Game comes out with a sequel

>game comes out with a sequel
>it's mechanically better in almost every way
>previous game is still more fun

What's her name, Yea Forums?

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It's definitely not Dishonored that's for sure

Dishonored 2 was boring as fuck.

You already mentioned it.

You keep telling yourself that, user


Dark Souls 3 is definitely my least played souls game. Yeah 2 has its problems, but the build variety and DLC levels repeatedly brought me back.

Dishonored had better level design and controls, but everything else seemed lazy with no effort.
Having Dalilah being the main villain is one of the most obvious ones.

This. Fucking retards can't realize how good Dishonored 2 was and Death of the Outsider.

mankind divided for sure

Let's not fill the thread with contrarian opinions please

>enjoys D2 and DotO
>others are the fucking retards

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Give me 5 reasons why Dishonored 2 and Death of the Outsider are bad games. Protip: You can't

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story sucked.

Dishonored 2 is a fucking disgrace compared to 1, one of the most fun, soulful games of all time. You plebs won't get a you from me this day.

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They aren't. 2 was a step up in every regard other than level design, which is a very important feature of these type of games.

hotline miami 2

>Retcons out the ass
Which really, should count as more than one
>Voiced protagonists have nothing to say.
If you're gonna give us a voiced protagonist for him to say, "Huh, that's the building" when I'm next to the place I need to go, might as well skip it. It adds nothing, and it detracts from the immersion aspect of the immersive sim when the characters spend the entire game saying nothing but pointing the obvious
>Reuse of the first game's DLC' storyline
Which just like with the retcons, it counts as more than one reason. I can go in detail in both this one and the retcon one for both 2 and DotO if you like.
>No downside to going non-lethal.
In D1 you were limited in your non-lethal options. In this one, being able to chock someone even after initiating combat makes it possible to go Commando the entire game and still achieve a Low Chaos ending, making planning and careful execution pretty much useless
>It does little to build on the first game.
On a certain way, this is connected with the story point, and again I can go into detail with it, but reusing Corvo, Emily and the Empire was a bad idea
>Levels are less interesting than those from 1.
Besides the gimmicky levels like the Clockwork Mansion, overall nothing comes close to High Overseer Campbell, or Lady Boyle's Last Party, or either version of The Light at the End.
Don't wanna hit post limit, but needless to say I haven't even mentioned half of the problems 2 and especially DotO have. Harvey Smith ruined the IP as soon as the second game.

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Your first point is wrong so I'm not bothering reading the rest, but I hope you understand they didn't retcon anything, the story of the second assume you went low-chaos Corvo (and Daud) in the first.

So you're not only a retard but you're also wrong.

Well at least you tried. You could've asked away what by meant by that, especially seeing as how D1 is one of my favourite games of all time, probably have replayed it more than you have and always thought of the non-lethal path as the canon one as is the one it makes the most sense with both Corvo and Daud. But you do you

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>Still doesn't mention any actual retcon

Yeah I'm thinking you're a retard.

You started with "Your first point is wrong so I'm not bothering reading the rest". Why the hell should I entertain the idea of explaining stuff to you if you're gonna ignore the post?

>Still doesn't mention any actual retcon

As I said, if you read my post in its entirety then you can always ask for me to expand my points, including the retcon bit. If you're not gonna get into the discussion, you can scram.

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>passive aggressively doing what he asked you to do.
Lol you're a fucking joke

Daud should have been the protagonist of DotO.

I like D2 but I can agree with most of this. Honestly I could care less about the shit story it's mainly some quirks to the gameplay that make it feel more stiff overall. D1 had a pretty lame ass story too but it was the extra lore and the level design that drew me into the world. In 2, minor things like not being able to uncrouch until you're fully crouched and the slide feeling really clunky are really noticeable when you played the first one as much as I did. The new animations are pretty yeah but in the end I found they made movement and combat feel a lot less sandboxy or free form.

this guy vidyas

>rehashes the first game's DLC plot
>never explained why anyone in Delilah's inner circle who isn't Breanna is so close to her, they just are
>voiced protagonists pretty much have the same lines
>even more one hit takedown moves than the first game making the gameplay even easier, Emily's powers and bonecharm crafting make the game trivial
>mystery of the Outsider ruined
>Clockwork Mansion is a series of glorified elevators
>Crack in the Slab is cool the first time you play it, but becomes a chore afterwards because of no powers and you're looting the same level at least twice
>final mission is a rehash of the first mission and a mission from the first game
>Crown Killer could have been an interesting subplot, solved within the first act
>Crown Killer could have been an interesting game of cat and mouse where she stalks you, but she just wanders in circles in the same room
>Low Chaos is canon in the first game instead of making it change based on your Chaos in D2
>robbing black market shops have very little consequences

i think complaining about difficulty or lack thereof in dishonored is borderline retarded, but the rest i agree with.

Terminator: Skynet
Farcry 2
Crysis 2
Doom 2
Bordelands 2
Mortal Kombat X
Gears of War 3

These would be the big ones, and as >460866354 said if you've played D1 for dozens of hours certain abilities and animations just feel "wrong"; the slide being the best example


Dead Space.

Left 4 Dead

female protagonist, female black protagonist

Metal Gear Solid 2.


Mechanics were better in D2, if you liked playing high chaos. Overall Dishonored 2 is only a better game if you play it like an action platformer.

oh yeah here's why DOTO is bad too
>lack of Chaos would imply more freedom, but then contracts make you play a certain way
>new powers suck
>half of mission 2 and 3 are the same level
>mission 4 is a rehash of a mission from D2
>last mission is a linear hallway
at least hook mines and hyperbaric grenades were fun to use

no it wasn't. it had amazing level design on top of its enhanced mechanics and was more or less a continuation of the first game. the downsides were all mechanical

I just don't know why I can't seem to get into D2.

>the downsides were all mechanical
It was the exact contrary you inbred, holy shit

I'm sorry about your disability, user.