What we deserve

it's happening

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Is that Tomonobu Itagaki?

I didn't kill Maria, i did not. Oh hi Sonic.


Why is this guy so fucking based?

He’s the ultimate life form

He had a clear vision and made a complete movie out of it even though he had barely any money when he came to America.


He's insane and doesn't give a flying fuck while also being proud of his new country, I'm unironically inspired by Tommy.

Or possibly an oatmeal cookie?


You are tearink me apart, Maria!

He comes from a world you may not comprehend.

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Greg is looking kinda chunky nowadays


He’s just a man who wanted to reach his American Dream. He did, in the same fashion as the Hindenburg managed to land, but he did never the less.

oh hai mark

Why not both?

The whole positive mental attitude thing isn't really a meme. He came to this country, against all odds, managed to become a millionaire in San Francisco from nothing, and made a Hollywood movie and became an unironic (ironic) celebrity, despite his awkward mannerisms, strong accent, and bizarre looks. He's the living embodiment of the American dream and the entrepreneurial spirit.

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No fucking way.

I'm FED UP with thiz WURLD

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Based and redpilled

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how the hell did he became a millionaire?

Nobody knows, also no one know where he's from

>The Tweets are real


No one knows. No one knows where he's originally from either. He's an enigma.

according to Greg Sestero's book, importing fashion from Asia and selling it with a huge profit. Leather jackets I think.

>tfw all this sonic talk made me want to check out the new sonic comics

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It's Tommy Wiseau's world and we're just living in it

What a fucking genius, this is actually a fucking clever plan.
>tfw he's maybe an ex serial killer who decided to just shitpost life itself.

Holy shit

Damn, I'm in the wrong racket.

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it is a meme because while having a positive attitude definitely will work for some people, it won't work for everyone or even most people who try it.

Years ago there was a popular, not-really-serious conspiracy theory that he's DB Cooper.

Did that go well? How is IDW? Shit?

From what I've seen, the IDW Sonic comics are a lot safer. So you aren't going to find any real shitshows there. Which could be good or bad.

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the only reason Tommy became a legend is because 2 film students saw the movie by accident. He would be a homeless bum by now if it wasn't for his movie getting meme status.

the disaster artist has him tell greg a story of a guy who snuck over the berlin wall and lived in england for a few years before seeking out the american dream.

He's from Poland.

Are they fucking around, or is this planned? Because the leaks mentioned it's ONLY Sonic

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We set up, prepared the shot, and were about to start filming when a police cruiser pulled up and asked what we were shooting and to see our permit.
“We just shooting video,” Tommy explained to the passenger-side cop. “It’s very simple thing.”
“Okay,” the cop said. “You still need a permit or you can’t film here.”
“This is not professional stuff,” Tommy said. “It’s just the video thing.”
“Sir,” the cop said, his expression turning dark and authoritarian, “show me your permit or you’re going to need to leave.”
“I’m sorry,” Tommy said, “but I disagree with you on your statement.”


The Sonic the Hedgehog movie is one of the strangest anomalies to come along in a long time.

Literally who?

goddamn I fucking love the disaster artist book.

one of my favourite passages is where chris R was the only one to get to leave the set after his filming was done, while also getting tommy to pay to replace his shoes.

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>The Tetris movie is going to be a trilogy because we have so much story to tell - The director of the Tetris movie.

My favorite is when Tommy panicks on the phone and claims it's the middle of the night where he is when it's actually not.

When he moved to San Francisco in the late 70s, he got a job as a busboy. Eventually he started selling trinkets and souvenirs to tourists at Fisherman's Wharf IIRC. He had his own kart. By the 90s he owned some prime real estate in the city, and operated a business in one of them, a clothing store.

Dude'w fucking rich, user. He financed the Room by himself. About 8 mil


Yer tearing me apart Sonic!

yeah and lost half of that since the movie only made money because of meme status. His next project would be something equally dumb and he would go bankrupt.

>even though he had barely any money when he came to America
By the time he started shooting for the movie, they guy had acquired a very suspiciously large amount of money. He was loaded, through means which may or may not have been legitimate.

Also he's the commercial for the store:

Funny, I thought the same thing at first

Did Samurai Cop 2 ever get released?

Oh my God, that's great

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The fucking name is right there. It’s the first thing you see.

Yeah. I watched it when it was on Amazon Prime. It was pretty bad. Wouldn't recommend.

>all those screenwipes
>that sax interruption
Is this real?

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It's a joke you autist

Shut your fucking mouth faggot

He was a millionaire when he directed the room. Selling jeans through a business he owned has been the best explanation for it.

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It was bad. Samurai Cop 1 was so bad it was good, but 2 failed in that.

Love you too, bro.

I think he added the sax to censor the address. Also put the web urls to try and censor the text of the address. Funnily enough, on one of the sweeps, he messed up and if you go frame by frame you can see the store's address.

literally what did he mean by this

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I felt like the sonic movie was channeling the same vibe as the room, its going to be so bad it turns out good.

>“I’m sorry,” Tommy said, “but I disagree with you on your statement.”
The virgin cop vs the chad director.

oh hi tails


I badly want to see this happen. And if the Sonic movie does well on 'so bad it's good' grounds, maybe we will.