I've never really played any MMORPG but I feel like getting in to one

I've never really played any MMORPG but I feel like getting in to one.

Which one should I play?

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What kind of world do you feel like going into?

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Old School Runescape or WoW private servers, wotlk is a good xpack to start at though tbc/vanilla are better if you're not a casual.
Besides that MMOs are kinda a dead genre, hopefully classic wow brings back the golden age of mmos

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classic wow, obviously

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The genre is dead, wait until classic WoW when it will be briefly alive for a few months.

They all fell for the appealing to a wider audience meme and turned into trash

Wait for Pantheon to get released

Probably going to be a while, user.

I tried OSRS but it just feels like an endless grind to watch worthless numbers go up. Raids and boss fights look fun but it takes literally THOUSANDS of hours of grinding to get there.

WoW is where this trend started

WoW- the burning crusade if you take more value of playing together with people and enjoy rewarding progression
Gw2 if you want your reward by fun gameplay, getting into your choosen class and want to get the maximum out of it, get to learn your role, adjust it to your individual playstyle etc.
ff14 if you value more actual rpg elements, and a good story.

you might wait for classic since its better for your first mmo to be something you can start from scratch with everyone, but seriously, it kind of sucks compared to burning crusade

None. You missed out on it, just accept it. MMORPG's died for a reason.

The community coming back to classic will make it better, even if its inferior gameplay-wise

It's bad now but to fresh eyes it'll still be pretty fun and even at its worse WoW is still miles above its competition.

I still crack up when people tout "good story" when it comes to FF14.

I mean, sure, by JRPG standards which are nigh unexistent.

MMOs were never like that. You were always gated and herded by higher level mobs.

Have you tried ironman? I don't enjoy normal OSRS since it just becomes "grind highest gp/hr or play alts" whereas with Ironman everything you're doing has a purpose.

i actually hope so aswell, i just dont think i can endure spending 3 weeks on grinding another char to 60.
especially since i allready know every quest, every area etc. like in bc or wotlk i could grind my 20 chars to max level in some days, but depending on which patch classic starts it might be a 3 week grind

Ion killed WoW

not saying its a exceedingly good story, just better then wow and gw2's with a bit more focuse on it

>tfw just finished GW2 HoT story
I enjoyed it. FFXIV/GW2 have fun boss fights.

>it's better than something that constantly retcons itself

Play a World of Warcraft private server. It's free and more fun than playing current retail. Most private servers play on the first 3 versions/expansions of the game before blizz turned it into a boring theme park MMO.

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It was always a themepark MMO.
Why are vanillafags so delusional?

i actually dont get the themepark thing, can someone explain me why people call it a themepark?
i hear that everywhere since some days

EVE Online

Themepark MMOs are where the developer creates the content and you "ride along" to experience it. You have little to no world permanence and you are at the whim of the developers for further content.
Sandbox MMOs on the other hand are left up to the player to decide what content they wish to do and are given the tools to do so. The developers might give you new tools to play with but they are not strictly guiding you through the available content.

what the fuck no, don't spoil your first classic wow experience with dogshit private servers,wait for blizzard classic wow

The content is in instances so the main hub world where you run around and interact with people is just to meet others so you can go on the "rides" (ie, the relevant content)

Before WoW normalized this idea. MMOs were giant open sandboxs and going into a dungeon meant running into many other players also in it. Boss fights usually needed masses of strangers to help defeat

thanks, but wouldnt that make vanilla a themepark mmo aswell?
i mean you can kind of figure out your own playstyle, and adept to it rather than taking a forced way, but in the end your riding along with whatever the dev want aswell

Play Blade & Soul.

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SWTOR is the only good one left

It is, anyone who says otherwise is delusional.
I agree with you, it's just a shame that while new MMOs on Kickstarter (lmao) are going back to sandbox roots the idea of group PvE is kind of dying off as people only see that as "possible" when it's down in an instanced way.

if youre a retard maybe
you dont need to be max level in everything to do raids

This picture alone sold me on the game

Go quest in pre-cata WoW.
Some areas are gated by high level mobs but most quests are spread out and non-linear. Then try questing in a later xpack like MOP, you pick up 3-4 quests in a hub, do those and turn them in, take breadcrumb to next hub and repeat. Meanwhile barrens has areas with multiple 14-15 mobs and similar level quests are very spread out through the zone.

Attached: 08-barrens-questing-joana.jpg (475x578, 109K)

SWTOR is such low production value compared to WoW, so few people playing it also, feels on life support despite being F2P

>Spread out and non-linear
D e l u s i o n a l
You went to a hub, grab quests, completed them, then went to a new hub and did the same thing. TBC is unchanged and you can see exactly how the original quest design philosophy worked to this day without even hitting up a private server.

I want to try out WoW, should I just wait for classic?

she looks brain damaged

Technically speaking Classic and Retail share one subscription which would give you the opportunity to just try both. The only thing you wouldn't have access too is the latest Retail Expansion which of course contains 99% of the relevant content but you could at least form an opinion beforehand.

and that's a good thing

Classic is just original vanilla game right? I'd much rather do that, than current WoW with all it's content desu

Pretty much, I'm just saying how Blizzard structured it you pay $15 a month and get access to BOTH games.
They did this I'm sure so they can lump together the numbers and have a much higher overall player count and not claim one is higher than the other.



good one

Mob level in the barrens is fairly evenly spread out around xroads, it's not linear at all. Quests would send you all over the place.

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>main tank is a druid
>things don't always go very smoothly
>if he runs out of pummelers, the raid is over
>he doesn't let anyone else MT ever because he knows what would happen
>always angry, we start to joke about how he's an angry bear IRL
>once gkicked one of the OTs because he taunted and popped shield wall to save the MT
>painstakingly progressing through BWL
>finally reach nef
>nobody says anything
>dead quiet
>"I'm gonna need big heals but it's fine. I g-get a dodge bonus in cat form"
>guild disbands


What kind of autism is this?

>people unironically hyped for vanilla wow

The creator was right, you idiots think you want it, and literally nobody will play it. It was not better, it was simply new at the time. Its the same game minus all the quality of life changes, and minus a shit ton of content. Vanilla is shit, nu-WoW is shit. Its a shit game.

>Blizzard structured it you pay $15 a month and get access to BOTH games.
Yeah I get that, I would just rather get subscription day of release of Classic, since I'm leaning towards that.

It just expands outwards from the hub, how is this any different than retail and how it expands outward from the hub?

People will play it, but not because it's a good game. It's a social event at this point, people everywhere have fond memories of playing Vanilla WoW so now that it'll exist again outside of private servers a large audience is going to play it simply to say "look guys I'm playing the REAL WoW."

The creator? What the fuck are you on, nigger? He's an usurper

Not that one.

Its ok bro, im maining prot warr you and your friends can join my guild, we clear naxx in 1h now after we kicked our druids and started running 15 warriors dps

The guy that said that isn't even the creator, he's a producer who lucked his way into the CEO position by virtue of sticking around long enough so that everyone else quit. He was personally involved in ruining SWG with the NGE. He has a trail of destruction and poor judgement behind him and now he's in charge of Blizzard. Taking his opinion seriously just reflects badly on you.

Hopefully not one with that annoying little shit

You're sent all over the zone and back to the main hub multiple times. Even when you follow a guide like this www.joanasworld.com/horde-12-20-barrens-stonetalon.html it's still confusing

I played BFA and it was literally just > Pick up 5 quests > Do quests > Turn in and run to the next hub > Repeat
You can turn your brain off and quest through any zone in BFA without a guide.

lolwut it looks and runs much better tgan shitty gay old wow


Useful autism some guy did for planning leveling.

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God I miss Kyoppi

>thanks, but wouldnt that make vanilla a themepark mmo aswell?
But WoW perfected the themepark model (for better or worse).
If you're interested in sandboxes, there are several decent ones upcoming and a buttload of indie small ones that may or may not ever come out of alpha/beta but are still interesting to follow.
And this user is right: The majority of the sandbox games being worked on are primarily pvp focused - which i enjoy, but he has a great point about how group pve is considered mostly an afterthought.
A lot could still change, i feel like we've been headed back to mmorpg roots ,which is more geared towards smaller niche games and not the fuckhuge monster that WoW was. That's not meant as a bad thing, i think it's really good. An mmorpg does NOT need 12m players logging in to make it a "success" or to feel like a living world as corny as that catchphrase sounds.

It looks as unimpressive as it did in 2012 when I stupidly bought it for full retail price. WoW looks terrible also, and the devs should be ashamed for pumping out PS2 graphics in almost twenty fucking twenty.

swtor storylines are much better. does WoW have a story?

>Playing an MMO for single player story content.

Dragons Dogma Online. Literally best action mmo, unbeatable

Following WoW's story is a recipe for disappointment. Lorefags are constantly upset because they make the mistake of actually paying attention to it.

It is a themepark and that hurts its integrity/potential in the long run, but vanilla was still the greatest atmosphere ever achieved in an MMO. Combine that with its natural difficulty for its leveling/pvp/raids/economy and it probably had the highest highs in gaming for people experiencing the genre for the first time ever.
I wish I could take every zoomer who has never played an MMO along with the true boomers that have never played a game outside of pac-man and lock them in a prison with the only way for them to escape being clearing every raid, killing a world boss, and killing every faction leader with no help from sources on the internet just to make a reality-tv big brother documentation of everything they do.

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Wake me up when it's released to the rest of the world.

the stories are fine but its still essentially a single player game.
I would have just bought kotor3 willingly instead of playing a stupid wow clone in space for free just to see what it was.

Even playing swgemu with how ancient it looks now feels more like an actual game, and is in many ways how a sandbox mmorpg should be done. The game (and emu) still has huge flaws but goddamn the core of it is so fucking solid. If ever mmorpg had an economy like SWG i'd probably never leave my house.

WoW has too much of a stigma attached to it. id rather tell people i play DnD than WoW desu senpai...

im assuming those of you "excited" for classic are preteens or incels?

it kind of had, and still has, but right now its all over the place
dunno, my issue with sandbox mmos is that most of them just look good, but end up as never ever kickstarter bait.
new world looks kind of promising though. also i think a great issue for sandbox mmos regarding pve is an allmost impossibility to balance

It's literally 30yr old boomers, which includes me

I feel like DnD is worse than WoW. But you're probably right, a lot of neurotypicals don't know what DnD is.

And most people are excited for WoW because every MMO on the market right now is either 1. P2W garbage or 2. Casual Baby Mode.

It is the easiest shit to use the vpn (that is always listed in install guides). And grab a friend or better yet, two, so you're not lonely in jap chat

>but end up as never ever kickstarter bait
Yep, tho that isn't a strictly sandbox issue but it does fall into that category too often. Just the nature of crowd funding, really.
Mmorpgs are often a LOT more work than people realize, that could add to it.
New World does look good! I'm still not sure it's an actual mmorpg, it's closer to a rust set in the 1600s with RPG elements. But its backed by a huge company who wants to make a big splash, so the sky is the limit. The pvp in the beta (or maybe its alpha? i forget) is pretty darn fun and their idea for the eventual game sounds fantastic. Time will tell, of course.

>And most people are excited for WoW because every MMO on the market right now is either 1. P2W garbage or 2. Casual Baby Mode.
It's ironic since WoW was considered a casual baby version of EQ. And now vanilla is held up as a hallmark of difficulty compared to modern mmorpgs.

If we hate BR in our MMOs why would I go act like a BR in a Jap MMO?

>quality of life changes
You mean removing anything that made the world feel huge or completing any task rewarding?

or gave players any reason to actually communicate with other players?


Nobody's telling you to act like subhuman scum.

Vanilla wow is the perfect point between too casual and too hardcore.

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You don't, you just shut up and play with friends, or hope that your pawns aren't complete retards

Ragnarok Online
Eve Online
a generic WoW-clone MMO (Rift, Aion, FFXIV, Guildwars etc)
Everquest or Ultima, to see how far MMOs have come.
are all must-plays at some point in your life

have sex

ye we,, money propably wont b their issue. im more affraid of to much casualization, since they propably plan it to be the real huge thing.
try to appeal to everyone, and nobodys gonna enjoy it

>planning leveling
This kind of autism will kill the game.

You're REALLY late to that party, sport.

Imagine if a non-multiplayer game had the same gameplay these do

Imagine if to get to Green Hill in Sonic 1 you had to go through the same loop 100 times and then to get to Marble Zone, you need to beat Green Hill 100 times, sounds stupid but that's exactly the same type of gameplay you'd expect from an MMORPG but with even less things to do

I played them when i was a kid and had literally all the time in the world to waste, as an adult i don't see why you'd waste so many hours in things like Runescape or WoW. Is not even like they have amazing gameplay or stories either, what little substance the games have is lost on the repetition you'd expect to do

>that pic

made by someone who has never seen a vagina

A man that meticulous has almost certainly crept into a girl's room at night, removed her covers while she slept, gingerly slipped her undergarments down around her legs, and photographed her genitals.


I have fun in only a few MMOs when it comes to combat, like PSO. Grinding shit like fishing or mining is really relaxing and I prefer to do it in tab-target MMOs, especially FF14 cause the games pretty and has really good music.

Well to each his own, you'd have to make a very convincing argument besides "some people like different things" to convince me it is unrelated to addiction.

I understand that argument but i've played MMORPGs nowadays and what i see is very different from just "people having fun"

This is why I mainly just play the instanced-based "mmos" since they're not boring tab target gameplay. You can ask me why not play actual single player games and I'll tell you I've already played them and I want some new to play.

There's also FFXI private servers.

Questing killed mmos for me, I couldn't handle them in WoW and they've only gotten more linear and boring. What's the point in exploring when anything thats worthwhile or rewards you is from a quest? Killing mobs was a better experience for me because it got me to party with strangers more and tackling high level mobs was tons of fun. I will never understand people who want questing to level, as soon as you get ahead of someone the fun stops and at most it feels like glorified chores. Which they made even worse with daily quests. I can't be the only person who hates questing with a passion.

they make fun at first, but its like with everything, at some point things stop making fun.
and for mmos it just becomes a grind for progression reward dopamin. people just spent so much time in mmos that it becomes hard to let it go and move on, i wouldnt really call it a addiction in general.

>hopefully classic wow brings back the golden age of mmos
This. I dont even like WoW much but I'm hoping it does well so it hopefully spawns a classic FFXI or Ragnarok Online server

yeah quests are the problem.
when they're done well they're just option side things you can do if you want (but usually you dont do them) to increase fame for a faction, get access to an area or as prerequisites for something.
WoW/MMOs went to shit when 90% of the game play turned into:
>go to quest hub
>pick up every quest
>do all the quests
>turn them all in
>get quest that takes you to the next quest hub
It's what made me stop playin Rift. I wanted to explore, find an exp camp, invite 2 or 3 people for a party and pull mobs for exp. Instead you just got exp by non-stop doin fucking quests.
I even tried some f2p cutesy 3D anime Korean MMO that looked kinda fun, but it's questing was so dumbed down that you didnt even have to move your character. Just press spacebar and your character would automatically run to the next location for the currently active quest.
I quit when I realized I'd just spent 4 hours pressing spacebar.
At least if I'd played a hentai game or visual novel I would've cum after pressing spacebar for 4 hours.

GW2 is the best questing MMO on the market. You dont feel corralled into doing them in a linear fashion, but are encouraged to clear each zone as they show up. Also they actually do/unlock things.

I'm still playing WoW for some ungodly reason.



Final fantasy 14 is the only good mmo on the market right now play the free trial to see if you like it. Don't listen to this thread they're trying too hard to fit in. Unless you're a poorfag then go ahead and play on a wow private server.

ESO, GW2 and WoW

FFXIV has fun classes, flashy animations and nice looking graphics. Unfortunately, the game itself is extremely linear and is an absolute slog to finish the main quest. PVP is pretty lackluster and the large raids are mostly shite.

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