Why did we let zo**ers kill gaming?

why did we let zo**ers kill gaming?

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>Minecraft will be 10 years old in a few days

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Minecrafter is still zoomercore

>so glad I grew up doing gay shit and not gay shit

Corporations killed gaming to maximize profit, you are just seeing them sell the corpse that remains.

You tell me

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Mah negroe

I think OP meant to say
>so glad I grew up doing this: [picture of OP sucking multiple cocks]
LMAO am I right, fellow 4channers?

Most people who played minecraft are now about 18 or so. This game is the epitome of a zoomer game, but so is fortnite. Itd be like saying Halo is a boomer game but halo 3 isnt.

I remember having the deep sea Lego set which involved the sub you can break apart into different modules. That was the shit.

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Minecraft is Zoomer: The Game.
Only people born in the 20th century should be allowed to post on Yea Forums.

That's the joke

>LEGO basic sets
You might as well use Duplo instead.

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FFS before minecraft was CoD

Your plastic zoomer toys didn't exist when I grew up, boy

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Duplo existed since the 60s.

So you're 43+ then.
At least you have good taste.

I used to have a few Mecano kits as well as Briomec kits. pic related, although some parts missing.

I suspect he refers to LEGO Technic though.

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>aqua lego
absolute 90s bro

Does anyone have that one flash game that lego put out for that theme? Iirc it was some sort of bullet hell-y thing, but it's been like 15 years, so all I remember is its top down perspective.

>tfw born in the 90s, but too late to be a 90s kid

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These kits were the best, but jesus fuck were they expensive for its time. Nowadays basic LEGO sets cost as much as those did. When the fuck did little plastic blocks become so expensive?

I'm 28 and have been having an itch to check out the Lego isle at Walmart recently but I can't bring myself to do it. Just gonna buy some gunpla off Amazon...

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Lego is like the Nike or Apple of toys. You're getting jewed to the max for name recognition, it has nothing to do with quality or value.

>tfw i brought this in for 4th grade show-and-tell and everyone was amazed at it like i was some genius that i built it

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>People share that picture, not aware of the irony

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how did zoomers kill anything? Fortnite is a cool containment game for them, both parties get what they want - zoomers shit games, actual gamers deeper, harder (lol) and more complex ones

What was better? Sea sets or Moon sets?

I once won about $120 on a lost machine when i was on a trip with my parents. Treated my parents to a nice dinner, bought my sister a tamagotchi and bought myself pic related.
Feels good man.

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Are you a disgusting looking fat neet? I go down the lego aisle all the time but I have kids

Slot machine*

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So glad I grew up on Yea Forums instead of going out

Fuck 4-2.

Minecraft, team fortress 2, and modern Warfare 2 are all at least 10y/o now

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Honestly, the 2000s was the last good decade to grow up in.
I genuinely feel sorry for Zoomers who are growing up in this decade with Fortnite, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, and emojis.

Oh shit I had that too. That shark face cockpit canopy thing ended up as part of so many subsequent airplanes and helicopters.

Oh fuck the Aquanaut set! I loved that one, and of course the medieval sets

I still think early 2000s still had some 90s culture before everything changed, and went downhill after mid to late 2000s.

Good taste, my man. That sub was THE thing to have. Fucking fire-ass set.

nice, I had that too

yeah, everything went to its current state after the iphone

I've been obsessing over this for quite some time, and I think the turning point was probably 2010, with the increase in social media usage and smartphone ownership. That was the first BAD year, but I think 2013 was when things went into full shit territory. The question is, are we ever gonna get out of it?

>mario will be 5 years old tomorrow

Based and deep seapilled

Barely. Minecraft was in beta mode in 2009. Its true release date was in 2011.

>for 5 years old tomorrow*
like it has always been.

The first game I that woke me up to how shitty games were getting was Bioshock Infinite so I'd say around 2012 is pretty accurate.

When I was growin up we made castles out of sand and soil. Somethimes boxes.

Maybe the Mayans were right?

why did we let newfags replace newfag with zoomer

It's just another term for Generation Z, which are kids born in the 21st century (some people think 1995 is the cutoff, but that's fucking retarded).

FO3 is 11. We old.

It certainly is not, it's used in place of new faggot. If zoomer is for kids how do you call newfags of all ages?
Ah language when nobody respects it, discussion becomes impossible. Ironic for a discussion website.

Never got how boo*ers can be so smug. Okay, you're older than me. So what? Do you have
>more money than me? doubt because you're mostly NEETs
>have more life experience? nope because you're locked in your room
>have more skill than me? nope because you stick to autistic games like map painting games etc.
You have nothing over me.

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Arctic and Rock Raiders

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hej sverigetrĂ¥den

Hej hej

I literally had that exact kit. I miss Lego System so much.

>tfw had 10+ years of late 80's to 90s lego system sets
>vividly remember getting up past my bedtime to play with this exact set
>used to run and jump back into bed when I heard my parents coming

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jesus christ did that guy come up with that himself?

Few things to add to your 2000s kid starter pack:
>Guess Who?
>Baby Bottle Pop
>Numa Numa
>Windows XP
>Diary of a Wimpy Kid
>Cartoon Network

Also get rid of 9/11, that's not a good thing.

That is the 90s sweden starter pack

Lmao that starter pack is 2000s af. You've got 9/11, Neopets, Ring Pops, Runescape, Pokémon (began in the '90s, but popularity peaked in the 2000s,), WoW, and Lego vidya.

was checking out the childhood legos last time I visited the folks. turns out those arm parts are made out of a plastic that disintegrates after 20 years. made me sad

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People who were born in the 90s you dense faggot

Being born in the 90s doesn't make you a 90s kid though. I was born in the 90s, but I wouldn't call myself a 90s kid, nor would any sane person, because I was born too late to actually experience the decade. If you were born from 95-99, you're a 2000s kid through and through.


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fuck. I wish I found more sets from that series

Let go and move on, accept that the old is gone and embrace the new.

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This but a little bit less ironically

they probably bought the ai from THE JEWISH CENSORSHIP DEFENSE LEAGUE or whatever they are called. Even jewgle uses them. The same reason you cant find any videos on youtube that arent roblox unless its from an established youtuber who grew before the system could rule them out and their 1 mill subs can override the algorithm just like the pedo videos youtube supports.

I literally had a video from a E for everyone game flag as inappropriate for children yesterday because it has the word Army in it and this angers the AI. Liberalism has ruined everything. Even overwatch is too violent for the kids and is on the restricted list.

So, what was the last good era to be a kid on here?

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>if you don't remember 9/11 you're a zoomer
If you don't remember Watergate you're a millennial.

>He played mineycrafta
>Not Wurm

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whichever one I was, and it's not the one that you were

Gen Y into Gen Z is the last of the cool times I'd say

90-95 growing up.
the rest you arent even alive until youre like 2006 and chowder is your first cartoon and up is your Aladdin. Then by 2015 youre a 20 year old triggered douchebag faggot at some liberal college crying about the white man and how women have no rights.

I go to the LEGO store all the time, but I'm an AFOL.

>get rid of 9/11, that's not a good thing

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Minecraft doesn't have a true release date, just a point where the devs decided to pretend it was finished.

Based Wurm Poster

i dont know why you fucking neckbeards think this is special, my friends son and my niece, both around age 5 play with legos. shit's not extinct

Amazing how fast time has gone, feels like yesterday i was in threads with Yea Forums cumming themselves over Notch answering their questions.

I had that exact same LEGO set.

Robot rage. A multiplayer game on Miniclip. I know it went through a few changes and eventually looked pretty different from how it used to look. I assume it's not online anymore.

why did we let true 3d kill gaming?

Quick, post better games from your childhood.



I like and hate this chart
on one hand it gets a lot of the kinos/worsts of each time on the head, but it's layed out like it's meant to be perfectly chronogical when a ton of the ones in each box should be placed differently

t. border of gen Y and zoomer

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>Tfw this is me except instead of the PS2 we had an N64

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Gaming was dying by the late nineties.

>if you don't remember 9/11 you're a zoomer
I remember my father stockpiling on weapons around my early kid years, does that count?


Core millenial.
>good games
>good TV shows
>good candy
>everyone was still outside playing until the lights turned on

Core Millennial/ Gen Y

It was right before the internet really took off. Kids didn't get home from school and immediately go to the computer. They didn't have cell phones or tablets. I still watched Saturday morning cartoons. Skateboarded over to a friends to play his PS1, and he to my house for N64. Everyone was cool and chill.

As a boomer, this effects me zero.

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Not sure either, it's still very much a thing, just even more expensive now. But LEGO are doing well, especially with all those IP tie-in like Star Wars and what not.

Take me back.

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Are you mentally ill?

Beta was peak Minecraft. True release a shit.

I see grown, average looking people going there quite often, even without kids

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What the fuck

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I love laugh at zoomer threads, the dumbest most useless generation so far

Hey guys what's going on in this threa...

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>no bionicle
I share a board with plebs

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Someone post the "simplified lore".

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hell yeah! I love that shark windshield. it's badass

Core Millennial. Late Millennial isn't so bad either. Early Zoomer is when everything started going to shit

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holy shit, am I old if I've never played either of these?

Only counting the official release when most of its popularity was gained in the Alpha and Beta seems silly.

>everyone was still outside playing until the lights turned on
this one hurts the most. technology is really going to fuck up future generations imo. we're just beginning seeing the psyche unravel
I know every gen says this, but the internet and cellphone exposure is on a whole 'nother level compared to television, etc.
I predict anti-socialites everywhere

'99 here
I don't remember anything at all about my childhood at all except that I only got to play on shitty handmedowns that I was barely allowed to play. I'm pretty fond of the 3ds though, which was also a shitty handmedown.

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Now on social media, you're seeing Zoomers posting childhood nostalgia for the late 00s-early 10s era. Feels kinda weird, I distinctly remember the late 00s-early 10s used to be widely ranted on as being the "downfall into shit era".

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Rate my vidya childhood

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Early 2010s sucked, late 00s were kino. They were the last years of the Cultural Golden Age.

What sucks about being born in the late '90s is that you only get to experience one good decade (2000s). People older than us lived through so much history and culture, leaving us with only one good decade to enjoy.

Sometimes I wonder if time travel will ever be possible.

>tfw either youngest gen x or elder millennial

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Did humanity just turn into absolute garbage after 2000?

So you're like 37?

It started going downhill, but the world ended in 2012.

Late 00s were identical to early 2010s zoomer. 2008-2012 was one big era.

Almost 36. First gaming was a 2600 as a toddler

>tfw I was already grown up when Minecraft was first released

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it was.
the internet literally died of cancer in 2005 when myspace came and the internet population skyrocketed with cancerous faggots.

1997 everyone was chill and people pranked each other with dicks and stuff through javascript traps and it was just all in good fun. Nothing was malicious.
population was like 70million.

2005 the internet population was 1 billion
2010 Yea Forums died and the pop was 2 billion
2018 the world became triggered sjws who try to ruin everyone's lives and arrest people over feelings and words the pop was 4 billion

The real thing to take from these threads is that shitty Facebook memes like the one in the OP are obnoxious to everybody.

>has nostalgia for minecraft
>not a zoomer
pick one kids

I think this is pretty accurate. The internet got worse as it got dumbed down, like most things.

Eh. My only actual childhood memory is playing leafgreen on a gba sp during a car trip to Florida and counting the signs and then playing mario party 2 on my grandmother's dusty as fuck n64 with my brother and sister. So I guess I'm more nostalgic for the early 2000s?

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>grew up playing minecraft
you are the zoomer

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a) Don't call me Zoomer.
b) I lived through that time, I can tell you they were very different. 2007-2009 had a much more retro feeling to them, with the last remnants of Web 1.0 still existing, flash games and Newgrounds being huge, old-school Yea Forums and Something Awful memes dominating the Internet, and no one had smartphones or social media. 2010-2012, on the other hand, started integrating smartphones and social media with the real world, creating a culture where big tech companies used trends as tools to get their Zoomer lemmings to constrict and assimilate anyone who thought differently (ironically the former slogan of Apple). This would continue for the rest of this horrible decade.

Tl;dr 2008-2009 were the last years of the Golden Age, everything after sucks shit off of a moose's left testicle.

>late 00s / early 10s nostalgia

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Yea Forums is a bbs style site
It should piss off zoomers that it isnt reddit with logging in, karma, etc

I remember having the OG game boy advance.

I'm more nostalgic for the mid-late 2000s, because the mid-2000s was when I did a lot of kid stuff like watch cartoons and go to the movies with friends, and the late-2000s was when I really got into Internet culture and Japanese vidya when they were at their heights.

I have literally no desire to use any other site after being on Yea Forums for so long. I hate the idea of having stupid shit attached to my posts, I just want to post my thoughts and feelings without being policed by other people.

>That shark face cockpit canopy thing ended up as part of so many subsequent airplanes and helicopters.
MY nigga

Yet somehow, they're not being driven off. Instead, they're doing their hardest to mold this site to suit their needs.

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do they still make those velcro ball catching things?

peak aesthetic. my mom got me this for being a goodboy getting a crown at the dentist

>people that played Minecraft as kids "grew up" already
God Yea Forums we're old fucks

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I remember being in 11th grade drinking cough syrup and playing minecraft. What a great experience.

yeah, fuck that shit

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I still remember the threads that would pop up every time there was an update for the Alpha build of the game. And also FLAOT poster.

i think i had this but i remember it being 3 times as long. im gonna assume you had a normal set and there was a super mega giga turbo set that was 3 times as long. i specifically remember it because it was the hardest lego set i had ever done at the time, and i actually gave up on it for a while

Well people who grew up with Atari probably feel the same cringe at you millennials being nostalgic for "pokecrap" and "adhd flipbook anime" as older people said.

Western Vidya was fine up until the early 2010s. Everything started going to shit right around the time Dragon Age 2 was released.

fuck dragon age 2

fuckin hugo, holy shit

>tfw that first hit of "oh shit im getting old" hit and now I just shrug it off

I embrace my inner boomer.

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I'm going to be 23 in just 5 days and I feel like an old man already.

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I used it for my super mech i built with space parts and rock raiders i think

Zoom zoom

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Fuck off. All I could ever have were discount megablox sets on clearance cuz nobody wanted that shit. Shitty dune buggy and wannabe construction vehicles it's not fair

>tfw born too early to defend poland and the west from disgusting bolseviks

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So are we going to have a minecraft server or what?

Oh wow, this is a difficult feeling to come to terms with.

I still have my original plastic gen beyblades. I'm never gonna throw those away.

69/420. that game had fun multiplayer on pc lan

Me and some of the boys were reminiscing last year about beyblades, talking about how good the theme song was when a guy only like 3-4 years younger than us chimed in and was like "yeah bro! beyblade beyblade let it rip" and it was only then I found out that beyblade had kept going after the plastic beys went away.

>collectively growing older with Yea Forums
Based and redpilled. I truly want to cry. I fear turning 24 soon.

You're not missing much, it's all licensed movie shit now. The only original-themed sets they have anymore are Lego City.

>zoomzoom play rocknite!

>i think i had this but i remember it being 3 times as long.

That was the Aquasharks Base set.

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>tfw that first hit of "oh shit im getting old" hit and now I just shrug it off

This. It stings a bit at first but after a while you just stop giving a fuck.

>I'm going to be 23 in just 5 days and I feel like an old man already.

>open literally ANY video on youtube uploaded more than 5 years ago
>sort comments by new
>dozens upon dozens of kids saying "omg I watched this when i was a kid this is why im so messed up now"

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I still play it

>people are unironically nostalgic for Halo, Minecraft, and World of Warcraft

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>tfw poorfag zoomer so our first console was the snes then we had the n64 well into 2010
good times

Because we all know that one day you will become us, and there is nothing you can do about it.

>PSP is in core zoomer

Holy crap. Thanks for reminding about this gem.
The battle against the Sky Captain was difficult as fuck.

WoW had a lot of great quest zones in classic that were removed entirely by dumb content designers. Western plaguelands was my favorite, total mess of a zone consistent with what you’d expect from scourge warfare

That's probably the Vita, not the OG PSP.

How was a snes cheaper than a ps2 with the retro craze of the mid 2000s?

>got into Minecraft in my late teens because I'm a loser autist
>only played solo
Feels good.

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Do kids these days still like dinosaurs?
Dinosaurs are cool.

it was my dad's

They like corporate-approve memes and climate activism.

this but unironically


tfw the older you get the faster time goes and the feels never end

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>there's eventually going to be that one outcast kid who grew up playing Metal Gear Rising, and will never ever relate with the next wave of kids
I don't know who they are out there, but I feel their pain.

batman brave and bold was not for the kids, it's nostalgia fluid for 80-90's grown ass man-child

get out zoomer

Late GenX was the shit.

no shut the fuck up there's no fucking way

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Yes. I have 2 kids that love dinosaurs. But sometimes they go on FNaF kicks too.

b r u h

>those finger skateboards
mmgh stop

after 2011 it stopped being fun

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>lego starwars
>why can't I hold all these droids
fuck I wish I could be one of those bicycle hat autismos that get to enjoy living the life of a child every day but I spend my time arguing on Yea Forums instead

I wish zoomers had this instead of spending all fucking day on twitter and spewing memes irl

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this is the shit right here, used to love to play with my legos in the bath tub too, and sometimes i'd go out and play in puddles after it rained, water was the best setting bros

>Core Millenial
>remember watching Gen X television
>don't recognise most of those Gen Y cartoons

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Joke's on you I was born in 92 and have nostalgia for the late 2000s/early 2010s. That was the real shit.
>emos/scene kids
>"I've had the time of my liiiife and I owe it all to youuuUUUuuu"

Except make sound life decisions, a novel idea to b***ers

Emo girls were so fucking hot. I pity the kids nowadays growing up around short-haired tumblr girls.

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I was born in 92 too and you're just a fag.

>people born in the 90's will consider themselves boomers soon

Because you're old, outdated and outmoded

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I had that exact set. It was the shit.

I bet the guy who created the image never created a castle that cool.

You sound like those le wrong generation faggots on youtube

Begone animeposter, you have no rights here

Yes, my nephew has one and they're annoying as shit.

Jesus fucking christ threads like this are why I'm really wishing someone with a brain would just come out and say what every sane person seems to realize at this point: people below the age of 14 should not be allowed on the internet and it should be highly regulated until some point around 16-18. Seriously, what the fuck. I doubt there's many people here above the age of 20 but if so, think back to the last conversation you had with an early teen. Why the hell would you ever want these people on the internet.

What's that below the clowns on the left? Forum signatures?

>early millenial
>all the tv shows and cartoons thanks to reruns and late genx older sibling
Strange feeling.

i strongly disagree. a themepark is still a themepark no matter how you dress it up.

zoom zoom zoom

How old

Beep beep
You are now old and dead
Nobody likes you
You will never be the cute anime girls you post

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Minecraft is better because it can be your oasis. Especially now with VR support, it can be a home away from home. Wish it wasn't so cubic. And that my friends played. It'd be cool to have a world we shared that my friends and their kids could visit

Ok, but what is a "lost machine"?

Who /bionicle/ here?

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Hiya zoomie

I guess.
I must've been around 10 when the first ones came out.

I was in on them first gen, but I didn't like the designs as they got more complex. Some of the bigger kits they released I would get for Christmas, but I can't remember the names of them, like that dinosaur thing with treads instead of legs.

Born 1990, family was into nerd shit though and I grew up with late Gen X more than anything, like DuckTales and the Goonies.

>No more MNOG kino
How can a flash game have so much soul...

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He's attempting what he thinks is trolling. You're probably born in 1990-91, which is not Gen Z.

I only remember the human-shaped ones that came in tubes.

The tubes were my favorite part, unique packaging is awesome.

Zoomers did nothing wrong.

>shitty extremely limited building game with poorly stylized cartoon graphics vs shitty extremely limited building game with poorly stylized cartoon graphics

So glad I grew up doing this

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I remember that we had to keep a quiet moment for 9/11 when I was in school
Nobody gave a flying fuck, even teachers were bored and then we went to eat.
Happy happy

top left > top right > 4th down on right >>>>>>>>>>>>everything else

I'm a 29 year old zoomer, neat

I never got this complaint. Even if you're a boomer who only likes games from the 90s, it's not like we're short on new games that ape the fuck out of old ones; there's probably more games of whatever type you like than ever, no matter what it is.

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LATE 90s
Put your fucking glasses on, you old bastard

loved this shit

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robot rage. the game itself is already dead and the game is replaced by shitty ripoff thats also dead.
although there are people that are working on a remake of the game (for free + no microtransactions) and even managed to plug in the old robot rage to a server so its possible to play it through the internet.

Imagine being such a Zoomer that you don't know what they mean.

You're 28... You can easily pass as a Dad living their childhood through their child. You'll be like half the people who buy Lego, so what's the problem?

I'm sorry my dementia also kicked in

>tfw cutting up your hands sword fighting with palm-stalks

Why did I have to become an adult.

are you retarded?

If you're the guy I replied to, I wasn't calling you a Zoomer. But I haven't ever seen a Zoomer use these in my lifetime.

oh my bad bro. I misinterpreted your post.

You're fine bruddah. I'm drunk, so I probs just typed it retardedly. So yeah, I'm retarded at the moment.

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The fuck is this?

do i need to be a boomer to have nostalgia for anything?
I just see all of this shit and the only thing that comes up is "yeah, that was nice"

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no you just have to be not a faggot

Nostalgia exists for people with shitty lives. If you're content in your life, you have no reason to want to go back.

We finally reach the timeline when Generation Z is nostalgic about the Internet they grew up in.
Wow time flies away i remember few years ago all the millenials being sorry that nobody would experience their amazing videogames,music and shows and now we have all the little shits doing the same thing

I'm a millennial, 94, and I have enough to be nostalgic about. Any of you niggas remember Crazy Bones? The original ones? Or Garbage Pail Kids.

I used to have my dad pick up Crazy Bones from CVS on his way home from work every couple of weeks. Super exciting for me every time I knew he was bringing them home, it was the only place in the area that sold them. I've never seen anyone else mention them before.

Oh look, a namefag trying to fit in. Hi, Zoomie.

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My god same. That's how I got mine lmao

Halo started it

TES IV: Oblivion is 13 years old

Mass Effect 1 is 12 years old

HoMM 3 is 20 years old

Starcraft 1 is 21 years old

2008 is as far away as 2030

>!1998 as 2040 and 1988 as 2050!

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If you grew up playing Minecraft, you're still a zoomer. Hate the break it to you kid.


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>That castle
Sure, buddy

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It's a tripfag you double nigger.

< crazy bones
Thank you! Wtf I couldn't think of that for the life of me, been months where it's on the tip of my tongue and i just couldn't make it out. Anyway, crazy bones were the shit. 29 year old, born 89.

Made me nearly puke from laughing so hard lmao. Saved. Quality burn.

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Other 92er here, agreed, why the fuck would you watch iCarly when you're a teen?

And 2009-2010 was the fucking worst, get to graduate highschool as soon as unemployment was at a high due to the recession, what a fucking great time!!!!!


>Got some bootleg chinese beyblades for Christmas one year
>Most of it's shit, but the pieces work with my regular beyblades
>Giant spiked metal middle piece in the kit
>My beyblade now weighs twice as much as any other kid's, and just destroys their beyblades
>literally, on two occasions
I think I still have it somewhere, but the ring busted. Kinda cool that they're still a thing.


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Ah fuck man, the lego aqua sets were the shit. Still got that base lying around. Used that thing for every single build as a kid

god i remember when i bought it on the old original site becuase it was shilled so hard here back when there was no survival mode. i think it was like 5, maybe 10 bucks.

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tu jerk off ter

They were my most played with shit for a long time. Could never really get people into them with me, I remember them every few years. Were they CVS exclusive or some shit?

>may as well have been born in 1999 for how slow my life is going
I fucked up.

Core Gen X = Late Gen X = Early Millennial > Core Millennial > Early Gen X > Late Millennial > Zoomer

Early Gen X there was too much uncertainty in designing shit and from Late Millennial on there was too much certainty.

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it kinda does though, megablocks is better than it was before but it still has huge fitment issues and consistency in style.

i got it for 99 cents when the servers fucked up, never figured out why but I wasn't asking questions.

Gas all zoomers

Garbage pail kids is from the 80s you fuck

This. So fucking much.

>building scenery out of lego
>instead of making a shit ton of vehicles and spaceships for your action figures and lego dudes to team up to fight your gundam models, using your house and imagination for the setting.
Fucking amateurs

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true shit but steve faggot apple jobs creating the first iphone with 3g and safari browser allowed all the true normie fags to infect the web

I'm right there with you bro. Summers were the best with Super Soakers and water balloons.

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Yeah. I remember back in 2010, Millennials on Retrojunk and Youtube rants were constantly acting like the late 00s-early 10s will never be nostalgic and were the downfall shit era and le 90s was better. i.e. Benthelooney was one of the biggest people doing this.

Now I laugh in 2019, seeing Gen Z now posting nostalgia for the teen sitcoms that Millennials bashed and said "would never be nostalgic".

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>tfw my parents bought me playmobiles instead
They were fun and all but they just don't compare.

That’s always the case in every generations

I don't understand anything about that picture, and its making me angry. Speak english zoomers, for your own sake.

I regret it

Okay nigger

2001 user here
I own pogs, N64 and Gameboy Color and didn't own a smartphone till last year
I'm born in le 'rong generation

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I grew up doing neither of those things, but I still respect Minecraft far, far more than I do Fortnite.


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Fortnite Battle Royale will not grow to be 10 years old.


millenials killed Yea Forums and zoomers will save it

Am I the only one who is still gathering with old friends to play vydia?

Yes you called?

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>tfw born too early to send degenerate poles to gas chambers

Would be bad if you were circumsized

christ I want to go back

>tfw 33.
>tfw when saw the rise and fall of the internet.
>tfw when i've been posting in this shithole since '07.
>tfw wife and kid.
>tfw entertainment for children is dog shit in comparison to what i had.
>tfw my kid has been watching the cartoons i grew up on and loves them.
>tfw gaming keeps getting dumbed down with each release.
>tfw they don't even sell full games anymore.
>tfw you can't have real conversations anymore without some type of disney analogy.
>tfw you can't have real conversations anymore without some type of trump shit.
>tfw when its all shit

>tries to be pedantic
>is still wrong
Minecraft entered beta in 2010. Before that it was in alpha, indev, infdev, etc.

Fucking hate being in the middle of y and z

If you don't remmebr 9/11 you're a zoomer

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I barely remembered shit when I was 5

>been posting in this shithole since '07.
>wife and kid.
How? It's not yours is it
lol cuck

as i get older, i get tired, and i don't have the passion for new popular games like i did in 2011 back when totalbiscuit was redpilling gamers on anti-consumer practices. i watch the zoomzooms play the fortnites and the apexes and get angry on the forums about the epic store and i see them as what they are, the next generation. they're taking up the mantle from us lazy fucks who are sick of having 5-page long arguments with retards on forums who never learn. zoomers will fight to save gaming from the doublezoomers, and so on the cycle continues forever. it's our duty to pass on what we know and what we've learned, to the zoomers so that they have the knowledge and motivation to carry the torch

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I want the world to be destroyed before the zoomer nostalgia turns a meme into a reality.

Aquasharkies the best.

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I'm not even american and I remember both so fuck off.

I feel like I'm a mixture of gen-x and early millenial, while I'm of the core millenial age.
Being the youngest of 3 truly gives you a variable childhood

>WoW 50th anniversary next year
Jesus lads...

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Because were old as fuck and should be focusing on our jobs and starting a family instead of playing video games well into your 30s.
You know like the generation before us did.

So glad I grew up doing this, not

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zoomer wojack memes are the pinnacle of cringe.

>Implying actual boomers would watch any twitch eceleb shite even total biscuit.
Hate to break it to you son but you're a zoomer

Too late

>>"I've had the time of my liiiife and I owe it all to youuuUUUuuu"
In 2018 that song came back in a commercial and I was like "wtf, we're in 2018 not 2009".

Boomers were born in the 40s/50s, kid.

God, why are you kids still using this fucking stupid term? It just shows your insane ignorance.

>twitch eceleb shite
>30 min videos going into detail about the scummy practices of corporations
you are the one who is the zoomer

I’ve been posting here for 15 years

this man, the 6 years from 14 to 20 took forever. but from 20 to 26 felt like it was just 1 year.

lol back to nursing home, grandpa

poor bait or >>>/reddit/

in order for nostaligia to kick in you must first have a desire to go back to earlier times, which usualy shows up when you aren't content with how your life is right now. I didn't have any nostalgia whatsoever until 2 years ago.

So people here who grew up in the late 90s-early 00s era are talking about how they're so old. But if they're old, then what does that make those who grew up in the 80s-early 90s? Ultra-dead ghosts?

At least nursing homes have good videogames
>the fucking objective goddamn truth is somehow bait or redditorshit
Child, just stop talking. You no longer are allowed to have a voice until you fucking stop being so goddamn stupid.


Fuck i remember having this one

>the fucking objective goddamn truth is somehow bait or redditorshit
Terms change and are subject to context. Memes like le boomer meme are just variations or twists on previous terminologies. Do you think that words and ideas aren't malleable, you complete autistic mong?

You're probably a fucking idiotic child who uses the word "literally" wrong.

>rural niggas be like

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>this thread
>you have no right for a nostalgia just because you were born later

You know what it's called? Discrimination.

I turned 24 on the 18th and it hurts even more because I've been a NEET for 7 years now.

But Halo is almost 20 years old?

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Okay, doofus. And I'm willing to bet that you don't understand the difference between prescriptivism and descriptivism.

>the difference between prescriptivism and descriptivism.
just googled them and did 30 seconds of reading, now i understand the difference. what now, fag?


When I was 25, I had been a NEET for 9 whole years. Then during the Christmas period, I applied for work at a nearby supermarket, and despite having the most embarassing and desperate interview imagineable I was given a little 12 hour a week job. Then they kept me on after Christmas and I'm still working there now. It's not nice to work in retail and people will call you lazy or stupid or whatever for only working such a small amount of time, but all of those things are true about people like you and me anyway, so it's better to be lazy and stupid and making money than to be lazy and stupid and not making money. I always post this when I see people who have been NEETs for as long as I was because I want to let you know it's possible even for us to get a job, you can do it and it will feel good to help your parents pay bills.

small steps. you can't go from glorious full-neet lifestyle to full time work just like that, your brain will explode. i just started a small course 2 hours a week, building up my ability to be outside slowly piece by piece. still no job but at least i can say 'yeah i'm doing study' when people ask so i can get them off my back about shit

It saddens me so much people grow up playing these garbage games these days while I grew up playing magnificent PS1 games that had so much soul in them. They will never know what a true good game is like.

boomer on the website 4channel.org doesn't only mean what it meant in a sociology class 20 years ago : + )

The same thing happened to me just a year before actually, I took a free adults math course just to put something on my CV. But the real point of it was to make me go outside and be around people, and to have to wake up at a normal time and be somewhere five days a week for six hours at a time. It was so horrible at first I almost quit it entirely after day one, but I stuck with it instead, and it helped me to have the courage to look for a job interview some months later. Stick with your course too, you can do it.

If you think 10 years is too much then you are still kid.

only fags didn't have this set, it was legokino

>tfw born to late to expel the G*erman filth back to their bombed out shithole

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'98 here with a cooler older sister from '95. Had all of her handmedowns, including her Playstation and Gamecube. Owned my own GBA at 4 years old, and had all the classics from those systems. Basically lived the memory of a late millenial, even if I'm technically an old zoomer.

Looking at all of the games we have now, including BR/Simulator games, only a few really noteworthy games stand out to me anymore in the current era (2015-2020). Looking back, I still think the golden age for console games that had the most soul and thought put into it would be the late 90's to the early 00's. There's hundreds of classics from that era, not including their sequels or ports/remakes. There's definitely a few games I have fond memories of when I was a child; The earliest I could remember from my childhood playing vidya was a 3-year-old me somehow beating Scorch from Spyro 3. Screamed like a little retard and got grounded from the Playstation but at least I beat a boss my sister couldn't.

21 currently, almost have my certification for my field of work, have a decent amount of money saved up from part-time, and i'm just counting down the days before I can finally move out from my parent's house. Pinching every penny that I can in hopes that I can save my sister from her personal bipolar hell as well, just so that she can be at least stable, since she was a huge part in my childhood as well.

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It's not anywhere different from how CoD/FIFA normies were in the past, just ignore them and play your actual games

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so this is what they meant

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Yes lad, pure kino

Don't do this to me, even Valve has forsaken dedicated servers at this point

Not alone bud.
We meet up on bank holidays from all over the country.
Never let go user.

This is what it's like to feel.
It hurts.

Minecraft was created by a plagiarist and alt-right sympathiser Notch.

Fortnite was created by a well established video game company that will soon be the biggest distribution platform for gaming.

My nigga

ok zoomer

>Alt right
Your words don't work here faggot

Mediocre bait

oh no they'll tell you their matchmaking servers are dedicated but what they wont tell you is only they're allowed to host them and you have to play by their rules

why is that that the leftists collectively only like the things which are nothing but cancerous?

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>me having childhood good
>younger having childhood bad
off yourself op.

I remember discovering Minecraft with Yea Forums when it was just Alpha, and showing it to the friends I just made in uni who were like "What he fuck is this shit" but got addicted anyway.
Jesus fuck im getting old.

I remember getting hyped for Oblivion when I was a teen and nearly crying because my computer couldn't run it at the time.
Where did these years go ?

Aaw shit nigga that was my favourite lego of everything I had.

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Fucking based

>being nostalgic for playing minecrafta
>not wurm
begone you zoomer

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I also remember the Bionicles... the original 6, holy shit I just loved that shit


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>minecraft LPs
Yeah that is a SOLID fucking YIKES from me. Please go back to facebook/twitter/reddit, or wherever you zoomers hang out online.

BinG bing waHOO

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Im 28 friendo

Pokemon card packs. The artwork used to put me into another world. Loved it, dank GRIME DARK sexy. Then showing kids around the block what cards you got after coming home form the supermarket with your mum and dad.

I'm 27 this month and I've been here since 2009.

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Watergate? You mean whitewater? Either way it’s the Challenger disatster.

>Read this
>Check Lego website
>Bionicle is fucking dead for good

Just kill me then

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Holy shit that so nostalgic, seeing 9/11 with marbles and pokemon cards. Damn those days were so fukin cool and adventurous/devious, with friends and girls hanging out doing stuff, going to each our houses seeing what stuff we had.

Fuck, didn't even know there was a second generation of Bionicles apparently

Yeah, I have no idea what happened to when I was 10-20
It was going so slowly
And now it's gone suddenly
And it's just getting faster
Feels like I turned 23 just yesterday but I'm already about to be 24

There were like 6 generations, each progressively worse

>tfw third world shithole so stuff gets in at least a decade too late

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No I mean, apparently Bionicle stopped in 2009, then it started again in 2015 and failed miserably

I liked the toa mata and toa metru.
Shit began to hit the fan with hordika.
I just checked some sets that i didn't even know existed. There were fucking underwater scuba diving toas wtf is this shit

the mouse wanted it to fail so they could sell star wars figures which sold even worse

I fully accepted my boomerdom and the passage of time, I'll be on here in my wheelchair when kids have nostalgia for the golden days of Playstation 10 and Xbox Muhammad.

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Authentic and heterosexual.

Post your first bionicles lads
Pic related

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MW2 came out in NOVEMBER 2009

My first ever was Toa Lewa, but my favourite was the toa Metru green one, don't remember his name

I always found these ones quite cool, never had one though

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Best ones in my opinion, solid colors, not overdesign, interresting masks that covered the side of the head

I am so glad I didn't grew up with either of those two trash games. I grew up with amiga and snes games. Thank god. Super Mario world, Yoshis Island, Zelda III, Zelda Ocarina of Time, Street Fighter 2, Super Probotector, Axelay, Demons Crest, Syndicate, Sam & Max, Actraiser, Super Bomberman 2, Virtua Fighter 2 and the list goes on. Also the best animes were released when I was a kid. The best adult animes too and I got them all.

A bronze/brown one with pinsir claws.
I don't remember their names or anything.

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fucking based bionicle posters

you ever play the new rpg fan game?


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No but I did see a couple of the films :^)

Gaming and based gaming culture died with the release of the Xbox 360 and the ps1/ps2 era was the greatest era for gaming, hard facts

Probably carapar

>everybody born after 1995 shouldn't be able to post on Yea Forums

God I wish I still had these. I can practically feel them in my hands, smell the plastic.

I played classic multiplayer for free and it was damn great, bought the teal version on the old site soon afterwards.

If you weren't born in the 80s, you should fuck off.

>oh boy, he said wife and kid
>now I can use my favorite word!

Unplug your keyboard you meme polluting cancer spreading waste of oxygen

>only people born between 1994 and 1996 should be able to post on Yea Forums

Only people born between 2005 and 2006 are posting on Yea Forums by the state of these posts.

>only people born in the year 2025 should be able to post here

>born 2000
>grew up playing super Mario and Chinatown wars on DS and San Andreas
No ragrets

Underwater lego was the SHIT. I had the orange faction submarine.

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Neo-zoomers are the worst

>9/11 isn't a good thing

No, that looks different. It was probably in the original line.

>Also get rid of 9/11, that's not a good thing.

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What is the zoomer's 9/11?
It seems like they grew up with muslim terrorism as the norm.

>finger skateboard
peak autism, do kids these days even play with physical toys? I know I wouldn't with all the vidya available

Fidget spinners I guess.

Everyone gets to be nostalgic about the games they grew up with but for me the first console my dad got me was some piece of shit pong machine where the graphics were these sheets of plastic you taped to your TV. Video games from when i was a kid sucked. I think the best time for video games was the 90s probably.

Fuck HiRez