Predict their E3 conference this year

Predict their E3 conference this year.

Attached: wat-is-een-ubisoft-club-account-en-waarom-heb-ik-het-nodig-123117-1.jpg (970x545, 97K)

(dancers jump on stage, lasts for 10+ minutes)

It's gonna be shit.

Something tells me there is going to be a new Asses Creed game. It's just a feeling I have.

what gave it away?
A new ass creed every single E3 for the last 12 years?


They already said no AC game this year. I reckon we'll see Watch_Dogs 3, Splinter Cell and some of the more usual stuff like Just Dance etc.

Ghost Recon Wildlands 2

Forgoner 2

Skull and bones news
asscreed shit
another For goner free 2keep week
maybe a trailer for the hammer viking?

>"""Gameplay""" from Beyond Good & Evil 2 with no platforms listed coming 2021-2022 for PS5/Xbox 2
>Just Ants 2020
>Assassin's Creed game
>New Tom Cuhlancy game
>New Nintendo project
>That Ship Game
>Switch ports
>New IP reveal
>Old game revival

>Totally not staged gameplay trailer with #realgamers commenting as if they are playing the game and not reading a script.

Just Dance opener with dancers coming into the stage and making it last way much than it needs to, AssCreed something, BGE2 trailer that still won't matter, maybe another Nintendo cooperation(?), another Skull&Bones trailer that won't matter, Splinter Cell, Watch Dogs 3

>another For goner free 2keep week
Can you believe that NONE of the f2p players stayed? The player number is the exact same it was before they made it free twice.

>Waoh, look at the cool loot
>Yeah Sally, haha and amazing headshot you pulled off back there
>Hehe thanks Michael, my new tacticool scope paid off afterall
>Yeah it's sick, nice colour job on it!

FH is impossible to get into now unless you love suffering very much.
Fuck FH is impossible to enjoy as a veteran unless you love suffering very much.

nah,i played nonstop for a long time,i still see new names on lobbies
as long i can find matches without getting old,the game is good for me

Revival when?

What about the RPG from the Migh and Magic series? The last major one was Dark Messiah, I belive they made a few smaller games after that though based on the IP.

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Watch Dogs 3 set in London
Splinter Cell
Just Dance
Last game is an unnamed title for next gen (the same way they revealed Watch Dogs in 2012)

Attached: 1519932336266.png (591x275, 32K)

>Just Ants 2020

Attached: 296622-bigthumbnail.jpg (450x338, 26K)

Schreier said it's Watch Dogs 3 set in London.

Rayman Legends sequel pls

A non trials related redlynx game

"Shout-out to Epic Games for paying us millions of dollars to get people to actually view Uplay favorably"

No. They've axed the UbiArts tools for being a pain to develop with.


Assassin's Creed, Just Dance 2020 (complete with dance sequence that lasts over 10 minutes), Beyond Good and Evil gets a gameplay trailer, The Division 2 DLC and some new IP that everyone gets hyped for, but gets a graphical downgrade upon release.

They're teasing a new ghost recon reveal on May 8th so probably that
Hopefully Splinter Cell like cmon already
Beyond Good and Evil 2 again
Just Dance 2020
Watch Dogs 3
Skull and Bones
Another Nintendo team up of course leading into Ezio in Smash baybee

Splintercell Division prequel
BG&E 2 multiplayer
Assassin's Creed or Watchdogs sequel time jump either modern-day Assassin's Creed or a Watchdogs set during another hackable era like 80s or switchboard era (breaking and entering and messing with paper work, powerlines, has lines etc.
Anno 1666
Ancient Monkey Assassin's Creed game.
More Rabbids on Nintendo

BG&E 2 going to try and be best of show and Soooooper SJW PC.

I hope we get some more stanky Yea Forums fun with squilliam and Road to E3 this year

Why is everyone saying new ass creed? Don’t they have Odyssey DLC lined up for the rest of the year? They’re probably just releasing a gameplay trailer for the new zone.

cringe kino with nintendo

Splinter Cell, I hope. Skull and Bones maybe.

>Modern day AC
you're fucking stupid, they'll never do that. They have tons of other franchises for modern-day settings and only AC and Anno for historical.
They'll do Vikings next, there has been concept art leaks already.

3 or 4 3rd person open world action games with sense of progress and unlock/upgrade system

Attached: eminor.gif (320x240, 824K)

Vikings was meant to be this year, but was pushed back because of it been "too similar to Odyssey and God of War".
Next Years AC game will be set in Maya 600BC.

>beyond good and evil 2 gameplay with release date
>Asscreed Vikings or something else
>New Tom Clancy shit (probably Wildlands 2 or Splinter Cell)
>Switch ports
>Just Dance
>Skull & Bones
>Old IP revival (Brother in Arms, Prince of Persia , Call of Juarez)
>New IP

>Anno 1666
Why would they go back to that era again?
Better if they did Anno 9. Many would go apeshit for that.

I hope we get a big R6S announcement, the game is becoming incredibly stale and they have to be aware it either needs a new installment or an overhaul.

>Old IP revival (Brother in Arms, Prince of Persia , Call of Juarez)
wasn't AC the PoP killer? kinda weird reviving a game you itself killed

Well, that confirms it, then.

no rayman

Attached: deadman.jpg (640x480, 35K)