Are you finished with Ham Ham Heartbreak yet?

Are you finished with Ham Ham Heartbreak yet?

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No, I'm retarded and can't figure out where to get the word to pull on things to get the vines in the jungle place.
I swear I got farther than this as a kid.
Also there's unfinished shit in the spook house I can't seem to figure out. Sorry I'm retarded Yea Forums.

The thing you're missing in the mansion is probably in the cage room.
As for the vines, you need to get an item from Sunny Peak and give it to the Tarzan hamster.

God damn it. Thanks for the tip in the mansion. As soon as I got in there again I saw it.

Actually started replaying Ham-Ham Games, shit is tougher than I remember
Pretty game though

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I'll get to it soon, I promise!

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Why does Hamtaro have to be so cute?

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steamed hams



>That one kid who had a hamster named Hamtaro
was me


I love cute hammus so much

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I got Rainbow Rescue, what am I in for?

Not as good as HHH or the GBC game, but it's still cute if I remember right.

Ebichu best hamster


Am I an idiot or do subs of the first 100 episodes of Hamtaro not exist anywhere? Do I need to get into some private tracker to get my hamster fix?

Please tell me more about these hamsters, I am an outsider but I am interested in learning more

when they work together, it's much better

Runs and sounds worse than the GBC game. I don't know if it's my emulator or something but it's constantly resetting to the title screen. The game autosaves every screen so it's not a huge deal but it's annoying.

It's a cute 20-year-old anime series that spawned a few surprisingly well-made games. As a media franchise it hasn't been relevant for a long time, but it's somewhat iconic and people remember it fondly.

I feel you, hams sustain me

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>spawned a few surprisingly well-made games
Go on.

They were made by Nintendo.

There are 4 games and a lot of love put into them

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Ham Hams Unite and Ham Ham Heartbreak are little adventure games where you dick around and learn words and solve problems and shit. Just try them, they're comfy

These simple games about Hamsters are better than they ever had any right to be

so user, what's your favorite ham?

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I know it's basic but Hamtaro
I always had a crush on him

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All of them

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Trust me user, you're not the only one.
Only true answer

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Jingle was my favorite

Panda a best

Bijou a cute

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where the fuck do i watch hamtaro

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I think I remember these hamsters being a mcdonalds toy when I was a little kid... or did I dream that?

post bijou

That did happen, yes
They were halloween themed iirc

>Theres people ON THIS VERY PLANET that remember Hamtaro but dislike it
how can you be so soulless

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imagine how tight her pussy must be

Don't be gross

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Sparkle is cute, CUTE!

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I hope you like it down under...Dan.

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rip my nigga panoots

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Thats basically what brings me to these threads. Listening to his streams got me through some rough times in university, although then again i would argue he was at his best in 2016, and slowly went downhill when he became more invested in long playthroughs of well-known stuff.

I don't feel he ever went downhill but he did become way too clean at some point during 2017/8

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Who should have won the Pashminabowl?

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I just felt like the one-off's provided more laughs overall. In terms of being too clean I think thats partly to do with sunbunni being overly sensitive at times, and him garnering an audience of 75% people like you and me, and 25% of people who were also sensitive idiots. I specifically remember in the bug fables stream people were using the thot meme and sunbunni hated it, causing a white knight situation in chat.

I already told you I beat it like 15 years ago


Yeah i remember that, still miss his streams regardless

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Finished Unite and Heartbreak. Going onto Rainbow Rescue.

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