What game would you gift your past self 10 years ago? What games do you want your future kids to play?
What game would you gift your past self 10 years ago? What games do you want your future kids to play?
Minecraft. I don't like it at all I just wanna get rich.
>wanting kids
Why would you ever?
Tales of vesperia for my past self
I won’t have kids
Good goy
To beat the game of life.
Having kids is a Jewish trick user.
Probably Red Dead 2 as pleb of an answer as that is.
As for my kids, hopefully there will be a portable Nintendo console with all of their systems on virtual console in the future. That's what I want them to play but I'll let them play anything within reason.
This is now a Race Queen thread
they can help you when you get old if you raise them right
I'd give myself one of the Monster Hunter games, took me too long to finally play the series
We've come full circle folks
Or I could just take care of my body while I’m young and with the literal millions I will save just hire some hot Asian
have sex
Asian detected
It’s almost if “the Jews” is a troll.
a gf
For people without irony poisoning yeah. Hard to tell anymore
I fuck my own daughters
that game sucks
>your future kids
I'd give the 2009 version of me Wipeout Omega Collection in PSVR
The games I'd want my children to play are the Oddworld games, Team Ico games and Mario Galaxy.
This. It's like a never ending Roguelike that you literally can't win.
They always said that ironic racism leads to real racism and I laughed, but they were kinda right.
Some fighting game, wish I got into them sooner.
I don't think I'll ever have kids, never been successful with quality women. So, doesn't matter.
mario odyssey to my kids
this for past me
is pic
How else am I soppuse to Platinum the game of life?
Probably nuDOOM
By stacking your money and nailing hot chicks in their 20s while you’re 50
dark souls 2
Is this a picture from Takashi-san's School for Deformed Women?
I wish I had the drive for this, I want to stack money but fucking brainless whores has never been appealing to me.
The high jaws, thin neck, and sloping shoulders make the necks of some of them look like they can reach the highest of leaves.
>tfw you like long necks
Persona 3
gta iv
I would gift myself the knowledge that it's not worth keeping on living.