>underwater level
>sharks are enemies
STOP. WITH. THIS. FUCKING. TROPE. Most attacks on humans by us are mostly the result of mistakes in identifying whether you're the usual underwater prey or not. STOP DEMONISING SHARKS!
Underwater level
So what should be the enemy?
Aquatic paper wasps.
Hello shark-kun. How's doing?
I do wonder who or WHAT is behind this post.
Still less dangerous than a shitbull
cookiecutter sharks, barracudas and humboldt squids
Underwater pitbulls
actually how about we just extend that to more cetaceans
Fucking sharkposters on my vidya.
Fucking dolphins.
One of the boss in my game is a mutated dolphin.
Nigger Pirates from a third world shithole, who ironically cannot swim.
didn't know sharks can make that big of a bite, damn
Despite making only 1% of all aquatic life, sharks account for...
Orcas obviously. They kill way more, they're larger, more dangerous. Plus they're treacherous and can't be trusted.
Jellyfish, crocs, hippos and orcas all kill more than sharks
They aint that bad in Raft, just poke'em with the spear.
Sharks are amazing. They start fighting from the womb, eat all their siblings as they are barely out of the fetus stage from the inside before they are born.
Never stop swimming because thats how they filter oxygen to their gils, they even swim while they sleep or else they’ll die
Except wild orcas actively choose not to attack humans. Even now there's still no recorded instance of wild orcas attacking a human. They just don't attack people in the wild at all. Even when they're hunting a human thinking it's a seal they will immediately stop once they realize it's a human.
That webm always puts a smile on my face.
>t. iger shark
Are you excited for Maneater, my fellow sharkgame enthusiasts?
It's nice to have another game that lets us be ourselves, Jaws Unleashed is pretty old, after all.
Every fucking time
Hyena pups also kill each other.
Im not usually one who buys how everyone says OH THE WATER TEMPLE MAN! ITS HELL! YOU'LL HATE IT! Indeed, I never much cared for it, but I never found it ridiculously hard...Except for this area. Especially when playing via emulator on a regular keyboard. It was SO fucking hard to maneuver with the Iron Boots on and keep managing to roll over and over around the whirlpool area shortly after getting the Longshot/defeating Dark Link. It was insanely difficult having to pass this area with just the keyboard as your controls...That and back in the main area when you're 3/4ths of the way finished, where you have to fire an arrow hitting the eye, and in this case it only gives you seriously maybe 2 seconds before the gate it opened, closes. You have to put away the bow, quickly equip the longshot and lock on to the target just narrowly passing you under the gate as it closes. Sometimes i remember, it LITERALLY glitched Link through the gate as the longshot finishes reeling you in. Crazy.
Other than those 2 parts, Water Temple was cake.
no they don't, the females will bully their smaller brothers, but the male cub also gets the befits of his mother's rank in the clan as long as he stays in the clan
Your a fucking nigger
Mermaids and scuba diving assassins
Sharks =dumb STR brainlets
Dolphins= Smart Dex CHADs
it's been proven they enjoy this so much they will ignore food for more pets
gee wiz these fellas are pretty cute. i guess it's true that great whites are the pitbulls of the shark world.
how much does that armor actually help against bites
Haha, in fact if you're curious, search "Water temple on emulator"
Tons of people had the same issue apparently, specially with the gate. It's not impossible as some of them claimed though of course. Its just about quickly being able to line the dot up with the shitty control you're forced to have to deal with as far as aiming goes while using a qwerty keyboard as your controls.
A couple Examples from fucking EONS ago:
>You know the part where you hit the eye switch with the arrow, then hit the target with the Longshot? well, with my arrow keys, it goes JUST above or JUST below the target and I can't get it. Has anyone else had this problem? and how does one solve it?
>Anyway, I really need help. I've been playing the Ocarina of Time using the sixtyforce emulator on my mac, and am really, impossibly stuck on the water temple. To get the last small key, you have to shoot that golden eye on the middle level with an arrow to open a gate, and then longshot through. Unfortunately, step two has been a problem. When you shoot the eye, it readjusts your view so that you are already aiming at the target to longshot to. Of course, I think that is what's supposed to happen. Instead, I'm redirected right below the target, and because the aiming mechanism adjusts in noticeable ticks, going up to correct the mistake puts me above the target. I've tried moving and using strange angles, but to no avail.
Well it will keep the teeth from slicing through your skin. Your still going to feel the pressure of the bite though.
Probably one of the most agonizing deaths is to be eaten alive. Drowning and incineration are up there too.
Pretty well since it's more a measure to protect from sharks being too curious and taking exploring bites since that's the only way they can interact with things. Sharks really don't want to eat humans.
Orcas actually have the least recounts of attacking humans period.
Mostly because they know what a human is.
Your momma doing cannonballs
Fuck sharks
I almost drowned once. It’s not that bad but the initial panic is horrible and fucked 10 year old me up for a bit
When the fuck is it actually coming out, though?. It's been far too long since any information came out, shit has to be dead in the water.
Literally all you had to do was google hyena siblicide / fratricide and you would've gotten results from the last 25+ years. You had ONE (1) job
That involves a lot of biting.
It stops the teeth.
Which is 90% of what a shark bite will be damage wise, as most sharks will let go after realising you're not a fish or seal.
The womb thing is tiger sharks I recall and only happens when the mother is stressed.
The Oxygen thing is in more primitive sharks.
>the eyes everytime it gets touched
>great white females aren't even fertile until they"re 30 years old
>oldest shark known is a greenland shark believed to be over 500 years old
tfw you're spun into a darwinian hellscape as a nasty, kill-to-survive murdermachine with 2 inch long teeth set in a massive, triple-rowed muzzle, a giant death machine, adapted to rule the waves and murder everything smaller than you for survival
tfw for some reason you really like to be pet.
nature's fucked, it gives creatures desires they have no means of fulfilling, until a bunch of monkeys decide to go swimming, approach the death machine and then pet it.
tfw there were thousands of generations of sharks that wanted to be pet and never were.
>all the horror movies/books/games/etc with megalodons
>these massive monsters could be stopped with nose rubs
The ancient seas were truly a strange place.
>what is pj64 Range scroll
>Sharks in the distant past time travel to today, talk with sharks living now and they learn of "the pet" from these bizarre "mammals" from above the surface.
>time travel sharks get fucking pissed they never got to experience this.
user, Orcas help humans hunt whales and sharks. They have a track record of doing so.
Hell, false killer whales are smaller versions of orcas that are brown and even more into being nice to humans. They'll swim up to boats and give you fish they caught just because and are even more stocked if you get in the water to swim with them.
iirc it's a small project by some friend of Tripwire and they're just doing the project, so progress is probably kind of slow
Tripwire usually shows a thing or two at E3 though, so maybe we'll get some new info on it soon.
So all we have to do is supply the world population of sharks with glasses? How do we accomplish this?
>tfw your vision is shit because a parasite is eating your eye tissue.
>by us
That's bullshit, Orca attacks has just been attributed to sharks. So sharks have gotten the bad rap while the true culprits have gotten away with it.They're so much more dangerous than us.
Super pumped. Jaws Unleashed was so much fun
It is believe most of those "attacks" are actually Orcas being playful, but since there is such a massive size and toughness difference, what is play for them is lethal to us.
Almost lost a leg from Shark attack. Ask me anything
How old were you? How big was the bite?
Poor Greenland sharks.
Live for 100 years blind and hungry in freezing cold water
I agree with this. Sharks are kawaii as fug man
Bases Mermaidchad.
>mistakes in identifying whether you're the usual underwater prey or not.
Nigger, you were fifteen miles inland at Matawan, you knew what the fuck you were doing.
Jellyfish, good luck with your bullets.
Bullets already do jack shit underwater.
Evolution is a bitch.
isn't it because the sharks that like being groomed survive more because of the mutualism between sharks and those smaller fish that groom their skin for parasites?
Imagine the biteplay, she'd try so hard to nibble as gently as possible and would still leave toothmarks.
It was not that big but deep. Got my tigh bitten, lost lots of blood and almost my leg since it was very close to a nerve damage as well.
Had dumb luck that the Shark didn't finished me off
No, it's because their snouts have all that hardware in them that lets them sense electromagnetic signals from living things and is very very sensitive. That's where the punch them in the nose thing comes from. It also means that petting that area is like a pleasure overload for the sharks.
I loved Jaws Unleashed and wish I still had a way to play it.
So it bit, realized you were not food and then swam away? Good thing it wasn't really hungry.
>live in the ocean for 420 million years
>still manage to lose apex predator status to oxygen breathing creatures
Sharks are the bitches of the sea
God I wish that were me
Is that guy basically masturbating the shark?
Pretty much all shark attacks never result in the shark finishing the person off. They bite a person thinking they're something else and then the person bleeds out from being in saltwater and swimming back to shore with a big wound on them.
i dunno how to feel about the fact that these divers are making sharks orgasm
It's on PC.
Cats have a similar thing from being spanked too
that webm looks pretty fucking dumb
Deep Blue Sea 2. It's fucking terrible, don't bother.
>she grabs your hand
>you expect her to bite it
>she suckles on it very suggestively
Mosasaurs and Dunkleosteus, prehistoric marine life needs more love
More like rubbing their belly or holding hands with them.
Only in Ark. I think the only other game that even uses Dunkleosteus as inspiration is Half-Life.
Sharks have no reason or right to exist. They are literally just sentient mouths.
I bet you fags haven't even tried Shark.dek on YgoPro
I thought that was something made up for Depth. Now I'm wondering if that UMP variant is real or not.
>Cardgame gacha shit
And I never will.
>on a 100% free client
you would literally just suffocate assuming the damn thing didnt choke on you first.
theres not enough breathable oxygen in stomachs fyi. its like 90% gas. and stomach acid doesn't work like in your anime's it takes days at a time to digest something.
there are definitely far more agonizing ways to go. drinking Bleach for one or bleeding out from a gut wound. Lets not even mention slow killers like stomach cancer where you literally suffer crippling pains sporadically at random moments for the rest of your miserable life
Jesus christ Humboldt squids would actually be terrifying.
You cant hold hands with something that doesnt have hand.
Orcas choose not to attack us because they're actually smart enough to actively scheme.
you can hold their dorsal and ride with them
so what would be the best way to go about cleaning up this mess?
just sending in massive freighters with nets or something?
Just get some oil spill on there and set it on fire
that sounds like a absolutely terrible idea
Little by little cleaning it up. I remember watching a video about a guy who all by himself cleaned a whole lake by using a special chemical that made all the dirt float overwater.
Honestly, cleaning that stuff is not hard at all, nor is making people do it, what's hard is making people stop throwing trash. I think it was India where I read some time ago that their rivers they use to drink water were so heavily polluted with fecal matter and yet people would still keep literally shitting on them.
Sharks only account for 13% percent of the ocean's predators but are responsible for over 50% of all animal attacks on humans in the ocean. How do you explain this?
Don't sharks have to swim forwards to breath unlike other fish?
Why not just get a huge net or something and bunch it up?
You need to post a source unless it was taken from your ass.
No, some species pf sharks/fish have to keep moving or keep water flowing through their gills to continue breathing. But there are also species of shark who don't have that issue.
recently bacteria have begun evolving that can eat plastic to a degree. in a controlled environment you could accelerate their breeding rate and then release a shitload of them to areas of high pollution
>bacteria gets into korea
>gooks get their faces eaten
Now I really want to go pet a shark
Do you hate sharks, and what kind of shark was it.
Since the sharks nose is a huge sensory thing is this the equivalent to sex for sharks?
More like 200+ years
Based fishposter
fuck I spat out my cereal imagining this
what a clown world we live in.
Holy hell I'm dying now. Not just Worst Korea, but Hollywood too. Those 30-40 year old actresses will have their faces look like they came out of an Eli Roth movie.
>doing that to a tiger shark
Guys got balls, although the electrical receptors are around where he petted, so it probably felt strange/stimulating to the tiger.
Tiger sharks are really curious and little shits too that like playing with stuff. There's this one female that keeps stealing gopro camera setups from this one shark diving tour.
Are you a cute shark?
just for the record, you guys do realize the plastic in plastic surgery refers to plasticity and not petrochemical polymers, right?
Orcas are ultra-bros that actually help us hunt sharks, krill and even other whales.
There has never, not once, been a record of a wild orca hurting, let alone hunting, a human in the wild. Even when they mistake us for seals, they stop trying to hurt us. Often, they will simply fuck with us or play because they are ridiculously smart.
>fisherman hunting in the Bering Sea
>pod of orca come and take the catch away to eat for themselves
>fisherman angrily throws ice at them for losing him money
>orca thinks he's playing and slap 100 lbs slabs of ice at him in response
You learn something new every day.
Well there is a 3D feeding frenzy where you play as dunk and mosa, I forgot the name since I only saw it once on youtube.
What do you think and orca/dolphin would think if it saw this shit?
It's very pleasurable for them, since the chainmail conducts electric current extremely well. Combined with the actually movement of the pets, they really enjoy it.
You'll get bruised since the extreme pressure isn't stopped by chainmail. However, 90% of shark deaths are from blood loss rather than complete organ removal, so if you prevent them from biting you, chances are they are gonna taste metal, realize you aren't a seal and swim away.
>Oceanic White-Tips
Funny, I thought they'd be Blacked-Tips.
Imagine how much she would love kissing since all the sensory organs are around her mouth.
ALL animals lose to headpats. FACT
Why do you think we are the dominant species?
>Greenland Sharks
>poke her nose and brush her cheeks because they are densely filled with the ampullae of Lorenzini
>she literally just orgasms all over the bed instantly
>tfw no sharkfu gf
Thanks for this feel, user...
female sharks grow much larger than the males
Orcas are literally the only other superpredator to match the CHAD status of humans. They are to the sea what we are to land.
Mammalbros where we @?
Why does K-posting never get old?
as it should be
The chainmail conducts electricity even better than just bare hands so it feels extra good too.
Because he was a real human bean and his plight represents our collective plight.
It's inherently funny and yet maddeningly poignant.
It's just the right amount of hilarity and melancholic empathy, because we've all felt that feel.
>tfw sharks can never be dog-tier because they rolled a 1 in evolution and can't always tell if something's a fren unless they bite it
>become the shark
>tip over boats and make them drown
>bonus points for flashy combos
They got a 1 in INT and CHR, but solid 9s in PER, STR and END.
Please, I need this in my life now. There has to be a manga like that somewhere.
I love sharks
As do i brother. they are fucking cute.
TFW they stopped.
Gigantic undersea dragons, of course.
>shark girl lips are so sensitive that she'll cum from sucking you off
>if your tall muscular shark girl gets uppity with you then you can bring her to her knees by squeezing her nose and pulling her down
>her favorite show of affection are pecks on her cheeks
My heart just broke in that scene. I don't think I've ever felt so sorry for a fictional character before that.
thanks I actually needed new wallpaper
Well, I'll just be adding this to the list of things I didn't know I wanted until someone said it.
>oh hey what's this
>tries to eat whatever it is
>ends up being a human
>dindu nuffin
Tiger sharks are notoriously some of the friendliest sharks to humans.
I can get that. It must be hard being an apex predator and living a life that is nothing but fighting and violence. It's probably them relishing the unusual feeling of being cared about for once.
>swamp level
>frogs are enemies
Predators just want some true affection only humans can provide.
Cheetahs are real bros. They literally never attack humans and are the only big cat that can be properly tame.
Funny thing with predators in zoos and being cared for by humans is they revert to more cub-like behavior. They're more cuddly, wanting affection, and prone to playing more.
Frogs are friends
source, nigger?
Did you read that on Facebook? Most sharks are born from eggs so that doesn't really make any sense.
there are several species that do live births