What games like p4g let me be a Chad

What games like p4g let me be a Chad

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well this is a total waste of a thread, let's just talk about cute lolis

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fuck off with your shit forced meme

> 3 years
> no children
How cucked do you have to be to fuck your wife with a condom?

>girl wants to have your babies.
What does that feel like bros?

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What if he's infertile.

It’s “bleached” you dumb redditor.

I'll take what is birth control for 100 permavirgin

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Haha i wish she would lick me, that be so embarrassing haha.

this, i have family friends who had to try for a long time before they successfully had a kid. also there is nothing wrong with waiting a while but 3 years is still a long time

You can only get pregnant 6 days a month, retard.

>can't get white girls
>can't get cute blacks girls because shit like OP

Whites can't disappear off the earth soon enough.

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I’ve been with my wife for 3 years. We’ve never used a condom and she’s swallowed every load I’ve ever blown when we fucked. Nothing better than your woman slurping your dick down to the nuts and milking you dry

I already saw your thread on /int/ Moortuguese faggot

I dont wanna get banned though

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Lmao have you never heard of fucking birth control?

>in b4 iwasonlypretendingtoberetarded.jpg

>3d women
I am fucking puking.

if whites disappear so will you

P5 is pretty good. Wait until P5R.

Nutting inside her pussy is better than her mouth, faglord

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It's a happy feeling. Source: my girlfriend has told me multiple times she wants to have my babies and we even talk about baby names.

Who's gonna give you welfare money then, huh nigger?

mods are clearly don't give a shit if they let a thread this shitty live anyway

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You're telling me that whites will launch nukes once they're bellow a certain percentage on the planet? Lol truly the worst race.

Hmm, actually pretty cute for a black girl. Lucky guy.

not him but they both have their moments. tongue after finishing is incredibly intense

not the same user but you clearly havent blown a load inside someones mouth as they suck you dry, shit is amazing

She said 3 years with him, not that they’ve been married for 3 years.
top cuck

You sound like the redditor here. Bleached is only for black chicks. It's hard to tell if she's black or something else, so it's understandable if he thought she was something else

God I wish I could fuck a cute girl before they lose their innocence

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whites becoming rarer will just make black girls seek them out even more because they're exotic

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We will launch nukes much, much sooner than that.

Won't need it when we enslave whites once they reach 5% of the population.

>It's hard to tell if she's black or something else,

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I want to suck on a cute cunny

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Lmao your dumb monkey asses couldn't enslave shit even if whites dropped to 1%. That's how useless you are.


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I want to impregnate Illya

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Scary desu

Why the fuck does this happen? Why does every non-white woman want a white boy so fucking much?
Porn fucking lied to me. Fucking kill me.

The elite?

I want to lick Kukuri's cute tummy!

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I want to pinch the belly!

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Is this the cunnychad thread?

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small chubby girls are the best!

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Stop at once, before a Fucking degenerate post some digusting real shit.
let this thread die.

Fuck yeah it is!

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I eant to lick her anus so bad

I am silly

how do i get a black gf?

There's nothing wrong with race mixing

Just say the magic words
and then maybe the mods will do their job
for free

Be white.

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I like threads that are appealing yet hilarious.

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Shouldn't you be asking yourself that? White men do racemix more than white women so white genocide is their own creation.

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Step one : be the average white male.
Step two : profit.
Step three : dab on black cuck boys


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Why does Yea Forums have so many pedophiles?

>white men are far more desirable than any other men of any other race
Tell me something I don't know, nigger.

Cheese pizza.
Now mods, delete this Fucking thread, quickly!


Why are (You) on this thread?

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Not just on Yea Forums
the world is now full of degererates, and there's no more cure.
we are forced to watch them ruin everything

Fucking burger go get a dictionary

Tiananmen square massacre?

brown girls are based

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OP here I dont mind cunny but I didnt expect my thread to derail like this.

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There's nothing wrong with enjoying a young girl's cherry, user.
As long as you promise to marry her later and start a family.


this stuff is ILLEGAL in many, many countries

reported this thread for illegal content, enjoy getting baned

i wont have u losers shite up my favourite site and get it shut down coz of your sick perversions

I don't swing that way, but if you wanna kill the thread I'd be happy to see it burn

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>Tell me something I don't know, nigger.
At the rate things are going your race won't make it to the end of the century

Consider the following :

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>mfw I read this post

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what race is this?

Reported for announcing a report

user, the best is to ignore them.
saying that just excite them to post even more horrible shit.

fucking kek

Black incels and white incels are the same

Zoe is both proof that Uruguay is not white, but has best girl from the melting pot


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you need to go back

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Jews are the real incels here

Cute fantasy, kang. No wonder your own women think you're weak effeminate chimps.

fucking little girls isn't bad, raping is
unless they deserve it

god I hate normalfags

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Cry harder, loser

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>Why does every non-white woman want a white boy so fucking much?
dunno they don't seem to want me despite being white :^)

Imagine being in jail for watching cartoon girls, in what kind of retarded country you live on? Must suck


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Fine. Thoughts on this game?

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