Next Kingdom Hearts game

So Nomura confirmed we're getting one game before KH4 which is obviously the thing we got from the secret ending. Now question is what platform will the next game that isn't KH4 be on?

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It will be a Switch exclusive just to piss everyone off.

It'll also be officially considered TWEWY 2 to piss off Nintendo/TWEWY fans.

This would make everyone happy though. Better than being a PS5 exclusive.

>Switch still doesn't get KH3
>Xbox/PS doesn't get next KH title
>would make everyone happy

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It's only far user. PS/Xbox got KH3 so Switch gets the next game.

Then KH4 can go back to PS.

Doesn't SE love pushing forward pretty graphix these days? They already have PS5 dev kits as well.

>only one spinoff

It's hilarious you believe this.

He only confirmed one. Post proof that there will be more than one.

>He only confirmed one
Only being the key part of that sentence, he'll make more even if Square has to force him to.

I know this is a joke, but that's exactly the kind of shit SE has pulled with the KH franchise.

So you don't have proof? Because we only have KH Verum Rex and KH4. And that shelved Xehanort prequel.

It'll be more then that. We're getting 4 more, a play that is japan only, and another mobile game before KH4 drops on the PS6.

Which makes sense since good chunk of the games have been on Nintendo platforms mainly handhelds and Switch is part handheld.

Nice meme

Neither do you, literally anything can happen between now and 4. Never take these faggots at their word, especially not fucking Nomura.

>we're getting one game before KH4
>One game
>before KH4
It's cute you think I would believe that

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user you either present proof that there is more than one game before KH4 which contradicts what Nomura said or you be quiet. He only said this.

>—The fans would love to know what's coming next in the KH series…

Nomura: No official projects have been decided, so I can't say anything at this point. The current top priority for the KH series is the KH3 DLC, and we are also in the middle of preparing a large update for KH Union Cross. For the time being, I do have two ideas for future developments, and there's another special project I have to think about. I hope to be able to tighten these up into two future titles. Also, there are things that need to be depicted before KH4 can be made, so I am also considering the possibility of doing another title in between. So that we can move on past the Dark Seeker Saga, I hope for the support of the fans of the KH series.

>—We are interested in why Xehanort would come to such a conclusion.

>Nomura: At first, I did want to use a next game to dig down into how Xehanort went from that simple boy playing the chess-like game to an admirer of the darkness. But, if I do that, then the Dark Seeker Chronicle wouldn't have ended with KH3 after all (laughs.) Some ideas had solidified to a degree, but it's shelved for now.

Prove me wrong.

Right, just like how he said KH3 wouldn't have DLC, or that KH3 would be finished before the end of the year. Or that it wouldn't cut into his time into FF7R

Nomura is just a bundle of truth ain't he?

>One game
>not taking the piss for another decade

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user you pretty much presented proof against yourself. The Xehanort prequel adds up to another title before KH4.

Birth By Sleep, 358/2 days, Coded, Re:Coded, Dream Drop Distance, 2.8, all exist

Except he never that that KH3 wouldn't have DLC nor has anything shown he wasn't wrong about KH3 being cleared up for good before the end of the year and he's mentioned that its not cutting into his time with FF7R. FF7R is likely getting representation at E3.

What the fuck is MoM's master plan?

I meant prove me wrong that there is one more game before KH4 besides KH Verum Rex that Nomura is working on or thinking about.

Wasn't the Xehanort prequel canned for good?

>Some ideas had solidified to a degree, but it's shelved for now.
>shelved for now
>for now
You need to read your own sources.

If a Xehanort prequel happened, who would Xehanort's waifu be? Even Ardyn was given a waifu.


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>prove time travel exists
No, you won't trick me this time you greedy jew.


>Except he never that that KH3 wouldn't have DLC
He did say it wouldn't 'need' DLC, and look where we are now.

The question is, what new gimmick will introduce? BBS gave us the stacking commands, DDD gave us flowmotion

Citation needed.

>and he's mentioned that its not cutting into his time with FF7R. FF7R is likely getting representation at E3.

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Citation is there's 90 trillion fucking interviews and I'm not digging through each and every fucking one to find a quote I definitely know exists.

It'll likely be Switch and then later ported to PS5 as KH 3.8 which will include its HD ver., a movie, and some 0.2 esque demo.

Something to do with the environment of the new setting.

He's always said it was getting DLC due to Square stopping Final Mixes years ago, and KH3 had at least a single DLC planned from the get go.

Kingdom Hearts: The World Ends With You 2

So no citation. Thanks for confirming.

user how much you wanna bet?

You don't think it will just be a PS5 title or a Switch/PS5 release at the same time?

Also what would the movie and demo be on?

if after 10 years they stuck the TWEWY sequel into a KH crossover i think I would send Nomura hate mail for the rest of my life

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Is anyone else worried about the future of Kingdom Hearts? Now that the anticipated and fabled KH3 is out the series will sell about as well as Okami. Especially since Nu-Disney sucks.

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No because this is Square/Nomura. Also probably some bullshit he pulls out of thin air or gets added to Union Cross or one of its eventually sequels in the next few years.

>Better than being a PS5 exclusive

You shut your mouth. I need new high end models for SFM porn.

Has there even been anything new with KH3 out?

>ANOTHER pointless throwaway character who's getting shoved into the cast and will never go away.
And KH4 is going to suck shit anyway.

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But doesn't Square wank off to muh graphix these days?

The models haven't been ripped and rigged for KH3. That and I doubt anyone has the balls to make nude models of the teenage OCs.

Yeah MoM IS such a pointless shit character.

Nope. People are lazy.

Who owns Yozora? He's not Final Fanasy, but he doesn't feel like a KH OC.

He said it was getting DLC that would be a bonus to a completely finished KH3 story, like what Borderlands gets. What we're getting is a bunch of shit to fill in the blanks that he forgot or didn't bother to finish.

I meant the white-haired faggot.

Also I can't wait for MoM to get off scott-free in KH4 because he allegedly had good intentions.

>user how much you wanna bet?
How much are you willing, I'd love some easy money.

Yeah because MoM is a pointless shit character. I can't wait for Yozora to beat the fuck out of him.

He is a KH OC I believe but just based off a FF character which is nothing new in KH as Axel is based off of Reno.

So that means Disney owns him.

I'd bet my money and the money I'm using for the whorehouse in July.

>Axel is based off of Reno.
If by based off you mean may as well be the same character with longer hair then yes. Org XIII should always have been comprised of FF villains anyway.

I agree. They pretty much acted like a mix of FF villains and Akatsuki.

So are those two working together?

We'll all be long dead before the game finally comes out.

Why do you think it will take that long?

Because it's Square. Even if Nomura somehow doesn't fuck this shit up they'll do something fucking retarded and screw him over.

So you're talking out of your ass?

No, I'm making an educated guess from experience.

What platforms will it be on then?

Probably whatever Playstation we're up to by then, and Xbox if it still exists. Just like 3 was.

So next game is on PS5?

Who knows, 4 may not be out for decades. The interquel will probably be Switch exclusive because of Nomura and his fascination with handhelds.

Interesting. Switch does need it's obligatory KH game after all.