
Post your mercs lads

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Gothic vs Segmented gauntlets. Also best arms to use for each?

how does gold work? is it based on your score at the end?

I really wish this concept would work, but can't even afford the smith perk. Why the fuck is toolbox so ridiculously expensive?

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What's the best Frontline map in the game and why is it Grad?

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Grad and Taiga are the only decent frontline maps. Everyone who votes for Mountain Pass should be taken out back and beheaded

D-Dead in a week.

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What's the point of those 3 seconds standing at 0hp? Even if I regen health somehow I die anyways

Exactly. Have fun wasting your thirty dollars on this shit game faggots

it's a chance to take him with you

The point is to kill your opponent with the little time you have left

This. I'm sick of playing Camp too.

Ah I see thanks

Camp can be kinda fun since it's such a simple design, but those two are the best yeah. The Taiga bridge clashes are legendary.

It's amazing how much better the mechanics are than chivalry and how much fucking worse the gamemodes and maps are. Like, frightfully so.

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It's 20 dollars user

How is the game? I was deciding between buying this or battlefield 5, but that one has really bad reviews so im not sure.

I've been experimenting with the best melee frontline build and want some opinions on what I'm thinking. I haven't leveled or bought that much so I'm not too familiar with the points system

You're inevitably going to get ganked so I'm trying to think of something that will give you survivability in those situations. First heavy head and torso is a must, legs don't really matter as nobody is going for them for the most part. I think the instant heal on a kill is also a must so you can just focus on killing one person in a gank and have to tank a couple hits. This will mean focusing on powerful weapon enemies first. Other than that, what weapon would you all use? It has to be an edged weapon to go through multiple enemies for these situations

>First heavy head and torso is a must, legs don't really matter as nobody is going for them for the most part.
you always do 231 or 332

if you were even considering buying battlefield 5 then you are retarded and i dont want you in this game

Give it time; the better mechanics will give this game way more legs than Chiv ever had

it's a good game, why don't you just fucking try it and refund if you changed your mind?

I look even better in the snow.

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Maybe so, but it won't be as good as For Honor

Fuck off.

Seethe more, ubidrone.

I don't care for autist dueling so it's not going to matter unless they bother to make a decent objective gamemode that isn't this "5CP except somehow worse" shit


>Why yes, I am indeed an involuntary celibate, how could you tell?



Isn't this a dead game for all intents and purposes? I know it's bait but genuinely asking

guys i really enjoy this game but i fucking suck at fighting with two hand weapons. the only times i can snack some kills is when i play shortspear and shield. how do i git gud with weapons for adults?

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For Honor isn't dead.

have sex

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>For Honor is 6k
Just goes to show that that masses have shit fucking taste these days

You always want full body and you never want full legs, and if you're conserving the points on the helmet you'll conserve them on the legs too. You don't want to die to a beartrap, not that they'll be used in a month's time.

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Nice falseflagging, Mordhau shill.

>all this falseflagging
holy FUCK can you be more blatant? Why can't you shitflingers fuck off and leave this to be a nice thread? Oh right, this is Yea Forums

For Honor is fucking terrible. kys

FH is trash.

Why, the exe sword? If you're getting rekt by that it's your own fault. It has fuck all stab damage and it's slash damage is less than a maul

Man. I can only ugg grug this fucking game. Do people actually use hotkeys for their swings? Trying to aim with the mouse has been horrendous. I don't get chambering. I don't get parries. I get feints. I don't get morphs. I've played through the tutorial several times now but I can't ever do any of the shit in an actual server. How the fuck do you hotkey this mess

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McDonalds Merc, scrawny as fuck thoughl I see he doesn't eat his own product.
Fruity Witch Hunter; Saltzpyre's younger gayer brother.
Edgy yet based; some how unoriginal yer somewhat creative at the same time. You should deflate his face as much as possible to get the most skeleton look possible.
Fat Balding French Cunt with a Crossbow; 14th Century antifa.
"Browns and beige, earth tones people!" However I like that coy smirk on his face. Fits his tiny frame rather well.
based drunken knight.
Generic Black Stone Legion mook.
14th Century Moon Man. That or he's a dickhead with his rather phallus looking helmet
Scrawny Virgin Norse Farmer jealous of all the muscular Viking Chads.

Brother. I need gauntlets and a new emblem. Also fuck, I hate that the tabard has the belt hanging way down. I wish I weren't so autistic about visuals.

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>those 2 unspent points
You make me angry user

I'm nobody's shill, I don't play For Honor or Mordhau or chiv (lol). I just want to cause as much damage to as many video game communities on Yea Forums as possible. The newer they are and the more similar they are to other games the easier it is.

longsword niggas rise up

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I really can't tell how ironic you are but here's the (You) you desperately crave.

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nice warden

can you niggers stop wearing so much plate so it's impossible to tell what side your on in frontline?

How does it compare to the bastard and greatsword?

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Don't cut yourself on that edge kid

Based constructive critic. For the grim reaper, I tried to make his face as hollow as I could but it doesn't go further than that. Although I made him pretty quickly so I think I didn't bother with the body sliders. Looking at him now, he seems too buff so I'm not sure if I set him to max skinny

>all the team colour armor is level locked
Real cool game design

Can I join?

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I think Im lost

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Why does nobody wear the Warden helmet?

I see $27 on steam is it cheaper somewhere else

will we ever get a siege mode bros

it's good for every situation, perfect middle ground weapon

>good gamemode

Yeah sorry, I was looking at the prices in euros. It's 22 euros right now and I forgot the dollar is worth less

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You have five (5) points left to spend on armour.
What do you choose?

Spare a'h coin? I's a veter'un!

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>Trying to aim with the mouse has been horrendous
git gud
>I don't get chambering
mirror the attack type and direction. timing is pretty late
>I don't get parries
nigga just block
>I get feints
good job pushing a button
>I don't get morphs
attack and then quickly attack again. morphs only work for swings to stabs or vice versa
>I can't ever do any of the shit in an actual server


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Can you get coin from local horde matches? I'm autistic and hate people. I'll gladly kill them in Frontline but I'm really fed up dealing with people who don't like how I play in horde.

What control scheme do you use?

There are a lot of people claiming that binding many of the different attack types/directions to different buttons is the superior way to play. In other hand, the playerbase is full of long time biased Chivalry players, that obviously don't wanna adapt to the default controls.

What do you think Yea Forums?

Mid head/chest, light legs.

i dont want them to ruin this game by adding cunts and niggers

I use default and never played chivalry. Doing well so far. I even managed to win two duel deathmatches so far

They should be adding Japs instead.

I use to utterly dominate chiv as man at arms, what should I play in mordhau?

I'm fine with them adding women, the more boobs bouncing around the place the better. Plus you get to brutally kill them, what's not to love?

Behold, my kingdom of faggotry

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I never played Chiv, but as a duelfag coming from mountain blade it really feels the same way to fight, chambering is on point, feints are there perfectly viable, kicks and what's most important is that animations and the weight behind attacks is so fucking good.

If any of you M&B fags on suicide watch waiting for bannerlord, consider this.

shield and rapier for maximum butthurt

If anything, they should add muslims and shit, but japs are right out

Good. Video games suck these days

Made me giggle user

Jap and women

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I thought they said they were adding skyrim sluts

When on earth do you want your aim to change based on looking around?

DaS2 best Souls game

It's bullshit, ask anybody who actually got gud in M&B, everybody who is worth anything will use mouse for chambering and attacking

You two are fine gentlemen and scholars.

Is the halberd a based weapon, or is it too expensive? I wield it with the friendly perk and swing it around a lot, but most of the time I catch it on my friends and then get fucked

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have sex

I don't have that many cosmetics yet but I like this so far

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its like a spear that can chop, whats not to love.
T. converted from spear to halberd

just mind the lower range and slower attacks

It depends, like all weapons, it has it's use, especially in big fights. If you like it then by all means use it, it's definitely the best choice for dueling though.

you already know what to do
just follow the 45%

I keep hearing this, where did they say it?

You want to direct your strikes, and you want to aim your strikes, and because of the way the input system works you basically want to do the exact opposite mouse movement for each of those. Now ask yourself this: is it going to register your mouse flick correctly 100% of the time?

Do they plan on adding anything outside of European weaponry? Some Turkish/Arabic themed stuff would be cool

meant to write not the best choice for dueling

I'm glad you recognised it user.

Here's an easier one.

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I use 240 and don't really care if it's the optimal or not. Looking at the pro players I don't think I even want to put the effort into ever getting near that good. Just smashing heads in Frontline is enough for me.

Could use a bulkier helmet

Why is Oscar wielding an estoc

I think the broadcast

Because I have a bunch of this outfit with different weapons and the Estoc was the first weapon I found!

Is there some way to lower your weapon and do an edgy slow walk because I've seen two people pull it off and have no idea how to replicate it.

mash X a bunch of times

>+20kills in 2 mins with the catapult
what the fuck were they thinking

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I was eyeing one of those metafag hood+helmet combos, just need to save some gold up.

I have a soft spot for all Unga Boonga's, even if it's genuinely and wholeheartedly unoriginal. I respect all Unga's in matches for showing their superiority through nothing but their sticks. Also, got a hearty laugh seeing that Rock, good touch.
Again, generic, but good shade of Green, low saturation is key. Not that you have much of a choice anyway. What are you a modern Wood Elf? Covered in Green with that walking gay cunt of a Forrest on your chest. Based Helmet though.
A young Karl Franz. Big fan of this unironically. However you are a fucking mouth breathing mutt for having him face at the camera directly. Makes him look autistic and confused, like an American Eagle. Take a picture from an angle, more aesthetic and stoic that way. Photography 101.
Nice use of Blacks and Whites. I'm kidding, get fucked cunt. There's nothing lazier than that. Get a sense of colour theory and attempt to implement that asshole. Also I like how you show his arms, yet this look fails because his torso looks like shit. Equip armor that makes his torso seem bulkier. Like a sleeveless jacket.
Just as bad as Vikang niggers. Sod off cunt.
Absoloutly fucking based. I Respect you and your tastes with your Temerian Infantrymen. Only gripe is that you could try to add Temerian Colours; yet i'll give you a pass; can't expect peasants to show up in uniform.
Yeah, we get the reference mate. Your not very original cunt. Yet it doesn't look half bad.

I am many things, based is not one of them. But thank you regardless. Keep at it though user.
You've made my night friend. Thank you for your compliment, i'm glad at least one cool user out there was amused by my autistic ramblings.

Also here's my cunt; tear him to shreds if you must. I'm a simple man. Big Muscular Alpha with a huge fuck off sword and no armour.
Fuck Knights
Fuck Archers
and FUCK Crossbow"""men"""

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How many from your own team?

horde mode seems really imbalance. You get fucking no gold.

How do I beat turtle?
so far the only way for me to beat anyone in duel is basically footsie and whiff punish
but if they are turtling and never initial attack I can never beat them

Its galactic scale hitboxes are reparations for making the controls so bad

I've literally never seen someone get a catapult kill. Usually they spend a minute figuring out the right amount of power and then get raped

What is the point of chambering? feels like every time I do it there able to parry it. I've pretty much given up on them and just do ripostes now

I never played Chivarly or Mount n Blade, what's so special about this type of formula?

It costs less stamina but when the fuck are you gonna run out of stamina lol

im not here to win a fashion contest
im not here to duel
im here to warcry and jam this halberd in your back while you are fighting my ally.

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like 3 or 4. Sorry for them but it's worth it

holy autism

>tfw still haven't seen any cavemen
Ameriboys get to have all the fun, and all we get are russian children and french people

>everyone dresses up
>good modes just paint you blue and red


Is the dodge perk good or shit lads? Tried it out and it dodges approx 2cm

You can disable it in options
but fuck crikey why would you ever

It's necessary for a brawler build
Only worth it otherwise if you're a shieldnigger. Pretty much impossible to get kicked.

Man, Jesus got swole. All those hours hammering nails into tables must have paid off

i'd much rather that than some autistic Overwatch meme with Red/Blue outlines. Chivalry was ok at attempting to be flexible, yet only worked because of unique models/armour to the factions.

Are light armor dodge builds cancer? I keep getting angry tin cans yelling at me on duel servers.

help i can't fight good

The idea is to camp right at the edge of enemies' range and dodge out of their swings and get back in for a quick stab at their faces right after. Or dodge stabs sideways and do the same.

The solution's a colour palette of team colour tones and colours that are adjacent, like a normal fucking game uses.

This is what a 10 looks like in Mordhau

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>starting with weapons
Scavenging is the way to go.

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Don't bullshit me now - is this just Chivalry 2.0?

For shieldniggers, keep attacking them until they run out of stamina. Seems to happen faster with shields. For everyone else use faints and morphs to throw off their block timing

>doesn't have scavenger
what did he mean by this

>Need a flamberge for my outfit
>Have to use the Zwei
God it's so expensive I might not be able to have enough points for my costume. Doesn't even feel that strong to use but I am pretty shit at the game

If you're playing a scavenge build, get a primary thrown like short spear. Find an unarmored body part- especially if it's torso- and it's an OHKO

I run light armor arming sword and dodge. It's stupidly useful once you get the feel for weapon ranges. It struggles against zweis and polearms as you can't back out of a stab then get in range to hit on the recovery, but you can destroy any of the closer range weapons with ease. It's practically a hard counter to close range slow weapons like mauls or executioner swords.

Normally I'm a sword guy but holy fuck the evening star is so satisfying with those sound effects
>crack crunch splat
Also am I going crazy or do limbs actually bend the wrong way when you break them with blunt weapons?

its like battlefield, but swords and bows and shit instead of guns. when the servers are working its great fun.

It'd be chivalry 2.0 if Frontlines wasn't so bad

If you're using a rapier you deserve it. If you're using something else they're just shit

On full frontline servers it's easy enough as it is to find some weapon lying around.

Chivalry but with nothing that made Chivalry fun.

Polearms, best arms

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It's For Honor but way shittier

Also have one of these generic knight guys that I couldn't resist making

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Go to a duel server and get the shit kicked out of you until you get better. Also spectate the top players to see if there aren't any tricks you can pick up

just use rapier+shield lol

I like them, but is there any reason to use them other than esthetics?

Scroll forward then backward.

Yeah the gold rewards could be a little bit quicker. My mine gripe is that the NPCs are unabashedly omniscient and their ranged attacks are pixel perfect and way too powerful.

>literally takes me 10 minutes now to find a server to join without getting an error


Don't do this, it makes mustard gas

>Temerian Infantrymen
Based and WhiteLiliespilled, friend. I'll try and get the uniform on him.

learn how to crouch dodge if you want to get really good

Please let there be a Deadliest Warrior DLC. But unlike Torn banner dont drop it after a week. It was the most fun DLC ever.

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Yeah, For Honor doesn't have these kinds of issues.

I don't know the specifics, but polearms just give you more ability to crack people on the head from farther away, and tend to do better overheads in my experience.

The emote button? What does spamming it do?

Shows you more emotes. They're using one of those.

How do i stop killing teammates

I loved all the rape taunt of pirates.

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get the friendly perk, use overheads and stabs in close teamfights. play red team so the blood wont throw you off and you stab a critical hp teamate

Stop being retarded and use stab

use a stab weapon. some of the stab weapons are even the best of their size class (rapier)

Imagine being so inept in general that you can't use a fucking server browser

>didn't play Chivalry
Opinion discarded.


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one thing chiv did better was maps

is duel a game mode

Based, loving Mordhau though.

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>practicing 1v1 with a bot
>it kills me 8 times I kill it once
I need to practice badly

You wish, dumbass. Cuckvalry niggers are too busy whining and pissing themselves about how they can't abuse game mechanics.

>see a guy covered in blood rush towards me
>smash his fucking head in
>-120 team kill
Happens more than you'd think. Yes, I know you can turn blood off, but where's the fun in that.

>literally shitstomped by everyone in 1v1, resulting in having more enemy dudes coming to stab me
>decide to try this feint thing all the youngins try to do
>literally chain +200 points every few seconds
fuck, no wonder people say the rapier is good if everyone's weakness is the feint

Grad is a fucking mess that blue has a massive advantage on

>someone's covered in blood
>think they're on my team
>they kill me

Where are your shoulders lad?

I’m not good at face sculpting, also is it me, or does half of he options work when you try sculpting? Eg: nose won’t resize on certain face options

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Does Taiga seem unbalanced as fuck to anyone else? Whoever caps the center first just ends up winning. I've never seen a team come back from the second point.

>Whoever caps the center first just ends up winning.
That's not taiga
that's frontlines

Use scroll wheel when sculpting to cycle through the editable regions.

Is it even possible to start a battle royale game? every server is less than 10 people and are stuck in waiting mode until they get 64 players

Imagine this game, except without archerfags

imagine dying to one more than once every 30 kills LOL

> oh wow that person wants to 1vs1 me

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fuck battle royale

I've played plenty of games with red/blue teams and blood but for some reason this is the only game where this seems to be a problem.

>run out of spawn
>get headshot by some CoDfag
>have to play that life at 40hp

me on the right

>what is shield
>what is deflect
>what is speshul snowflake no helmet OCs deserve to die
>what is accepting that if a guy hits you from across the map he deserved that fucking kill
archers aren't even a problem. If you run up to them almost none of them know how to fight and panic

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Still a good bit of gold away from completing the fellow but that's my favorite merc.

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imagine not using bright colors

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>Fruity Witch Hunter; Saltzpyre's younger gayer brother.
thx user make laugh to this

If someone can tell me how to make 231 not look like shit tell me

Fuck Rapiers, fuck fire bombs and fuck archers

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>'Tis my boirthday it is!

>t. horse and/or shield nigger

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>setting bear traps behind people in duel servers
is there any better feeling?

The retard club is two blocks down

>All those generic boring try harding knight

oh sorry m'lord, I didn't know she was your wife.

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having self respect

horse archer nibba

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>>what is shield
something as cheap as archers since they made it so trained mercenaries are worse at kicking than obese whales
>>what is deflect
an unreasonable expectation when the archer is out of view
Do you just smash right click while you're moving?
>>what is speshul snowflake no helmet OCs deserve to die
If he had no helmet he would just be dead.
>>what is accepting that if a guy hits you from across the map he deserved that fucking kill

Shieldniggers shit all over archers and rapiers though.

You realize that you regenerate health quickly if you stop sprinting and attacking, right? You can also use bandages which costs only 1 point..

Why didn't they include a siege mode? Like an old assault map where the defenders just have to hold while attackers need to complete objectives, usually with defenders having a bit more spawn time. I really like playing on Grad for that reason.

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New and improved peasant veteran. I recommend the bardiche wholeheartedly, perfect for making knighted shites piss themselves.

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it's 80% playtime (how long you were in the match) and 20% score.

Well I have this guy

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>Do you just smash right click while you're moving?
sorry dude, but running in a straight line in an open field with corpses of your buddies on the ground should give you a hint at what's going on
>If he had no helmet he would just be dead.
so he just needs to sit for around 5 seconds to be full life, big deal
yes, bows aren't hitscan, you almost don't zoom, if you aim for more than 2 seconds you shake like a junkie
face it, archers niggers are piss easy to deal with when they're not gambling their luck in a melee


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Fuck you archer knigger. The problem is that they keep shooting you while you are occupied in a fucking massive melee battle. There is no way to negate the archer damage when you are dueling 10 people. Stop pretending like it's easy to block arrows coming at you from all directions when you are fighting enemies.

the terrain look weird for anyone else? blurry textures regardless of settings, plus people sinking into the ground or bits of ground being invisible. it's almost like running around on LODs

>join a horde game
>on wave 12
>still start with 20 gold


>no scaling for low pop servers, 64 player horde gets the same gold as 6 player

should just get more money per kill if there are few people on the server.

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watch it user, you're going to make some retards reeeee real bad.
>smoke bomb
but I see you know what you're doing

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I don't even play archer. Stay bad, retard.
>hurr why can't I unga bunga in this open field and just spam left click
>wtf 2 people attacked me this is bullshit
>this shield guy is immortal what do I do NERF PLZ
>OMG this hammer one shot me wtf

>guys with no armour and 3 firebombs running around topping kill lists

Great melee combat game you got there

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>not the same people

you seem confused, I hate archers so much I dedicated myself to go behind them to kick them down their own ramparts
>massive melee battle
well fuck you too, that's what I said. In melee just move back while keeping the enemy between you and the archer, most of the time the dude will get an arrow in his ass and you can behead him on the way

I wish I could wear some armor with the bloodthirsty perk, I don’t even care if it doesn’t give me armor bonuses, I just wanna look beefy

>I don't even play archer.
Not him, but I've had people say this when I'm calling them a faggot in game, and then later run into them, playing archer.

>no way to defend themselves
>die to them
great job there, you're the best


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I dont like how slow everything feels. Swinging anything feels clunky and slow.

figured it out - had to fuck with vram in the engine.ini

Oh no, some nigger on an anonymous Mongolian basket weaving forum doesn't believe me! Doesn't change a fucking thing I said even if I did play a bowfag. He's just a fucking awful player complaining about the least important thing in balancing issues right now.

I have a feeling I’ve played with some of you Yea Forumsirgins, usually the one’s sperging our and calling people “autistic” when they’re getting their asses handed to them.

I want Arabs

no fucking way lmao

>the whole tone of this post
seething bownigger
they've already announced they're looking at archers, enjoy it while you can, fag.

The best is the guy screaming about niggers and then saying that /pol/ isn't the worst board on Yea Forums and that you should, "see Yea Forums"
Should've resisted the urge to bitch about /3/ but I hate /3/

>literal kungfu movie choreography

Goes to tell about the intelligence of the people chasing him.

What's with all this slash spam? Does Mordhau not have stab or overhead attacks or are these players just drooling retards that can press only one button?

based terrorist

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Like I said, what the fuck do I care? You're just mad as fuck you got called out. If bows get nerfed then they become even less of an issue but I'll bet you still die to them and you'll still go off to cry on the internet because you can't just stand still and spam one key.

He is doing ripostes which means that the attack can't be interrupted and he has a perk that gives him full health after every kill. Riposte and swinging is pretty much the only way to deal with multiple enemies at once.

>i'm not mad u r
s e e t h i n g bownigger

I meant for the attackers, those tards were slash spamming when right next to each other like ding dongs.

So I don't have this game yet, how does the customization work? There's a points system and a perks system?

They were extreme noobs.

>mad as fuck post crying about bows
>someone tells you off
I'm not the one crying about archers. Show me on the doll where the potato aimed camping retard who didn't move all match shot your retarded ass


Attached: 1554244662554.jpg (1080x1020, 72K)

>rapier shield
>stab stab stabfeint stab
How do you counter this? Seriously.

You're given a limited amount of points to spend between perks, armors and weapons, you can spread them however you want.

>he also dodges and weaves with his head irl while fighting people
thank god, thought I was the only one

What I'm playing atm, I really want to be a bigdick landsknecht eventually.

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>resorting to all caps
calm down sweetheart it's okay
we'll stop making fun of you for being so bad you can't be part of the actual fight

Sell me on the game, Yea Forums, I might get it this weekend.
>How fun is going full tin can?
>How complex and hard to understand is combat?
>What should I do as a first timer?
>How effective is going Fists only?
>General tips?

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All the new players who have never played a melee game constantly spam swings. I don't think they even know you can use the scroll wheel for different attacks.

I don't, I just run away.

you buy everything will gold, you can have a limit of 12 points for your whole stuff, for example, wearing a sword cost 2 points, the 3 pieces of medium armor cost 2 points each, you also have cosmetic parts that don't give armor
you also have all unlocked perks from the start, that have a range cost of 1-5, you can respec or change stuff freelly in the menu

chamber and make him block your attacks in a war of stamina depletion, then when he drops the shield kill the cunt

Everything costs points and it's otherwise freeform. Four armor classes (everything is cosmetic within those) for three armor slots.

>he says from the ground at his spawn as another archer kills him

>>How fun is going full tin can?
332 or 231. Never spend the extra point on leg armor.

I do that shit all the time. I must look like a retard when playing. I can't sit still. When i stab i thrust my whole body forwards.

Medium chest, medium head, light legs.
Heavy and light is a pointless combo for chest and head, no matter where the heavy and light goes. Players will target the less armored area. Leaving your legs completely unarmored is a mistake. You are just asking to get leg stabbed to death.
Med Head, Heavy Chest, Med Legs is the discount heavy combination.

But most weapons stab slower than the rapier.

Doesn't matter, you can always chamber their stabs with any weapon. Just scroll forward as soon as you see them stabbing. I chamber them all the time with my Zweihander.

>>How fun is going full tin can?
your sprint will be slow as molasses, but at least you won't be cleaved in two by random knifes
>>How complex and hard to understand is combat?
left clic + direction to attack, right clic to defend, the rest is experience and situation awareness
>>What should I do as a first timer?
the tutorial, then just sword & board to learn the ropes
>>How effective is going Fists only?
it's not, but you have style points and everyone respect a good brawler, fuck efficiency, just have fun
>>General tips?
learn to use the server list, because the matchmaking is fucked


>fighting shieldfags

Any way that doesn't take 10 decades?

people probably dont go for legs

>left clic + direction to attack

You don't use the scroll wheel for stabs and overhead?

And most importantly, fuck catapults

Nobody is going to pay enough attention to you to target your legs
If you save the one on the head you save the one on the legs
But bear traps CAN instant kill you otherwise

overhead and low attacks car be binded or can use the direction, matter of preference
yes I forgot the stab and the kick, I just gave the general idea

Found retard who never duels


you need strong arm to estoc the head

Attached: mamam.png (446x787, 550K)

Attached: ME.jpg (1920x1080, 165K)

Yeah because duelling is retarded simdad shit that only the turbospergs still playing chiv in march 2019 care about

>Rapier + shield


Why are you using such a cancerous loadout?

>using draped cuirass to trick people into thinking I'm wearing light armor on my chest and to aim there

kick, low swipe feint in an overhead jump, or just wait for your buddies to overwhelm him

I thought of Lothric Knight first

Doesn't work. They have plenty of time to block after a kick.


kicking seems so shit. It has no range, it does like 10 damage, and they recover fast enough to respond. Perhaps I'm doing it wrong?

i use all the tools i am given to defeat my opponents (no bombs tho, that's gay)

Kick like others said or just tire them out. Could be difficult tho with gaypier & shield like

I only use it when I have a shield fag pressed up against a wall. It's the only time it works for me.

Said retard who can only mindlessly swing in the middle of the crowd on frontline

>t. seething bownigger

I said that doesn't take 10 years

Why the fuck wouldn't you use a shield?
The trade off is a bit less damage for much better defense, it's a no brainer.

I hope they will nerf rapiers soon and you will get assfucked every round

Because it's boring.


Attached: SHIELD.jpg (347x350, 44K)

Shields are for pussies
> Shields aren't actually for pussies

Someone post THAT knigga image

Because trading offensive capabilities for defensive is a no brain strat

Firebomb him then. You’ll be called a shitter in these thread but it won’t take a decade

Is that maul swinging through people? I thought blunt weapons stop after hitting someone while swords will go through.

The entire playstyle is antifun, for both yourself and the other guy. The only reason TO use a shield is if you only play video games to make up for the lack of success in your real life and will do anything for that little bit of winning

i already master the zweihander, you can't do anything against me user, i train 6 hours a day on duel only servers. i am death.

The massive red advantage on Taiga makes the map a joke.

Seriously considering buying the game, what's the point too golf, if its a grindwall how grindy is it? Can I dual wield and thank two niggas at once? Is the combat even exceptionally good?

they stop on shield


Attached: KNIGGAS.png (1268x2682, 923K)

Maybe it only works when you Riposte.

Attached: kniggas.jpg (780x999, 284K)

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Even if it sucks I hope they add the heavy crossbow. I love cranking back a bolt like a badass.

>load into server for 2-3 minutes
>Server is full

stop going in 63/64 servers.

It's retarded that you have to be a wet towel just because you don't want to look like a knight

>guy with an anime profile pic curb stomping with an executioners sword
>kill him 3 times but he still manages to cut our team down from a several hundred ticket lead
>dont even know how i killed him
I wish I was good enough to do that. Then my game crashed for the 7th time today and I'm done, I've lost too much gold in crashes today. It's ALWAYS camp.

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>most armor parts are cosmetic and you start with the highest tier avalible

Fuck, why can't more games do what War of the Roses did? That was some fun shit. Eventually once you got rich enough to afford full plate, you just became an unstoppable boss monster juggernaut tearing through the unwashed masses.

I'm just using the server browser until they release a fix

Don't use matchmaking, idiot.

>Its retarded I have to wear armor to gain the benefits of armor

>if its a grindwall how grindy is it?
once you finished the tutorial you should have enough money to buy any build
most of the grind is just to unlock different skinned armors, skins, colors.
>Can I dual wield and thank two niggas at once?
> Is the combat even exceptionally good?
we don't have better for now, at least it's no chivalry's level of ballerina

That's exactly the reason War of the Roses is dead now. Turns out that giving people a tangible edge (beyond mere experience) simply for veterancy is not how you retain players.

because it's fun for 1 person and unfun for 63. everyone should be on an (almost) equal footing at the start of a match in match based game, this isn't a MMO

Also can you stop getting so bloody I mistake you as red team. Fuck, I've killed 3 guys thinmin they were red from that.

Gee, if only this was a virtual representation of combat where such things as realism could be done away with in favor of fun and self-expression. Oh wait.

Man I really miss the big ass armor piercing crossbows from that game. So satsifying

I will continue to use shields forever hehehehe

Winning and killing seething morons like you is definitely more fun than mindlessly swinging two handed weapons at groups of enemies behind their backs.

Also shielding and poking takes more brain power, timing and skill than just flailing like a retard. This is why you struggle against shieldchads. Because you're used to killing your fellow low iq zweiniggers.

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you must be the guy that kept overheading me while I stood in the corner spamming "No" between blocks until an executioner's sword chopped both our heads off

I keep it classy. You just know I want that Landsknecht though

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if there was a way of knowing who are the enemies by pointing the mouse at them...

Here's something to consider about shields.

To start off, no. Shields are not OP, nor are they even too good for what they are meant to do. The real problem with shields lies entirely in the nature of the game. Mordhau is a game where you have to be constantly wary of your surroundings because someone might be winding up a strike aimed at your back at any moment. In an environment like this, having to dedicate a better part of a minute to whittle down one target is pretty much suicide. So the best move is to simply ignore someone with a shield (if at all possible) and move on to other targets.

Where does this leave shields then? A meme pick that makes everyone simply avoid having to fight you because it's just a hassle to do so. Whether you think that shields are OP or think they are fine, something needs to be done to them, for the sake of everyone playing the game.

Well I get fuckin decimated by the executioner sword often enough.

Gee if only the visual indication of your opponent being armored or not had no role in how you fight them.


Load times and ghost bug fixed yet?

I don't see the problem. This was pretty much the case in Chivalry, though it had health differences between the classes.

it should be viable to use a shield, but your attacks should be slower coming off of a raise though. IRL (huehuehue, I know) a shield would lower your viability when raised so someone would go for your flank or feet.

That doesn't translate well in the game, though.

There's a Friendlies voiceline that has your character say that you aren't the enemy.

I have a macro that does an overhead swing faint and then stabs, only way to deal with cheeky fucks.

it goes through if you kill them

He is fun

Attached: How to make noobs cry..jpg (867x834, 128K)

>can't decide on a weapon
>just average with everything i do
>nothing clicks
>i will never become feared in a match
why do i bother bros

Exactly. They had classes. You could easily tell the difference between a knight and a man at arms.

I get that you want to have a particular style and not die to a slight tickle, but the armor has a practical purpose by giving you visual information about the person you're fighting.

Just go with a Scav build, huge armour and perks with no weapon, find anything on the ground and use it.

what are all the weapons in this game? can I use a flail?

Bitch fucking google, lazy cunt.

>When i stab i thrust my whole body forwards.

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Memebrawl (switch between mace and b.sword)

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I loved playing viking and throwing my whole inventory at people then punching them

I haven't gotten used to the commands yet

I was playing before and someone on my team was playing a guitar lol good to see thtis game has humor like chivalry.

use triple fire bomb

>No helm.
>Not even a silly hat.
You clearly like getting a sword to the face, thrown and otherwise.

Spear. Poke, poke, poke, repeat.


>love bows and rapiers
>apparently both are aidscancer
How bad are they, and will I feel like a filthy fuck for using them.

Is anyone playing BR mode? I've tried to search for it the last 3 days but haven't gotten a single game with 5-10 mins matchmaking.

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its not that its cancer its that this game is perceived to be difficult by casuals so a lot of shit players have joined and become a vocal minority in where they don't understand basic counters

basically everyone is retarded except for me

Bows ruin the game, full stop. Rapier is a spammy weapon but still manageable.


I would rather die IRL than play a BR a anything

no because server browsers were a mistake and there isa fucking reason they don't work in 2019


That's why it's a duel build
Charms to face kill in 2 blows no matter are you wearing a 1st armor or no armor at all

A Rapier stab or Charm to the face kills in one mate, 1st armour makes it two.

Game looks pretty fun, I'm not about to blow 26 burgerbucks on a meme am I?

Time to become really unpopular I guess.

>drop medkit
>two allies try to get it but then die to my two bear traps hidden in the grass

who double agent here?

Why does there need to be a difference between player characters, in terms of damage resistance or health? If everyone has the same values regardless of what they are wearing, you would always know what to expect.

is you spend at least 13 hours on it you're getting more value out of it then most of the things available for you to buy.

I have basically no armor or cosmetics unlocked, I'd have to get about another twenty levels to get the level-gated parts that would make a more ideal Little Mac.

How the fuck is Naked Brawler Dodge Fists so damn effective? I tried giving this a run for the hell of it and I was at the top of the scoreboard in kills for most of my matches. Just get in some fully armored zweihander-wielder's face and swing nonstop, using Dodge to get out of the way of his slow ass swings and sprint back in or weave around stabs and knock him out before he can recover. Could even Dodge my way around groups of enemies.

I should drop Second Wind to equip a Fire Bomb so I can throw out the occasional Star Punch.

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>guy with a spear longer than he is tall, holding it right at the back and jabbing it out really far
>doesn't seem to suffer any penalties of any kind to hitting someone right up in their face

Why is this allowed?

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because the fear of pain doesnt deter you in videogames and spears would be useless

It's odd that there is no momentum bonus/penalty to attacks. Would make stabbing right in your opponents face much less effective.

what are you lads listening to?

>throw my dagger at a guy
>he swats it into the air
>jump up
>catch it
>stab him with it while he’s winding up a swing

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I read that attack directions are dictated by the mouse direction while clicking. Can I change this to how chivalry did it where left click swings from the right and Alt + left click swings from the left?

I don't think you can set click modifiers but there's 6 different attack directions (7 including thrusts) and you can bind each one to an individual button if you want


Does making your character more fat/beefy change the hitbox? also does it make them more resilient compared to a lanklet?

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How do I helbert?

I don't know why everyone is complaining by asymmetrical balancing of the weapon types. It corresponds to real life and realism that the devs obviously aimed for.
Bows were insanely important back in the day. Just look at the Brits. Of course when you implement them into a medieval sword swinging game they'll have an advantage so long as they know where to position themselves. This is to be expected and nerfing them into oblivion will just defeat the point of their inclusion to begin with.
Same with shields. How much of a troglodyte do you need to be to hate shields? They were the meta of real life history. Seen usage before Christ and all the way to renaissance. It's because, holy shit, an extra layer of defense is a life saver. Nerfing their one mechanic would once again defeat the point of even including them to begin with.

You can't desire realism and also want to be an effective, greatsword wielding edgy badass animu motherfucker like your favorite character from that one dark fantasymango that you read. Zweihänders were used to break pike formation at the vanguard and the absolute certified madlads that wielded them, the Landsknecht, were expected to die shortly after they've paved the way. This is why armies didn't mind them wearing retardedly flamboyant clothes. It was their one privilege in their short life.
Same with halberds. They weren't dueling weapons. They were used in formation. Where you had fifty of your halberd wielding mates at your back and sides to defend you as you poked the chargers.

I think you guys should stick to Dark Souls 3 or For Honor pvp. Fantasy games that aimed for gamey mechanics instead of diversity and viability of each weapon type.

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Nobody can truly be this retarded. While we're at it lets take out combat which is just distracting us from all the fashion choices the game has to offer

Yes, you can bind specific angles of attack to buttons and there is an "attack side" shift bind.
So you could bind the four basic directions on one side and have the side shift modifier bind.

Attached: flip attack side.png (446x430, 53K)

They really need to buff the fucking kicks, shit's useless

Because its not like he has a significant amount of range.
>halberd is clearly listed at 193 cm
>can hit 2 feet in front of you max

>all the way to renaissance

SWAT still use shields today.

I feel like bows are under powered, when I do get hits they only do like 35-50 damage.

>swinging your weapons and using the bow feels very slow and clunky


Except that this change would have no impact on the mechanics of combat, only the numbers behind the scenes.

Molotov cocktails are effective against SWAT. Fire pots are effective against shields.

Mordhau's realism knows no bounds

Kinda fucked that pseudo history buff fa/tg/uys need a gook posting weeb to explain this to them.

>The devs aimed for realism
>Made the quarterstaff a weak as piss meme weapon when in reality a good length of hardwood could crack skulls left and right and was even more effective against armored targets

Imagining a SWAT officer reacting to Yea Forumsirgins calling him a "shieldnigger"

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Shits work in progress till i get the right lvl/gold

Attached: witchhunter.png (441x908, 520K)

I think this game is a bit more up your alley

Attached: Style_Savvy_Trendsetters.jpg (220x195, 16K)

>throw a firebomb into a group of enemies hoping to kill them
>the only kills I get are 2 TKs from retards who walked into it seconds after it was clearly burning.

So is lvl 2 armor good enough for torso or do I need lvl 3?

Have they told you who I am?

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I read that as Style Savvy Transgenders

>Firebomb guy throws a bomb at me thinking it will stop me.
>Walk right though it with fireproof.
>Guy just stands in shock for a moment before running.
This game is fun.

Got the jump on them? Overhead slash.
Been noticed? Press r and poke with your extra range like a spear.
Use allies to distract and help those getting attacked.

>I hate having more options and I think that gameplay performance should be dictated mostly by what you wear, not how well you play

that happened to me, except I carry two bombs and staff. Cracked that faggot's head like Friar Tuck.


This game has nothing to do with real life apart from the aesthetic

Taiga needs a rebalance

Damn it bros I want this game but don't want to spend 30 burgers. it will die by the time a price drop happens won't it.

The image of a Yea Forumsirgin running around dressed up in cloth Armour with a katakana yelling as swat beat him with shields is just genius.

Someone edit the Yea Forums jumping of a cliff comic. Except with shields.

Is BR fun? Can you play with other people or is it solo?

this game only make me want to play Mount & Blade bannerlord even more.

i want my cool medieval sandbox damn!!

BR is dead. It only gives like 150 gold for coming first place. All the official servers are full so you will never find a match through match making.

Absolutely. I don't know how it made it through the beta. I would actually like to see pretty much every map get some modifications. Especially to spawn locations

How does the combat work in this, is it a newer chivalry?

Post stats

Attached: stats..png (542x450, 74K)

You have the chivalry basics of parrying and feinting, but then it takes a couple pages from the way Jedi Outcast and M&B does sword swings where swords can clash against one another and you can counter an attack with your own swing. Also dramatically lowered ability to go spinning like a top to hit everything around you with a horizontal swing.

nigger, shields could be broken and a heavy impact would break your wrist/arm

>yet another pay-to-win game where you need 144fps to be competitive or you're at a disadvantage.

yawn. back to my single player games i guess.

Attached: 1552193786435.jpg (374x463, 35K)

>go 3/3/3 with no weapons and max perks
>just scavenge weapons off dead bodies
thanks for the free shit fags.

How is the bardiche and estoc?
How many types of polearms are there?

Attached: polearms.jpg (600x317, 34K)

How is it pay to win?

Attached: Merc.png (357x658, 482K)

>so poor you can't even afford basic gear for your hobby
>actually thinks you die because of low hz and not because you suck
>in a game as slow and methodical as this

Gotta be bait

>Match ends and new map starts loading
>Server full
How do you fuck something like that up? I've never come across this before.

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every new match i get ghost bug

>when some shieldfag insists on 1v1ing you in the middle of nowhere and won't let you just walk away

Just fuck off with your boring plank

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Peak pole axe performance

Attached: file.png (604x930, 882K)

The problem with the game is not the shieldfaggots but the fact that it literally can't be broken unless you want to disarm somebody after hitting them for an eternity. The real problem is rapier/short spear spam along with shield and horseniggers

bowfags are an absolute joke. I love massacring them for free kills
just gay parry them. ezpz

Attached: 1.jpg (460x329, 31K)

Yet to encounter a competent horsenigger desu
>p-pls b-b-ban n-word..
What a fucking moron. lmao

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this. they just run into walls and become easy prey

Getting one shot by them just sitting on their horses is bullshit, they don't even need to charge at you to do so

This game is so damn good; I'm having a blast.

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Love the blue team, hate the red team - simple as.

Doing a bretty gud job so far, like the shoulderpiece

Attached: BYTHECOMET.png (653x910, 821K)

>was absolute dogshit to start
>starting to git gud with spear and even top the table

It begins.

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ngubu can really throw a spear i tell you

Is there a lot of players in the southern hemisphere? One of the reasons I dropped M&BW was because I didnt wanna be the one nigga with 999 ping in every server.

*mistakes bloody teammate as enemy*

I fucking NEED to unlock that Landschekteddy outfit
Kruber must be played

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Should I use matchmaking or the server browser?

Always browser

I do this I really wish I didn't. It's especially worse in shaded or darker areas of the map.

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Needs green blood

>When the archers can draw back the longbow in a second and firing an arrow before its fully drawn back doesn't make it do less damage

most players go full retard when it comes to morphs. It gets em everytime with the executioner sword

Do you play without team colors? Its hard to differentiate friend from foe but Im so sick of the blue and red

Attached: 9d5.png (2688x2688, 173K)

I just forget which team I'm on sometimes. Needs something in the Hud to tell you.

they should just turn the cursor blue or red when highlighting another player.

>Firebomb him then.
lol? anyone with half a brain will just casually walk out
it takes like 3 seconds to even start doing damage

if you do this you are a fuckin nigger

Your team is a bigger enemy than the other team. The amount of times they walk into my swings when I am fighting an opponent confounds me.

The armor system is fine, save that I wish I could pull off some armor looks with certain weapons I am not allowed to due to their cost. Halberds at 11 allow you only 4 more points so 1 heavy piece and 1 light piece or 2 medium pieces or 3 light pieces. I know I never see my guy since lol playing in 3rd person but the unarmored pants look like such fucking dogshit.

After I saw a pic of white clad vs black knights I want to be able to choose team colors.

yes, you get used to it after a while. Able to gauge who is friendly/foe based on general position of the team+flow of the map. always double check the nameplate, though

No trolling guys how do I get good? Fighting mechanics seem very awkward to me. Can I use a controller or no support yet? Old hand injury makes M/KB very weird for me and after 30min or painful but controller has always been fine for me.

How does armour work? If I have a level 3 helmet, but level 1 plate, does that mean my head will have more defense than my body, or does it just mean my entire body will have 4 armour?

Playing on any Horde mode with more than 6 people is insanely fun because of all the bases people start building.

Attached: 20190503174352_1.jpg (1920x1080, 756K)

How do you build those mounted crossbows anyway?

Mordhau horde mode is the toughest horde mode I've played. Doesn't help they sprinkle the weapons and gear around the map so you have to scramble to find them.

16 is the golden number in horde mode, it becomes a lot of fun when you start forming formations.

>server is full retrying
what a horrible lobby system.

I am not good enough at this game to unlock all the fashion

Attached: unknown.png (509x917, 659K)

i would like this game but the game has problems launching and my mousewheel is fucked

The former. Each bodypart is separately armored so if you're all armored up except for your head you'll get killed by headshots

>want to polearm
>want to sword
>cant do both
what DO

Theme sets for both and switch each game

Which setting impact performance the most? I have an i7 4790k and a GTX 970. Some levels it's solid 60, some levels it dips into the 40s when a lot of players join. Can't figure out which are the most taxing.

>can't polearm
Just stab, how can you be this deficient?

>26mb update
what is it

Lv2 is generally not great, most common weapons will 2 shot you just like lv 1 armor. I would go with either 1 or 3 for torso at least.

yeah, it's a pretty simple fix.


use the browser genius

Attached: patch.png (641x274, 53K)

Is this coming out for switch?

what do you think I've been doing? both are fucking broken.

>actually adds the items to the game supporters paid £10 for

How nice of them

Get a toolkit and buy ammo for it, switch between structures with R

>when you join a 64 server and 40 of those people die to a giant and smashed to bits

>We only have one 64 server and thats it
Fug my life.

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Do horde servers with more people give same rewards? It's super easy to farm gold exp even with just 6.


The game keeps freezing why does it hate me so much

works on my machine. ya ever think you're just joining late after you search?

>another game where you reach your skill plateau two days in due to shit reaction time
When will it end, bros?

Attached: im depressed.jpg (900x900, 66K)

No. You get gold for rounds completed and for enemies killed.

On 6 man when I finish top I get around 1500 gold, on 64 mans I will get about 800 to 900, depending on how well I do. If you sit on your ass and kill nothing you get about 600 gold.

Look at any weapon's Advanced stats in the loadout menu and you'll see its damage chart with relation to the three body parts and the four levels of armor from 0-3.

How active is the game in Australia?

Pick one, kill dude who has the other, take his.

stabby stabby

Attached: mordau.png (660x941, 800K)

>have game on SSD
>try to join a 43/64 server
>get server is full error
What did they mean by this?

Very, you can easily get games at any time, obviously peaks in the late afternoon until midnight.

Opinions on Zweihander?

Maybe it doesn't count people who are trying to join already. But probably just the server going full retard.

that it's the weekend after release

How is it different from Chivalry? considering buying it and i'm a big chivalry fan

I wish I could still shout AGATHAAAAA

Game updated just now

if you're a big chivalry fan, you will love Mordhau just as much. it's mostly the same mechanics with a handful of good additions including projectile deflection, alternate grips, horse combat, traps, structure building, waaaaay more cosmetic customization, custom perk selection, etc. etc. etc.
it's just Chivalry with more

What's with all the goddamn Viking era shit? If your going to add random shit in at least put the cool Russian face mask helmets or the Anglo-Saxon ones in.

I agree. there are too many dumb ""Viking"" helmets and similar cosmetics

How do the controls work in comparison to KCD?

they work

actually good, so nothing like KCD

Late Byzantine/Balkan gear? nah fuck that get shit that is 500-700 years separate from all the plate in the game.

Attached: byzantium 1.jpg (1406x1043, 454K)

>new patch
>game immediately crashes when I try to open it

Attached: Untitled.png (746x595, 38K)

>finally get good enough where I consider myself above average, sometimes top a deathmatch
>everytime I go into a duel server there is some ultimate gamer god who parries all attacks, morphs, chamber morphs and never reacts to feints
Please god I don't want to learn anymore.
Also multi XP and gold servers when, I need that fashion

How do I get this patch? I can't find any servers right now

I got chamber-morphed today and it blew my mind. I'm a baby at this game.

Devs said that they're not targeting the one point in history though. This is why you have crusade era heaume mixed in with full plate gothic armors from the renaissance. And if you want Slavic armors you still have lamellar in the game.

They'll most likely add more too but the most popular ones had to be included first.

>pop dying down now that people are sick of this shit (just like everyone told you autists would happen)
>peak is right before 40k

Attached: Untitled.png (755x155, 84K)

hopefully will get added with the crusade update. but i think they will simply focus on the holy land crusades, rather than the byzantine one. a shame really, very underutilized historical event in games

it should've updated automatically on steam

the worst part about these games is multiplayer only

It's already 41k, check the in-game stats in Steam. Steamcharts is lagging behind.



An update released today. Check back in an hour.