Well, Yea Forums? can an argument over a videogame go too far?

well, Yea Forums? can an argument over a videogame go too far?

Attached: IMG_20190503_190634.jpg (720x879, 139K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>twitter screencap
>mobile filename
Kill yourself.

Shit, Arthur is still being made?

we need to watch this episode.

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第38話「はづきちゃんは名監督!」(DVD 640x480 WMV9).avi_sn (640x480, 160K)

Fuck you, Arthur is kino.
Kill yuorself.

>arthur is literally flash garbage now

Yeah, it's really cheap. It's flash though.


Twitter screencaps only deserve callouts when its some dipshit with a political opinion. This is just a franchise twitter, so it's fine.

God bless arthur, unironically funny to watch

>Arthur begins lecturing Binky on why he's proud to be an incel.
I'm surprised they're getting so topical with these new episodes.

Attached: 1526509335454.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

Who Between the Lions here?

Attached: between the lions.jpg (939x720, 171K)

The age of hand-drawn animation has ended

take a look for yourself


>Arthur playing PS2 classics
Blessed anteater

>i come to the Yea Forums video game board to discuss children cartoons because im unironically a pathetic manchild who still cares about this stuff

Attached: soyboy(7).jpg (200x200, 7K)

Does the flash series have any good episode?

I saw Brain vs the Super Computer and that was pretty fun.

Arthur is America’s Detective Conan.

this was my ironic show of middle school

I'm happy they still keep the same intro after like 20 god damn years

>coming to Yea Forums to discuss video games

Attached: 1528365471143.png (500x482, 266K)

Jesus Christ how can anyone defend this garbage. Everything looks so stiff and shitty. What the fuck.


Buster, you fucking NIGGER

Me on the right

Attached: 80935830264643.jpg (1400x1400, 179K)

>I just finished MGS2 and it was great
>Kojima is a hack, Buster

Who's defending it?

Now I need an Arthur/Case Closed crossover.

Someone will.


wait is this show still ongoing?

it still kinda holds up

I was more of a Blues Clues and Zoboomafoo kid. Though Between the Lions was pretty great.

>i come to the Yea Forums video game board to discuss children electronic toys because im unironically a pathetic manchild who still cares about this stuff

Attached: 1551147478520.jpg (364x80, 10K)

oh shit is arthur going to swat someone

mama lion was a milf.

May have had something to do with my taste for black women.

Ratburn is /ourguy/

If adults are having real angry feelings with each other over video gamey games than theyre either complete dipshits or one of them was being a huge asshole about it. Someone can be a huge asshole about anything

Holy shit, Arthur with the Photoshop skills - what a madman

>it still kinda holds up
Just like Cliff Hanger.

Looks like someone got plebfiltered

Attached: 1336538584808.gif (623x442, 35K)

This made me wanna go back and watch the very first episode. The difference in quality is like night and day.

Arthur did nothing wrong

You actually typed in this post, attached that image and then posted. You manually did this

what the fuck they still make episodes of this show???

Just like Simpsons, Family Guy, pokemon, Detective conan.


funded by PBS donators and the Canadian government, so it costs literally nothing to make

>Mr. (((Ratburn)))

Arthur is eternal

Attached: 1464814325123.png (607x426, 57K)

>Has this much of a bitchfit over some bants
>tries to switch to another class
>starts bullying him

she didn't learn anything from this what a cunt

I miss Case Closed, I wish they did more of the English dub.

Cant wait for the fresh memes this makes

Muffy and DW are based. They're probably some of the funniest characters in hindsight.


>implying you're not gay


>Arthur is still playing PS1

Attached: 1556506478708.jpg (823x879, 56K)

Just bite the bullet and watch it subbed user conan is alot of fun
I started with the dub too


Attached: MAH NIGGA.jpg (250x227, 9K)

Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: MeatyFakeAmethystsunbird-size_restricted.gif (332x250, 1.91M)

Arthur. D.W. didn't know any better. After all, it is modeled after something that can fly.

Yes, actually.
>Be in 8th grade
>Say friend shouldn't buy hacks
>Friend stabs me in the thigh with a pencil
>Our friendship is no more and I'm excommunicated from the friend group for arguing about how big a fag this kid was being
>Remember months ago that he told me he wanted to be a tranny
>As revenge, I tell fucking everybody with screenshots of the conversation as proof
>Everyone makes fun of him until he develops extreme depression
I fucking won, you psycho tranny.

Attached: 1555043512293.gif (500x378, 1.05M)

But he can't hold for much longer :(

holy uck I haven't thought of that show since I was like 5. I can still kind of remember the theme song vaguely. I also fucked with that one cyber show and reading rainbow.


Everything is flash garbage now, it's easy to pump out and low cost, kids will eat it up anyway so why bother making it look nice?


Attached: 1555451255509.webm (728x410, 2.88M)

m8 it's for literal 5 year olds. I don't think they care too much

>Just found out that DW has been voiced by boys all this time.

>reading rainbow
my dude
didn't the guy try and reboot the show for adults recently?

>Reading Rainbow

I was always more of a wishbone kid.

The "who's that, who's that?" being synced to Homer getting out of the car is a good touch.


Wishbonechads squad up

Great, now (s)he's gonna stab people with knives you fool!

>that opening

Attached: 1461951356289.jpg (200x200, 9K)

>Being a child you see the world as DW
>Being an adult you realized that Emily was right all along.

Shitty bait.

I know they're absolutely hamming it up for views, but the idea that someone might actually react so strongly to such a shitty television show like TWD blows my mind.

it easier faggot

Guy on the left doesn't give a shit

Arthur is a strange name for the show. Personally I'd call it Big Bad Bunny Bitches.

Attached: 1552200147870.png (995x782, 312K)

>Draw highschool
>Say she is 4th grader
Fucking anime.

>>i come to the Yea Forums video game board to discuss children cartoons because im unironically a pathetic manchild who still cares about this stuff
And video games are any better?

>Running a joke into the ground.

Sorry, but Arthur was being a dick with no self-awareness.

Based, keep dabbing on them manchildren niggers

Yup, PBS still pushes out brain washing shit for kids. Arthur did nothing wrong, that little girl is a cry bully

Attached: 1554656712566.jpg (480x373, 35K)

Damn Arthur, coming in with them fiery ass roast I see.

Attached: 1502823728902.png (260x273, 103K)

Based jekyllposter


>it's ok when its a corporate advertisement instead of a genuine opinion
Did you put your brain on backwards this morning?

>Red Vox

As if the Vinesauce fanbase wasn't cancerous enough already. Why are there so many fucking furries who watch him?

Trannies are the fucking worst

At least this thread is less garbage then the other so called "Video Game" threads

Attached: 1545656722432.png (297x473, 173K)

That rabbit chick gave me such a big fetish for cute punky tomboy chicks.

Attached: 4564AA11-F250-45BA-90D5-18B86070C06E.jpg (913x1024, 84K)

It's better than the garbage for 7 year olds on youtube.

Attached: youtube kids.png (1108x895, 1.31M)


>Gets told to stop and doesn't.
>Gets all moody when the Ratburn tells him to stop.
>Gives a passive aggressive apology.
>Emails Sue Ellen an assholish photoshop.

Arthur was being a complete bitch.

>waah corporations are mean i want to see more enlightened liberal screencaps
fuck off commie tripfag

how does one motivate themselves to do this shit for so long. even once to feels like a soul crushing experience

why are you a tripfag?

of course Yea Forums thinks he did nothing wrong, they don't know when a joke is completely run into the ground past the point of humor either

>the opening

Attached: 1505853259248.jpg (827x755, 81K)

gotta get that jewtube ad revenue user

>he doesnt like big fat rabbit ass
fuck off homo

alright but listen, how does one actually motivate themselves to stoop this low

Attached: 1542051731900.gif (640x360, 1.98M)

does arthur say the gamer word?


It's not much. They do about 10 11 minute episodes a yeah


Tripfags get no opinions

yiff in hell, furfag.

What was wrong about his statement? It's a kids show.

The sweater was fat

Furries clings on to everything, don't blame him for having such a shitty fanbase.

>Mr. (((Ratburn)))

D.W. is a little shit


Attached: 1555062842097.jpg (500x365, 74K)

Actually Mr Jensen, I prefer to think of myself as Daedalus, watching helplessly as his child plummets into the sea.

Attached: 1524064848878.png (971x759, 545K)

you first, faggot

this image has a really fucking dark and disturbing energy to it
i can't imagine this man's life is fulfilling in any way shape or form

Attached: 1535516956887.jpg (2048x2048, 1.4M)

I'm glad kids today still watch and enjoy it.

Attached: tenor (1).gif (256x256, 98K)

thanks, filtered

remember that episode where Blue-Eyes fucking annihilated DW?

i fapped to r34 of arthur and his mom

Never blamed him, i'm just wondering why furries would watch someone who's clearly apprehensive towards them.


based pop poster

It starts with an “M” and rhymes with “loads of honey”

>tfw I wanted to fuck the mom

Attached: 1553255684183.jpg (500x469, 46K)

Jesus Christ this video feels like the stage right before you have a seizure.

Attached: 1555461849420.jpg (728x729, 200K)

>Dragon Tales
>Book of Virtues
>Anne of Green Gables

Attached: 1549059254303.gif (400x225, 1.99M)

Attached: Screenshot_20190503-150316.png (1440x2560, 1.14M)

The ass was fat

Attached: youtu.be-7SW_5Al77Gs.jpg (854x478, 361K)

That actually makes sense.

>implying anything tops "The Missing Episodes"


Attached: 75441C27-546E-488C-A76C-1D2BB4F1EBE2.jpg (1392x1050, 1.02M)

Dude I don't even watch Vinesauce, sounds like you're the e-celeb fag here.

Attached: 1552193291594.jpg (639x1912, 399K)


>calls others manchildren
user, I have news for you



Attached: 1555557400539.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Go ahead and see yourself to the incinerator

Why would they change perfection?

Never said you did, but the person who made the image clearly does.

I need to know where you got Vinesauce from this post, user.


Who the fuck cares? If you're insecure about people who like fat rabbit ass watching some twitch fag, you're probably too young for this website, kiddo.

Between the Lions, this shit right here, and Fetch were my kino when I was a kid.
>tfw mom would let me get on the computer and go to pbs.org to play all the games.
That cyberchase adventure game was the shit.

Attached: jnF719xa.jpg (512x512, 78K)

One of the papers on her locker says "Red Vox," which is the name of Vinny's shitty dadrock band he keeps trying to promote.

right but even trying to even slightly try making clickbait made me want to kill myself
is something wrong with me or am i just too honest to go lower

You're a man of integrity user. Unfortunately that won't make you money on the internet.

Seeing the amount of views these videos have makes me homicidal

For someone who hates Vinny you sure know some autistic shit about him, user.

>Childhood cartoon threads
Whats your first crush Yea Forums? Be honest

Attached: Pippi_Longstocking.jpg (266x460, 16K)

>flash bad
There’s shows that abuse it for cheap work and others that work completely fine with flash. Stop this meme.

it has made me 90 dollars in 3 years so i believe you

Am I the only guy who wanted to fuck the girl in the glasses?

Rate the Arthur girls

I'm suddenly glad fucking PBS was my babysitter instead of shit like this. Imagine how kids who grow up with this shit will turn out.

Attached: MoeSizzler.jpg (259x194, 8K)

Who the fuck would know this? I've literally watched the dude myself and even I didn't know this. Beyond that, who the fuck cares who watches what? If you're spending your life worrying about who jerks off to shit you don't, you must be living a real empty existence.

Nah. Between her and Velma I grew up having a thing for cute nerdy girls with glasses.

well he's not wrong. unfortunately.


Attached: 1539206409802.jpg (1005x764, 68K)

But...Another Light is a good album.

A man of supreme taste

Anyone remember WORD GIRL?! That shit was fuckin great.

Attached: word-girl.png (617x328, 69K)

moads of honey

>Still the same opening 20 years later
Some things never go out of style

I'm glad I brought that up guys, PBS threads are great. Also why is Buster so based?

that had quite a few writers from SNL working on that, and if I recall, didn't Justin Roiland do some voices on that as one of his first jobs?

Wordgirl is Bae

Attached: 5580AC84-E75F-45BA-AC8A-919244A0C4C7.gif (250x250, 458K)

I was fucked from the start, wasnt I?

Attached: Cassie3.png (400x558, 276K)

This reminds me of the grandma's cookie edit. I love it.

Attached: 1555367060207.jpg (464x454, 47K)

Good man.

Is the part where he gets fucked by futa cock?

This is what the cool kids watched.

Attached: 3566d65ea45a3a3496678533094a5c03.jpg (640x640, 96K)


Misty from Pokemon. Still have a thing for redheads.

Were the shows we watched as children actually educational? Any more educational than what children watch these days?


The game was rigged from the start
You never stood a chance user

Didn't they have Tom Kenny voice a few characters


>characters are animals themselves
>coat made from Yaks

Attached: 1545666167892.jpg (1300x867, 107K)


Attached: 1555355360295.jpg (1125x1036, 664K)

I want this show to come back but at the same time, i don’t because they’d probably be forced to go into some really dark territory

Attached: E3A13294-9619-4706-807A-F5340DA512E8.jpg (642x479, 96K)

This things also gave me a vore fetish

Attached: Amoeboid_from_R&C_(2002)_screen.png (350x319, 102K)

>Furries clings on to everything
Even if those things have nothing to do with anthropomorphic animals and shit? yikes


Attached: 1526783825022.gif (317x404, 1.85M)

They also own dogs and cats, even though there's anthropomorphic dogs and cats.

Well the ones on PBS were. I wouldn't have called anything on Cartoon Network education. Nowadays kids skip the public broadcasting and go straight to Fortnite videos, those ADHD ridden clickbait videos and brainwashing fetish shit like that pregnant Elsa crap. Those kids are fucked.

tfw Steven Crowder voiced The Brain for a few seasons

>not staying up to watch the red green show with you redneck dad.

The intro animation was pretty fucking good.

>All the dumb shit the kids are learning from those videos
Man it hurts to imagine the shit they're gonna do in their future
Unfortunately yes, when their furry shit gets stale they try out other things and see if they can blend in their degenerate shit with it which explains why you see furry versions of other characters.

Attached: 1556154272859.jpg (677x678, 180K)

if it said E/I then yes its educational.

That's because of FCC Enforced stuff

Bitch overreacted


Does Buster assrape Arthur? Tune in to find out!

shit like this and arthur's dream about missing his bus stop gave me some nightmare fuel as a kid

Anyone remember that interactive edutainment Arthur game on PC? It was on one of the school computers when I was a kid.

>Constant screaming
There's not even a single second of silence.

Well yeah, remember that dude that died from a SWATing after a meager money match in CoD?

That’s a PS2 you shit hawk.

>those kids are fucked
>those kids is what our future holds
god its gonna be painful future

Attached: 1554426798305.jpg (324x245, 11K)

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 126K)


Fucking rip, Arthur didn't deserve this

All animals are equal
But some animals are more equal than others

I feel like i'm having a panic attack watching this

Attached: 1533845706086.png (271x275, 218K)

>people who watched dragon tales as kids are in their 20’s now

Goddamn the time went fast.

I distinctly remember learning about decimals and negative numbers about a year or two before they taught us in school thanks to Cyberchase.

the kids of this generation are fucked, jesus christ. Need some borax to clean my eyes from that chemical burn

Attached: 1519983344168.jpg (580x580, 44K)


Nearly every comment under that video is kids asking for likes.
What the fuck is wrong with them?

Attached: 1547171578981.jpg (594x582, 76K)

>hear this shit all the time in stories
>constant screaming from kids phones
god damn you lazy parents turn that shit down

Attached: werdfsv234.png (744x575, 424K)

Jesus Christ why are they so obnoxious?

Who /kipper/ here?

Also ya'll should check out

Attached: 1-kipper-001.jpg (676x480, 38K)

It's an overdone joke but those kids were legitimately on something
>rub some "dragon scales"
>to go to "dragon land"


Attached: 6ea.png (555x748, 572K)

They’ve been taught that behaving like a vapid, attention-whoring cunt is a productive use of their time.

>that episode where Buster calls the Brain a nigger

Jesus Christ what the fuck did I just see/hear?

That takes me back.

this has got to be what the downfall of a society looks like

fucking hell I loved some autistic shit when I was a kid but this is a new level

how the hell do the people making these videos manage to stop killing themselves? how do parents think this is okay? and what the fuck are these kids going to be like when they grow up?

things are just going to keep getting worse and worse... I thought gen Z was fucked with no future, but this... how the fuck can any of these kids turn into functioning adults? it's over, it's seriously all just going to fucking rot from inside and fall apart.

Man, all these shows except book of virtues and anne of green gables brought so much nostalgia

>friend buttmad if I lead a WoW raid without the girl he was stalking being there
>do it anyway to avoid killing the guild
>so asspained he cut ties with me a year later
>never got the girl interested in him
sometimes it all works out

Attached: DwfCkqzU8AAOZOP.jpg (1000x1000, 136K)

>how do parents think this is okay?
You honestly believe parents are monitoring whatever stupid shit their kids are watching on their iPads and iPhones that keep their kids quiet?

Most of us will live to see a generation of people who’ve had an internet addiction since before the age of 4.

That school was FUCKED
Imagine the bullshit the high school must have to deal with

*Kipper and Big Blue House, too.

Outstanding taste, user.

Attached: 1555713772995.png (640x480, 460K)

Ah, mango juice

Attached: mj.jpg (519x391, 45K)

Forgot to mention I was the user who said this

moats of cunny?

Did it really get dark?

As long as it shuts their kids up on a car ride or the supermarket, they don't give a damn.

He never said he doesn't like Vinny he is just saying (correctly) that his fanbase is shit because it is full of furries.

Why are they yelling? Why do they have nothing but basic bitch candy? How do you confuse a chemically Hershey bar for a ricey Crunch bar?

Attached: jWkb3p5.jpg (1072x1440, 166K)

Crunch Bars and Buncha Crunch are the best chocolate

So he's calling himself shit?

any more lewds of this miku doll?
need something good to finish to

Attached: 1527100557507.jpg (900x1200, 140K)

Anyone here remembered watching Wild Kratts?

what were they actually watching?

No jacking off to dolls user, that's how you get penis splinters.

Attached: 1555719160282.jpg (1600x1200, 159K)

>tiny toons
my nigga

Attached: 1548082300423.png (640x480, 230K)

Definately Misty, although my first serious crush was with Maya from Ace Attorney

i've jerked it to that exact suiseiseki doll too. its too cute

Attached: 1556765562498.gif (712x949, 605K)


Attached: 1529614527075.jpg (462x353, 33K)

watched this show as a kid
i was doomed to be a weeb from the start

Attached: ami.png (640x480, 393K)

at least it was the girl user

Between the Lions

Attached: cdf23e2838754e22a8f78276bc7284e3.jpg (1193x1259, 418K)

Hated this show when I was a kid. It was second only to Angela Anaconda for the worst show I only watched because it was on.

Did anyone actually like Arthur?

Post the colored version


It's not as good

Attached: 2edf3954866486d2fd7c2d393ee2ae17.jpg (1193x1259, 1.02M)

how do i go about acquiring this?

>that psychopath smile
whoever invented modern youtube thumbnails should commit Japanese ritual suicide


Attached: 1556081821559.png (161x168, 33K)

>You will never have a thicc lioness grind up on you while helping you look for books
Why do i even continue to live?

Attached: 1525841870066.jpg (925x761, 91K)

just remember that we were no better then these fucks when we were young.



>literal potato video quality
this takes me back

The tiny toon games are pretty tight
no sequel to pic related

Attached: Tiny_Toon_Adventures-_Acme_All-Stars_-_1994_-_Konami.jpg (768x1080, 112K)

>Mario Party


why do women have equal right?

>see bunch of retards overreacting for youtube views
>wtf my view on society changed
Why do we allow millennials to have opinions?

>Bro just put curse words everywhere
Literal toddler humor

the monkey gave me nightmares

>Villa villa coola is waiting for us~

Attached: download.jpg (318x159, 8K)

>view on society changed
changed? what changed? nothing changed

There's wacky sports on snes.

if only it had audio it would be perfect.

Attached: 1554302563849.jpg (432x409, 81K)

Sure, whatever.

>I’m sorry I upset you. I didn’t mean to, it was really just a joke. I thought you could take a joke, but I guess I was wrong
Fucking hell Arthur, that was brutal.

Attached: KOTH laughing .jpg (508x720, 236K)

but even me have to admit that woman with equal right makes everything cheaper.

Attached: sneed's ____ and seed.jpg (480x490, 25K)

I really liked buster's hidden treasure on genesis
I miss the days of real developers making licensed games and them actually being decent

Attached: 1525417669900.png (315x52, 5K)

Attached: 1509771920021.png (600x600, 165K)

The important thing is that you managed to be offended.

Kill yourself

I did.
love this show

i actually don't know sorry user

Attached: 1525883442009.jpg (900x1200, 126K)

the secret is....

Attached: file.png (1200x720, 890K)

Beat it, dork.

I think it's when Neganigger kills Kung po chicken Glenn.

I thought he was a puppet.

He was a puppet for close up shots where he talked. Otherwise they used a real lemur.

I dont get this

>The Of Lewding childhood Cartoons never ends
Rule 34/General Lewding is a blessing and a Curse

how fucking dare you

I want to die, holy shit



She's probably why I have a thing for blondes.
I wanted to like her but her voice was irritating.

Attached: 212[1].jpg (212x159, 9K)

Take it to /trash/ mah dudes.

Attached: 1543419594078.png (3000x3000, 2.14M)

>be 7
>understand that any kid who watched blues clues was fucking gay
what are anons' excuses?


Thanks for using a tripcode so I can filter you



Attached: 1533557922229.jpg (900x1200, 195K)

Gave me my first erection at four. I knew she was the best even then.

Attached: 05-sm_venus.jpg (800x600, 79K)

Episode about Buster dumping all of his allowance in cryptocurrency hoping to get rich while Arthur warns him it's not a good idea, but the price skyrockets and Buster holds on thinking it will go higher but then it crashes and he loses everything when? I feel like that would be a very relatable episode for children.

Arthur is a fucking surreal show. If you think of a scenario no matter how weird, they probably did it at some point.

And this is the former. But then again, it's a Canadian cartoon. Canadian animation has been absolute garbage for the past 15 years.

>why are these doing things that are making them millions of dollars?

Oh, I get it now. Like "between the lines".

fucking kaname, now I have to fap

I don't regular the doll threads in trash, but I THINK they have a dedicated thread every Saturday, so check in there in a few hours. If it helps though, the material this art is based off of is called Doll Fever, and the girl with the fangs is Lolith, so you might find something if you look for it.

Attached: loser.png (451x810, 193K)

i'll check it out sometime thanks user

Attached: 1551501365412.gif (326x286, 2.17M)

Is it nostalgia time where the fucks the johnny quest games

Attached: jonny-quest-hadji.jpg (400x300, 28K)

yeah. it happens here every day.

no problem mah dude

fuck man I haven't seen that in years, great poop.
>tfw you will never discover new ytps in high school ever again

Blue is a girl, retard.

>he fantasized about steve groping him as an excuse to look for clues
fucking faggot


kek that dude in the background not watching it with them

Just about everyone in this thread is at least five years older than you

>Public Broadcast Service
>Funded by government and donations

this video is a good example of internet memes. shit is funny in the first few weeks, then suddenly we're seeing the same tired ass memes used incorrectly a year later.

Attached: lgwjjessdh9wrmo9amzu.png (1200x675, 759K)

>Tfw used to have to sleep in a room full of dolls when I would stay at my grandma's place
I don't get how people want to fuck them, they genuinely terrify me

Attached: fug.jpg (1000x1000, 285K)

oh, it can go too far alright

Attached: 1475704604560.png (1920x1176, 756K)


Attached: NoahCrooks.jpg (863x676, 101K)

What was the last good/real era of animation with soul here?

Attached: 1554425635207.png (1400x1039, 3.15M)

Fuck off Bobobo-bo-Bo-bobo was kino

It was underrated

>t. Kid growing up in the ghetto white hoods

Why did they make Arthur an asshole? Isn't that job for Francine?

staying at grandma's place is always spooky, especially since she lived in the middle of the woods
she probably had ugly western dolls instead of cute anime dolls

Attached: 1550945686206.gif (319x247, 1.65M)

Attached: where do you think we are.gif (320x240, 1.97M)

>wanted to post the binky discover shoegaze video
>got taken down
fuck me.

I hate you for saying something that is true

Who the fuck made this? Can they do math?

>Be in 8th grade
>I tell fucking everybody with screenshots of the conversation as proof
You must be 18 years or older to post here.

Not him, but I'm 26 and we used AIM in middle school

Attached: 1476674212063.jpg (600x558, 34K)

>Missed the sequel arthur thread

Attached: MarieKanker_(no_bg).png (639x982, 118K)

buster is gonna say nigger

I need to donate more to PBS.

>don’t because they’d probably be forced to go into some really dark territory
You just know they would do a school shooting episode.

you dont belong here, get the fuck out
everyone complains how shit Yea Forums is, then this kind of dipshit says he approves one of its biggest problems with a single reply
I hate this website, this poster, and all of you

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i mean yeah its bad but its the same kind of random humor as like All That or something, the only difference is that this is on the internet. quit acting like boomers

My negro

This guy is a pedofile

>goddammit Arthur, the elf has a bow for a reason. stop trying to kick the fucking minotaur

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I once told my cousin that his recently deceased father wasn't here to help him. Wasn't really an argument, I just was sick of losing. So the answer is yes.

You channel the fear into your groins.


For me it's Molly.

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I mean, it’s his fucking namesake. What did anyone expect? It’s liking expecting anything good from Villain McGenocide


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Is this a totally spies thread?

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Late millennial Jacki Chan Adventures/YuYu Hakusho power combo wins it for me. Also original Yugi-Oh

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Fucking Canada

>7 fucking replies to a tripfag
don't under any circumstance reply to a fucking tripfag
you should all be ashamed of yourselves


they made quite a few of them

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A fucking hand made authenticate yak wool sweater would cost hundreds if not 4 figures. That'd be the most baller sweater in all of school.

Arthur's letter was the most sorry-not-sorry twitter response I've seen holy shit

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Same, but I liked the punk/rebel aesthetic more.

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>All these shitty American cartoons
>None of them were even video games
YTV was here, you guys suck dick.

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Whenever they say kids today are the same as you were in your childhood, show them this shit.

Honestly with how some of these channels are you might actually not be too far off

me on the right

definitely, Arthur was such a little shit.

Starfire from the 2003 series. Her voice was really soothing.


Glad I dont have kids yet

There were some guys in high school who pretended to be super into it as some kind of joke.

Damn Arthur is a savage

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She's like Cortana but for mechs

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>of course Yea Forums thinks he did nothing wrong, they don't know when a joke is completely run into the ground past the point of humor either

One of these days I need to make a mega compilation of all the pepes I can find on facebook, twitter, reddit, ifunny, 9gag, or wherever the fuck.


Amazing taste user

>he thinks twitter screencaps are always bad and not only when it's some unkown faggot with retarded opinions for the sake of controversy

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The first time I could recall my penis becoming the big penis, besides Jessica Rabbit.
It was also the day I discovered what amorous meant.

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More Yea Forums related, but my girl Malon in all of her forms and derivatives. Wish they'd bring her back.

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What did they mean by this

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I'm not saying who I am, But I'm acquainted with the current production of Arthur.
I shit you not, the director asked us design Arthur's penis. I have no idea why, as it is never seen, but it is there in every shot under his clothes.

Chick on the left looks like a ben10 alien. Meanwhile Khajiit is kinda cute.

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Literally the perfect time for this.

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oh what the fuck dude no

There was some guys that kidnapped a dude and tortured him to death over some 200 dollar csgo knife in Australia. So i guess so

>he didn't laugh at the biscuit joke

You soulless nigger scum.

friendly reminder that this entire show is on youtube

It was at that moment while watching Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School did I truly become awake.

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red bubble guy sounds based as hell

Holy fuckles.
When I was the a child growing up on the internet, I had early newgrounds flash animations age of Mythology and Command and Conquer yoinked off of limewire. These kids have tablets filled with slime and fart/scat fetish videos disguised as potty-humor children’s entertainment.
I know that people are always on about how “Oh, this generation isn’t fucked, that’s just the old generation being stoopid poo-poo heads who can’t into change.“
But, after seeing this, I truly believe that this generation of kids are going to turn out super messed up from all the fetish fuel in these videos.
As there was a furry porn revolution as a result of Disney design, there will be a slime and pregnant Spider-Man and Elsa porn revolution as a result of these abominations.

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I'm not lying, Though I wish I was.
It's 100% true, But I still don't understand why he wanted it.
It looks like Goku's penis.

*grabs your dick*

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Childhood is thinking D.W. was best girl.
Adulthood is realizing that Molly and Arthur's Mom were.

Jesus fuck Arthur

I don't have any proof (no pics), and I'm not showing my name here. But I'm not lying, you're going to have to take my word for it.
Studio is called ninestory, but recently rebranded as paper bag. That's all I'll give you.
Arthur peen is real.

I can feel heat rising in my crotch every time her eyelids are at the bedroom level.

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was never into her but I can still hear the voice and I get why someone would

Which of these girls did you like as a kid?

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I have a sudden urge to commit a crime.

I could tell this was much better than anything new at the time this aired.
Yeah, he voiced doctor two brains

she's already taken anons

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was kim possible ever considered a girly show by anyone? my whole family watched and loved it, and my dad still uses that ringtone sometimes

Is this really what the kids are into nowadays?

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>I thought you could tell a joke
>but I guess I was wrong
Holy shit Arthur's a fucking asshole.

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lord help me, cecilia and anne marie are my most nut destroying guilty faps

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Nothing a bigger dick can't fix

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>tell a joke
Fucks sake.


>he doesn't prefer the live action variants

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I swear this show gave me some of the fetishes I have.

imagine taking this landfill seriously enough to still seethe over off-topic threads

Fucking christ you reminded me of that one sleepover I went to where the kid that lived in the house made the whole group watch that stupid show when the rest of us just wanted to play Capcom vs SNK 2

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god teir taste

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Arthur went too far. Little nigger went full reddit by running a mild joke into the ground in a single day.

Oh shit

Lmao fucking based

this show's opening is fucking incredible

>Supreme Poster of /pol/ and /jp/

Go back to your Seiyuu general, tripfriend

>thinking D.W. was best girl

Literally who thinks this?

The movie was absolute childhood kino. I still lose my shit at that serial killer bit.

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people who watched the episode where she grew up and became responsible, level headed, chill, and an otaku

>Detective Conan
Thank god theres so much fillers just so I can skip it. I watched the first 80 episodes and said fuck it to fillers, they were interesting at first but its the same boring shit. Bad enough some of the canon episodes are basically like fillers.

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This video feels like it was made specifically for kids with ADHD or something because this is physically exhausting to watch.

Is this legit? Because somehow this is way more arousing than the actual rule 34 that exists.

Why do children love screaming so much? Like every youtuber that tries to appeal to kids screams. Even PewDiePie back in the day used to scream a lot and I think that's why kids loved him. To this day he makes sure to scream and make loud noises in his videos? But why? Why do children love loudness? Because they are loud? Because they are told to not be loud and seeing a drownup be loud like them make that person look like a kid with freedom? Why?


DC is pretty much japan's Simpsons. Started off good but it's obviously over staying its welcome.

Pippi Longstocking began my Redhead thing. Forever.

You kind of figured it out. They like to be loud. They like to see adults acting like kids. They also like very expressive faces.

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yep its around 29:57
you can see her panties later on

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I've found it.
The only job more pathetic than being a twitch streamer.
It also somehow seems to be even more successful.

Am I the only one that always wanted to fuck DW?

>tfw your favorite childhood cartoons didn't last long enough to have an episode involving video games


As a kid the idea of a reverse trap literally never entered my mind but I was already into scifi shit enough that I just assumed the whole "engineered person" thing could explain her double life with her being both genders.

Still jerked to her though so uh take of that what you will.

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>tfw crush is a fucking corpse

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It has nearly every one.

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back when its acceptable

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You mean to tell me that Arthur, the same series with an episode that featured Bill Clinton, is still going on?

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You realize that the background is a mirror, right?

Pretty fucking based, anons

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>and an otaku
W-wait what? That happened? I don't recall that in the hand drawn era. Was this during the flash era?

Attached: totally_spies8.gif (364x356, 2.63M)

Wait this abortion is still running? Hell it might be the only cartoon to finally outlive the Simpsons after Disney kills it.

Remember how old educational shows actually educated their viewers?


that was some visceral fucking nostalgia holy shit

Its all meant to keep the kids attention long enough until the next ad airs. The bright colors and loud sounds keeps the child's attention.

>tfw no trailer trash gf

*blocks all your paths*

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Attached: totally_spies13.webm (480x480, 341K)

Jesus christ was Sam left a vegetable by the end of the series or something? Every damn brainwash.

>foreverally tied up and mummified Sam with permanent foreverally mummified tongue


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Also this

Attached: totally_spies10.jpg (1026x1803, 232K)


Well I once knew a Horde main that snipped the DSL cable of an alliance premade leader who was having his group abuse the queue system to get guaranteed battleground wins. This was before cross-realm BGs fixed that aspect of premades.

I don't believe this, but I heard from someone once who knew some guys who were into melee. Apparently one was just bigger and beefier than the other. This is important because Beef-Mchuge Large got so mad about being comboed that he apparently assaulted, held-down, and butt-fucked the other guy into the hospital.

The person who told me this was smashed out drunk and asked me if he should've stopped it. Which that brought a whole lot of implications I didn't want to touch.

>just a moonrune shirt
I thought we was going to see some figurines and manga in her room.


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>The Snowball Saga still continues
It's an epic at this point.


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I didn't expect two nice little Yea Forums threads with a sprinkle of doll fucking. It's a nice feel
Lolith a cute

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You fucker.

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>Knight Armor
Yeah I definitely got that one from the show.

Arthur thread? Remember those old arthur pbs flash game threads?

Cardcaptor Sakura is best magical girl. Watched it for the first time ever 3 years ago and it felt nostalgic despite never watching it as a kid

>I still want my snowball back!
Like a fucking magic.

Attached: Hitler_Thump.jpg (360x451, 62K)

>Snowball Arch
Arthur and Berserk both began on October 7th, 1997.
What the fuck.

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You know, I hadn't planned on masturbating anymore tonight, but...

sequel when?


cybersix was fucking great
surprise surprise it's a fucking anime
way ahead of its time

>all of her body motions and the constant bedroom eyes

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where can anyone even get these cartoons?
ive been searching for this and nighthood but i cant find it
any idea where?

Attached: totally_spies14.gif (480x360, 3.9M)

Ghost in the shell.gif

Someone post the lasers gif

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>ascended super saiyan

You got it

Attached: totally_spies4.webm (400x400, 486K)

>show burned through millions of dollars an episode for quality production
Truly the SNK of PBS shows.

This one is also pretty ridiculous (is this inflation?)
Does anyone have the pogostick one?

Attached: totally_spies6.webm (711x400, 880K)

>totally spies is the proclaimed fetish fuel show
>never got any fetishes from it
>my only fetish is redheads with blue or green eyes


What the fuck. I don't remember this one.

>everyone being all feel-goodsy and horny over Don Bluth material
Let's change those emotions, shall we.

Attached: i sleep.jpg (950x534, 65K)


Seriously though, these songs were cool as fuck+-

I just found this and I have no fucking clue what I'm looking at.

Attached: totally_spies17.gif (332x250, 1.1M)

I'll contribute before the thread dies
>TFW he's finally in heaven with her