Maybe people commented on the image and he was really proud of his finding. Maybe no one commented and he let it go. I think he got some feedback and he was proud of himself, in a pleb way. Then, one day, perhaps not too long after, Jon Callanan posts the same banana image. I don't know if it was intentional or not. Perhaps he had a beef with Bill Hitchert, perhaps he was just trolling Bill, perhaps he was just as a moron as Bill (they are friends, after all). Bill, upon seeing that, not sure what Jon was up to, tries to fake a laugh and asks where did Jon find it (hey Jon "ha-ha", where did you find this ?). Jon, who prolly knew what he was doing, says, oh, just somewhere. Then adds sarcastically. Nice of you to join us. It's possible that Bill was ignoring Jon, and that Jon did it to bait Bill. Bill, then, passively-agressively says the famous "i really (3x) like this image", as if saying (yeah, I, it was me, before, who posted that image, scumbag) Jon, then replies with his famous: save it, it's yours, which, of course, means "yes, I know you posted, i stoled, suck my dick". Then Lori, who was just passing by, says: "wow, this is funny" Bill, then being the one who posted first, of course, says "thank you, you should thank me, I was the one who introduce the image to this faggot" And that was the story

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That's not what the Peter Principle is. The Peter Principle refers to the tendency to promote people who are good at their current job and continuing to do this until they get to a position they suck at. It's commonly summed up as "People are promoted to their level on incompetency." It has nothing to do with delusional overconfidence, i.e. the Dunning-Kruger effect.

>ult? lmao theres a reason the other side doesn't call conservatives "rightists"
Because they default to Fascist and Nazi, and it doesn't roll off the tongue as easily.

Leftism covers a lot of degenerate groups where as the right has had pretty uniform ideals for a while now.

it's not even hard liquor it's red wine

Dont blame your failure on the fact you have no talent user. Its not your fault like that guy said

It's not like "liberal" ideas are objectively bad and destructive by design or anything. Only an alt right nazi would think that.

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Then what do you call superstar athletes like Pele, Michael Phelps, Tiger Woods, Muhammad Ali, etc. Are you saying the reason why they remained at the top for so many years and that other similar top athletes couldn't reach number one was because they simply didn't practice hard enough? No shit hard work is 95% of their aptitude, but in the highest level of competition even a small boost from innate ability is enough to put you ahead.

because the the European/American confusion over what "liberal" means exactly.

When you say "leftist" everyone knows what you're talking about.

i kinda liked the Qilby discourse more.
he just wanted his people to grow and prosper to see the wonders of the universe.
Qilby did nothing wrong, the Mecasmas and Orgonax deserved to be exterminated by the great goddess.

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My complaint about his motives is that while he did notice time rewinding, he didn't knew how long it was

That guy said that talent doesn't even exist so why would it matter if the guy you're arguing with has it or not?

Would you call Hillary a leftist?


>sex is liberal
The right isnt uniform at all. Republican politicians are solely focused on economic deregulation and trickle down tax cuts. The voting base just hates gays and darkies like always. This website proves that

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

I was born with perfect pitch, while my cousin wasn't. Clearly, this was caused by my parents being wealthier than theirs.

>creates a literal hellgate
Nah he fucked up, could have gotten argent energy through the cracks without going into hell itself

get back on topic, you fuckers

So anyone with the correct upbringing will be as talented as Usain Bolt?

Most republican politicians do not represent what their voterbase actually wants.

>and how is it an insult?

because the term liberal has been made synonymous with retarded people on twitter. Also being conservative is the new 'edgy' thing to do as a young adult.

Liberal ideas like ending monarchy, enfranchising people with the vote, ending slavery? Name one conservative cultural win from the last 300 years, I dare you user. They dont exist because the modern world, America and western Europe are liberal and progressive ideas

The only pitch you have that is perfect is the pitch of my dick into your ass.

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>muh revenge
>muh cultural resentment
>muh daddy issues
>muh throne
>muh vibranium
>muh suit
>muh genocidal crusade

this is your brain on melamine, he never actually fought for anyone but his selfish desire of trying to be king or die trying. typical narcissistic millennial

But user, think about the cost of progress. I'm sure we can reach a common ground here in order to better resooooooooooooolve this discussion.

Republican voters vote for them and their ideas though so that obviously isnt true. Although conservative voters are morons, that's a statistical fact, so they may actually have no idea who or what they're voting for.

>>sex is liberal
that's honestly what the alt-right believes tho. it's a big reason why they're nearly all bitter incels. that and being delusional autistic retards incapable of interacting with the real world in a meaningful way.

>talent doesn't exist
And just when I thought I had heard the dumbest shit, Yea Forums surprises me.

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>yes, user, you can be an opera singer even though you're completely tone deaf! Just believe in yourself!
>sure, you'll be a pro basketball player in no time, Peter Dinklage! Keep at it!

In 4 there's a magically world inside the television full of monsters and your shadow self if you're thrown in. If you aren't able to escape within a certain amount of time your shadow self kills you and your dead body appears in the real world.

I've never understood the who "Immortality = stagnation" thing. Wouldn't being unable to die just accelerate progress now that we don't have to worry about death? Think of how far we would get with space travel right now if we didn't have to deal with how to make sure the astronauts don't die/their bodies deteriorate without gravity halfway to the planet

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So people who mastered specific subjects all came together from different fields to make up a term so that no one else could rival them?
Firstly, why would they do this, and why would they care?
Secondly, why did masters from different subjects ALL come together for this plan?
Thirdly, among all things to discourage people from trying, why would it be claiming that some people are born with skills? Talent doesn’t mean if you try, you won’t be skilled in certain subjects, and there are millions of people who try and train in what they like.

This all just sounds like major coping coming from a unskilled NEET who will have nothing to show for the 20+ years they were alive.

>everyone on the right is a big stinky racist

Typical SJW, can't converse without de-humanizing the opposition.

>and if you try real hard, user, some day you'll lose your virginity!

>Although conservative voters are morons, that's a statistical fact

wrong, the IQ difference is only slight, and besides it favors conservatives in most circumstances



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One of the Tales of games. Bezeria or something

You think you're being respectful, but you just shat on every single person who tried their utmost to succeed at something yet failed simply because they didn't have the aptitude, not because of laziness.

Legacy of Kain
...I think.
I don't really remember what the point of the villains speech was after he's done saying it.

...Also I don't remember which one was the villain.

Every WWII game

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>It's not like "liberal" ideas are objectively bad and destructive by design or anything
Which explains why the most liberal countries in the world are all the wealthiest per capita with the least income inequality. While America, the most conservative of 1st world countries, is the poorest, sickest, and least educated. Too bad we can't live in a conservative paradise like Saudi Arabia or Russia gee whiz we need to deregulate and legalize some more white collar crimes!

They vote for immigration reform but never get it because the republicuck politician benefits from America becoming a third world shithole.


Any other sources?

Is that why Tobyfox is a complete failure and that Undertale never became a pop-culture icon?
Oh wait. Tobyfox became a fucking chad through hard work and dedication, with his first real game being a bigger success than many AAA games.

Cope harder NEET. The more you do it, the less time you will have to make what you want and you will look more like the loser you truly are.

Alex Jones

a bigger bullet
more potent Ingredients?

do you understand what im getting at?

if you have survived planned
destruction should be implied?

No, the lazy shits are the ones who think talent lets them slack off and still be on top.


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Why are conservatives so obsessed with sexuality when the world has real problems? Just admit you're a faggot in the closet and join us in the real world you fucking freakshow

You're talking about fate. I don't know why people argue free will exists. You cannot change the past. The future is determined by the past. Everything is locked in place.

It's bad because it's what systemically keeps otherwise talented and hardworking people out of the easy life. Work in offices with people who do everything right and work harder than anyone and it's the brother-in-laws and the daughter-in-laws with the upward mobility. Go to college and make rich friends. Join a frat. Pay for them. If not your degree doesn't do much.

Right place, right time. He provided a product where there was a vaccume for it

I guess it is because once you have immortality you will have all the time you want and hence become slothful. The fact that our time is limited motivates us to strive for our dreams and move forward whereas if we were immortal maybe we wouldn't improve due to having all the time in world. But that's just my opinion.


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>Why are conservatives so obsessed with sexuality when the world has real problems?
Because the entirety of the West's Christian civilization was built atop several pillars, one of them being sexual moderation, if you take out one of these pillars, the whole thing starts to collapse.

Lord Mortimer in The Council when he starts talking about how manking should be controlled

You're correct that life is deterministic, but this doesn't contradict the existence of talent. Talent and genetics are the same thing, it's just a semantic argument.

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Hello woman

> why would they do this, and why would they care?
already answered
>why did masters from different subjects ALL come together for this plan?
this is your own weird fantasy, and only you can answer your own headcannon.
>among all things to discourage people from trying, why would it be claiming that some people are born with skills?
because virtually nobody is born with "talent", and if everyone thinks you need to be, then very few make it past that pleb filter and those who do are deserving of the masters' time.

Why are you so determined to defend pedophiles?

>the right has had pretty uniform ideas
If the right is so unified why doesn't trump ever call out Jews for destroying America and the white race? Or bring up how trannies and degenerates are ruining our family values?

Just how many devs put their heart and soul into games that barely sold a thousand copies or garnered pocket change on Kickstarter? Fox is a genuinely talented guy by making a great game with great music.

>uses data from the 1980s

The cat is out of the bag Ahmed. The country's you're talking about are all dying.

Globalization is bad. It turns every country into a ghetto shithole. Liberals are familiar with the globohomo concept, they used to call it "Americanization"

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OP said villain

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>what are genes


conservatives value sexuality and its impact on society far more than liberals do

Vayne is usually pretty overlooked. Hes definitely not the most interesting antagonist, nor original. But some pieces of his speech are absolutely fantastic.

>I bid you welcome to my sky fortress, the Bahamut. I must apologize for my delay in welcoming you aboard my ship. Permit me to ask: who are you? An angel of vengeance? Or perchance a saint of salvation?

Ashe: I am simply myself. No more and no less. And I want only to be free.

>Such a woman is not fit to bear the burden of rule. Weep for Dalmasca, for She is lost.

>Ivalice will know a new Dynast-King, and Man will keep his own history! The tyranny of the gods is ended! We are their puppets no more! The freedom for which we have longed is at hand!

>Your lives are forfeit, and your insurgence with them. Dalmasca shall again know order. For good and all, I shall bring your futile attempts at rebellion to an end!

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God tier skits, pity the story is hot garbage

Armstrong talks a god tier game, but he's seriously just nuts.

Some of the best villains want the right thing but go about it the wrong way

>great music.

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Are you saying Undertale, and his deducation to coding since he was 15, isn’t hard work because he released it at the best time?

>Most republican politicians do not represent what their voterbase actually wants
It's almost like Republicans are total fucking morons who always vote against their economic interests in favor of billionaire's because hannity and Ben Shapiro tell them the brown hordes are coming to take their jo-I mean rape them

Then how about all of the thousands of well made games completely ignored and forgotten about almost instan?

Because what trump allows you to hear and what his actual plans and actions are-- is two different things. He plays the game and he plays it well.

No good game goes ignored.

Can you name such passion project games that failed?

It takes years for you to truly grasp just how right this fucker was.

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Im saying if the market had many Earth Bound clones, he would have been just another flash in the pan. He had a passion for earth bound that blossomed at just the right place at just the right time. There are far better developers who made far better games with a far greater passion and they've gone largely unnoticed because the market wasn't starved for their kind of game

Then they weren’t good games
Simple as

Wait didn't Adachi technically didn't kill anyone? The victims didn't embrace the Shadows so it killed them

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Just want you to know you're right.

Read his whole post moron, he mentions genes.

>implying anyone played them to know

Plenty of games are never even played. Fox had a headstart. He already had a fanbase and they were the type of people to be loud about stuff they liked.

Ergo, you've just proved that hard work by itself doesn't guarantee success. Talent doesn't either, but someone who's talented and hardworking will always beat out someone who's just hardworking.

Thus contradicting himself, since talent often has genetic roots. Someone born with acute sensitivity to pitch, good eyesight, or sharp mental faculties automatically has an edge in life compared to their peers.

That's the point you retard, he MENTIONS it, when genes ARE what he ironically dismisses as talent.

You've completely missed my point. There's a really big fat wide swath of space between killing criminals like the Joker and killing anyone who commits a misdemeanor.

Fuck off fag.

>but someone who's talented and hardworking will always beat out someone who's just hardworking.
Not necessarily true, at the end of the day it's all random chance influenced by an incomprehensible number of variables. Talent and hard work contribute to the likelihood of success, but they do not guarantee you'll succeed over someone who is both less talented and less hard working than you.

>random chance
That doesn't exist. Literally the opposite of reality

preach brother

The point is that talent isn't the be all end all. Someone who is genetically inclined to be better at certain tasks might have that talent squandered because of the circumstances he was raised in. Genes aren't the only unfair lottery in life, everything about life is.

But Adachi put the victims into a scenario with absolutely no understanding to what was going on. That's like saying if Jerry Seinfeld knocked you out tossed you into a pitch black cage with a bunch of various predators and you got killed, yeah Jerry did do the fatal blow but he put you in a situation of extreme danger.

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>handsome, charismatic, reasonably intelligent guy
Why was Adachi bitching again? He's better off than most of this board.

When I say "random chance" I mean the way humans perceive it. I know everything is deterministic. It's just that the future is determined by so many variables that to the human mind it basically seems random. Talent + hard work doesn't necessarily = success. There are many more things that play a role.

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>Taking anything the man who raped and murdered Paz seriously

>You're missing one or both of your arms
>Entire army standing between you and objective
>'hurr why do I need to take this pill that vastly increases my combat efficiency'

>Believes superhumans that shit fire and rocks from their hands need to be 'protected' from non-superhumans
>Believes protecting them also involves copious amounts of torture

Bitch was a retard

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I'm not really a good judge of what women consider attractive but the amount of fujo stuff he gets is pretty telling.

but that's the thing, once you start murdering maniacs, and become a murderer, you'd go into a really dark place. After Joker, you'd whack Two Face. After Two Face, you'd wack the Penguin. After Penguin, you might go after someone like Catwoman. Few more murders down the line you're killing dudes like Captain Boomerang.

That's the point, he's supposed to be the antichrist. Ontop of being an almost messianic figure that's basically immortal, he talks about bettering humanity and progress and an era of prosperity and limitless energy and shit while the top echelons of his company are performing blood sacrifices, consorting with demons, and literally worshiping Hell. His abbreviated name, S. Hayden, sounds like Satan. He's not supposed to be an antagonist who's trying to do good but his ends-justify-the-means world view clouds his judgement. He's literally the antichrist.

He's also the perfect foil to the Doom Slayer. They're total opposites even in how they obtain their power and their physiology, not just their motivations and transparency or lack thereof.

>a nice guy

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Idiot, how do you explain iq disparities and behavioral trends exhibited by intelligent children and not by children less intelligent?

You really think Billy can't do math cause his mom puts cigarettes out on him? If he can't learn math it's because he wasn't born that smart. You can work at getting smarter, but it has to do with the way one of your organs works fundamentally, and that may help you or inhibit you. That's literally genetics.

I don't speak AAVE what does this mean?

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>you'll never live in wakfu world and fuck all those hot characters
Every time I see this setting it gives me depression.

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Is there honestly anything dumber and more pathetic than a fucking conservative? I mean just look at the incoherent squawking in this thread by people who literally cannot define or argue for any of the crazy shit they say. Just vague complaints about people having sex in ways they dont like. Literal pedophiles complaining about the "degeneracy" of society. Conservatism isnt even a political ideology in america at this point, its just various degrees of triggered, sexually repressed/deprived evangelical freaks. Even the other shit about guns and abortions has pretty much been abandoned. Is there a single magatard in this thread who cares about anything besides interracial cucking and making cunny threads at this point? It's like you've all given up on being humans

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>sex is liberal but putting sexy females in games is a nazi thing

It means that you need to be 18+ to post here.

You honestly sound like a badass villain. Your opinions are bullshit, but it's still pretty interesting

>Duel monsters eventually throw the world into chaos and mass genocide happens. There are no suitable places to live and the future is hell on earth. Z-One travels back into the past to get rid of the problem at its source: Duel monsters.

Paradox from the Bonds beyond time movie has the same motive

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leftist is an actual word, retard.

Explain to me how determinism is bullshit. The fact that you think what he's saying is in any way new or unique makes me think you're probably not knowledgeable on the topic though.

But shouldn't he be charged with manslaughter? Also how will they connect the murderers to him anyways? There was no murder weapon and how was be able to transfer the bodies in a small town where everyone know everybody and without being seen

You know you think Adachi is a good villain but then you realize the reason why this stupid shit is happening is because of an unbelievable amount of luck.

if I'am not mistaken he only legitimately kills one person on accident and then Namatame does the rest.

When Nanako gets taken I think he's legitimately upset at the situation that an actual innocent got involved.

They also forget that Caesar wants Vegas because it'll become his Rome. Something bigger than him that his legion will fight for after he dies.

>dude just invade russia and kill the slavs they wont care lmao

it was fine though
Velvet actually went through with the revenge plot and didn't stop halfway


Oops forgot this

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Here's one from a real bad guy.

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What the fuck over a children's card game?

it's not fair noxbros, we were going to get our family back, we were going to break this cruel wheel, surpass xelor himself

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Agreed. My grandpa smoked 10 packs of cigarettes a day and lived to be 100 so naturally cigarettes aren't bad for you.

More than that, cultures would try to adopt foreign gods through the act of evocation, making them turn from the people who are currently worshiping them and instead support the invading force. The most obvious of this example is the adoption of the Greek Pantheon into Roman culture.

He wants someone to kill him. He just wants to die and also hopefully send someone to do what he couldn't.


Muh determinism

There are plenty of people who work their hearts out and get nowhere.

yugioh has a lot of dumb shit happening in it, but basically the cards are like spirits bound to cardboard

you fear what you don't understand, as they say

>hating gay people makes you secretly gay
Arachnophobic, huh? You must secretly want to fuck spiders!

Assassin's Creed 3

>cries about others accomplishing things while he does nothing with his life apart from posting on Yea Forums all day

>top scientists have agreed that fate is truly a thing and you can not change it
pick up your fedora on the way out faggot

>Implying posting on Yea Forums isn't the sign of having already failed

>I doubt any of you will listen
>0 replies
this is strangely sad

This but unironically.

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>>top scientists have agreed that fate is truly a thing and you can not change it
literally never happened

Now you did it user. This thread is about to become a lewd spider thread. Thanks.

Take it from another fedora tipping atheist, determinism is a thing whether you like it or not. It's not about surrendering responsibility to god, the very concept of responsibility is fallacious.

In 5D’s dueling results in what is essentially an infinite power source, and that power source runs a super computer called Ener-D. Eventually with all the greed and corruption in the world the Ener-D computer somehow manages to make machine type monster called “Meklords” real and orders them to eradicate humanity. Z-One’s goal was to go back to the pass and destroy the super computer, the problem is is that thhe computer still powers the city, and the city is heavily reliant on it. If Ener-D is destroyed then it’ll cause an explosion effectively killing everyone in the present.

Paradox opted to destroy the problem at the source by killing Pegasus in the past.

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The villain from Divinity original sin 2 was kinda this... Depending on who u thought was the villain

Brad was a joy addict way before the start of the game, so he was already doomed to be a Joy Mutant. And I'm not sure what choices you mean about your companions leaving, you pretty much have to go out of your way to get most of the companions anyway.

So this is the power of Shin Megoomi Tensensei Person 4.
This is what your average player relates to..

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>Borderlands 2
>Asscreed 1
>Dig Dug

There was this scientist guy who figured out how to create perpetual energy, called Momentum, using a quantum particle he eventually discovered. His team successfully created a reactor for it, but someone within the group sabotaged the project, causing an event called the "Zero Reverse" which caused so much damage it shattered the tectonic plate it was resting on. In spite of this, because of how lucrative Momentum as an energy source was, it was eventually commercialized to the point where it was even used to run transportation.

One piece of transportation using a Momentum Core is a Duel Runner, a motorcycle outfitted with technology from Kaiba Corporation to create hard-light projections using Duel Monster cards. Due to this hard-light technology having actual physics, the police force uses it to apprehend criminals. In retaliation, gang members retrofit outdated models to use Momentum as well. This is important in a heavily class-based society as Neo Domino, which has the elite cut off from the trash by the giant gash in the earth from the Zero Reverse event.

Momentum reactors in the Duel Runners and other pieces of technology return energy back to the main Reactor, which creates infinite energy. However, Momentum, being based off of a quantum particle, is affected by perception of reality. As humanity becomes more dependent and greedy on Momentum, it causes an emotional feedback in the Reactor core, which results in manufacturing sectors creating genocidal robots in factories in an attempt to "cure" the wickedness in the hearts of man.

Z-one witnesses human extension and becomes the last human alive ("Z" / last "one"), relying on time travel to let his fortress laboratory crash down on Neo Domino and destroy the reactor, willing to sacrifice a billion lives in exchange for humanity being allowed to live on.

>which is why g*rmans got their country sacked and raped by Ivan
They lost 26 million soldiers in the process, If they never went to war maybe Ivan would still have the Soviet Union, Was it really worth it in the end?

what a fucking mystery

Why is it that my identical twin brother and I are talented at different things?

Wow just fucking wow
>Tfw will never be strangled to death between dark magican girls thighs

i miss marvel heroes every day. It had its flaws, but it kind of really felt like being that hero.

AC 1 was the only one to get it right honestly. In other games it feels like either the Templars or the Assassins are way too fucking dumb, in order to make the other faction look better by comparison.


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Chance. That simple. Even picking up a different block as a kid radically changes you for life.


Kill yourself nigger

That's actually a cool question and there is an answer. In Japan, confessions can be used as evidence so even if they force you into saying you did it by repeatedly charging you with shit to hold you you can go to jail for it. Since Adachi went out and said it was him and the police would have trouble even proving he did it because how do you prove the existence of a magical tv world and transporting the bodies they can just say well we don't need to prove that since he confessed to it.

>Colonel of a small peaceful nation
>Northern neighbor nation makes it clear it wants to invade and subjugate you
>Attempt a coupe because your queen is retarded enough to believe a fucking treaty, a signed piece of paper, will stop your enemy from trying to invade once again

>Defeated and thrown in jail

>They literally bust you and your traitorous coupe out of jail so you can save everyone

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5D’s is good I swear.

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>why are conservatives obsessed with sexuality??

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This. Even in rogue they made the Assassins extra retarded just to make you feel justified. 1 showed how each templar was a good person at heart and how their actions were justified. I love 2 and the other ezio games but they made the templars cartoonishly evil.

>someone actually saved my meme picture and i get to see it on Yea Forums
i made it

wtf I believe in god and am a racist now

Reminder that this dork never made a real attempt at even approaching a woman he was interested in. He just sat around in a public place on his love quest in the hopes of a boyfriend-free girl taking great interest in him sitting around drinking a Starbucks iced coffee.

I guess, but when the narrative of the game was Velvet is the bad guy, and wants to have her revenge even though she knows shepherd is doing the good for the humanity, but it doesn't matter because she want him dead for her personal reasons. Then suddenly the story takes 180 shepherd and his religion was evil all along and Velvet is saving the world so don't worry Player Velvet didn't do anything wrong because the Shepherd was a sick fuck all along and only Velvet see it.

far cry 5

Eugenics is a progressive idea too.

>Chance. That simple.
Aren't you saying that we do have a talent, but it's by chance? If so, it sounds like you're not saying that talent doesn't exist, period, but more like you're arguing about where talent derives from.
>Even picking up a different block as a kid radically changes you for life.
Can you explain why such a small thing would do that, and why, say, practicing a skill, isn't as important as that?

Are you retarded? He's not a villain at all.

The Dark Signer Arc is good, and that's only until the forced rewrites because Carly's VA was in that sex cult. WGRP is awful, Crash Town is bad but you can't help but enjoy it anyways, and Ark Cradle could've been amazing if Ono hadn't stopped phoning it in and Yoshida knew how to write girls and villains.

>here lies Aki
>she never scored

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>the white countries that were more like ethnostates for longer took longer to diversify and begin dying