Mtg Arena white knights

damn near everyone on the mtg arena forums, would kill their mothers before they would stop defending that game. to put it short. they totally set that game up to lure gambling addicts to spend as much money out of the person as they can. and everyone on the forums witch at this point I'm pretty sure are mostly employees with alt accounts to try and mitigate the wave of negativity that is on that forum. I COME TO YOU Yea Forums WITH A BARGIN.... DO YOU LIKE SEEING PEOPLE MELT DOWN? DO YOU WANT TO SEE NECKBEARDS SOB INTO THERE FEDORAS? WANA SEE PENCIL NECK WOTC EMPLOYEES QUIT THERE SAD JOBS? GO FORTH TO THOSE FOURMS AND SHIT POST LIKE YOU'VE NEVER SHIT POST.... THEY EVEN LET YOU POST .JPG



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Why dont girls play videogames when they could be hanging out with Chads like this?

This isn't /tg/.

>they totally set that game up to lure gambling addicts to spend as much money out of the person as they can

this has been the MO for the game for over 25 years. I don't know how you expect a card game based on opening packs of random cards to magically avoid this. The F2P model isn't even that bad compared to a lot of other gacha lootbox bullshit

OP is cringe but..

Magic Arena is also cringe. Enjoy whaling $200/set just to get cucked by Teferi.

hehe you guys make me smile :D

you don't even have to spend money to have a competitive deck. Mono White, Blue, and Red are all quite good and they aren't completely filled with rare wildcards like esper control

It's most fun to brew jank in the unranked queue anyways

Is that Boogie? he really has lost weight. Now pour a jar of mayonaisse over yourself for my amusement, boogie.

completely different person, boogie is fatter than ever


I really don't like the economy in MTGA, but mechanically, I like a lot of things with MTG.

I generally like most of the jank cards in standard, and there's a pretty large variety of archetypes you can try to build for.

The thought process that goes into building jank brews and hunting down cards that pair well with your overall gameplan in Scryfall.

EX: Abzan Kamahl's Druidic Vow with Nissa, Who Shakes the World making forests tap for extra mana to make big Kamahl casts. If you have Evolution Sage already on the field, then Evo Sage will proliferate loyalty counters on strong planeswalkers and you could potentially ultimate with several planeswalkers the very turn they land on the board. Liliana, Dreadhorde General, Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants, Vivien Reid and Nissa herself are each 3 loyalty counters away from ultimating from their base loyalty on entering the board. But the deck is garbage because MTGA is all fucking netdecking aggro decks and the same few control players whose only viable wincon is Teferi tuck abuse.

I fucking hate the economy with lack of dusting and wildcard accruement rates just to build a jank deck.

I fucking hate that everyone (even on the non-ladder regular play queue) is just fucking netdecking the same god damn decks day in and day out.

I fucking hate some of the modern """diverse""" art they choose, such as making fucking black elves and stupid shit like that.

I'd honestly be down if there was something like a commander for MTGA. Less netdecking and way more variety in terms of cards and art and deck archetypes and such.

Unranked queue is still full of degenerate netdeckers. There aren't any viable places to play with jank brews. I only play until I get like 5 or so wins and then tilt and close MTGA for the rest of the day. I just get so fucking tired of netdecking scum, and the only really viable ways to counterplay netdecks is to just play a competitive (read: NOT JANK) deck and literally become the same cancer.

But doing so would make me quit playing Magic sooner because every single fucking game would be the same. At least when I play jank there's a CHANCE that my jank Jund Zombies deck might be paired against some jank aristocrats type deck and we can actually have a good refreshing match.

Lands are a trash mechanic and always have been, Garfield literally set the system up so that more skilled players could still lose

MTG grognards will defend it to the death though

Firstly, NYPA, lurk moar faggot
Secondly, this isn't /tg/, this is Yea Forums. /tg/ deals with your topic in mind while Yea Forums deals with Reddit, smash, and wojacks

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Daily reminder that XMage exists and is superior.

There's a few cool people in the background.

I don't find that at all, I get matched up against similar decks or even straight mirror matches quite often, of course you get matched up with mono red an other top tier decks from time to time but you just have to take your lumps and move on. Besides, queuing up with jank should be an uncertain experience anyways, that's the whole point of jank decks, you shouldn't be queuing up with jank expecting free wins ever

I've also heard that they do matchmaking in unranked based on the overall rarity of the cards you have, so if your "Jank deck" has all 80% nonland rares with all the shock/checklands you're not going to be matched up against people playing starter decks.

>they totally set that game up to lure gambling addicts to spend as much money out of the person as they can
warhammer was always the patricians choice. your humiliation is in the price, after that it's just a goofy, loveable mess. I stopped in my teens but I fully unerstand grown men who spend their entire free time on warhammer. I salute them god damn it.

>need shocklands + checklands for most of your landbase to reliably play a jund creature deck on curve.
>automatically get paired with netdecking scum just because you want to play a tricolor deck.

Yeah, fuck off Wizards. Would explain why my (currently jank) Merfolk tribal which has less rare lands only has 4 deeproot elites as rare creatures gets paired up against jank more often and I actually have a fighting chance with them still, compared to the tricolor brews I try to make utilizing the rare lands we have in rotation.

Is he still banned

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bans are for life, so yes.

Is that the kid of Jon and Samwell ?
Spoilers dude

>Playing jank with standard cardpool.
There's your and MTGAs problem right there.

Magic died when WotC was acquired by Hasbro in the late 90's. Almost overnight they introduced the first major cancer of CCG's, foil cards. That was the point you should have jumped out of the game entirely. Since then it's been an ever growing shit show. The game at this point is made only for "muh collectors" sitting on a fucking speculation market, and prices soar beyond belief, because any card worth shit now always sits at Rare or that added cancer rarity known as "Mythic".

They have a garbage weight system and commons can have as much weight as a rare in some cases, which often puts my mono greens I make for fun against netdecks too. It's a retarded system that they'll never fix. The way the shuffler tries to "draw for curve" also destroys decks that would work in the real world.

they're usually not lifetime, he's been unbanned since 2015

Is there actual numbers on any of this? I've seen people say things like this like they're 100% fact but i've never actually seen anyone post definitive stats on anything regarding matchmaking/deck drawing etc.

Jank is literally just off-the-radar deckbuilding. Trying out stuff that's not necessarily the top-tier competitive cards and trying to find good playstrings or card combos.

You can have fun, but the problem is there's just too many faggots playing netdecks:

Consider this engine I made using Teshar + Teysa.

Pitiless Pontiff + Teshar, Ancestor Apostle + Ministrant of Obligation is in the graveyard (either because i sacced him or they killed him, whatever the case is)

Cast Teysa Karlov, it's a historic (legendary supertype), it lets me reanimate Ministrant of Obligation for 0 mana. I can kill it and make 4 tokens by using Pitiless Pontiff.

Play Glass of the Guildpact, it buffs the Pitiless Pontiff, Teysa (outside of lava coil), and the spirit tokens, but because it's a historic spell (artifact type), this also reanimates Ministrant of Obligation yet again. You just keep looping Ministrant in and out of the battlefield to generate a spirit token engine. Fountains, Sparring Construct, Immortal Sun are ALL historic spells which lets Teshar keep reanimating.

Problem is people just throw Moment of Craving or Shocks at Teshar every time I get setup against a netdeck, and my looping engine is fucking dead in the water.

How can he not feel his crack is out?

there's no actual data on how the weighting is done but the prevailing theory is that it's based on a combination of rarity and how many times people have crafted the card using wildcards.

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It's based on testing people have done, not 100% accurate, but it's definitely something along those lines. There's a definite threshold between going against what their algorithm sees as jank, and netdecks, and it's not simply throwing in a mythic rare. Lesser use mythic rares have next to no effect.

I don't think they care. They probably haven't showered in years. Tabletop fags are a tier above Smashfags.

If your combo relies on a bear with no way to replace that bear, it's a bad combo. Every deck, netdeck or not, should be able to kill a bear.

Holy shit based and mayopilled.

I have 2 memorial to folly to reanimate teshar, and I can (sometimes) at instant speed sac the sparring construct to toss +1/+1 counters on teshar to have him avoid a death to shock/moment of craving, but doubling down on more memorial to follys makes the deck worse against aggro (since they run over you because you can't make a play on curve since the lands you're playing keep entering tapped) or makes the deck worse against control (fucking cry of the carnarium, man)

The engine is real, and when it works, IT FUCKING WORKS, but the netdecks I still get paired up with when playing it are stupid.

Just like in /tg/

MTG is mechnically dead, anything interesting isn't going to work unless they change the fundamentals of those cards making THEM the strongest bit in the game. Aggro or over the top control are the best ways to win and will be for quite some time. I had solid, strong mid range decks in the last meta but they need the perfect curve or they're done for.

Do you really expect people to not run any removal, even in unranked? This combo needs a specific board state and will come out on turn 5 at the absolute earliest, if you're expecting your opponent to have absolutely nothing to deal with it you're just naive.

I get trying to make fun combos but you can't make a convoluted inconsistent deck like that and expect it to consistently go off

drop those sparring constructs and a fountain for guild globe, the cantrip is great in decks that want to cast artifacts.
if you really want to combo with teshar, though play goblins with squee and skirk prospecter.

I hate how they build good cards to do everything on their own. stuff like dawn of hope and resplendent angel being able to trigger their own abilities just seems cheap and lazy

>Do you really expect people to not run any removal, even in unranked?
Monoblue doesn't play removal, just counters. So if Teshar resolves, outside of trying to Merfolk Trickster me to disable his reanimation ability, they can't do anything about it.
Monowhite also doesn't really play removal outside of a very few enchantments which exile.

The two decks still fucking dumpster the strategy regardless since the former never lets teshar resolve and the latter already fucking has 3 +1/+1 counters on everything by the time Teshar hits and it's too slow to do anything against their boardstate.

Monored just burns out all my shit and then chainwhirlers the tokens away. Control just repeatedly boardwipes or blows me the fuck out with cry of the carnarium.

I'm not crying because Teshar is frail. I fucking know that right off the bat because it's a 4cmc drop that does nothing the turn it enters the battlefield. What I'm saying is that this engine would actually have a fighting chance (and it actually does work well) when I get paired up against non-netdecking faggots.

That's primarily the problem with MTGA in terms of player enjoyment, you're either netdecking to climb the ladder, or you're not netdecking and you constantly keep tossing out free wins to people that copy-pasted a deck into the vidyagaem. I'd want a jank-brew-only queue OR actual browsable game table server (like TF2 or most other player-made tcg simulators) where you can selectively join lobbies with other likeminded jank players and actually have fun with custom decklists.

My 2cmc drop slot is very heavy, and the problem I had with early playtesting is that having nothing to play on turn 1 is an easy way to just get run over by steamkin/pyromancer/and other shit. The hunted witness is at least resilient against t1 shocks from monored, and the fountain gives a life buffer against the more burn oriented monored lists.

I would otherwise play globe though if I could guarantee I never queued against red.

I was playing with exclusively friends outside of dailies for a while. Then they whaled because my jank outjanked their jank and next time I played with them they were running completed netdecks, which is when I quit. It's cancer, but unavoidable.