you have 10 seconds to recommend me a good PC game that came out in the last 5 years
>no soulsshit
>no DMCshit (Bayonetta included)
>no Cowaduty
>no Tales games (already own/beat them)
>no Paradox titles (already own them)
>no Total War (already own them)
>no MOBAshit
>no BattleRoyalshit
>no RTS (it's dead jim)
prove to me PC gaming isn't dead
You have 10 seconds to recommend me a good PC game that came out in the last 5 years
why should I
Endless Space 2
>recent pc games I played already no longer exist which proves pc gaming is dead
Artificial Academy 2
I actually liked Endless Legend more than the next two games desu
god eater 2
Risk of Rain 2
Risk of rain 2 (with friends)
Broken Reality pierced through the veil of cynicism and reminded me why I used to love the vidya
Espace From Tarkov
>not battle royalshit
>hardcore no casul fag
>persistent FPS with progression
>STALKER with no mutants
Request threads are to go to /r/
VA-11 Hall-A
It's good regardless whether you enjoy/tolerate the anime-ish artstyle.
Honey Select
Or if you're not looking for a sex game, Paladins. It's like Overwatch with no switching champs and a card-based loadout system. It's actually better than Overwatch imo
I'm not gonna bother if you're gonna gatekeep that hard.
Fuck off, tryhard.
Also arma 3 if your rig is capable
Unironically get a group of people and play minecraft on a private server. More fun than you think.
I remember when he wasn't a lazy fuck
A Virtual Machine to emulate w95, and then use the old Paint.
Pick any
Why do people like iDubbbz for? He comes off like an edgy obnoxious piece of shit catered to 15-19 year olds .
>STALKER with no mutants
Is that supposed to be a positive?
Escape from Tarkov
>name a good PC game except for all these
>(if you name a good game then I'll reply and say it's bad)
lmao great thread my dude
I have a word of advice for you though. Stop being a normie. If you think the popular shit you listed is all of the good games, you need to stop limiting yourself to what everyone else plays get your own taste in video games. There are hundreds of thousands of PC games out there and if you can't find one which appeals to you then you're just not trying.
>inb4 "but those hundreds of thousands of PC games aren't console-tailored $60 cinematic experiences so they don't count"
Just buy a console then you dipshit.
he does a lot of research before he shits on someone or something.
And it's hard to disagree with him on some points.
fuck off retard do your own research
>took less than 2 minutes for OP to get BTFO
Eat shit
you mad brah?
you seem super mad right now
I only replied to the guy that recommended Endless Space 2
I'm currently dumping all of my free time into X4 Foundations and Imperator Rome
I was just wondering if there's more to PC gaming besides Paradox titles anymore, seems like besides indie titles that belong on a console marketplace or in a mobage store, there's just not much to be played
stay mad tho
>no counterargument
>y-you mad?
>$35 for base game
>closed beta since 2017
>d-do not include all of these games up here that I also bought and played and beat
You guys are both cool
PC has no exclusives
>Recommend me games
>No games that are games
PC has entire genres that are exclusive
let it be known that PC gaming is dead, there's nothing but indieshit and mobage ports now
Literally the only reason to own a PC is Bethesda sex mods and Paradox titles
press F for PC gaming 2019
you are a chess playing pigeon
Atom RPG
Gotta second the Endless Legend mention. It's as close to 4x HoMM3 you'll ever get.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance is pretty good when you look past the horrible optimization and combat. Shit is so fun for role playing and sidequests. Characters are also genuinely good. I just wish it wasn't a bug fest
you have 10 seconds to recommend me a good console game that came out in the last 5 years
>no weebshit
>no AAA cinematic experience shit
>no Bloodborne (already own/beat it)
>no Red Dead (already own it)
>no Zelda (already own/beat it)
>no console FPS (shooters on a controller top kek)
>no bing bang wahoo shit
>no capeshit
>no arcadeshit
>no automobileshit
>no platformers (it's dead jim)
prove to me console gaming isn't dead
This has been bubbling up for a long while, but this thread made me finally realize:
Paradox games are mainstream as shit, and the retarded userbase of Yea Forums loves them.
They're just one more block for the ever-growing mosaic of the "internet frog virgin anime nazi" archetype.
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones is coming out this year. If you like classic RPG's in the vein of Baldur's Gate and you also happen to like Hit Points Lovecraft, check it out. I think there's a demo.
Last CRPG I gave a chance was shit, I might look for this but Pathfinder really turned me off on to modern CRPG
Final fantasy 14
>recommend me a game
Press F to dab on this mans grave
> good PC game
>hey faggot, name 50 good games without mentioning these other 50 awesome games, I bet you can't lol
Same shit when discussing console libraries
>huuur name 10 good N64 games without Mario, Zelda, Star Fox, Banjo, GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, ur mum, x game I wasn't even gonna mention, jackie chan or shaq fu 64
The only thing you prove by doing this stupid questions with arbitrary rules is how autistic you are.
> good console game
Its ok but it has a horrible undefendable netcode aswell as a economy that encourages cheaters, combined with a useless anticheat its unplayable in the current state
As I am cheating myself I see atleast 2 cheaters in a single lab raid, also speedhacker every 2nd.
map painting simulators are the last thing to be normie, maybe Imperator Rome and Stellaris because they are dumbed down as shit but the older titles are literally normie filters
never going to find a normie playing Vicky or CKII or even HOI3
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Dungeons 3 (RTS but not entirely)
>all that shovelware garbage
enter the gungeon
also i heard overwhelm was good.
i played dayz the other day and a black dude came up to me looking for his master, after i fought a squad of dudes with sniper rifles blaring animu music from a police station to attract enemies who were chopping people up and eating them. i was wearing a pepe shirt too.
dayz is Yea Forums the game, and most players use pol syntax in the chat. it's the last bastion of uncensored online vidya, but even it is starting to face censorship.
why don't companies make good games anymore? do they all know the world is ending soon or something?
Allow me to respond in his name. You're a faggot.
The problem is not "normies". The problem is people who use the word "normie" unironically. You know, the "internet frog virgin anime nazi" people. Like you.
>Paradox games are mainstream as shit
Only relative to other niche PC genres. Still nowhere near as mainstream as your average shooter or moba. Even JRPGs are more popular.
Also their major grand strategy games from HOI3 to 4 are genuinely good. Most of what theyve released since then is an embarrassment though.
If you need anonymous people on 4chin to prove you PC gaming isn't dead, then you're beyond salvation my good man. Stop living under a rock and do some research by yourself.
mahjong souls
4K 60fps
Try it out, it'll blow your brains out
>all that shovelware garbage
War Thunder
I like Slay The Spire
>more shovelware garbage
Mainstream? Anime is considered the least cool thing on the internet at this point. The only ones you're even allowed to like are shonen.
>a good PC game
>It's like Overwatch
What a fucking nigger.
>PC gaming is dead
>Praises paradox
Kuhkuhkuhkill yerself mister
You're welcome
I'm going to wager without defending any games listed that you haven't played any of them...
Anno 1800
what's wrong with the souls games? too hard for you faggot?
The entire FPS and TPS genres are exclusive to PC.
Titanfall 2, Kenshi - albeit having rts elements - and 20XX
Now fuck off
>hurr its indie so its shit it doesnt counts hurrr im retarded
I said fuck off
Doesn't count
Press F for PC gaming is dead
Darkest Dungeon?
Emulate BOTW or Persona 5 in 4k
Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim VR, Fallout 76.
Wait did you tought that was the same game?
those are on console, todd
>and they must be PC exclusive
it's played out, the first one was a breath of fresh air, but now it's played out and boring
didn't touch Sekiro, never will, not going to touch Outward or any other soulsshit game for as long as I live because faggots swear by it's "difficulty"
Crack soon(tm)
I didn't like 2205 too much but i do love these types of games. How is it?
Legend of Grimrock 2.
It's on PC so its shit
>im retarded
You seem to have dropped this sir
Shit game doesn't count.
Praey for the gods.
Divinity:Origina Sin 1&2
Battlechasers: Nightwar
Super Cloudbuilt
t. retarded
There it is.
>doesn't count
huh? you okay there buddy? are you retarded?
see see
What's your opinion of this game?
it's a full fledged game retard
cross code came out last year
Nope its shit
no it didn't
>>mention any game ever
"Shit game doesn't count"
Fuck this high horse riding cunt.
Hollow Knight
I see a penis and ballsack in your .gif. This is a safe for work board.
Play Hunt Showdown, it has actual graphics.
Why wouldn't that be on PC?
I'm not a chess but I'd love to learn more about this pigeon game you speak of
Nah, its anatomy practice.
pretty sure op is another falseflagging consoletard
nobody buys a pc to play games from 2014 onwards. only zoomers do that
Both of these games are really fun if you want a strategy game with RPG flavor races mixed in one
I have a soft spot for ES2 given the quest writing and races but they’re both fun as heck
wrong on both counts
Valve killed PC gaming with their cancer, I play older games.
based retard.
cross code came out last year and it was on PC first
it counts
it doesn't count
this. valve killed pc gaming and sony and nintendo saved console gaming. pc gaming is dead. press f
I havent played enough for a decent opinion, but until now its been pretty great, its like TTD but drops a few pure transport things in favor of logistics and management like Anno and a bit of market stuff like Offworld Trading Company, also it doesnt super cares about being accessible, multiplayer possibilities could be great, 1.0 has been very slightly buggy, i will probably buy it in a while.
great level design, movement feels great, amazing music and more challenging than any recent mario game and isn't needlessly bloated like mario odyssey
>inb4 doesn't count
pc version game first and is objectively the superior version because of superior performance, mods and online party coming with the nyakuza metro dlc in a week
Valve killed console gaming too, the rest of the industry picked up Valve's tactics after they saw that the "master race" fell for them.
>indie titles that belong on a console marketplace
What does this even mean? The "Best" indie games start on steam and get ported to consoles. Steam's discovery system insures the best games always are at the front of the store, which is why you see a lot pc gamers play indies. Also the hurdle to start a game on pc is much lower than consoles.
Risk of Rain 2
not exclusive dosen't count
>no DMCshit
>no RTS
>no soulsshit
I recommend you kys
Oh fuck off.
Tormentum Dark Sorrow
Why is it cool to hate on valve now?
Makes you feel less alone.
stay mad
because they havent made a video game in 8 fucking years
He said GOOD games, Wright.
And? Should all of pc gaming depend on one dev pushing out games?
The same reason it's cool to shill for Epic
>launched on pc first
>pc is definitive edition
it absolutely does
Because Epic pays you to do it
no it doesn't
Get glad force flex, clean your gross single apartment.
aren't the console ports limited to 30fps anyway?
Except Sony and Nintendo still make games. PC gaming is dead.
>put disc in
>play game
>buy multiple parts that cost $1000 for a decent build
>have to manually put together all the components
>keyboard is uncomfortable and confusing since 95% of the buttons have no input on the game
>you have to replace all your parts every 1.5 years as the graphics cards become worse over time and run worse
>have to install a video game license rental service like Steam
>have to play $60 for recently released games but have no benefits as physical copy
>there are constant updates for games slowing down the chance of playing the game
>games constantly crash and run into compatibility problems
>Nvidia gimps their cards with Gameworks and RTX to make you buy their newer hardware
>try to play some indie games but most are uninspired rip offs of older SNES games I played
>try a early access to literally alpha test a game with barely any content and runs poorly
>can't let my friends borrow my games without jumping though huge obsoletes and even then we can't play each others games if the other is playing a different game at the time
>try to play older games from my childhood on N64 and PS2 emulators
>try to plug in my controller to use for more comfortablility but it requires multiple drivers and constantly rebind the controls every time I switch games
>download emulator for them but they take a while to get the right settings and even then the games run poorly and are missing textures and other graphical glitches
>try to play older PC I heard from others but the run into compatibility problems and constantly crashes when tried to play
>try to play a fun looking multiplayer game but the game is filled with hackers and childern and young teens constantly spouting memes
>try to play split screen with my friends but hardly any games supports split screen and is a hassle to set up
>start playing less and less and go on Yea Forums and shitpost more about games even ones I never even played
What is the point of PC gaming?
>valve killed PC and console gaming by giving people more games
is kinda contradictory, isnt it?
DLC shouldn't exist
Can't wait when the PC "Master Race" gets fucked viciously in the ass when game streaming goes mainstream with 4k resolution and 60fps.
PC fags will be seething for the money they shed over their expensive junk hardware graphics cards while all I need is a controller and a TV.
PC gaming will be murdered to death by the streaming trend. Mark my words.
kys phonefag.
I play on PC so I am not limited to framerate that devs decided to use and to only one generation of consoles. I am currently played MM8, Sonic Heroes and BFV. Excluding the quality of the titles, can any of the current platforms do that? Maybe Xbone, but I don't think Sonic Heroes is on BC list.
the levels of cope of consolefags
Sorry I actually have a job and don't sit at my computer all day.
I wish they made the movement smoother, but the combat is so satisfying once you get the hand of it.
More like
>install the game for 40 minutes because 5400rpm drive lol
>download 10 GB of patches for 2 hours because the CDN is shit and slow as fuck
>and finally enjoy your cinematic experience at 30 fps
Katana ZERO
Game streaming has been around for a decade and it has never caught. Until you can get an uncompressed image at 4k with no input lag, I don't think pc gaming is going anywhere.
hollow knight
this game gets stale pretty fast desu. doesn't help that it hasn't been updated in like a year
Streaming is the future faggot. Games are becoming ridiculously large. Shitty ones too, like Black Ops 3 was 180 gigs.
I don't know how long it will take but in the future we will be laughing at morons like you that were "building" 1500$ PCs just to play games, and most PCtards still can't play most games at 4k 60fps kek.
do mods count?
Game streaming wouldn't even be taken into consideration if PC didn't cuck out to Valve and digital only years ago.
All technology is going to become obsolete you mouthbreather.
>uncompressed image at 4K with no input lag
So literally NEVER EVER.
I'd rather play at 1440p locally than the absolutely disgusting quality of compressed 4K video streaming. Streaming anything, ever, aside from stupid youtube videos that are basically podcasts that you just listen to is unacceptable. Streamfags are just the worst for every medium.
>thinks being a wageslave is something praiseworth
>not organizing your schedule so you can socialize and play vydia without problem
Valve didn't invent any of these things though
The only thing Valve is responsible for in that list is lootboxes lel
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Dishonored 2
Mega Man 11
Based and immersive pilled.
Dark Souls 3
Enjoy your crippling input delay.
can't believe all these people spoonfeeding OP
>download 10 GB of patches for 2 hours because PC users used "automatic updates" as a feature of Steam and digital which encourages developers to intentionally leave games unfinished and the practice was adopted by consoles after the industry saw the "master race" fell for it
Not even, EA did it first who stole it from the Chinese.
Enjoy being left behind.
The future should be streamlined, simplified and made basic for consumers.
Consumers should't be buying 1500$ hardware so they can just play games.
is that the standalone version?
Tell me more user.
>he can't name any
PC gaming is dead and master race has cucked out to valve.
EA pretty much started the lootbox trend with Fifa. Every publisher saw the ludicrous amount of money they were making from ultimate team and thought they could do the same by shoehorning mtx into everything.
>wants to be spoonfed
fuck off
>he thinks post-release patches and automatic updates were invented by Valve
>he thinks console companies took the idea of selling digital from Valve
Are you gonna say you are pretending to be retarded later?
DUSK, Rising Storm 2, Wreckfest, Door Kickers, Stick Fight, Besiege, Fistfull of Frags, Kenshi, Recettear
>all that shovelware garbage
This OP might be one of the biggest retards I've seen in a while.
Enjoy the bump OP, the higher up this thread is the more people that will come see it to laugh at you.
>actually likes the parashit Johan's piece of garbage that is imperator rome
>Coin mana
>Guys mana
>Helmet mana
>Scroll mana
>Leaf mana
>Sun mana
>Scale mana
>SitS mana
>Grab mana
>Hand mana
>Chair mana
>Mask mana
>Thumbs mana
>Plus mana
>Trade mana
>Bird mana
>Knife mana
>Flower mana
Risk of Rain 2.
>you cant name any of the games i already bought on my mommy's credit card
ok buddy retard, nice b8
crosscode and lisa the painful