ITT: Gamer humor

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Make it DS2 and he's absolutely right.


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First reply. Is this like a bot you faggots set up?

omg tru


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Was this unironic?

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You mean cringe thread?

is it true that all non-whites are afraid of trump?
how silly

>have sex - the t shirt

Does anyone have the Yea Forums version?

why does he have grey hair on his temples?

this but unironically

Dark Souls is an okay game but it's not anything special. There are a lot of fundamental design problems with it; combat is unsatisfying and the difficulty is either piss easy or irritatingly difficult. It's highs are amazing, but there are a lot of problems that just shouldn't exist, and only do because fans insist that all the flaws remain the same as part of the experience. While the difficulty and design do act as a filter for basic retards, it allows people who are even slightly competent to feel like they're masters, despite the fact that they overcame most of the challenges in the game the easy way.

Yea Forums version
>game time
>cunny time

Boom. Drumpf status: Blumpf




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dark souls isn't hard

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You don't?

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what do you find unsatisfying about the combat? That was definitely my favorite part

i think this is a whomp strip

I like Dark Souls and it isn't a hard game at all. Being assblasted about not finishing a game other people like is the type of thing a faggot like OP would do.

is this thread off-topic? I only ask because I feel like the deletion of certain threads is so inconsistent


No for some reason he's afraid of all non whites though


Seems dumb but i think that shirt might actually increase the odds of you seeing a vagina if you wore it to a bar.

Peak clown world when people get 'political' at a video game being too hard.

Someone should do a Sword Saint “You cheated not only the game but also yourself.” mockup.

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Something isn't right in this thread...


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Drumpf isn’t evil, he’s just dumb

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>drumpfies seething over this
And they call sjws fragile, triggered babies

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heh.... lel

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Nahh, he's just the biggest shabbos goy you could imagine

should be put this on a shirt

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>"Welcome to the Late Show, with me, Stephen Colbert! We've got a great show! So, Resident Evil has come out, have you heard about it? Well, we got a copy of the rough draft, and we thought we'd show it to you"
>Cut to "Resident Evil" on a black background
>A P slowly fades in so it becomes "President Evil"
>The audience laughs and claps
>Cut to cartoon Trump, looking out a White House window and seeing a Mexican family outside
>"Oh my God, it's an invasion. Of zombies! I gotta tweet about this."
>Pence walks in
>"Mr. President, I think they're just immigrants."
>"Oh my God, Pence, how can you imagine something so horrible. Thankfully I'm smarter than you, and I can tell they're just zombies. Call the army, we've gotta put them in cages!"
>"Now, Trump, they're not cages, they're 'fenced areas'-"
>Pelosi walks in
>"What's all the commotion?"
>"Oh no, a rotting corpse! This is so bad! Oh wait, it's just you, Nancy. Or as I like to call you, 'Nancy'. Well, if the Democrats are here, nothing's getting done."
>Trump snatches a pistol from secret service
>"I'll solve this myself. I only hope they don't eat my big, beautiful brain."
>Pelosi smirks
>"I wouldn't worry about it"
>Trump walks up to the immigrant family
>The father speaks in a barely noticeable accent
>"Hello Mr. President"
>"What!? I can't understand your zombie babble!"
>Melania walks in, and says in an extremely thick accent
>"Donald, they're speaking English"
>"They've got you too! Honey, I'm sorry!"
>Trump shoots Melania
>Her last word is "freedom..."
>"What do I do now! The world's ending!"
>Trump's watch beeps
>"Ooh, executive time!"
>Trump walks off screen
>Cartoon fades out to claps and cheers

who tf would unironically wear a shirt not only about games but also declaring you are shit at them

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us gamers amirite?

nah i think that kike knows what he's doing

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i think hes funny desu

>people triggered over trump
>not realizing Billy and Mandy already made this pun like 10 years ago

man wouldnt it be funny if isabelle acted before the mayor had the chance to correct herself haha
and she tries to push her off but its too good haha

like wouldnt it be funny


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I’d wear it.

I miss the megathread when people edited this shit for 6 hours

This is it. This is the end of Drumpfh.

hahaha that guy on the right is such a cuck

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iz pree guud

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>Front: Oh hey that's a funny shirt
>Back: Unbridled autism
Why didn't they just leave it at a funny joke shirt instead of pretending they're smart?

The front isn't a funny joke, the shirt is mocking those types of shirts

Hes just another retard parroting mathewmatosis.

It'd give me a chuckle if I saw the front in the wild

yeah haha fuck anybody who plays videogames


>hey bro what level of cope are you on

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This is dumb though, why would she ask her secretary to lick a person clean?

Not him, but the lock on system is unforgivably shit in every Souls/Soulslike From title (haven't playeed Sekiro yet, so I can't comment), which is unacceptable when there are other Soulslike titles not made by FromSoft that don't have that problem.

There's also the issue of any build centered around magic being generally unwieldy and poorly thought out, doubly so because you can dual wield any melee weapon but spells/pyromancies/miracles are bound to what amounts to a one-way selection wheel controlled by the D pad, which is beyond retarded when fucking -SKYRIM- did it just fine back in 2011.

There's also the issue of which enemy attack animations can be interrupted by your own being a case of trial and error a lot of the time, which is particularly frustrating in some particularly intense boss fights. I get that they didn't want stunlocking to be the primary go-to tactic, but a satisfying victory shouldn't revolve around an arbitrary element of combat such as this. There has to be a more intuitive way to telegraph which attacks should be avoided at all costs and which might be worth the risk, but I suppose that isn't an issue exclusive to From titles.

Souls is a good series with a devout fanbase, both of which refuses to acknowledge the franchise's own room for improvement, which just means that every game has the same glaring flaws. It could be amazing, but Souls always just settles for "good."

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>ITT: Gamer humor
Man, do I have something for your kind!

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Can't argue with that

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I don't get it

Dark Souls is a flawed game for sure, but saying it was "nothing special" is objectively untrue and exceedingly foolish.
Few games this decade had such a massive influence on the industry, the aesthetic and gameplay type of Dark Souls is being emulated to this day.

I can't believe this shit went on for this long.

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Pray it stays that way.

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no, its liberals in general including white liberals.

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Of course not.

Lol saved. That image is so good that I don't even care that Trump is going to win 2020 in a landslide.


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How do I scratch the "Child Porn" sprayed on the back of my screen?

>Jedi Knight III

Fucking end my life.

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All Souls shit games are the same unpolushed overrated trash lol

just walk to the other side of the table lmaooooo what a fucking retard hahahha

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This is actually pretty funny though.

>making your screen dirty
What a bunch of fucking morons, all of them.

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would play

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Of course it has problems, every game does. However, the stance in the OP shirt is one taken by somebody who gave up on the game because they couldn't handle a decent challenge and feel personally attacked because a difficult game is popular and the culture surrounding it is one that celebrates unforgiving gameplay and shuns the idea that games should sacrifice challenge for accessibility, and that in fact, the series' lack of inherent accessibility is a breath of fresh air in the industry harkening back to the arcades and one that should be preserved.

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remember when you could call someone a faggot in an online game and not get banned?

This made me laugh

the quintessential gaming journo t shirt

>playing MMOs or any other such games made by retards
It's your fault, I still call people faggots a lot.

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would play

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Based soul of cinder calling out the eternal casual

git gud noob

I remember back when I played MW and MW2 whenever someone used a skin most people would proceed to call them fags and tryhards. Nowadays you have entire markets for skins in video games. The fuck went wrong?

This one got me

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Here's your quintessential shirt, sweaty ;)

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Because they're... plumbers?

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If he's the seventh one, who are 1-6?

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Adams, Lincoln, Hoover, Truman, Dubya, Obama

i unironically have this shirt
i wear it in public
i'm a 32 yo kissless hugless wizard
people laugh at me

So is anybody gonna do it or what?
I’m tired of fucking waiting.


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Do you think about the humiliation while you pleasure yourself?

Gib isabele x femmayor porn plox

What game is the amputee one?

yeah i have to agree except for the GIT GUD NOOB stuff that you can learn at the start of the game

>no u
no u

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>another school fountain

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I'm not sure how many of you get that this is a reference to the gaming franchise "Resident Evil." Just brilliant on so many levels.

>tfw when looked at right side first
I'm sorry for being a weeb mother

The last mayor face looks like it was commissioned by Dreamworks.

because her secretary is a dog and that's what dogs do?

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Is this just a meme or is the original quote from something?

i just go home and tell me friends on discord my funny story. i wish i got off to it. maybe then id find some enjoyment in something

>all of them coming out of a demonic swirling red portal

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haha you suck

how long until you go tranny?

Where are the other President Evils?

>tfw never got past lost izalith

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Like who? Trump is the only one.

Bed of Chaos can suck my nuts but the level itself isn't hard apart from that one NPC invader

Uhhhh I've got some bad news chief.

Made me laugh.

I fucking hate pretentious faggots like you

no thats gay

id sooner hang

Naw shit
here we go again


this is so sad its almost funny

but that's what cats do, dogs scratch and roll around instead of licking
that's why cats barf up hairballs and dogs don't

Yea Forumsersion

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What about obama and Bush, they were both pretty evil as well.

The fanbase turned me away from it though

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I only play single player games

>mfw i'm a fucking pleb casual shitter who generally just watches twitch and youtube and even i managed managed to beat dark souls twice

>Tenpenny residents are not particularly opinionated about ghouls.
>Allistair Tenpenny can be convinced to let them stay.
>Days after the ghouls are allowed entry, the ghouls and humans have a disagreement.
>All the residents are slaughtered by the ghouls, their looted and stripped bodies dumped in the basement.


this (although I don't watch Twitch), hell I didn't even know about upgrading weapons and equipment until Quelag when I realised I did almost no damage to her and I still got through the game

This always looked really korean to me. Is it korean?

Wheres my laser cheese?

How do I find porn of the pink bitch?

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imagine being so fucking seething that you'd purchase a t-shirt like this

i want casual shitters to move on to the next ''big trend'' so I won't have to deal with this smug pandering entitled normie mentality

based user with good memory

Shhhh, the Zoomers are still too young

the shirt doesnt even exist
the people do though

Imagine being so dense you don't see how amazing the Dark Souls community actually is. It's a game series where anyone would be more than happy to give you tips or encouragement to help you achieve the win on your own, just so you can feel the satisfaction that brings with it. To overcome a challenge that once seemed insurmountable, and to triumph with authority at the end of it all. This is why we play video games. This is why we love video games. And the community doesn't need nor want a pleb like you shitting it up with the stench of failure. Tough break kid, nice try tho

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I don't get it

stay away too weak nigga

No thats what liberal want you to think.

I know hispanics and blacks who voted for him

nerds got money

There is absolutely nothing "hard" about Dark Souls. It's not a hard series. Hell, Dark Souls 3 is pitifully easy because the combat was reworked to be "MASH BUTTEN SO COOL WOW POWER MOVES" where everyone cna be poise-locked instead of boss fights being combat puzzles like they were in Demon's Souls and to some degree Dark Souls 1. The "hard" parts in Dark Souls are just one-shot cheap deaths that make you roll your eyes and sigh with annoyance because there was absolutely no way you could have seen them coming, then once you know they exist the fight just becomes avoiding them by hitting a button once or twice.

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Who even makes these images

t-that's c-cute...

This social conditioning is way too accurate for me to even laugh at

>difficult to enjoy

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probably the most redpill questline in the game but no one saw it that way

>"Why can't I just mash X for 10 minutes to get to the next cutscene?!"

Wild casual spotted. Nice one user.

is it real nigga hours already?

>t. "git gud" poster

You literally do not have to interact socially with a single person to play the game, faggot.

I don't know man I think I had trouble with pontiff but most buses were pretty easy I agree

Don't take it personnel kid. The games just not for you.

The worst part is there are more people like this than you buying video games so they will make games for people like this instead of people like you

Action games were always about difficulty though.

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Funny you mention that, because the entire reason Dark Souls became such a massive sleeper hit was because of exactly what you just described.

I appreciate your fate, however I personally truly enjoyed the Dark Souls and Siri is very much my friend. However there are many people who are quite elitist about it

Just because you claim to not be one doesn't mean they don't exist

You really think for a second they'd release a Rebel Jedi and a Jedi Rebel?

And then normalfags got their hands on it and we got DS2 and DS3 so I guess we all lose.

It's simple, we kill Mustache Girl.

Literally 90% of DkSIII players summon their way to easy wins. The community a shit.

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Got me fucking good, m8.

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Those elitist types are genuinely autistic, and not in the funny Yea Forums way. Just literal socially inept goons. I've been playing vidya for awhile, and it was so encouraging seeing the community that sprung up around this game. I know those other people are out there too, but the good ones are making the wikis and videos to help with strategies. Just look for those guys.

>son of a thousand rodents
>a few FM radio stations
>now heres a GoW wallpaper

i remember someone saying it was either from a shitty asian country or a shitty latin american country

If you need a wiki or videos to get through ds you should probably stop playing videogames altogether

It looks like it's from Singapore or the Philippines to me.

Not to mention Whomp

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Katawa Shoujo, Emi's route

>now you remember Pyro's House satellite death beam
I miss that game and that map so much.

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Meant to reply to you with


The only people that give Dark Souls the "hardest video game ever" title are people who are bad at games in general.

Like you?

Haha looks like someone needs to git gud

I don't think I've ever triggered someone with a post this fast.

I can't believe I read almost all of this. It wasn't so bad and the writing is better than whatever modern Bethesda can shit out, that's the most weird part about it.

There's even a part about cannibalism.

Sounds like you're the triggered casual, bub.

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You can do better than this

Switch it please

You realize the games esoteric on purpose, right? I mean... right? Please tell me you're not that fucking dumb. Tell me you understand they could've easily put a codex in the game describing every enemy and what it's weak to, or had NPCs giving you helpful tips at every location. You realize community discussion is baked into the game from the ground up, and with the invasions and co-op systems. I mean, you're not THAT dense....

Soulsborne games aren't even hard. They're just stupidly designed.

Objective evidence: Even girls love and eat this shit up.

I'm sorry sweaty I don't have any more time to bicker with incels kbye

>how it feels to be a trolling tryhard

this is that big OOF

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literally could've just said "I didn't beat DARK SOULS because I didn't feel like it" and that would be OK
the moment you're trying to defend yourself, you already lost

>trust me gaiz, i know gurls

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I love how many responses this gets, Yea Forums truly has been btfo

>crapawa shitjo

I know that girls are born with an XX chromosome and aren't able to produce as much testosterone, among other things and so are, unfortunately for them, inferior when it comes to most competitive activities.

oh no... oh no baby what is you doin'... tell me he didn't just...

Figure it out on your own? Experiment? Try things and see how they work? Learn? Dont just follow directions from what some other guy already did.

Write your own codex nigger

cringe and bluepilled

I'm actually considering getting this shirt as a hail mary attempt at getting laid. Maybe some funko pop thot will find it quirky and edgy.

Have you considered rape?

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literally me irl

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wtf, I could have sworn this wasn't Yea Forums

plenty of video games suited for girls: everything nintendo, the sims, and any soulsborne game to name a few

Oh snap, I bet she had egg all over her face! How absolutely dreadful for her. You're a good sport user.


PS4's are real cheap, you could just buy one and play Bloodborne you know. Stop being jealous from afar, it's not a good look.

i got showers to take and sex to have. I'll leave that up to the lonely bois like you.

That's because you're not a Gamer™, you're just some weird, gross nerd who plays video games.

Yeah, testosterone makes you better at video games which is why competitive gamers are always on steroids.

Why was Calvin's mom such a bitch?

Actually their reflexes are much worse

> being this pathetically ignorant

lmao. sad.

This but unironically.

I will continue to take whatever stance no matter how asinine until SJWs fuck off out of my hobby

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wordfilters are still here, holy crap

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Literal incel.

Libtard here. I promise you we're making more efforts day by day to get rid of SJWs. Not only do they make sensible democrats look retarded, but they also are the source of infighting in the party.

Stop false flagging, incel.

It's true though! I'm from portland and was bullied by the trans people in the anime club back in highschool

I'd feel more for the folks if they weren't rich ass wads. Rich people are innately evil

>Getting Rid of SJWs
I don't think you know how these buzzwords work

You have white privilege, you literally can't be bullied by trans people you dumb White fuck.

you know that wall isn't going to ever happen right?

>friends on discord
die fucking normie

seething mexitard

Fuck off, saucy. You tripfagging attention seeker

This just raises further questions!

Thats not funny thats cute

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I'd fuck a horse desu

I have literally no strong political feelings one way or another, every stance I take is only reactionary taken in opposition of the SJWs. You want less votes for trump all you gotta do is clean up your party my guy

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Cope harder
You voted for a president who gave you big hopes and didn't deliver on any of them

Fuck off newfag cunt I run this shit

>I'm pro-slavery and pollution because sjw's are against it
>and I blame you for my lack of apathy regarding the extinction of the human race

Yes I will take both of those stances. SJWs are my enemy, they have made themselves my enemy and publicly declared me as something they hate. It benefits me to do nothing less but seek their complete and total destruction no matter the cost.

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why can't these fuckers spend their talents on an actual fallout fanfiction

Boy they aint kidding when they say the left can't meme

Me on the bottom

The correct order is
>top right
>top left
>bottom right
>bottom left

>Systematically take steps to eradicate the white race.
>Cry victim when whites no longer go out of their way to save humanity

Huh funny how that worked.


Sucks to be you, if my cut ass wore it, also 32, not a wizard though, grills would rape me instead of thinking I'm some kind of untouchable man.

Bruh this is the single most autismal thing i've read on this website since 2014

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easy because half of the white nerds that play video games are mgtow incel faggots, the other half are your precious white knight beta neckbeards

have sex

she thought they looked dope af too, but part of raising a kid is constantly telling them no so they get sick of you and move out. or they steal your gun and shoot you. either way, you win.


Honestly I don't even get half of these.

this but unironically

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I'd rather burn in MY hell than live in YOUR heaven.

Is this true, or do people not upgrade ADP? I've noticed that save for a few DLC bosses, the boss fights are easy. I only started playing, but I'm not having any issues with parrying or hitboxes.


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>has a lot of design problems that make it player-unfriendly
Bro, every PC game before 2004 has a lot of design problems that make them player-unfriendly, stop being a piss baby and get over it so you can have fun.

Are they ok?

Bruh. This is an underated post

This really makes me think but unironically

>Killed Osama
>Stopped 9/11

us gamers huh

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>i remember someone saying it was either from a shitty asian country or a shitty latin american country
There's people in the background of the game time one so that's not much of a deduction.

nerf flag please

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Jews btfo. If only arabs did shit like this more often we might get along.

All of Yea Forums is filled with pedos. How have you not caught up to this fact, newfaggot?

No idea it's on all the monitors at Staples too and the employees there are pretty unhelpful.


easy. they don't want to fuck nerds, and if they insulted chad he wouldn't even want to pump and dump them anymore.

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>Implying that games didn't used to be both fun and challenging in the old days
>What is Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, and Contra
What a fucking tasteless scrub



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bruh moment

Haha pen and paper? Wtf, I always solve it in my mind like everyone else did, how low is this nigga's IQ

being this mad and thinking youre special because you beat a game

Have sex.


i have, user, i have
unlike yourself :^)

>no u

Get a clue and have sex.

nobody but journos and normies (you) thought it was that hard

Attached: haha!.jpg (198x340, 20K)

>not a bottle of s.oy coming out the pocket

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>missing the joke

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I just don't get why the guys on the left are coming out of a vagina

>3 years

>not understanding the water meme

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she dead?

Attached: gamer.jpg (720x757, 44K)

That is the best quote this dummy could come up with before dying?

Only at the bridge demon honestly. After that it's fine.

It's consentual just so you know. Don't get your hopes up if you're in it for rape. That's Shizune's route.

Wait, why is Mario telling this to Luigi? Did they not let Luigi into the meeting with Trump?

>raped and tortured a former princess into sexual servitude

what? is that a real game?

Get to practicing on your lurking, faggot.

I've played Fallout 3 and NV extensively and I never knew about this. I always felt that those lines must serve some purpose, but I guess I was never curious enough to fiddle with them.
But I'm not a brainlet that had to spend 15 minutes and write shit down to hack a terminal, so ehh.

Still gado

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fucking kek

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What level of irony are we on here?

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>When your such a sooner plenty that you don't know that Mario was originally a carpenter and you think this is legitimately cringy.

And rich people feel the same way about you poor folk, you're evil and just want their shit.

>Fallout: Lesbian Horses

They're all evil, its a prerequisite for getting into politics, none of them just looked as batshit retarded as Trump did.

i feel like this would work

Valid points, except I can remember that there were problems with interrupting enemy attacks only in DS2
>you can dual wield any melee weapon
Yes well, again this is only true for DS2 and in the other installments it is pretty much identical to dual wielding magic
I don't get how dual wielding relates to the poor spell selection menu


have sex please

I love this image.

there was a bomb in the flag pole?

He's 100% transactional. No guiding morality or principles. He stands by who has money or power and who pays him, and he doesn't like anybody who speaks ill of him. Dumb may not be the right word. More like "simple."


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Essentially, the selection menu requires that you equip the correct type of magic in that hand and that you have selected the correct spell and used the correct hand equipped with the proper type of magic weapon for that spell. It's pants on head retarded and only really serves benefits you if you're specifically playing a spellsword. There's no benefit to sheathing the offhand weapon/spell type like there is with most melee weapons, and messing up and trying to use the wrong spell with the wrong catalyst is not only easy to fuck up, but is absolutely disastrous in a combat situation. Don't even get me started on how flawed the FP system is for Magic builds, regardless of attunement.

The magic system in Dark Souls is downright indefensible, and hasn't really improved throughout the entire trilogy...much like everything else since the first game, come to think of it. The only thing I can really say has improved is the Whip moveset in DSIII and some of the DLC bosses and enemy designs in the same game. Everything else about Souls has been downhill since 1.

no, you can't force me, and i don't want to.

T-the left can't meme... Right guys?

Attached: History revisionist games.webm (1282x404, 1.02M)

>Making an image where you get BTFO by your own strawman



yeah me too. Only recently when I replayed it I found out about those. I remember reading something to the effect of brackets way back then, clicked on one, lost a guess and said fuck this.
Also that puzzle in sleeping dogs about matching a pattern using guesses was pretty fuckin cool

I didn't beat it or finish it because I wasn't having fun. The game isn't for me but it is for other people. I like a different flavor of repetitive shit games make me do is all.

Also anyone who wears a shirt with that many words is a fag.

Chad is pretty based desu.

I'm going to buy that shirt!

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What the fuck did you just say? How dare you use an indefinite article around me!

i had the urge to complete this quest, but morally I sided with the residents. Tenpenny has the right to choose who lives in his house.

lurk moar

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anyone got the disgaea ver of this with the archer and rune knight

They might be laughing with you thinking that you're just being silly and not realize how much of a genuine failure you really are

>literally perpetuating a reddit water meme
go the fuck back to /r/waterniggas

>using lereddit terms


this is actually how most of people think but we always assume the opposite.

What' the newest version of teaching feeling? I have an urge to play it now

There's always a thread up on /h/.

I have a friend who plays both Dark Souls 3 and Blops so this picture is a little eh...

Thats a big shit

Only gamers will understand.

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It's over...............

So basically you're saying the cycle will repeat itself?

Does this counts as Guerilla warfare?

Video games?

someone post the gamer fuel one

This takes me back

No, it's probably your fetish

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how does he know it's not the hardest game if he didn't beat it

He had billions and billions of quotes, user.

>imagine believing Dark Souls is hard

>he doesn't know dark souls is an rpg, not an action game
frankly it's easiest if you treat it like a really fucking fast turn based jrpg.


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It's the marketing that hypes it up as the hardest game ever. Not the players.

Also Clinton and Truman.


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finally a truthful version

Sekai Project fucking murdered that thing.

the saddest thing about this is those board games

you just know this is someones dad, he's reproduced already

He's both dumb and evil.

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Princess Trainer, newfriend

Sans Undertale was harder than any boss in Dark Souls.

Only dictator in us history

Enlighten us.

It really is ironic that the people who so enjoy telling "snowflakes" to shut up and stop whining have chosen as their hero a man who literally cannot go a single day without whining his fat orange ass off about how mean everyone is to him.

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Kek you got me. I am so glad the weeb test came back negative.

not him, but
>forced the US into an arguably genocidal war against Germany, made it illegal to oppose this war
>supported the Soviet Union even with their mass extermination
>put farm workers into harsh conditions and violently suppressed strikes
>internment of Japanese civilians

Most reddit post of the day

Okay, someone who isn't a neonazi, enlighten us.

The shirt is almost certainly a gift from one of his kids

>player-unfrendly design
tldr: it didn't hold my hand.

I got pushed into going to a strip club, and got to see a vagina up close during a lap dance. Literally did not get even slightly hard. I dunno if it was 2D brainwashing, nervousness, or maybe I'm just asexual.

I'm not a neo nazi and I do not even like white nationalism. the things FDR did were objectively evil though.

I wouldn't put it past him to have made the shirt himself in an attempt to connect with his kids

That's not Kramer from Seinfeld, it's the protagonist from Lechuza.

Attached: Lechuza-001.jpg (768x512, 62K)

I'd wear this

How would you know what is the most reddit post of the day?

Boy they aint kidding when they say all right-wing memes that are bad get misattributed to leftists

You stormweenies have to understand that your anti-ZOG candidates will never get more than .5% of the votes. Never. Just give up and accept it like the rest of us. Israel is beyond reproach at the moment. Chimping out will only give them more fodder to play the victim.

This. He's only as dumb as he's been allowed to be, like most people

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yes a bot, from russia

>eye rolling intensifies

I want to make a fortnite dancers thread but I don't want to get banned

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i didn't ask for these feels

wtf i aint reading that nigga

Patrick Little literally did get more than that even in fucking California. Even normal conservatives are getting extremely pissed off with Trump's promises to "bring in more immigrants than ever before" and only fulfilling Jewish interests

Anyone else like the exploration and character building aspect more than boss fights? When i get to a boss im kind of disappointed that i finished exploring and have to tediously memorize yet another bosses patterns.

>eye rolling intensifies

Attached: 1544316202297.png (340x359, 183K)

Why didn't you finish it?

>eye rolling intensifies

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Unqualified opinions are meaningless.

Video game journalists.

You might wanna check out there's an user developing a game that should be quite to your liking

christ this is funny

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>XD everything has to be s o y like my epic Yea Forums memes!!!
Kill yourself.

SJW here. Lmao, I'd like to see you try

Imagine writing this and thinking it sounded cool enough to hit "Post"

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>arguably genocidal war against germany
Hello delusion.

Even if it was true it would be ok anyway germs are a menace.

I enjoy both.


this is like post ironic shitposting

>shoots up your school
psssh...nothin personnel...kid...

that's not how autism works

The challenge bosses are pretty hard.
Doable by anybody with a little perseverance, but hard.

This shirt should say "I didn't beat dark souls because i didn't git gud"

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I'm not sure how people who read NTR manga can look at scene composition like this and say the intention is that you be identifying with the Netorare-er and not the Netorare-ee.

God I hate Netorare

Now Netori on the other hand...

What's some good Netori?

>i refuse to enjoy the best game this decade
ok fag, why should i care?

you are retarded because you didn't

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I feel this way. I tend to co op the bosses not because I can't beat them myself, but so I can at least add another aspect to them

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Drink water.

Watch it user

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He's right, you can have the same game without filling it with enemies that kill you in one hit and take like 2 or 3 hits from normal enemies and you're done.

Now that's comedy

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The fuck? Do basedboys like deamcast?

What game are you talking about?

they like whatever (person crudely editing image) doesnt like hth

Why would you get hard at the sight of a vagina? They're usually visually unappealing.

These cunny posts really make me laugh

Depends on what you're into and what other elements you can tolerate. Exhentai tends to file them under the "cheating" tag, but that sometimes gets conflated with traditional NTR.

Tutor Girlfriend has a fair bit of Netori in it and is otherwise nice and vanilla:

Then you've got some rarer "Reverse Netorare". Which is simply an inverse of the standard trope, a woman stealing another's man (technically reverse netorare shouldn't be correct but it's generally accepted. "The Princess' Secret (Dragon Quest XI)" is a fairly Netori example of that (bonus points for Martina):

Standard NTR stuff still applies mind, such as ugly old men. However I can usually look past that myself for instance this one's pretty good, Leopard Hon 14 (Ikkitousen):

Attached: sc045.jpg (1406x2000, 936K)

if you find the majority of vaginas visually unappealing it means you're not sexually attracted to women.

most people dont beat most games or even get 20% into it, doesnt mean its hard or designed bad, just means you got bored. Love when people project themselves onto something else to shift the blame, as if it even matters in the first place

Good luck with that, you'll need it.

Fuck off commie

says the upper-middle class faggot whos had everything handed to them

Reddit: The Post

Not him, but no, it doesn't mean that. The rest of the female body has a lot of stuff I like and find extremely visually appealing, but a vagina is an orifice. Orifices aren't sexy to me.

thge left cant meme

Are you implying that being anti-SJW is akin to supporting slavery? Pretty sure every major political faction in the US is against slavery.

The Russian bots are too busy making Facebook posts about how Joe Biden fucks Taiwanese boys or something.

man this one is oooold. and from a much different internet climate

>Pretty sure every major political faction in the US is against slavery.
You're wrong. The GOP would do it in a heartbeat if they thought they could get away with it. After all, they're the descendants of people who literally went to war to keep slavery going.

>Not being pro slavery
Get a load of this seething incel.

Great bait user, all these retards are triggered so hard


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as you vote for bernie sanders and a state funded factory job

That shirt makes no sense because journalists aren’t actually complaining like that, they are just whining for an easy mode

How can I tell this was made by a leftie?

I had a friend who wore a shirt with that on it to a club in Ibiza and he got laid because of it, but he's decent looking and not actually a sperg.

He just used it as a way to get drunk club sluts to talk to him and start flirting.

I got this for my roommate and he unironically loves it.

Attached: lino061n06511 (1).jpg (749x736, 97K)

Jesus that's a monster shit.

God damn

could it be the left wing position it presents

How can her face perfectly reflect how detestable she is?

This is true, but it's not just due to serum test levels.
You don't seem too bright yourself, to be honest.

Got any more?

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Based Big Prez workin the smarks

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>dark souls has a storyline which is so complex

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mmmm bait taste so good mmm



Because that's not a NTR doujin but a horror manga with people i would never associate with. The protag's "gf" which isn't that girl in the pic doesn't go with anyone but him.

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God fucking dammit this thread killed me.

maybe if you look like that, fatty.

President Evil Ford
President Evil Code Ronald Reagan
President Evil 3 (years): Kennedy
President Evil: Dead James
President Evil: Operation Richard Nixon
President Evil Cleveland: Term #2

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i thought they were too busy posting frogs and crying about esjaydubyas

why does the alt right love israel so much? it doesnt make any sense to me.

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here you go bro

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Because they support fascist ethnostates and they hate Muslims more than they hate Jews

it was hot. it became hotter. and then it turned weirdly hot

They hate Muslims more than they hate Jews. It's an "enemy of my enemy" kind of thing.