Do you agree with Cory Barlog, the creator of God of War 2018?

Do you agree with Cory Barlog, the creator of God of War 2018?

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Other urls found in this thread:

god of war 2018 is trash

You just fucking added a beard to an already existing design, you fucking hack.
People only ate the shit that was Nu-GoW because it's hip to like Sony movies.

>People see the design
>"Nah, don't like it"
>"Okay, we'll change it"

and everybody lived happily ever after

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Balrog BTFO.
I really enjoyed God of War, but I'm really starting to hate that guy.

Hate is a strong word. Say dislike.

Nah, keep hate. Let it consume you and make you stronger

Hate to say it, user. but I dislike you

Okay so there is two people on the entire planet that think the design isnt TERRIBLE looking. This guy and the guy who designed it. Great. Still doesnt change the fact everyone else has come to the consensus it looks fucking stupid as fuck.

And God of War 2?

He’s entitled too his opinion, just like everyone else.

don't try something different with the main series.
do a spinoff and you can do whatever you want

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It's literally infested with SJW woman at this point. Disgusting.

More like

>Shit gets leaked
>Fans already have a taste of movie Sonic and hate it at first
>But then they grow used to it and even draw fan art and it actually looks cute and this was from what they could get at the time from the leaked screens, which nothing has changed at all
>Nothing is ever done and in this period, you are to assume people have grown lukewarm to it
>Sega releases trailer
>People see the design
>"Nah, don't like it" just because he has teeth now
>"Okay, we'll change it"
>6 months before premiere

Still think people could have warmed up to it.

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Fans never grew to like the Sonic design.

He hired Anthony burch lol

I actually didn't mind the trailer or the design but if they're willing to change it because of backlash then whatever. Don't know if changing something just because people want it changed is a good idea but it looks like they're at least listening

Yet even in the spin-off they were pretty faithful

That's what new IPs are for, you fucking idiot?

Says the guy who put Kratos back in a game that wasn't anything like the old God of Wars.

Why the fuck is he sperging out? People were sucking dick over changing god of war. Is it so hard for him to understand that if you're going to change something then people want you to put effort into it?

If they really felt strong about their design they wouldn't change it so quickly after negative reception.

I think what he means is that some people found ways to draw sonic in ways that fit the horrible poster design without looking terrible, but then sega came out with their design that was worse than any of the fanart.

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I'm the one on Twitter pre-movie trailer watching people drawing movie Sonic in a endearing fashion just like everyone else did for Pikachu.

Uh... did you fully read his post?

Yes, changing your artistic vision based on outrage mobs is never good, regardless if they just don't like a design or base their outrage on political bullshit

Just like how NT changed Donte after the reveal trailer?


I dont think people were clamoring to change it, since it was understood that the movie was going to release soon anyway. But it's great that paramount is listening, even if slightly.

Why are "artists" so up their own ass?

I know that in an art show everybody will huff their own farts about your work, but when you are putting forward a product aiming to earn more money than was put into it (especially if based on an existing property) listening to the paying audience if they fucking hate it is good.

It was coping. They made the design better but not good.

>artistic vision

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It being a product doesn't mean that an artist should give up on their vision.

>these are the same kind of scumbags that forced Takaki to resign

the sad part is that they fail to see the irony.

You share the same oxygen with people who think they piss poetry when they shovel shit for a living

Sure. But he's still wrong, and his additional posts show he didn't even really get what the problem was. Or just didn't care. If one were to be ungenerous, one could say he was just using it as an excuse to talk about his own game and concerns that are only tangentially related.

What's happening with Sonic right now is not "they took a bold, controversial direction with Sonic as a character and now must weather backlash from it." What's happening is "they made a shit Sonic design and pretty much no one likes it." Or at least the dislike is coming from all walks of life, not just Sonicfags. There's no real art here to be defend, except in the most cerebral, divorced from reality sense that "people should be allowed to make something shitty." But that brings us back to no one is forcing anyone to do anything here. The studio just got spooked by the overwhelmingly bad PR over the trailer. That's it. What are people trying to argue here? "People aren't allowed to agree that something looks terrible and make fun of it?" What kind of stance is that?

No one's even really pleased that they said they'll change it, because no one ever had any respect for this movie, the people making it, or any potential "vision" it might have had. No one expected it to look good the first time. There's no real conversation to have here about principles in art because all it is is that Sonic looked like shit and people were dumping on it. And peopel are always going to shit on things that look bad, it's just that simple.

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>I dont think people were clamoring to change it
Pissed of Pablo and other shittier youtubers kept making outrage videos using cherripicked shots from the trailer saying it's horrible.
The character looked good, it was just different.

When it needs to make a profit and isn't an original creation, yes, it does.

Your artistic vision was shit.

didn't kratos pick flowers when he met his daughter in the afterlife?


no it doesn't

>bending over backwards to please people who haven't bankrolled your product yet and might not anyway

Fuck gamers and fuck white people

I like how that was more faithful than MGSV itself and thus better

Nigger, it’s a trash fire.

This is why you aren't an artist.

I get where he is coming from, but in Sonic's case he is just flat out wrong, and let's leave it at that.

>The character looked good

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Well, yeah, but that doesn’t count because it’s a PSP game.

Why don't they try something different IN AN ORIGINAL FUCKING PROPERTY

>But then they grow used to it and even draw fan art and it actually looks cute and this was from what they could get at the time from the leaked screens, which nothing has changed at all
That's wrong, user. No one ever liked it. Well okay, sure some people did. But overwhelmingly, the reaction has always been negative. You just "assume people have grown lukewarm to it" because people moved on to talking about other things since we hadn't seen anything for a bit. No one thought it was cute. They shat on it, drew funny art shitting on it, and continued to say it was bad everytime it came up.

More importantly, no one ever expected it to look good. People started with no expectations, except it looking bad. And these expectations continued to be reinforced the more and more we learned and began to see. This trailer is just the latest in a long line of shitty ideas and shitty images and met expectations of terribleness. No one was warming up to it, they were getting inured to it. There was never a point where the actual, majority opinion was "this is fine." At best it might have reached a point of "whatever."

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If I was I wouldn't make Mario with no moustache and a ripped body and not be open to people not wanting that.

sonics main audience were always black people

>getting THIS BTFO on twitter by randos

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i, personally, prefer body horror sonic. that little fucker made people mad. i respected him for that.

man I can't wait for the same shit to happen when marines start shooting down rathians in the monhun movie

yeah, as if they're going to change anything
it's literally impossible

>copying detective pikachu was an artistic choice

Hahaha no sweetie, it was a paramount executive call.

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The director straight up said that they will.

yea sure you fucking faggot i'm pretty sure David Jaffe was happy with the way you portrayed his creation just like Yuji Naka expressed his disappointment with this movie

No. This is one of the few times where a design is objectively shit.
Even my niece and nephew, who are actual children that the movie is intended for are taking the piss out of Sonic's design.

Artists are free to make whatever design decisions that they want, but if they're trying something radically different they can't just expect others to automatically like it.

Based Archie Comics

Why are people pretending this is in any way a labour of love created from a genuine creative spark and not generic holly attempt to cash in on name recognition of an established franchise #10^100

Honestly it feels like everyone is pretending to be retarded just so they can be contrarian. "Oh no they are going to change this awful thing, this is actually a bad thing people".

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says the nigga that just did the same shit with GOW

if people want to make a shit product, thats cool, i am not stopping them. not sure what this has to do with any "kind of world"

David Jaffe is a major faggot that thinks loot boxes are art.

>consumerist garbage
>artistic vision

Isn't the the guy that made those awkward Smash designs?

tell him to try something different then.
That means not rehashing existing IP, but try something different!
create something different and give it to the people, don't ruin things people are already fans of.

what a faggot

He's right, but what he's talking about it tied to character direction and their general story arc. Everyone thinks the actual design is terrible. For comparison, literally no one thought Kratos in the GOW4 reveal didn't look like Kratos, they were concerned with the gameplay.

I don't think you understood what he said.

Stop making twitter threads but do these people really think the sonic design was decided by an artist and not a boardroom

how about this instead
>movie is released the way its been shown
>flops horribly
>Sonic IP is further tarnished once again
>you can come back here to be an insufferable contrarian faggot to say the movie was actually good and it flopped because some strawman reason

Nigger you don't have to be a chef to call out someone for trying to serve you a shit sandwich. Shit is shit.

Yea Forums, come the fuck on, he is right to some degree. Its not that he's correct IN THIS SCENARIO but he has a point. Of all the hills to point and hate Balrog on, this isn't it.

Gameplay’s fine. Not good, not bad, just fine.

that means making a whole new model, reanimating EVERY SINGLE SCENE and rendering the whole thing all over again
you're going to get the shit sonic whether you like it or not

ThisMost overrated piece of shit I've ever played. I was so excited after the first fight with Baldur but that was the E3 presentation so fuck me for falling for it.

>the creator of God of War 2018?
You mean the yes man taking orders from the committee and focus groups?

this is exactly the same people who will say sony's censorship is fine because think of the children! and "who cares about your weeb games, no one will take them away" but now because some sony dev check marks says so they will defend artistic freedom as if this piece of shit movie has ANY of that

I don't think you understand what I meant.
>change GOW following "fan" criticisms that it was too sexist/toxic, edgy and immature
>change Sonic following criticisms it looked like shit
What exactly is the difference?

Yes, but you won’t even hear people talking about that. Yea Forums is contrarian by nature.

This is exactly what I was hoping for from this drama.
Artists need to learn that they have no right to "creative liberties" with established franchises/traditional practices.
If they want to be creative they need to come up with their own shit.

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>implying they just didn't record this trailer with a shit model so they could "react" to the fan backlash

if you want a "good" sonic movie you are a fucking loser

What's with this pussy shit about defending bad work with BUT CREATORS HAVE FEELINGS TOO? If I delivery shit work at my job that nobody likes or can actually use, I won't see the money. People want a good product for their money, that's all it boils down to, and if you create something nobody actually needs or wants to see, then you just wasted your fucking time.

Except in this case the "art" is primarily being made to make money. Your "artistic integrity" takes a back seat when investors realize it's going to clash with their profits.

If you care so much about art, go to an independent film festival.

>>change GOW following "fan" criticisms that it was too sexist/toxic, edgy and immature

As if there are points to hate Barlog to begin with. Guy's a treasure
It's not DMC, but does everything need to be? My point was that everyone thought it would be quickly forgotten like 3 and Ascension were, simply trying to ride TLOU coat tails yet ended up as goty with RDR2 as competition, on top of basically doing everything better than TLOU.

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That’s not how that works.

He’s right, but he’s fooling himself or being willfully naive if he thinks that was someone’s ‘creative vision’ for sonic. I guarantee you for years the vfx design guys were telling the upper management ‘we need to change this, it looks horrible’ but got stonewalled because some bigwig said they had to make somic look more like onea them pokachus

You can make something different and it not look like shit. They are being forced to patch this movie up because its reception was so poor. If they want to do something, they need to fix this abomination somehow.

Fuck all these faggots that try and take some morale highground. The design sucks. Sonic's creator hates it. Almost everyone without an agenda hates it. Fuck off sjw cuckboy.

Imagine having shit tastes like you.

>feel about creating in this world
The hell is he talking about? create a new character then and don't leech off an already existing one. No one would care if this charatcer wasn't named sonic. If he would've been named Rocket or Chet or whatever people wouldn't be up in arms. They would call it a rip off but not to the point you actually had to change the design. You can do a radical change if the IP you're working on is pretty much dead. Look at how turtles started out and where they got really famous. Their designs are quite different, but then the cartoon hit the IP was dead, it was more of a re-boot, an ACTUAL re-boot. For as bad as many sonic games are, the IP isn't dead in the slightest so this radical change doesn't work unless it's explained. Create all you want but if you work with an established character you need to stay true to that character at least in design.

Or become an indie dev.

user, I’ve tried to block ascension from my memory for years, and now you’ve just reminded me of that travesty. Anger doesn’t begin to describe how I feel right now.

why the fuck would I care about this hack?
>hurr lets remove the gameplay from this franchise because I want a walking simulator for my son
I rather buy a ps4 port of the previous games than dad of war

I'm so sorry...

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>try to sell a product
>consumers don't like product
>"respect the vision!"
Good point

>No we're not talking about changing characters in general, just aesthetic
>You should never change the aesthetic
Where were these fags when our hero chrischan was down in the mud laying down the law for sonic getting blue arms?

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I don't know or care who Balrog is and he's wrong, so why should I give this person a pass?

Sorry but if you want to be totally creative and not give a shit about audience expectations, don't fucking do it with an established, non-original product.

Why do people perceive lots of comments as people "freaking out" or mob-like behaviour?
Sure, thousands of tweets complaining about the design but like over a hundred thousand people saw the trailer.
It takes less than 10 seconds to leave a negative comment and then people get on with their day.
I don't know why people act like an angry mob is literally about to kick their door in just because the number of tweets are high.

Ironic how the spin-off turned out to be more faithful to the series than the eventual sequel.

I get his point, and it is certainly true that it is often difficult for unestablished fringe art to make it, BUT if you want to make a character about a beloved character, you are expected to fall SOMEWHAT within the lines of established facts. Sure you can differentiate somewhat, but the problem here was not only "he does not look like sonic", it was "He looks like a creepypasta version of sonic" with weird human hands, mouth and feet, and no "mascot" like features, like the overly large eyes and such.
Way I see it, you have two choices: You either try Lord of the Rings it, where you try to be super faithful to the source material, or you it SO different, that it becomes your own thing. But if you're stuck in the middle, it's gonna be weird.

The next option would of course to make it "Unbreakable" where It's just a human that bit by bit discovers this unusual ability and then works with it.

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>but like over a hundred thousand people saw the trailer
Definitely in the millions.

Will the changes to Sonic's design satisfy the fans, O totem?

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Didn't he bash Sekiro for not changing it's vision?

I respect the vision by not wasting money into it rather than demanding a change


How was MGSV unfaithful? To me it looked pretty prime fucking MGS, the only flaw I can tell is that it is both unfinished, and has shitty monetization because Konami is literally the worst.

There is no creativity in pointlessly messing with a recognizable design for an already shameless cash grab by Hollywood which is still dumb as bricks when it comes to tastefully approaching video game movies (or live action anime movies for that matter) . Overall fuck Hollywood and their shameless attempts at wooing people they don't understand for an easy buck. I don't even like Sonic, but good on the makers of the movie for at least listening to a gripe people have.

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On one hand, just because it was someone's artistic vision doesn't mean people have to like it.
On the other, the internet is retarded and you should never go out of your way to please it.

Art =/= entertainment.


>Let's risk the movie being a flop because we stubbornly ignored criticism instead of humbling down and appeasing the fans...
Barlog is talking nonsense. When it comes to established franchises, you have a high degree of responsibility towards delivering what the fans want. Ignoring fan complaints because YOU like YOUR design is as arrogant as it is retarded.

>Even my niece and nephew, who are actual children that the movie is intended for are taking the piss out of Sonic's design

The thing that I mostly get out of the biggest majority and to a extent, the Sonic fanbase, who know far too well how he looks and have already established themselves over and over as "anything radically different = bad", immediately outing anything that isn't classic Sonic or modern Sonic (divided fanbases that can either like one or another or both) as bad.

What exactly makes modern Sonic not radical compared to classic Sonic? We had classic Sonic. Then we got the drastically different modern Sonic. We eventually got used to it. How many times HAS Sonic changed design over the years, both for products and entertainment? If it weren't for radical change, we wouldn't even have modern Sonic. Sonic would have always stayed in his classic form. SB Sonic? Don't even fucking MENTION me the "skipped leg day" jokes Knuckles even had back in the days. And now we get this, which is something that has never been done before on Sonic's design, which is normalizing his eye style and making him more realistic while making sure he is still from another planet.

Or are you going to tell me that a blue thin hedgehog is absolutely realistic? Sonic had MUCH less to work on regarding the cute/cool factor if he were to go realistic compared to Pikachu, who everyone would just sanely think "just make it cute and cuddly". Have you seen the OTHER pokemon in that movie? Sonic looks bloody tame next to them and yet, people are still freaking out over him? When they're willing to accept ALL of Detective Pikachu's 3D models?

It screams double standards. DP's pokemon may fit in the monster spectrum but then, WHY lashing out on this Sonic so much when everyone knows Sonic isn't supposed to be exactly cuddly either? He's as much of an alien as all of the pokemon in that movie.

>The character looked good

>there's people defending this shitshow of a movie

Anyone doing this has lost all their rights to comment on anything.

I don't know anything about Ascension. Can I have a /quickrundown/ on why it's shit/forgettable/different?

>Hate is a strong word. Say dislike.

Barlog doesn't count anything he didn't make himself.

>Modify someone's existing IP
>"I created this".

People are entertained by art; be it movies, paintings, books or otherwise. You can point to anything that someone considers art and you can be sure someone finds it entertaining.

What the FUCK is he even saying

>Barlog BTFO by a literal who twitter user
Based. I think God of War 2018 is pretty great and one of the better PS4 exclusives, but Barlog I don't like.

No one made them change this shit. People are entitled to say how bad something is and the makers can decide how to respond.

Calm down, A.M.

>Sonic's creator hates it

Here's Sonic's character designer. Yuji Naka isn't even anywhere near Sega.

so they will change sonics blue arms?

He's not wrong

>trying new things
>God of War as a series owes a lot to many other series, even the newest title

Not really.

Everyon Sony is trash and gay

what makes it shit? it's shit because it's not a live adaptation of sonic. they're fucking using CGI to make sonic, which means there's absolutely 0 reason to make it look like a fucking fursuit. if they actually had a full on costume, then it'd be ok. there's so many, many fucking sonic games to literally copy models from yet they chose not to.

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If they said
>no we arent changing the design
and people demanded it to be changed he might have a point about creative vision but they changed it due to minor negative criticism so obviously they agreed with the criticism.
Hes being intellectually dishonest or retarded

Exactly, the team had a strong attachment to their stupid ass design so they refused to change it even when they should have.

fucking cancerous s0nygger


>it makes it harder to try something really different that, at first may seem like too much change, but on completion might surprise us.
I mean we've seen these changes in movie adaptations of video games for years now and an overwhelming majority of them were absolute dogshit abortions.
You can try gaining the trust of the audience by consistently making non-awful movies and gaining their trust after the shitshows of the past couple of decades.

I really didn't think he was this dense. Kratos' design and personality had a lot of stuff leftover from the pervious games. It was still Kratos personality and design wise, just older and wiser.

Sonic looks like a midget in a fursuit and the trailer was playing gangsters fucking paradise. Fuck. Off. One of his friends must be working on the movie or something.



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Do you think these cucks played previous God of War games?

>minor negative criticism
>almost everyone in the world saying it looks awful

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no one said he wasn't, retard. telling someone that their opinion is wrong isn't the same as saying they can't have it

In a way no. But the thing is; the sonic design isn't a "new idea", it's a new design of an already established character, and it's bad. As a creator you need to understand that people won't always like what you put out. Some creators can put out whatever they want because they have a style people love just because it's them. But most creators don't have that luxury and need to be prepared that what they put out might be hated. If you can't handle that, then you shouldn't be a creator. If they really liked the design they wouldn't have changed it despite the backlash. If you have an artistic vision you need to stick to it but it's too late for them as they've already announced a change.

These are the fucking Woody woodpecker guys, stop pretending this is some Dennis Villanueve project. Holy fucking shit

This. You wanna make some shitty cash grab product that people go to exclusively for it saying SONIC on the title, then fucking be faithful. This shit isn't winning any awards.

We need Ape Escape 4 to wake up people and make them realize how shit nuGOW and other movie games are.

Yeah, that game was a dumpster fire. Especially when you look at the other redesigns they made for him.

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Considering that GoW is for people with little to no taste that just want to watch cool shit, I wouldn't want to be in a position where I have to be afraid of offending that audience, either.
I think the biggest problem with fanfiction is that there's no innovation ever outside of deviant sex fetishes. A creator has to be as willing to call back to things fans loved as he is to push the medium forward. 50yo Boomer Vergil works because of course without the demon power he's a super chuunibyou cringelord. DmC Vurgin doesn't work because he's just the stereotype of what Reddit thinks of Yea Forums.

It's not even about the sonic fanbase. My niece and nephew haven't even played the majority of the sonic games, if any of them for that matter. They aren't neckbeard spergs like us, yet they're shitting on the design too, because it just looks bad.

Based Twitter Randos.

I'm like 95% sure Sony forgot they owned that after all stars flopped. I wish they'd sell the damn thing, but to who?

I honestly think God Of War is the only bad Playstation exclusive.

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Based as fuck

This faggot has to comment on everything doesn’t he?

>Shit dev has shit opinions
In what universe was GoW 2018 good?

but when people push for female characters with more clothes you shriek and scream

I get that it's trendy to pretend to be a wine-sniffing auteur tweeting your navel-gazing ruminations about how the Sonic the Hedgehog movie has broader implications for art in our culture but for Christ's sake, you're talking about a cartoon hedgehog. The problem isn't that they tried something different that people would grow to enjoy, the problem is that they made something legitimately creepy and off-putting in an uncanny valley sort of way. It's not that the design is "different", it's that something about it is viscerally uneasy.

Moreover it's not like an angry mob stormed the director's house and forced him to agree to change it at gunpoint. I didn't see a lot of angry reactions, just a kind of apprehensive mild disgust. For all we know the director felt the same way but some other factor (execs) had already impinged upon his creative freedom. Maybe he didn't like it, knew people wouldn't like it, and needed an excuse to change it? And, if that wasn't the case, maybe he didn't feel strongly either way and just wants to make a crowd pleaser? In any case his "creative freedom" isn't being trampled by "ugh, freaking gamers". There's literally nothing stopping him from putting out a product people don't like, just as there shouldn't be anything stopping people from saying they don't like it (or God forbid forcing them to buy it anyway). What is the obsession with video game people and pretending any negative reaction to mainstream consumerist media is some kind of overwhelming personal violence that marks a tectonic shift in our culture?

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>Yet they're shitting on the design too

Because it's not cute enough. Because it's not cool enough. Because it's not strong enough. Sonic's original look(s) are cute (classic) and cool (modern) for most kids. These designs were never intended to be strong-looking. Movie Sonic is neither of those things, it just takes Sonic and takes the "cool" out of it. It makes him look normal and almost like a kid/human while keeping him alien, a skinny toned looking one. Kids don't see this as anything looking cool, they see it as wimpy. Add teeth to that and he becomes wimpy/nerdy/scary.

That title goes to Days Gone.

Is this the same guy who did cringey redesigns of smash characters?

Yeah that's literally what twitter is for, it's also a reason why so much of the world is terrible so quickly because every numbnut who thinks they're a genius can comment

I feel like we're arguing about the same thing at this point. The design is visually unappealing on all fronts. Fans of Sonic don't like it. Children don't like it, and certainly movie fans won't like it either.

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>cynical nostalgia cashgrab makes a bunch of catastrophic design decisions in order to please its out-of-touch shareholders
>they all turn out to be complete fucking shit and the studio has to go into maximum damage control in order to save their dud of a movie
>"but muh vision tho"

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>you don't have to acquiesce to any consumer's demands if you make your own content without any corporate contacts
>n-no, I can't do that, because reasons

yes he's entirely right. obviously the film producers fucked up with Sonic but people have been laughing at the design for a long time, this is all just to distract from how terrible the movie looks otherwise. I'm sick of "fans" (actually blue checkmarks) being able to get their way with nearly every piece of media that gets produced. people shouldn't be rewarded for these obnoxious online campaigns.

A bit too entitled if you ask me.

making fun of does not equal "demanding changes" fuck these disingenuous faggots.

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what the fuck is he even trying to say? entitled gamers?

Hollywood has no creative vision. They're suits who aim to please and blow other suits.
There is no creativity only dick sucking.

And others are entitled to criticize his opinion, especially when it's flagrantly wrong. Especially if he's announcing it to the world on social media.


Maybe you're right. Even if the design was a perfect recreation of Sonic, the rest of the movie is very likely to be shit.

It's not exactly him, it was the character artist of Santa Monica studio


Platinum can do no wrong in some fans eyes, think about how even if you diddle kids if you can successfully make a horror movie and a dance song work together people will still love you.

I have a sneaking suspicion that the team wanted the design and trailer to be so bad that even a small improvement will be a godsend and everyone will back off it so it won't be a total disaster.

Meanwhile in Japan:

What he says is that the audience never knows what they really want before you show them and he's absolutely right
However it doesn't apply to the Sonic movie because it's not about creation but pandering


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I don't think anyone wanted a Sonic movie in the first place, especially a live action one.

... Great, it got her too.

>If fans scream loud enough, they too can get generalized everything that is meant to please literally everyone

It even comes with a shiny coating of painting, to make sure it's "appealing" enough, when this is just putting aside your vision for pan pandering.

We're not here to respect opinions.

Based slatt (NBA Skywalker)


>they shit the bed
>everyone laughs at them shitting the bed
>shareholders flip out and demand changes to salvage their investment
>changes are attributed to assuaging fan backlash and not "Oh fuck! Our profits!"

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>I'll prove them wrong
>Makes everything dark and coated in oil

>The character looked good
what alternate dimension is this

See, this is the shit we're talking about. This isn't very much like Sonic at all, but at least it doesn't look like shit. It's still a bit weird, but it's not terrible to behold.

It would be something you could defend on artistic grounds. People probably wouldn't like it, but it wouldn't be shit.

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This was Sonic done by Raf Grassetti, the art director of God of War. He might be offended cause movie Sonic is pretty close to one of his employees renditions of Sonic.

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>but on completion might surprise us
What surprise? The completion is here, the entire design is fully displayed, what surprise could there be?

>self inserts onions beard
>self inserts daddy issues

That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg


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It's a good thing things like DragonBall:Evolution happened, so we can be rest assured this is going to be a quality movie.

>pretty close

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These people conveniently don't consider that this was design-by-committee rather than any particular artist's intent.

In terms of "sacrificing the vision", there's no difference between making a fuss about a design and making a fuss about a game including microtransactions. Both could be said to be part of the creator's intent. But it's still not wrong to push against them under the assumption that they're not.

Is hard to redesign sonic in a realistic way, when, the games and series showed realistic human along side humanoid animals, and Rouge, even those fans redesigns are superior to balrog design.
I don't have the pics.

It’s not bad. Definitely better than movie sonic.

Yeah because those boring visuals before were surely their vision

That seethe, kek. It was a good game. You may not like it, and that's ok.

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This has to be the worst redesign in video games.

>Altering cringe kino into just another shitty movie

Terrible decision desu senpai. The movie's going to be god awful regardless, so they might as well crank it up to the 9s and make a spectacle of it.

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If people stopped crapping about it, it would have eventually improved over time while retaining the original vision, with no added unnecessary pandering filters. That's how strong peoples' voices are. When together united, a single mind can break.



Lol nope. The earlier GOW games were fast brutal combat with multiple weapons you could choose across freely to combo, instead of cinematics everywhere. The shoulder cam alone makes GOW2018 unredeemable trash


What combos?

Was a shit GoW game.
>Muh movie
>Muh script
>Muh Writer guild of america
>Muh famous friends

Cory is a dumb faggot, it's a fucking sonic movie not some experimental original bullshittery. Also he fucked God of War up as a series so who cares what he thinks.

What combos nigger? Gow was considered casual trash where you just press square. Don't pretend it was something amazing now.
Ironically, it has less QTEs than the original Gow series.

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I know damn well that Corey Barlog isn't talking....the only reason why people even considered giving GoW 2018 a chance because of his work on the first 2 games of the original trilogy. Had it been anyone else messing with an already established property, the game would've game been eviscerated.

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No, you dumb fuck. Just no.


No what, bitch?

If you want something original, make something original.
Why the fuck is this so hard for people to grasp?
There's a difference between creative lliberties and outright making something not look the way it's supposed to.

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>Do you agree with Cory Barlog, the creator of God of War 2018?
No. He's a fag

Is not about QTE, and you know, the combat was slowed down for the sake of "movie".

for reference

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>human teeth.
Im sure as hell they are trying to pander to furries.

I need to impress my new friends in hollywood, can't have this dumb video gamey thing, we are a serious business here.

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I just don't get it. If video games have bad rep in Hollywood, then maybe stay the fuck away from video games, yeah?

Call me when he creates a fun combat system

The combat was slowed because le souls combat is all the rage at the moment. It hardly made it a movie.
You should address the actual issues but you can't because you didn't play it. Let me name same for you
>reusing troll bosses
>holding back in terms of story and nordic bosses for the next game
>dull boat scenes
>dead world
These were some of the issues with the game.

>creators do something to make customers happy
>game journos and game devs get angry
What a shocker.

I’ll admit, that’s accurate.

Based, nigga is getting to cocky because journos liked his game

his limbs are so fucked up


Cory is an overrated hack that wants to be the next Kojima


>>But then they grow used to it and even draw fan art and it actually looks cute and this was from what they could get at the time from the leaked screens, which nothing has changed at all

Memes pointing out how bad the design looked doesn't qualify as "fan art," faggot.

>twitter threads

>Director of the 7th God of War game wants to try something different.


I liked that the game had three weapon choices with their own moves, delay combos, and two of those weapons having several special attacks and custom add-ons.

>Though people said you could not have Kratos pick flowers, yet he did and it fit with the character and the Journey.

IT'S YOUR STORY, YOU CAN'T SAY THAT SHIT. Also I'm fairly sure they did have several moments in the previous games that showed he had humanity still like all the regret he had in the Cutscenes of GoW, it's like all people remember from God of War is III's genocide crusade against the Olympians and nothing else.

That would imply there any artistic merit thrown into this design and not some corporate suit creation think think human portions look good on a cartoon hedgehog

>though people said you couldn't have Kratos pick flowers
Lol clearly scrambling for an example, I see.

That’s because they’re journalists, of course they don’t play the games.

Sonic is an established franchise with a specific design for its characters. You wouldn't put monster trucks in a Formula One game just to "try something really different".

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But I was invited to a party in Hollywood, I talked with some famous directors and producers, they asked me what I do for living, I could have said, video games, but I said, interactive experiences, they were impressed, I cannot let them know about a bunch of dorks who want 3D female characters in bikini fighting zombie and monsters, I must tell my journos friends to stop these types of games, it's bad for me and for my reputation.
I just want to make a movie, I hate this industry, and I hate you fucking nerds.

Weren’t those herbs to heal a boar that his son shot?

Yeah he was clearly trying to provide a strong argument and forgot that many people have played his game. If I remember correctly, Kratos was really disgruntled about doing it as well.

I’m pretty sure that he was uncomfortable. He wanted nothing to do with Freya.

well apparently it's not okay if you gotta consistently shame fans of a whole other series for giving feedback

This faggot has to give his opinion on everything now?. He made a passable game that was only successful because of Sony's hype machine

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>guy whose game mainly succeeded off of unquestioning shiteaters gets upset when people actually ask questions about something
Wow. Shocker.

And God of War 2.

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The left can't meme

Gow 2018 was massively different and still got massive praise.

Based. GOW 2018 sends me into an autistic rage when I think about it.

this movie would be way more watchable with a shitty sonic. don't really want them to change the design to more of how he actually looks.

>How many times HAS Sonic changed design over the years, both for products and entertainment?
That blue fucker on cocaine looks same for 30 years. They only gave him scarf and bit longer legs. This movie design looks like creature from Dr.Moreau.

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>really don't know how I feel about creating in this kind of world
t. a tailor whose client told him to fix the suit

>artists no longer understand that it is possible for an idea to be bad and for people to dislike it
>instead artists now feel entitled to have everyone like their ideas
clown world

He did to GoW what they did to Sonic so no.


And you haven't even played it. I wonder what that says about you?

>Not bootlicking makes you an NPC
You made this to troll the fuck out of me, didn't you?

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>We eventually got used to it.
Because it wasn't as radical a change? Hell neither was Boom.
This though, beyond being blue it doesn't resemble sonic whatsoever.

Based Joe did it.

Why the fuck is he criticizing changing a godawful design in a cashgrab movie!? This ain't la dolce vita here, hes not making some deep exhilarating work of art, its a fucking sonic movie! The designs dogshit and the movies gonna be a by the numbers 90s kids film. Why die on this kind of hill?

Glad you saved the thread before it began.

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That's what happens when you work in an environment of asskissers.

>i-it worked because it s-sold, so there.
Fuck this faggot.

Dilate tranny

>low energy, low tempo Coolio track
>for a Sonic trailer
What the fuck where they even thinking?

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They took their glorious over the top kill fest (which was fun as fuck) and turned it into a quiet RPG where Kratos is a depressed piece of shit for 20 hours and has to haul around this beta onions boy.


Did you play it?

Come to think of it, did the trailer even have anything remotely close to the original Sonic 1 title theme?

This fucking retarded fuck didnt change shit about Kratos outside making him older yet here he is pretending he make the most revolutionary redesign in history. Hes still a grumpy warrior beating shit to death.
Fact is Kratos in previous games was an insane immoral mass murderer with no semblance of any logic to his action outside of what the devs thought would look cool. So slapping any personality on that abomination seems like an improvement, meanwhile Sonic has decades of games and media associated with him.

And funny that he combines "creating" with "stealing existing design and changing it up". I wonder if he would be so happy is someone came in mid new GOW development and told him to replace Kratos with Master Chief, but to keep every voice line and every cinematic the same,no explanation just fucking do it no questions and fuck you. I bet his opinion on changing someone else designs would suddenly change.

>its ok for transformer movies

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You've never played the OG GoW trilogy have you.

if the movie doesn't end with a post-credits scene that opens with Tails sitting casually on a bench, this movie will have been a complete and total waste of everyone's time

yeah it really is

>immoral mass murderer
he wanted payback on the gods for making them kill his family?!

By then transformers had already established itself as a series where the designs can vary by generation so yeah, it does.
Plus everyone got that out of the way with TRUKK NOT MUNKY.

Lio Convoy is best Optimus too.

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20 out of millions of players hated it. It was a great game faggots and your reasons for hating it are on trash opinions

Generic Yea Forums poster who must hate on anything that is critically acclaimed

>20 out of millions of players hated it
20 out of millions of players actuslly finished it too.

>piggyback off of someone else's work
>muh creativity
>muh vision

its amazing that he thinks he did something different by copying the same shitty trends we saw in a hundred games already

How about creating something that is pleasing to the eye and doesn't shit on the original creators' work?

No. For Christ's sake, put gloves on that blue nigger.

firetruck optimus is one of the most desireable transformers. did you know he can combine with ultra magnus? so cool.

I wonder if the people who both complained about video games needing unions and Sonic looking like a retard know that the artists for this movie are unionized and they're absolutely going to be working 100 hour weeks trying to fix this mess.

He literally made that himself. That was his own writing in all of those PSP games.

The only acceptable ones were from the bumblebee movie, the earlier ones were abominations

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Fucker I played through the whole damn game, boring as it was. If you want a more specific reason for my anger, lemme lay it out
>almost no reference to GOW 1-3, including no mention of how the fuck Kratos even got to where he is.
>shit bosses, nearly every one was a repeat of the stupid troll, only interesting ones were the valkyries
>soi kratos
>combat is boring, and doesn’t maintain the visual spectacle that previous entries combat provided
I could go on, but essentially my issue is that the game does not maintain any of the factors that I enjoyed in the previous entries.

normies didn't care

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If you played GOW 1-3 and didn't expect combat to be boring in the new game, that one's on you.

Ask me how I can tell you haven’t played any of GoW 1-3



I wasn’t expecting DMC, I more wanted the violence from the OG trilogy, like the brutal grabs Kratos can do on downed enemies, and some fun bosses with grand spectacle

What the fuck is Hollywood's problem when it comes to respecting source material?

Was the Prince of Persia movie any good? I'm wondering if it broke the trend of video game movies being shit.

how can they fix the cgi? the toys and production material has already been made right?


>20 out of millions of players actuslly finished it
yes, those 20 and about 800,000 more.

you don't even own a copy and even less finished it lol. You only defend it because the "BOI" meme make you believe you'll ever father something that will admire you stinking useless piece of trash ass.

>works for a company that is outright censoring the creative visions of many different developers

Personally I think it is probably the best game adaptation movie out there, its quite watchable. not really true to the source, but not complete trash either.

Over 50% of players have finished it according to trophies.

He was mostly in charge of the second GoW game which is the most forgettable one.
GoW 1 and 3 are kino


Wasn’t it already confirmed that Raiden was a bit fucked in the head during MGS2?

Idc about this movie or debate, but if you're going to make a film/show/book/media whatever about a long established character, how did this bizarre design ever pass QA? I don't get. It's so typical to just slap Sonic™ on whatever garbage and call it a night.

Of course God of Tranny would be upset about change when they removed the sex scenes and even if they were unnecessary they defined Kratos character

ask me how i know gow was babys first video game

No one is forcing anyone to change anything. They're just saying they're not interested in the current form. If the artist chooses to change their art on that feedback, that is THEIR decisions. Don't act like gamers are putting a gun to your head.


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How was it trash? I'm genuinely wondering how someone can think this. I replayed all the God of War games and platinumed them all (except Ghost of Sparta), just before 4 came out. I played 4 the day it came out, and finished it in 4 days. It's the second best game in the series
GoW2 > GoW4 > GoW3 = GoW1 > Ghost of Sparta > CoO > Ascension

>when a fucking nigger roastie has more brain mass than the gow director

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Yes. The movie looks like shit but at least with creepy Sonic it could he memorable shit. Without creepy Sonic it's just another shit movie.

Being entitled to your opinion does not equal being beyond criticism for said opinion.

>and about 800,000 more.
Not if trophies are anything to go by.

>just because he has teeth
More like because he looks like a Deviantart furry redesign.

I literally played it for almost 3 days straight after launch. Left it till tonight to go in a do all the weird side shit. There is so much to GoW that the majority of people probably know fuck all about. I feel as though the majority of hate it gets is from people who just sped through the barebones story on some easy ass difficulty, no Valkyries, no Dragons, no trials etc

Paying attention to the story of a game is different that it being baby’s first vidya.

based twitter thot

>Fact is Kratos in previous games was an insane immoral mass murderer with no semblance of any logic to his action outside of what the devs thought would look cool
Bull fucking shit

>There is so much to GoW that the majority of people probably know fuck all about
Nah, it's just fucking boring and easy even on hard.

but none of that is even remotely practical or useful

Christopher Nolan arguably messed with a recognisable character when he turned the Joker from a chemical-dipped lunatic into a plain old lunatic with facepaint and a couple of scars. But it worked, because Heath Ledger was an amazing actor. The issue wasn't decision for change itself, but the poor execution and lack of nuance.

So a game has to be hard to be good?
And yet everyone knows DS/BB and Sekiro are only hard to people with the reaction speed and pattern recognition of potato

people tolerated the flower portion because it was mercifully short
thanks for reminding us that your idea of video game depth is a glorified fetch quest that you literally cannot fail Barlog

Why would i give a fuck about what someone who made a shitty game said?

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How is it bullshit? Kratos was a sub 70 IQ brainlet who killed his own family, killed several innocents, some using them as props to get through an obstacle like the woman he set up on a lever just open a door and for her to be crushed under the weight. He also is directly responsible for killing millions and millions of people as killing the gods doomed more than just the gods themselves, and he was aware of this, still didn't give a fuck. Make no mistake WAS a villain.

>a game has to be hard to be good
Engaging =/= hard

>killed his own family
Zeus killed his mother, Thanatos killed his brother, he only killed his wife and child.
>killed several innocents
So did the gods, while they remained alive, this would always be the rule, not the exception.
>He also is directly responsible for killing millions and millions of people as killing the gods doomed more than just the gods themselves
So did the gods, that's what happens every time there's a change in the upper "government" in greece.
>Make no mistake WAS a villain
No, Zeus was the villain. Kratos was merely a force of nature.

What is Cory so convinced that he revolutionized video games with GoW4? Seriously, what innovations did GoW4 do besides have yet another super simplistic combat system that prioritizes style over substance?

He and his friend own an award from the Writers Guild of America.

He did his shitty poorly done game in ONE SHOT.

The same thing when they were thinking of music choices for the first trailer for new Mortal Kombat and the trailer for Pacific Rim 2. Some low slow BPM rap/hip hop music for scenes that should have been fast paced adrenaline shot that needed more intense music choices.

because it won GOTY and that's all that matters to him
should've been red dead

Getting real tired of developers talking about for-profit products like they're artworks.

You're not an auteur, faget. You're making a product with the intent to sell it for profit. Guess what's gonna happen if people don't like the product, dickweed.

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>World literally goes topsy turvy because of the huge power vacuum left by the destruction of the AIs.
>Cyborg augmentation and combat proxies get more advanced, despite everything that happened.
I was really pleased they didn't ignored a logical conclusion.


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>No, Zeus was the villain. Kratos was merely a force of nature.

>hes not evil, its just in his nature to murder rape and pillage
get a fucking grip, Kratos is among the most evil game protagonist up there with prototype guy and other mass murderers

Gee, the guy that turned Kratos from an angry killing machine into a boring and miserable trite would know a lot about butch- I mean having to change a character to suit another kind of “vision”

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why blacks specifically?

Well that can’t be true because GoW has difficulty options for an already mindless combat system.

Kratos mercy killed his mother, and he felt like shit afterwards.

same, everyone celeb should just shut up and delete their twitter

You think he doesn’t know that? The entire game deals with him trying to run away from his past, only to realize that he can’t. He comes to terms with all of the awful things he did.

They ate it up because it reminds people of The Last of us and how thirsty people are for a game about big yummy dad characters protecting their smol innocent child.

If Days Gone switched out the wife with a daughter or son, people would hail that game as a masterpiece.

Who the fuck would ever hire Anthony Burch.

He was voiced by Urkel.

fpbp, my 7-11 still has copies of that piece of shit (not kidding)

So that explains the cliffhanger nature of the game

I'm pretty sure even furries find that disgusting and weird

But helped create Kratos with Jaffe. Barlog also had a better idea to the end the series at 3, with Kratos teaming up with Tyr and Montu to kill the entire world’s Pantheons, and becoming the Three Wise Men in the end.

In principle i'd agree with him that the artists voice should be respected but a) the sonic movie is hardly art it's some cynically produced product and b) there's been such an encroachment on artists autonomy in the past that for certain commentators to suddenly elevate this idea is hypocritical at best. Where were these people when Daniel Vavra was been called a white supremecist because he accurately depicted 15th century Bohemia

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>people defending the paramount sonic
what the fuck sure okay
>people defending the design harder once paramount said they're gonna change it

everyone needs to shut the fuck up and be quiet

No, I mean Barlog was the director of God of War 2 for the PS2.

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blacks are autistic

Actually, they're not really supporting that in this instance. What they're trying to do is say people who do argue for artistic integrity, for example that Souls games shouldn't have easy modes to cater to them or shouldn't feel pressured to appease diversity quotas, don't actually believe in that principle. Rather, they just like being elitist about beating Souls games and are racists in regards to character diversity. Their example being "see, people pushed for the Sonic movie to change because they didn't like it! Where's you're principles now?" And therefore they should be allowed to brow beat videogame developers to make games strictly to their tastes.

Of course, this is a bad argument for a variety of reasons. Number one of which is the director came out with this "you demanded change, we'll change it" shit all on their own. All people were doing was saying it sucked. There were not a dozen think pieces about the moral reasons Sonic needed to look different. No calls for boycotting the movie because Sonic looked like shit. He just looks like shit, so people said so and made fun of it.

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>hes not evil, its just in his nature to murder rape and pillage
No you retarded motherfucker, the path that the gods set to him had only one logical choice, killing them. He had literally no other alternative. And last I checked he never raped anyone.
>Kratos is among the most evil game protagonist up there with prototype guy and other mass murderers
In a world where every main character is a mass murderer, how is he so bad?
Actually he killed her in self defense, I replayed the game recently on my PS3.

fpbp balrogs an inflated hack

So because one famous black actor voiced the main character in all three of the old American Sonic cartoons, it made Sonic some sort of an icon to black people

This. But if artists were allowed to actually create what they want, they wouldn't feel the need to reinvent established IPs. Hollywood doesn't do creativity anymore. Either do established shit or go somewhere else. Same thing with capeshit comics.


GoW’s 2 cliffhanger was one thing, NuGoW’s is legitimately fucking aggravating. There’s not a single main story fight that even comes close to the highlights of the other GoW games, has the characters literally go back home to end it all and they had the fucking balls to tease a potential actually awesome fight and then just cut it off there.

That’s like if GoW 2 ended on a cliffhanger where he sees Zeus again and than it cuts to black.

Yes. Urkel also voiced Manic and Sonia.

He needs to shut the fuck up

Sonic is not the hill to die on

Yep, "journalists" sucking him off went to his head.

Huh. Well thats something

>Balrog commenting on Chronic the Hedgehog

Easy 500 post thread, I'm proud of you for selecting such quality bait.

the guy filmed himself crying in a room, alone, and talking to himself and then thought, "yeah let me upload this to the world"


is complicated SJW have been doing shit like this for quiet a while but in this case at least the ppl crying about it are actual sonic fans who will spend money on that product or thats what i like to think.

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how much did user pay for this again?


Yes, but his opinion is shit.

>He had literally no other alternative.
He ALWAYS had a choice you dumb motherfucker.

>And last I checked he never raped anyone.
He may as well, considering he needlessly used an innocent woman to hold up a fucking gate.

a lot more than I remember, damn.

A big point of MGS2 is thst Raiden is a fucking psycho who is trying to hide it

I hope it was worth it.

can you put a price on piece of history?

>He ALWAYS had a choice
You mean die and spend eternity being tortured in hell? Are you fucking serious? Allow Sparta to be destroyed? Letting not only his immediate family be killed but also his extended family? Are you legitimately, literally, clinically fucking retarded?
>He may as well
Stop assuming things you vermin.


What a moron. Don't make movie based on an gaming IP, and then change the character said IP is based on SO much that it looks NOTHING like the character.

No they wouldn't have. Just like they wouldn't warm up to god of war game where Kratos is a 4 ft tall midget lady-tranny. People would be just as fucking angry.

>People can criticize you and bring down your mood if you do a shitty job

Oh no. Welcome to what most workers in the entire fucking world have to put up with on a daily basis.

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