Hardcore Fallout fan here. You have to admit that this isn't looking good

Hardcore Fallout fan here. You have to admit that this isn't looking good.
>Graphics from 2005
>Horrible aesthetic
>Epic store exclusive

Is it safe to say that we should just quietly skip this and pretend it didn't happen? I don't blame them for trying, but not everything can be good.

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It's bioshock meets reddit, what's not to like?

no. also fuck you.

>western game

Who gives a shit if the game is fun and well written

Well let's hope so. I'm not super enthusiastic about wacky Bioshock in space so far desu.

Ive only seen screenshots of the game. I don't care what it looks like, but if it doesn't take itself seriously im passing on that. I want fallout, not borderlands.

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It seems like they are marketing the fact that all NPC's are killable as a big selling point, which just isn't right at all. Look at the first trailer, and the gameplay.
It's very much "lol you can kill everyone look at us so quirky and shit". Pretty sad if you ask me.

it looks something like a spiritual sequel to alpha protocol if anything.

looks better than fallout 4 lol

I wanted to have hope for it because of boyarsky and cain being involved but it looks like some kickstarter garbage and knowing obsidian's current "talent" the game has no chance of being good

I didn't expect much, but I was still surprised it appears to have all the faults of a Bethesda game. as if they licensed the same shitty engine, or were intentionally trying to recreate flaws. so weird.

Humor is a part of reality it just has to be natural and not shoved in.

Still probably going to pirate it.

>Hardcore Fallout fan
So is 3 or 4 your favorite out of the two Fallout games?

>>Epic store exclusive
I didn't know the PS4 had the Epic store

>buying an fps on a console

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It's an RPG

Even stupider than that.
>buying an Obsidian game on a console
How the hell are you going to mod all of Obsidian's scripting fuckups?

Have you never played an Obsidian game, they'll just half ass it and have modders fix the game for them.

They actually work on patching all the console fuck ups because that is where the money is.

Yeah, but it still won't be Obsidian's fault somehow.

Yeah, because that's definitely what happened with New Vegas. Or Alpha Protocol.

>Epic store exclusive
Steam is just as bad if not worse, it and all other new games being sold digitally is the real problem

Set your expectations as low as possible. Best case it’s not terrible and it will be a pleasant surprise. If it sucks and you’ve already prepared for that then it’s no big deal, move on to another game.

>Epic exclusive
Sorry Obsidian, but I shan't be buying this.

Fallout had plenty of humor. In fact, I’d argue half of why I didn’t like Fallout 4 is because it was missing a lot of its trademark humor.

It’s just not usually in your face like Borderlands

I'm waiting for the real release date, not the early access Sweeney suckfest.