Discover a new area

>discover a new area
>there's literally nothing in it

How does Nintendo get away with it?

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>a village is nothing

Yeah I spent about 20 hours running around in that game finding new areas that had nothing except enemy reskins that took more hits. Let's go back to the old formula next time Nintendo

but dude there's another korok seed right there

>he doesn't look for chests
>he doesn't search for koroks
>he doest search for rare food
>he doesn't enjoy the scenery

also that village gives you a bunch of quest

the real thing is, seething about this game 2 years later, how does Yea Forums get away with it?
at least talk about the useless and dull shrines

more content was added to doom after that 2016 review.

>5 tents and 5 npcs
even skyrim's bandit outposts are bigger

>walk/climb 2 miles
>get attacked by slime or skeletons
>lift a rock
>korok seed
>there's 900 of these
Quality content.

still not literally nothing

Oh wow lets go over there
>goes over there
Oh wow whats the point nobody to talk to for quests or interesting people to tell me some lore about it its just me and a bunch of savage niggers i need to kill in this world, 10/10 BOTW is my first open world game

what content constitutes 14 more fucking points? and no, I will not accept portability since that shit comes with a price, such as small screensize making shit more difficult to see, and lower fps, both of which impact gameplay. So where's the 14 points coming from?

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There are several quests in that village, there's Kilton's monster shop at night, there are cool little fishing spots, there's a minigame, rare ingredients, a shrine...

And that's considered one of the emptier villages in the game and there's already more content than what you'd find in most Zelda villages. You little shits are literally never satisfied with this series. It doesn't matter what they do at this point.

Arcade mode and portability :)

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seriously wtf? You'd have thought the shitposters would have gotten tired at this point. What is it about this game that causes so much negativity?

lol based

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I don't know, ask the dudes that reviewed them. Pretty sure they were reviewed by different people as well, which should be taken into account.

This is payback for 2004


it was supposed to be a better Zelda game for the new age
instead it makes Skyward Sword look like a masterpiece and Yea Forumstards defend it to this very second because
>muh korok seed
>muh interactive mechanics
>dude climbing
>dude vaults
that's why

rent free

Welcome to open world games, everyone gets away with it. They're all this shitty

>two different reviewers have two different opinions
>hurr bonus points
imagine being this much of a faggot

Attached: nu-doom metascores.png (855x1360, 1.21M)

>2016 review main complaint is multiplayer
>this is improved over the next year
what a mystery

It doesn't exist, and you're underage if you think it seriously does. Doesn't that port have gyro aiming? That immediately makes it superior to every other non-PC version

No idea about the general shitposting on here but I've only got to play it recently. It just doesn't offer the usual Zelda gameplay to me - you get all of your important abilities once you finish the plateau and then you're let loose on the entire empty as fuck overworld.
I didn't finish the game, I quit after doing two divine beats - the zora and goron ones - so if it suddenly became great afterwards, I've probably missed out, but I doubt it. Part of why I liked Zelda games was the exploration, seeing how you cannot pass through certain obstacles and returning when you were able to. This was pretty much nonexistant in BotW. The divine beast dungeons being boring and generic as fuck didn't help either.

>different reviewers give different scores
Mind posting the metacritic average for Doom now?

If that's the case then the original reviews need to be adjusted to the new opinion then. Makes no fucking sense to have different reviewers for the same game on different platforms and have that big of a disparity. Shit like that can fuck over sales on the initial platforms. God I fucking hate IGN.

side quests are a tedious chore and rewards are useless

>If that's the case then the original reviews need to be adjusted to the new opinion then
I agree, but sadly this is not standard practice and I don't think any game journos ever do this.

if you're gunna split hairs that much you may as well say this about any adventure game

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>getting assblasted because reviews are worse for your platform of choice due to different review dates
A review is no work in progress but a momentary look at the game. There's no point in re-reviewing games after each patch.

Invalid point if it's released on a new platform. If the new version has been patched into the old platforms, then update all the reviews.

american journalist gargle nintendo semen so Bonus point for their main franchises is expected , sky is blue two + two is four and europe and america like to gargle nintendo semen

This is bullshit. Witcher 3 did more for the genre than Zelda ever will.

I for one hope developers will always care about things like story, characters, world building and quests. You can like Zelda if you must but its a terrible RPG and empty world.


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At that point nobody but seething scorefags like you will care. It's not like it actually matters if it's a 7.8 or a 8.2 or a 7.4 a year after the release.

what did witcher 3 do for the genre?

post combat gif,bet the combat will shut up the haters

>literally the best shrine in the game
>literally nothing

not him but, they made an actual world with a story and made it seem alive with good combat and enemy variety unlike Breath of the Sõy

>Witcher 3 did more for the genre than Zelda ever will.
well a senior designer of TW3 disagrees with you in that article.
>Both Plich and Damien Monnier, senior designer on The Witcher 3 at CD Projekt RED [...] emphasised the independence Nintendo fosters in the game's players. "Breath of the Wild has managed to bring classic open world mechanics together while not relying on them to guide the player through its world," said Monnier. "You go and explore it because you wonder what's out there, not because a loot icon tells you to."

Actually I no longer play games on release because they are all broken pieces of shit.
These days if you want the true experience it takes months of patching.

Obviously by then Yea Forums and most of the gaming community has moved on so there is no point in doing a new review.

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>witcher 3
>good combat
>enemy variety

Witcher 3 did nothing for anything, RPG-wise it's thinner than Skyrim. It has a few memorable quests and that's it. Crafting is shit, minigames are shit, loot is shit, level balance is more fucked up than I've ever seen before, it's bland.

>good combat
You use swords and that's it, less weapon variety than BotW
>enemy variety
Human enemies are all the same, same goes for many monsters. There are some unique boss monsters
>seem alive

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>good combat and enemy variety
Yeah no

Too obvious.

:((((( Please stop posting this, it makes me not want to continue shitpistong this game into eternity

>wii u

Because in every other open world that applies to the entire map

is zelda cool with labo VR?

>several quests
You mean the one where they tell you to sail a ship to a rock formation where you get 100 rupees or the one where you kill some bokoblins for an equally worthless reward?
>Kilton's monster shop at night
Literally every town has that. He doesn't even sell anything useful.
>fishing spots
Too bad the game doesn't have fishing and you can get fish pretty much anywhere.
>a minigame
You mean a stupid rupee gambling game with no unique rewards and therefore no reason to play it.
>rare ingredients
The only rare ingredient in the game is dragon parts.
>a shrine
Literally every town has that.

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I haven't played it but reviews are terrible.
With some straight up claiming the switch cannot play the game at a stable rate whatsoever when its turned on.


also, this game lets you chill around with great ambient music, cook some good meals and just fuck around
I grew up with Zelda, I started playing it with my mom and we had fun with dungeons, puzzles and side quests

this one, well it's the most solitary playthrought I've ever did for a Zelda game
it was different, but it was also a very personal experience, some shrines are cool but they feel like Layton's puzzles

MM was a totally different game, Wind Waker was funnier to play TP was dark and edgy and SS was, well I don't remember much about that, I should probably replay it

lmao, nintensoy utterly destroyed

Finding the cutscenes was cool, zelda was actually a distinct character with personality in a game for once, barring windwaker.

>that content isn't content because i said so

alright bro

>side quests are a tedious chore
Never played an Elder Scrolls game?

>Didn’t finish the game
You’re opinion is worthless

Imagine still getting assblasted about a 2 year old game. Y I K E S
You know it's a masterpiece when Yea Forums still talks about it 2 years after it's release

If you go to that smoke plume you'll find a girl who wants to make it to Eventide Island to do the whole challenge thing there.

To this day I feel like there's a quest there, but I don't think there is. It makes me wonder why she's even there. She doesn't really serve a purpose. I was already planning on taking a raft to Eventide Island to check it out. I didn't need her telling me it's a cool place.


More than two years later and you can't get over the Game Of The Generation.


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Imagine thinking rdr2 has soul
my fucking sides

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>I will not accept portability

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GOTY 2017
G̶O̶T̶Y̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶8̶


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Does someone have a conglomerate list of every object humanity has gotten DOOM to run on? It runs on a fucking printer, for fucks' sake.


They're just following Farcry's example.


Streaming an emulator to your phone from your PC 2 feet away is not "portability".


all these fuckin idiots showing critics numbers instead of actual players reviews because it fits their agenda fucking KEK

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Does anyone have that ima-
oh, never mind. Perfect.

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The “Spear working like a fucking spear” one or the
“If you bum rush an enemy who has a strong weapon while you have low health expect to get your shit pushed in” one?
That’s literally expected from literally any video game

Fav town in the whole game so chill wish there had been a fishing rod damnit

Comes with the price of an extra 14 points.
Cope harder.

So you mean portability is when you can show others that you're a manchild?

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>What is it about this game that causes so much negativity?

Yea Forums just can't let it go. This isn't about BotW being rated or Game Of The Generation or whatever. It runs deeper than that.

This is all about the humiliation this board suffered at the hands of Nintendo. After nearly a year-long hate campaign of shit posting, cherry picking screenshots and flat out spreading lies, Yea Forums attempted everything in it's power to belittle the game and Nintendo's new console.

You could audibly hear their jaws drop in absolute fucking horror when BotW turned out to be one of the best games of all time, single-handedly turned the Switch into a massive overnight success and proved once again that Nintendo were at the cutting edge of game design.

BotW was so monumentally good it made every other open world game seem irrelevant overnight and made an absolute mockery of every other developer using "high-end hardware".

Mario Odyssey was just as critically appraised but the saltyness from that game cuts nowhere near as deep into Yea Forums's psyche like BotW.

They'll never get over the trauma of getting BTFO by Nintendo in the most hilarious way possible. That's why they've spent more than TWO FUCKING YEARS trying to rationalise the whole affair in their minds.

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>start playing game and exploring
>find first secret
>"Oh shit, I wonder what this is! Could it be a lore changing find?!"
>"Oh...its a Kurok seed? Okay, I do need more equipment slots."

>find second secret
>"Another secret! Cant wait to see what this is--oh...a shrine? Alright..."

>find third secret
>"Aw geez, I wonder what this is. Yep, another Kurok seed. How fun..."

And thats pretty much how my playthrough with that game went. Just got more disappointed by the hour.
Can't believe theres actually "people" out there who claims that is a 10/10 game...

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First four hours I was exploring were great, until I realized there wasn't anything new across most of the map. Just random clusters of monsters, neat things to look at, shrines.

I love when shitters say "shrine" as if its one singular thing rather than 1/100 completely unique subterranean challenges, puzzles or assault course.

>playing Super Mario World
>oh look I've uncovered an other level. How fun.

That switch version ran at an average fps below 25 and looked like warmed over shit.

There's no added benefits that justified that.

Why do people still post laughable memes like this? Why can't you make an argument without lying?

Salty moron. I guess its to be expected from idiot children.

I have the Switch port and it sucks but those are by two different reviewers.

Feels like Just Cause

I wanna know how literally any modern open-world game gets away with having all this space with nothing in it.

Even after hardcore review bombing BOTW still has an 8.6
RDR has a 4

It was fun watching this board implode back then.

Nobody pretends any of the Just Cause games are anything more than sandbox games with recycle content at least.

I also love Mario
Odyssey reminded me why this Fat Italian faggot is worth almost 40 billion dollars


You’re build on

i thought this game was ok but nothing amazing. the open world was incredibly boring. i really think nintendies praised it so much because they have never played an open world game before

I wish there was better lore beyond "remember thing from old game" especially since they never go any further than that
>Great Plateau is clearly OOT Hyrule raised above the rest of the world and surrounded by a cloud barrier
>that alone sets it up for an interesting backstory and history but it stops at "oh yeah this is old Hyrule"

Buzzwords: the image

>falling down mountains
>blocked by shit


D-Do you think that just because its easy to explain why BotW is considered a masterpiece in game design and on a completely different planet to every other open world game else while running on a fucking console not much bigger than my fone is somehow going to convince me its good?!

Something something Koroks!


Seek help. That is pure denial.
Every secret in Breath of the Wild is related to either a Korok Seed or a Shrine.

>Seek help. That is pure denial.

Oh the irony.

The only thing I ever hear from BOTWfags is how many options the games give you for traveling but never anything about what each destination gives. When I see people circle jerk games like New Vegas, I at least hear people talking about shit like the quests and different locations not the fact they can just walk to places.

>Every secret in Breath of the Wild is related to either a Korok Seed or a Shrine.

Not only is that not true, its also like saying that everything in OoT is related to a Heart Piece.

Get an argument and stop making yourself look stupid.


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>Literally every town has that.
What is it about this town then that necessitates it have more things to do than usual?

You having no concept of intrinsic reward doesn't mean there's nothing to do there.

>The only thing I ever hear from BOTWfags is how many options the games give you for traveling but never anything about what each destination gives.

Standing on the beach. See an island in the distance. Can't swim there without dying. Wat do?

Use ice ability to make stepping stones all the way there?
Gain enough spirit orbs to boost your stamina and leap from coastline clifftop and 'fly' there?
Use nearby raft to paddle across?

So many options. And once there you find yourself marooned and dropped into an excellent survival quest.

Yeah, time for you to go fuck yourself.

>People will never not be mad at Nintendo winning
Kiss my ass you fat fucking bitch

Not an argument lol

Nothing was as rewarding as building that town I can't remember the name of. Make every town in the game like that. Even found that big guy a wife. My memory is shit. Should've let Link bang a 10/10 fishwife.

PC and Switch versions are the only relevant versions of the game.

Other versions offer NOTHING over them.

That's going to upset you. And it pleases me.

I love how just the fact that the game has boss battles is apparently that notable a feature

lmao did anyone actually play the Switch version?
How bad is the FPS drop?

There's a bunch of quests there, along with some korok seeds, there's a water puzzle, some shops, a good fishing spot, and there's a nearby puzzle, as well as that stupid puzzle with the cracked puzzle pieces and a moon shaped island.

Did you actually play that far or is that a screen grab to a let's play?

God, this is so pathetic. Imagine being so egotistical that you think a game as only slightly-above-average as BotW makes everyone seethe.

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>a game on Nintendo's console gets lower score
"Hahaha, get fucked Nincels!"
>a game on Nintendo's console gets higher score
"The Nintendo bonus is real"

Every time.

Actually it doesnt upset me at all because i have absolutley no idea whats the difference between versions

but yeah you got me hehe :3

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Are you being ironic or did you genuinely just accidentally prove his point?

Yeah there's a mountain and you CAN climb it, but fucking WHY would you?

>How bad is the FPS drop?
Its fine. The game has been patched plenty since launch. Its nearly always solid 30fps unless you play it on the hardest setting. Switch version is solid despite what shitters say.

You're alright user. Don't let anyone tell you different.

Imagine being delusional enough to write a novella like this post.

You want to know the worst part? Nintendofags don't even own stock in the company or anything like that. They're just sentimental manchildren. That's the only thing fueling their crusade for a company that's fucked them up the ass over and over. Anybody sensible dropped Nintendo when the Wii came out.

>there's a mountain and you CAN climb it, but fucking WHY would you?

Its not the mountain we conquer. It's ourselves.

So cut in half at best.

You get shitloads of valuable, important equipment that changes the way you play the game all the way through OOT. In BOTW you get everything in the first plateou, everything after that is korok seeds or breakable weapons (ie nothing).

Based as all fuck.

It's OK, user. I'm sure there's at least one 'lol no Persona 5 on Switch' thread at the moment where you can shitpost all you want. Maybe it will help, who knows?

never played nor cared about BoTW but damn theres a lot in this thread against it and literally the only thing people say to defend it are
>muh collectibles
and then they post the image

>In BOTW you get everything in the first plateau.

Please stop with the lies. Unless you ignore the unique armour sets with various abilities, horses, an entire catalogue of unique weapons, bows and arrows, magic spells, as well as all the miniboss battles, towns, giant fucking robot animals, all the individual shrine challenges and quests and fucktons more. Get fucked, you'll never win.

If you don't care about this game, why are you even in this thread in the first place? You obviously care.

Never played the game but I feel like you are exaggerating. Are there really no sidequests, items, minibosses or etc in such a big area?

He's not exaggerating. He's just talking complete shite.

because BoTW always threads shit up Yea Forums and its always just fans of BoTW saying "stay mad" at any criticism and I was interested in getting a Nintendy Switch but there seems to be no reason


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Maybe people wouldn't think the game was making everyone seethe if there weren't constant threads seething about it.

>Mario Odyssey was just as critically appraised but the saltyness from that game cuts nowhere near as deep into Yea Forums's psyche like BotW.

Because Odyssey is a legit good game, even if flawed.

And BotW isn't?

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6/10 at best

don't bully him he only seeks justice

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