SMT Thread

This Ubergestalt appears and blocks your path. What will you do?

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fuse demons

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Thats one doomed space marine.

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Pledge my allegiance to humanity.

Why would he block my path? We're on the same side.

Spam Beast Eye followed by Makakaja and Megidolaon.

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Hug him, shed a tear and tell him I'll do my best to protect our kin while he slowly disappears.

But I'm a neutralchad, why would be stop me?

So what kind of plot elements do you hope to see in SMT V?
Do you want a slowburn to hell like DeSu and SMT1?
Do you want a fucking isolated wasteland like Nocturne.
Or a post apocalyptic society like SMT2 and SMT IV?
I am hoping for the first one.

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I say the N word

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Use the powers of the Cosmic Egg and surpass him as the supreme Ubergestalt.

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Definitely slow burn. Having a 5 hour sequence in the beginning dedicated to living a normal life and then watching the world go to shit would be Kino again.

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"boutta-make-psx-smt-translated" user reporting in from /smtg/

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The main characters of SMT V look a lot like Kaneko designs to me. Has there been any confirmation who's the artist?


What the fuck do you think? I waste that retard so I can meet up with my best friend Mastema and wipe Chaosfags off the continent in the name of YHVH.

Probably Doi

You underestimate the amount of free time on my hands.

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Are you really going to translate it or are you fucking with people.

I do not believe you.
It will be another gideon case at best.

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Not fucking with people, it's genuinely even in my own interest to get this fucking thing properly translated, it may take fucking years for all I know but someone's gotta get it done. If it's me, so be it.
You're free to suspend your belief, but if people can figure this shit out for the SNES of all things, I'm sure I can slap it together for a PSX rom.

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Its definitely Kaneko's design, but Doi is the one who makes the art for the most of the games right now. Which is fine compromise.

Or maybe Doi just got better/tried to go for a kanekovibe.

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I'll believe it when I see it.

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Neutral+ is pretty cool since Space Marine becomes a moon-living Doomguy who fucks up the Schwartzwelt and also got to go balls deep in Lucifer.

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>current year
>not siding with law

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>being a lawcuck

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I am akways down for some chaos.

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Made for thighjobs.

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Keep licking YHVH's boot, pal.

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Step aside losers

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Sasuga the reincarnation of dad

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Turn 360 and rape Zelenin.

Based and dare I say it, pillerpilled

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> /smtg/...

Join him

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That this is still alive?

Pure autism