Thoughts? Glad that Jim is making a comeback after all these years, just wish the game would be in consoles people actually owned though
Thoughts? Glad that Jim is making a comeback after all these years, just wish the game would be in consoles people actually owned though
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He's in.
Finding out the creator of this series was a fundamentalist will never not be weird to me
> Earthworm Jim gets a new game for some reason
> Banjo-Kazooie is still dead
Why even live
Back to your smash thread in /vg/
It's odd yeah, you wouldn't expect a fundie to have the kind of creativity needed for such an oddball world. I've read some of his newer graphic novels and they're possibly even weirder.
What if the Intellivision Amico actually ends up being good? Will it inspire more companies to get into the console business like Sega did in the early 90s?
the cartoon was better than the games anyway
Sega made consoles before the Mega Drive you dumb zoomer
Isn't the new game exclusive to Intellivisions new console?
Eh, there a couple like that.
Don Bluth and the guy that wrote Ender's Game too, I believe.
Their first console was hardly a threat to Nintendo's dominance. The Genesis is what inspired a slew of admittedly mostly shit consoles that died out within a year or two. Those consoles did push Nintendo and Sega to innovate in terms of their hardware though so good did come from them indirectly.
Bluth is a chill fellow though
He's avoided the controversial shit Doug and Card got into
Thats a shame. Might splurge anyway.
who cares. new game when?
Yea Forumsmblr SEETHING
Next year.
On the Intellivision Amico.
fundamentalism is just the tip of the tennapel iceberg
The what?
Realistically the game's were just a vehicle to launch the cartoon and toyline, bit you're right it really was better
Those controllers are... interesting.
racist. bigot. transphobe.
do not support this hateful toxic man.
Being a hardcore conservative is the least of his problems. TenNapel is just fucked in the head.
Nothing wrong with that. Crazy people can sometimes be the most creative.
probably. for some reason somewhat remember the cartoon but not the games.
Where does the racist part come from?
I know he doesn't approve of LGBT stuff and evolution
Earthworm Jim hasn't even aged well, why continue this series? Gross out humor died after the 90's
Based on what exactly? Don't say Earthworm Jim, that's just dad humor.
Seems like Doug is a pretty based guy then not to bend over too the SJW soicucks.
Gay dude said he wanted to punch him in the mouth, Doug said just don't have any open sores. Guess which one everyone cried about?(and this was like 2012)
Prove it.
He's none of those things. He just doesn't support gay marriage. And given his Christian views, that's not at all surprising.
Holy fuck, sick burn. Can't say he didn't deserve the bantz.
I still don't get why they're making it on that platform.
Probably because Intelevision funded it
Tommy Tallarico (the composer of the old games) owns Intellivision. Made some kinda deal to have it be a killer app.
This is a forum thread. I said "prove it." Which forum poster is him exactly?
Who's the target audience for Amico?
The Master System did very well for what the gaming market was in the 80s, Nintendo owned basically 90% of the companies in exlusivity contracts, MS literally only had Sega games, it's a amazing and underrated console that derserves more credit than what is given to him.
Still though, how many people do even own the goddamn thing? Even making it a mobile app would be a more financially sound investment.
"Families". They already said it won't have any games rated above E-10.
No one does yet. Its over a year away.
Frankly, we should hope it never leaves development or the launch bombs spectacularly enough for them to port it.
Typical liberal. Willing to smear a man with nothing but conjecture and "HE'S A WRONG THINKER, I DON'T NEED PROOF OF REAL WRONGDOING"
none of them, it's just more people saying he's toxic, which is more than actual evidence could ever prove
Wasn't Intellivision dead?
Yes. Guess Tommy got it for cheap.
i have seen Doug TenNapel on a few livestrems on rekitalaws channel. seems like a really nice guy.
He posted on Yea Forums once and answered some questions. Swell guy.
Yeah, although they stated both the console and the games will be super cheap (iir it's 180 bucks for the console and between 3 and 8 bucks per game) to appease the casual crowd, so who knows.
You have to be a little crazy to come up with EWJ
While his games suck, Earthworm Jim is one of the best character designs in History.
Of course CD-era Sonic is the top dog there.
you check your cis privilege right now shitlord
Sometimes I wonder if this place is thick with the usual irony, or if the outside world that un-apologetically thinks like this wandered in.
The man is a psychotic bigot.
So is Amico-tan's gonna be console war Christchan
>Earthworm Jim
You best watch your tongue.
Holy shit it's that cheap? Why are people complaining that the game is exclusive then? Seems like a steal to me honestly, especially the game prices.
You keep saying this, but never elaborate. What else is there?
Or Gear. Or The Neverhood. Or Project GEEKER.
>there's a new Jim game on the way
>it's exclusive to a console I didn't even know was being developed
>if it never ends up getting ported to anything else I'll probably never play it
I guess that's life.
Doug is a goofy guy
The Cat Scratch trio was originally from a violent comic involving war and death with Christian undertones
Bounce the puppies nigger I fucking dare you, do it for 10 minutes of your life you have to.
I meant "his" as in Earthworm Jim, I have no opinion on Neverhood.
GEEKER was TenNapel? I guess it really does feel like it.
>I meant "his" as in Earthworm Jim
I maintain 1 is good. But with 3D on his resume and 2 being a little lackluster, I guess I can let that slide.
Oh boy. Time to watch some Earthworm Jim.
Also, Planeta de Aqua.
Tennapel and Doug Langdale, yes. The same two guys who made the Jim cartoon.
You might know Langdale better as the creator of Dave the Barbarian.
149-179 $ for the console, 2.99-7.99 $ per game.
Mind you, it probably gonna have a huge catalogue of Intellivision/Atari roms, but still, it seems fine so far to me. Tommy Talarico has been amazing with the marketing, he really wants to sell this product like a used car salesman would do.
Look at it this way. It's being leveraged to sell a system so it's probably just a name brand roped in to sell units. If it's actually a good game, it will probably be ported because his current parent company is desperate to keep Jim relevant so they can sell it off for a higher pricetag. If they haven't already.
In other words, if it really is worth our time, we'll get that chance.
Was there a single time where the manta shield was worthwhile? Most players probably didn't even know how to do it.
When you needed to answer the game show question about it.
The person he said those "hateful statements" about was a kotaku author who has never done a single piece of actual journalism in its life. He said nothing wrong.
Literally dead on arrival, i'm not surprised if they port it to more popular consoles if the Amico flops
I still don't understand what was the thought process for Tommy when making the music. Or what drugs was he doing at the time.
>"So we have this sequence in a barren wasteland where Psycrow is throwing Peter Puppy's children and Jim has to save them by bouncing them on a marshmallow"
>"I know, i'll just put some tarantella napoletana, why the fuck not."
But it know...cost ya.
He was chilling. puppies and some weird worm in a space suit. yea fuck it.
Jim 2 music is kino.
I'm one of those generic presidents they use on tv to keep shows from becoming dated.
Fuck off
I feel like this should come in handy in this board.
People like you are the reason why the gaming industry is fucked up
I can do what I want.
>(I am my suit back for please)
Everything Langdale worked on is gold.
>watched a documentary on EWJ and Tenapel just earlier today
>He was talking about how sad it was to not letting Jim realize his new potiential
Man what time line did I slip into?
I think he doesn't wash his hands for some religious reason? But that could've been just a joke. Listening to him on his youtube podcast it's clear that while he has strong beliefs, he's also very respectful to other people's beliefs. He has atheists and mormons friends who also appear as guests there, and they all talk about religion with him without ever creating an uncomfortable atmosphere. He even has a 'policy' of not end friendships based on ideology or past deeds, so he's even friends with far-left people like Maddox.
So, overall, he's kinda a really cool guy.
Fun fact: On the Sega CD Special Edition release, there are several codes that will change Jim's head. One of these alternate heads appears to be Donkey Kong's with an arrow through it. This was a stab at the first Donkey Kong Country, which was perceived as overshadowing the release of Earthworm Jim
dont you hate it when your women lose sex appeal once a cow hits them?
Doug is a cool guy don't be mean
>Banjo is almost exclusively linked to smash faggotry now
I hate all of you.
DKC had a jab back at Jim, didn't it? Wasn't there a red gun near the trash or something?
Boogerman and Clayfighter when?
It's time to dilate
Honestly, this is a compliment in hindsight since it kinda does suggest Jim was that big back then to warrant that jab with Sonic
>(Mexican fanfare) Arriba!
>burr hurr who cares
kill yourself
Jim absolutely was a big deal back then. If only he had a successful transition to 3D, who knows how many titles he'd be up to by now?
Would your prefer my true form?
>Jim is Gordon Freeman
That's The Great Worm Spirit, you dope.
He saved my life in the 'nam.
Christ, I forgot the cartoon existed. I'd even swear I'd never watched it. But seeing the random shots from the show is suddenly bringing back memories and has me questioning just how much shit from my childhood have I forgotten.
I've done that with a few shows I was reminded of thanks to Yea Forums. But I'm surprised you forgot Jim. He still comes up time to time after all.
>There are people on Twitter trying to turn Jim into a trans icon
Considering the original game took potshots at evolution, odds of the new game taking potshots at trans shit?
EWJ 3D had a final boss that was female Jim, called Earthworm Kim.
That would be extremely based
Was the final boss pig surfing yet again? FUCK those stages.
That was made by a different team and Kim was just Jim's feminine part of his psyche
I never got past the fry cook alien boss and his teleporting bullshit.
When was the last time Doug made something good?
His work on Veggietales was mediocre and blasphemous
Would a game like Earthworm Jim even sell today, or are people tired of the whole " LUL SO RANDOM" humor?
All is right with the world
I hated the Psycrow battle so much that when I reached the fry cook and saw the pig again I said "fuck it" and quit. Thankfully it was a rental.
>new game is only on a console that's DOA
>comic is only on indiegogo
Jim is pure product of the 90's. Random humor was more accepted back when every sorry sap with a webcomic wasn't already doing it.
Plus there's the "edge" angle. Jim being badass in promo art was also very much a thing of the times, being parodies of comics and Liefield and whatnot. I miss the fusion of wacky and cool, tbqh.
Personally, I'd rather have a complete reboot of EWJ seeing the series hasn't been touched for years in the vein of Rayman Origins/Legends.
Should I buy the Steam Pack? I don't want 3D and it's 19.99 for the whole package.
>paying $20 for games from the mid 90s you can just emulate
Unfortunately, expensive formerly major properties rarely end up in the best hands for them. I'm not even sure who owns Jim anymore.
Another show that had Death as a semi regular appearance.
Interplay last I checked but they were on life support
>20 bucks a fucking pop
No thank you.
You can get the 1+2 combo on GOG for just 10 bucks, if you would rather not pirate.
Supposedly they sold it in 2016. The fact Jim has a new game getting made supports that theory.
He just wanted to show dying people the way to limitless frozen yogurt, but everybody keeps screaming and panicking at him. Poor guy doesn't even get to have any of that yogurt.
Take a look again. It's 20 bucks/euro for a 3 game package.
Nope. If you watched his show you'd know better and not say ignorant vitriol like that.
Not an argument. You're already proving your own bigotry by hating Doug.
whatever you say, heterophobe
Close, but no cigar
Oh, that's more acceptable. Are there really no steam reviews? I'd make sure it's the special edition if I were you. The new stages were cool.
Quick look at discussions has threads talking about how the games 1 and 2 are played through DOSBox with supposedly tiny ass screen.
DOSBOX isn't so bad. The games were made for a 16-bit console originally, anyways.
Less levels, so its not special edition thingy.
Damn. Well, it's not a dealbreaker if you haven't played the games before. It's just 2 stages.
Big Bruty is an interesting level about baiting a big blind monster into chasing you. But it won't change your outlook on the game.
What's her name again?
She cute.
You might still want to consider buying the games from GOG. There is a pack containing just 1+2 for 8,89 and 3D on its own costing another 8,89.
Totaling at cheaper 17,78.
That's in Euros, mind you.
So it's DOA, huh? Good to know.
Like, how do you make a mistake like that? Even Nintendo has M-Rated games.
She and Dark Queen both gave me a latex fetish.
Lucky you didn't get inflation/fat fetish.
Yeah. Yeah I suppose that is fortunate.
I really wish there were more game comics out there. Sometimes it seems like Choose Your Adventure games are the only ones allowed to get one nowadays.
We still have Sonic at least
Fucking Psy-Crow. Who knew he did what he did because he was in 'Nam.
>That episode where he becomes Hyper Psy-Crow
No physical, no buy.
I want an Earthworm Jim game with the same atmosphere and lighting as the actual artwork
If you're into manga there are a ton of adaptions of video games.
Zoomer cunts detected
Why was I included? Hell, I said I miss it.
I never could understand why the music that plays at the beginning of Buttville (The Descent) didn't play throughout the entire level. That tune was amazing. Then it changes to some random staticky wholly forgettable bullshit!
>You can't enjoy this game because it's from the 90s and doesn't have Fortnite dances in it!
I fucking hate zoomers so much
Not zoomers, just butthurt trannies who hate on Doug
And the person he so vicously "attacked" was that tranny kotaku "writer" who's never written anything of value and if memory serves whined about Ivy still being sexy in SC6.
Literally deserved the insult.
>Hm...Detroit? No...
What's haggis?
So how big of a push is Jim gonna get from them?
Remember Comcept?
Just because people were talented back then doesn't mean they have adjusted for today
Don't buy any version of Earthworm Jim, they're not worth it.
The ones on Steam and GOG are the godawful DOS ports, if you want a good time with either game, play the Sega CD or Windows 95 version of Special Edition, and I guess shoot for the Saturn version of the second game. The second game really has no "definitive" version, but they're all easy enough to emulate, so don't go throwing your cash away on the second-worst ports, just above the horrific GBA ports.
Only the heart, liver, and lungs of a sheep that's been boiled in its own stomach.
also Doug or the original team doesn't see a cent of any currently available version of EWJ, it all goes to fund Interplay's life support
The HD version is bad?
The new stuff isn't very good, the new graphics aren't that great, and it cuts some levels.
I might have given it a try if it was releasing on a system any human being might conceivably have.
If this was a deliberate decision to make as weird of a choice as the games are then kudos I guess, except that doesn't do much good when this decision means literally nobody will play it.
It's not even a complete version of the game, anything new is superfluous and stupid, and everything old is made obviously worse.
Special Edition is still the best.
It was made by Gameloft who is notoriously shady and only really makes mobile shit, and had an actual level about memes in it
It doesn't justify it, but at least Keyboard Cat is not the worst meme they could have chosen.
Also, the game was full of stolen art assets. Jim's HUD icon was taken from former fanart.
Well done.
Fuck you Boogerman is kino
>Bubsy came back due to the Chinese
>MediEvil came back due to a twitter movement
>Earthworm Jim is back to shill a doa console
>Plok is sort of back since he has had a webcomic by the original creators
I remember playing a version for the DSi where they had a face-photo minigame that you could spam limitlessly for power-ups.
Playing EWJ made me feel very melancholic, even as a kid. There was something eerie about it, something that didn't make the game feel alive, and while I had fun with it, but it just wouldn't leave my mind for a while because I was satisfied but also weirded out at the same time.
What the fuck are you talking about? Earthworm Jim was interactive and animated as fuck. Few games felt as dynamic and alive as it. This was Shiny at their prime.
Plok is one of the only IPs actually owned by the creator due to a legal fuckup by the publisher.
Which means of course Plok will never get another game, because they'd have to pay the creator royalties.
Yeah, I really can't put my finger on it. It was like I was playing a fun nightmare, if you get what I mean. It was great while I was playing it, but thinking about it afterwards just made the game look weirder and weirder. There were just so many hellish or impossible landscapes.
Really? Did not know that.
Talk about a lucky accident. Not that it'll get Plok a new game, but at least it ensures nobody can fuck him over unless the Pickfords want it.
Alright, yeah, Jim was surreal as fuck. I can see getting weird impressions from it.
But will it have SOUL
>It's a "Realize that a super iconic character only had 1 good game" episode
Why does this keep happening to me lately. First Duke Nukem, then Starfox, and now Jim