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*Borat voice* MAI WAAIF

that was a fun but very silly game

I wish she had taken a shit in my mouth instead. i would've blew massive fucking loads.

Why the shit eating grin?

U sick bastard

What the fuck was her deal?


it's very very stupid. like matrix sequels tier stupid.


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I wish she would shit in my mouth too.

My first play through I just kept picking Rika because I thought it would be a shame if anyone actually useful got traumatized by violent rape.

I kept picking Nemu because she was a bitch and the only one who seemed to enjoy it though i wasn't sure if she was pretending after crying to cope or if she really just wanted to taunt you.

is it that disgusting game where all the girls have pubic hair?

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>As noted in our last update, Maggot baits is 100% translated and edited.
Materials have been passed along to ClockUp for scripting and we're awaiting a beta build!
That was two months ago. Could be next week, could be next year.

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I need to finish this game.

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no, it's the one with the doodoo

Yeah but Nemu clearly wanted you to pick her, so I didn’t want to give her the satisfaction.

It's been in beta for a while so I'm expecting a July-late summer release


i dont get this story. side note, someone post a link to deja poo

I kinda want to play this game because of that smug cutie but after Starless and Sachie's bad end I don't think my heart can handle more smug cutie suffering despite all of the sick fetishes I have

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Magotto Baitzu
more foul rape, torture, gore, snuff stuff.

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Sensei best girl

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what do women actually feel like

punching bags of sand

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Anything else by Clockup worth checking out


Literally everything they've made. Maggotbaits in eng soon fren

Diamonds scene. Arguable best in the game holy shit I need to re-read it right now

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Starless was better. I would drink that rich blondie piss every day.

What game is that?

I mean translated stuff tho

Too many repetitive scenes imo. Still a fantastic "game" but Euphoria definitely takes the cake for me. Hope Maggot Baits steals the crown from Euphoria though.

Meant for

In there poo in Maggot Baits too?

What are some other good death game VNs aside from Killer Queen and Danganronpa?

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wow are you saying any form of actual writing will somehow top a generic nukige?

>enjoy the horror aspects of euphoria
>have no interest in piss and shit
Why is it impossible to find a good horror lewd vn without shitty degenerate fetishes.

The same applies then you retard. "Anthing they've made - that has an english translation"
That information is easily obtained. Go nuts

You can turn the shit off and skip through the piss scenes.

Zero Escape

>Enjoy playing Euphoria
>Can't stomach Fraternite at all
That game just makes me feel really bad

>tons of repetitive scenes
>Marika and Sachie barely get any scenes compared to Yuuna who gets boring after a while
>character with hairy armpits barely shows them off and they're not even noteworthy anyways
>no pubic or anal hair
>"training room" ruined a lot of the tension because it turned the scenes into a routine
My main complaint is due to my subjective taste though. I hated how hard the game sidelines Sachie until torture starts to happen, there's not a single scene where she shits on the MC's dick that also isn't rape and that upsets me deeply

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What about it?

man, I just wanted more Marie scenes, she deserved a lot of anal love. I wouldn't mind a vanilla spin-off with the cast.

>no gang rape or any really hardcore scenes
I just wanted to see her mind broken

Actually, any games like this without the scat porn. As well as no turns out it was a virtual world or some shit.

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I'm just glad i got to see her shit trying to blast porky pig out of her ass and fart and have MC comment on how stinky the fart was. that jolted my rod. wasn't at all keen on seeing her chew on skid-marked underwear. i truly regretted everything after that. i wanted to eat HER underwear though.

That's true, I think there was a lot of wasted potential as far as what could have been done with the characters goes. And I don't mean just sex scenes too. At some point I realized I actually cared about what would happen to the characters but I stopped caring once it bottled down to routines and rushed ending scenes. I'm pretty sure Empress announced something that included Marie in it. Her scenes were what made me keep playing the game for the most part

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Killer Queen

Come on dude. Zero escape and Danganronpa are pretty well known.

Eyyy my dude, sadly I don't think there's any VNs and barely any actual games with a death game vibe. Only thing I can think of are traditional horror games like nanashi no game.

So literally nothing besides euphoria, got it.

This is best girl. Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't.

Is it weird that I like scat if its used to degrade the female?

Isn't fraternite translated?

You just like humiliation

Not according to vndb

Does manga gamer have a translation of this out?

By "degrade" do you mean her being shat on or her being made to take a shit for someone else's pleasure? i like it when she's forced to take a shit on her lover but clearly doesn't want to.

She is best girl, but she will always hate (you)

Yea Forums hates on NTR but loves scat, i dont get it

can i keep the muscle girl there as a slave? if so then this is day 1 download


I'm reading fraternite reviews and please tell me it's as ridiculous as I think it is.

apparently there's a scene where a girl gets into an accident trying to find a man to fuck her. There's something with a drill and some dudes balls
Please tell me if this is a joke or not. My sides can't take this.

What's it about?

scat doesnt involve getting cucked

I like scat but don't like most scat stuff I find online, usually the more dignified or beautiful the girl is the better because there's a contrast/degradation thing there. I also like stuff that isn't just liquid diarrhea spreading all over the place or some retarded shit-tubing mechanism. Stuff like the girl feeling humiliated for being seen in a shitty situation, or being ahegaod so hard she shits herself is up my alley, that being said I recently discovered nozarashi satoru's more vanilla stuff and found out I like that too

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No one wants their waifu taken from them. being able to eat your waifu's poop however is the ultimate test of love.

>Formerly known as Kajou City, a central metropolis of the Kantou region, it was transformed overnight into a demonic city where the supernatural runs rampant after it was linked to the swirling power of chaos from the Abyss several years ago.

When immortal, unidentified beings called “Witches” began to appear, the government responded by quarantining the metropolitan area, and ceding the land from their sovereign borders.

Though old Kajou City became a ghost town for a time, criminals, illegal immigrants, and defaulting debtors who couldn’t make a living in this corrupt world sought refuge in the city, followed by an influx of prostitutes, black market dealers, and yakuza seeking to take advantage of them.

After growing to a population of 150,000 over several years, the curtain rises on this tale when a certain man encounters a lone “Witch” here in this unrecognized free city known as Pandemonium.

The wheel of destiny begins to turn for one man and the “Witches”, here in this dangerous, evil city beyond the reach of law.

>stuff that isn't just liquid diarrhea spreading all over the place
I like this if she's trying to rush to the bathroom after farting a lot and blast shit everywhere.

So uhh... What's it about?


No I mean what's the story about?

Sex with monstergirls

Mehtacles and blood.


Frsternite DL where?

Yeah, that game is responsible for awakening a ryona fetish and a few others in me. My dick has gone fucking AWOL at this point.