What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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no builds so replayability is non existent

Sekiro isn't multiplayer

No online, and that's a good thing!

>final game in a well-established trilogy sold more than a new ip

Fromsoft is really just selling by name nowadays.


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Sekiro is great but it has literally no replayability

Shadows didnt die twice

>hating on fashion souls
I bet you wear havels faggot

Twice is about as many playthroughs the game is worth.

Dark Souls 3 is apart of established series, has multiplayer, dlc, larger vanilla, more weapons etc. Therefore it has more replayability. /thread

Majority of my friends have said they want to play sekiro but are waiting for a sale, and i have to agree with them.
The game is great, but it really isn't worth the price they're asking.

This, £50 for a fucking 7 hour game, possibly 14 at most. Not to say its bad, I'm just a stingy smart cunt.

Near 0 replay value.

>£50 for a fucking 7 hour game, possibly 14 at most
me and my friend took 40+ hours on our first playthrough
maybe try enjoying the game and exploring it instead of rushing and skipping everything like a spastic?

>7 hour game
I see we are back to pre release shitposting.

what do you mean what went wrong? from games were very niche since the very start, the difficulty floor is too high for a casual gamer to enjoy it and the replayability is basically left for a die-hard fans
doesnt change the fact its a good game and its worth its price

>spending literal days autisticly exploring the same scenery over and over
The only reason you do this is to justify the price you paid so you don't feel like you wasted your own money. It's like 14 hours for a 100% complete playthrough, all areas explored.

this but unironically

this but ironically

Lets be safe and say its 10-15 hours. Yet you spent 40+ hours. You're actually a fucking autist. Im not buying your game, not for atleast a year.

some people aren't as retarded as you are, user; not everyone cares how long a game is, what one should care is whether they like that game or not.

Well how long is it? I've heard its short. Is it 12ish hours? Imo, thats still pathetic considering the length of Dark Souls games and Bloodborne. Doesn't help that replayability is non-existent in comparison too.

Shadows live once

Thread should have ended already fpbp

No some people are just braindead amnesiacas who spend 40+ hours "exploring" the same fucking areas over and over. It's not a fucking huge open world rpg, its pretty linear in comparison and the levels seem fairly small.

Sekiro is boring
-posture system favors 1 playstyle
-overuse of deathblows
-poor build options
-no armor
-no weapons
-no multiplayer
I've replayed DS3 3 times since beating Sekiro it's so much more enjoyable.

Your argument is pro ignorance. Calling other people's stupidity as "not as retarded as the smart people" is so dumb i want to believe you're trolling but i know you're not.
>who cares if i overpayed as long as i have happy time

well first a bunch of swamp levels one after the other didnt help

>It's like 14 hours for a 100% complete playthrough, all areas explored.
>”Yeah I used the ign guide, how’d you know?”

you don't explore the same areas, what are you talking about?

>possibly 14 at most.
First playthrough is around 14-20. Unless you're a bitch and followed a walkthrough on everything.

Do you know what an amnesiac is you mong?

You go through 4 different phases of the Ashina castle

so you haven't played it but have extremely strong opinions about it and its length?

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>I bet you wear havels faggot
He said the epic meme xD

Really user? Those numbers are like small in comparison

I pirated it...

Those look like bad numbers to you?

so? it usually takes about 30-40 hours without exploring that same area 4 times;
why would anyone even explore it over and over again? the only thing that I did was check the previous mini-bosses' positions, which doesn't take much time.

why do you need to find a reason to wait for a sale? oh right, mommy doesn't give you money for new games, huh?

It's a great game, but less customization and no PVP makes it less replayable. Not really hard to understand OP.

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Sekiro doesn't have PvP, that's all.

Sekiro took me 30 hours, Bloodborne 15.

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honestly it took me longer tham bloodborne
granted bloodborne I can beat in like 3 hrs now