Creepy stuff in non-horror games

Let's have a thread about creepy things concerning non-horror games, creepy game myths, obscure games, and weird glitches & personal experiences.

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Sims 1 and 2 had oddly creepy undertones to them.

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>even Night Mind got annoyed by now and basically yelled "CHRIST, IT'S BEEN OVER TWO YEARS - GET TO THE FUCKING POINT ALREADY"

>tfw when glitchy occlusion and online bloodstains result in the perfect brick-shitting moment

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Firewatch? I kept waiting for something crazy or supernatural to happen, anticipating it so much that when nothing happened I was genuinely disappointed with the game. My thoughts when I got to the credits were, 'Well, that was lame."

>Watch every single Petscop video
>find myself convinced the entire time
>realize the Newmaker story doesn't match the supposed year of release for Petscop

I just wasted 4 hours of my life.

Those goddamn ghost recordings in Talos Principle, especially a certain scripted one.

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To be fair, these last episodes have given us a lot of new information.

jesus fuckin god that's spooky looking..

also just made me think how rad a boss would be that enters the battle like this, similar to some FF boss I saw like a week ago

the nigga just rips open reality or what is perceived as black sky/space, and climbs through

Just got a chance to watch the new vids and it feels like its lost its appeal to me. It was just demonstrating stuff, not really mysterious or anything. not having the narration kind of hurts it too imo

How much of the meta-stuff surrounding petscop have you guys looked into. The subreddit moderators remove all investigations into who made petscop, almost to the point where you start to wonder if any of them are affiliated with them.

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For some reason the Nightmare Buzz fight in the SNES/Genesis version of Toy Story really creeped me out as a kid

One of the big problems is that all of the stuff shown in the first episodes when it was still about an unfinished game and featured a genuine lets play-esque approach along with the rather plausible fan theories was MUCH more interesting and enjoyable to watch than whatever it's even trying to be right now.
Even with the last reveals it still feels like the series is just meandering along.

One could say that I don't Even Care anymore.

The mods probably did that to prevent anybody from finding the creator and annoying him in real life.

Echo the Dolphin.

Adding to this, this one guy dug up a connection to an old obscure japanese title called Moon: Remix RPG Adventure. Apparently it shares a lot of design elements with petscop, and even have an almost identical "caught" animation. The same company that made this made a lot of other titles with similar themes to petscop.

I doubt one guy did all this alone, though it would explain the long downtime between videos. One lead suggests he used he potentially used part of his real name in the burner account used to advertise petscop on the /r/creepygaming subreddit, which might suggest he's not entirely against being "found out".


They stamped down on it after some retard started sending death threats to some rando who made music that people thought were like Petscop's

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Why can't be have nice things?

You got me you piece of shit. Wew

What in the sweet, mother of fuck am I looking at?

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That better not be real.

>wait a minute this comic looks famili-OH FUCK ME

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They were hauling livestock guts and a wreck caused this.

>wtf lol
>close the image and my head starts feeling weird a
what did youi do i to me

When did that happen? Can't find any mention of it.

Did someone say obscure games?

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>Life is Strange

I gotta say, I was not expecting that.

especially with how much he loves everyman HYBRID.

Loads of people here have played it.


I don't know if it's real or not, but I for one believe it.

>tfw daemon cause legacy of flan
thanks scott

ok what the hell is up with this game and why do people keep talking about it

That reminds me, is Saint still doing the playthroughs of these shitty games?


Oh man I remember when Yea Forums went exploring in there years ago, good times.

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I was playing dark souls and invaded a guy who was looking over a instant death edge in Oolacile Township I think. I thought I was being smart and kicked him over the edge. I was waiting for the message to say I had won but it didn't trigger. I waited for a minute and then out of the blue the "thank you" carving sound triggered. I noped the fuck out and exited the game.

Believe it or not I have a pretty good idea of who is making petscop (it's this weird dude I met at Uni. I'm convinced it's him because 1. the paul character sounds exactly like him, 2. Petscop looks almost identical to a game he was working on and showed around sometimes, something about egg hunting he told us. This was in like, 2015. And 3. the even care theme is a song that I helped make.)

all to be expected though, but this dude was a bit over the top. Like, he wasn't a conspiracy nut, but he WAS a flat earther (we joked about it all the time, even some of the professors laughed at him)

Well played

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This is like ben drowned, but someone actually made an entire game for it.

The Infinity Killer in GTAV is pretty creepy because there's nothing funny about it and no parody aspect to it, and there isn't even a mission for it. There's just some clues that can be used to piece together what happened.

Also the ghost lady.

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a letter repeated many times

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this guy?

If what you're saying is true, I would be extremely interested in following up on some of these things. Do you have any way I can contact you, email, discord, reddit account?

emH and Petscop are a bit different, especially in terms of interactivity.

ARG first shilled on Yea Forums about a game that is haunted? or maybe it's not? about a girl who rebirthed...or maybe it was a psycho dad who kidnapped a girl and plucked out her eyebrows?

it's a mess, but the storytelling is done via a 'haunted' PSX game.

Yeah, him.

there was still a 2 year gap between uploads in EMH.

ok, list all the creepy shit in this "non-horror """"""game""""""" "

What did they mean by this?

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>habit constantly has the audience do random af shit singing his exultations
>people are shitty at keeping the game going
>they immediately drop the audience involvement shit with a tweet from habit talking about how there's going to be more things happening
>EMH goes on hiatus for 2 years
>comes back, then ends after a month

It was probably only shilled on reddit, then posted here by someone who were interested. The reddit post was 2 days earlier.

I would be annoyed to if I was working on a flavor of the month video for two years but couldn't ever release it while my channel is dying for views

>Playing RDR2 blind and stumbling on the abandoned cult church at night
Playing that game blind was really eerie.


Are there as many mysteries in rdr2 as in gta 5, stuff that haven't been solved yet?

finding the body parts was creepy as hell specially with the music they put. that and the aboos

Invading in dark anor londo is for some reason really spooky for me. Either he's hiding somewhere preparing to fuck me, or has 20 ganks with him. Sometimes there are also npcs that glitch.

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It's full of shit you can find. I doubt I ever found all of it, and I'm not about to ruin the magic by looking that up.
It's not all scary, some of it is fairly sad, like the Yankee woman that died alone waiting for her Confederate soldier boyfriend.

>you will never find a haunted unfinished ps1 game with funky music

what is even the point of living

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It's better be finished with KING KONG IN A TRUNK

Sounds fun.

Is it even haunted?


Almost got fucked, good thing i'm quick.

It's not clear. Paul alludes to it in early videos, and later the game is able to reference a discussion Paul had a year prior, even though the game is from 1997. It also in another video perfectly predicted what movements he would take later.

just release the game already holy shit how much longer

There was also a serial killer you encountered in gta IV. You unwittingly give him a ride somewhere, and you can read some stuff in the newspaper afterwards about him. You also can find his blog in an internet cafe that has some tucked up shite on it

>not wanting to get raped by a gay alien is homophobic

>Glorious trainwrecks
I know about that but never explored it too deeply
>Retroyou executables
Now somebody tell me what is this

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What about this shit?

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Well, they already fucked around with people

I wonder how much it would sell if they actually released it as a game.

So this isn’t a game either? What’s the point in these things? Do people enjoy someone slowly talking over some game like experience where it suddenly and predictably gets weird where they lose control and the debug menu comes out

Fake and gay


Real and terrifying

Its just a glorified creepypasta

it's fake(max size was like 16MB per bot) but entertaining as fuck to read

>That one kid who swears he saw bigfoot

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cut singleplayer DLC retconned into online multiplayer DLC

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It's very easily just one guy. What's the proof it's more than one dude? Maybe there would be somebody making the art since rarely are people both but after two years I'm sure there would have been a leak.

Those early videos are something you could make following the Unity tutorials on their main page. The camera angle and everything. The long gaps are him both putting off working on it and trying to learn new stuff to make scenes out of.

>implying it's cohesively put together as a game rather than a bunch of set pieces
Only CONCLUSE did the PS1 arg thing then release it as a real game. It also didn't spend 2 years with nothing happening and expected people to still be interested.

I own the book this came from that discusses the creature. It was never going to do this. It was going to be a sort of scavenger alien that would eat corpses and scream and run away if other hostiles appeared. Kind of like the one cut alien that would have followed and helped Gordon if it was provided fresh meat.


>he thinks there's actually a playable game

>watch Concluse
>get to the end of Part 16

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it went nowhere too

>hey this look fami-

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>even Night Mind
night mind is a furry cuck

Don’t be a pussy.

yeah but the dude put a lot of effort. I say it's two guys
>story, custom textures, sounds, music, programming
i mean cmon bruh
btw pretty sure reddit does the "don't look into it" thing because these retards tried harrasing some support group called Good Grief and everyone associated, while I normally hate shit like that it's understandable. petscop subreddit is shit though because it's 90% autistic MS paint drawings. no idea what attracts these faggots

You can kill him in a side encounter too. To think of it, all recent rockstar titles have a serial killer sidequst (GTA4, GTA5, RDR2)

GTA3 also has you become an accomplice to a serial killer in a completely optional set of unmarked side missions

Stuff syncing up in videos months apart really makes my dick hard. I think they kinda jumped the shark with burn in ghost room monitor, but overall Petscop is the best thing to happen to vidya creepypasta

Tell us user

playing through wind waker again, I never noticed that boatman laments at the destruction of greatfish isle just because of jabun, not the village of people that was destroyed, also the part where medli and makar just abandon their previous life to pray for the master sword

I'm pretty sure they're going with "there is that creepy family that tries to brainwash player into thinking he is a girl who died years ago"

>Ghost room
It was a dev tool used to play back past recordings, nothing spooky just confirming that the inputs are in fact being recorded and that some of them are on the disc and some on the memory card


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Fucking agreed man

Im talking about this shit that appartently monitors player's movement in the room which is, obviously, impossible. Huge amounts of data being stored on disc and memory card is somewhat acceptable (even Paul makes a comment on that, something among the lines of "I googled if you can rewrite stuff on CD-R... and google called me a huge idiot"), but petscop 16 kinda moves it from "I can convince myself that this is real" to 2spooky ebin creepypasta category

Is this the NERV cleanup crew after Shinji tears up that one angel's asshole?

A two year gap in uploads is one thing, having fairly consistent uploads over 2 years with basically nothing concrete happening is another.

it's just a fallout 1 special encounter

>That one Super Mario game were you literally get sent to hell.

it's okay for me because I don't want the ride to end
they also play it off with paul going nuts trying to solve puzzles and demo recordings stuff

Nothing really suggests that its tracking the player movements, the dial at the top right makes me think its the debug for the character recorder

Yeah you could be right, but I think they meant what I just posted though. It's a room with console, bed, that weird piano without keys and with ps1 controller on it from loading screen etc.

hell wasn't even creepy though, and it has the only good fight in the game

For me it’s just kind of tiring because I followed Petscop for a while, I didn’t watch any theorists or anything, I wanted to figure out the mystery myself. But video after video passed and all I was left with at the end of each was “Huh.” And a general sense of appreciation for how much effort goes into making this game, but I didn’t feel like I was getting anything. I just kind of assumed everything was too well hidden and encrypted for me to solve so I thought I’d have to watch some crackpot explain it to me, which was kind of an admission of defeat. The breaks between uploads don’t bother me, I’m a fan of TribeTwelve for fucks sake, but the pacing just feels whacked.

Well they gotta actually develop the game to make it look interesting. There is actual new stuff in each, and they are very consistent in quality, so not sure why you are complaining. Maybe I just enjoy autistically connecting the dots, idk.

I also enjoy connecting the dots which is why it’s frustrating to me. I just don’t get what’s going on, it’s way too cryptic. I haven’t watched the Easter videos yet, but it kind of feels like a big JJ Abrams mystery box so far. Not that I expect everything to be explained but I want something both in the context of the game and with Paul to be explained.

I thought someone was doing a fan made game that would be a 1 to 1 of the series

Tail of the Sun is full of stuff like this, I really need to catalogue all this with screenshots next time I play it because even the Gamefaqs guide for it listing some of the weird stuff got taken down for some reason and there's no other source of info for the game.
>giant statues of body parts, including an eye, a hand and a lone breast with a nipple poking out of the ground
>statues of a caveman and a cavewoman on a cliff, overlooking the sunset
>aliens disguised as cavemen on a far away island which you can kill
>simply useless shit all around, like a Stonehenge with large rock made out of gold and an altar in the middle of the ocean with a lone crystal sitting on top
>random monkey (?) bones in a cave and much more shit I forgot
Not to mention the caveman designs on their own.

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my ebin theory is , I think it makes a lot of sense
I kinda don't want to get more information because it's so fun watching all these cool theories and overaching themes unfold
I think it's called giftscop

Easter videos give a good chunk of info that allows you to connect how paul, care and the rest of the family are connected

>hundreds and hundreds of saves, even though the ps2 memory card can only hold about 8 slots
>PS2 disc only could have around 10 gb, the disc saves wouldn't be possible unless the game was like 10 MB
>own creator ruins the immersion of it being on the PS2

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They should've just gone for "it's all in RAM" bullshit since they don't want Paul to turn console off anyway

I'm actually retarded, i meant PS1

Maybe he's using one of those bootleg memory cards with a million blocks of free space

Some niggers really believe Petscop and similar games are real? L M A O
I thought this could be some giant larping thing where people didn't point the obvious to each other as to not ruin the "metagame", but I guess people are simply retarded.

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damn... u tell them user..

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People still think Slenderman is real, don’t give people credit

nobody actually thinks it is real m8

Is petscop 2 out already?


Got delayed to 2021

Do you mean the music puzzle and the flower petals? It's a bit odd because demo recordings were explained as the same inputs being used when the level looks differently, but in this case the movement of the character in the puzzle room doesn't look at all like that of paul down at the flower.

Why would you lie to me user?

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Petscop is the rabbit hole I needed tonight, thanks OP

Is the music that plays 20 minutes in on youtube anywhere? I realize it's just super simple tones, but something about it feels off in very deep way that's hard to describe. It's creepy in just the subtle way.

>Heh, some of my friends went to see Endgame the other day and are talking about it. Do they actually think super heroes are real L M A O???

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I think he makes his own music.

Yeah but people have ripped/recreated a lot of the music, except this it seems.

Is he actually a furry? the only instance that could possibly be considered furry in the content I've seen of his was his DHMIS video, which I thought was contextually appropriate since he needed some sort of avatar to talk to the audience.

easter egg if you type in Laura's in real life name

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no i follow his twitter hes a fuckin furry he tweets about furry conventions and shit


Stop watching Petscop

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What is this

It was shit the moment when there was censored shit in the videos

thanks doc

where's my junko furuta creepypasta

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redpill me on petscop
it showed up in my youtube recommended for you things a year ago. i watched a few eps. seemed like some guys indie game that he was making while simultaneously making a """"creepy"""" lets play.

in all honesty a majority of the questions i've had about the series from beginning have been answered at this point. there's not too many huge revelations left. about the only thing left that is huge that i can think of is whether paul is care or not. i would like the next video to touch on paul's progress in the game since we last saw him.

Not anymore

>I want to follow this person on Twitter to keep up to date on their content that I like
>it’s a fucking mistake
I’ve known actual furries that are less of furfags than Night Mind, dude took it way too far and it’s only a matter of time before the diaperfurs come for him next

Theres still a bunch of questions still unanswered
What did rainer do in the bathroom
What did he do when he became lost twice
What happened to care in november 11th
What does the machine in the basement does
What did they mean by joining the family and why it was so important to censor the items
What is paul actual connection to Newman
Still don't understand why this song was composed for a city building game.

I miss my creepy LP

What happens? also, Based and berndpilled

Fuck off furry

Stick with it. It's the most kino creepypasta/webseries ever made.

>zoomed in
>it took up my whole screen

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We've figured out the main narrative. Now there's an even greater challenge: the meta-narrative. What is is about? One can probably spend hundreds of hours coming up with different interpretations, which is what people will continue doing until the series is decades old.

>those number stations in fallout 3 if you kill three dog
It’s nothing really, but it predicted the us oil spill and Gary Coleman’s death so it spooked the hell outta me.

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You know that is fake right?

wait what

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sounds like a leftover SMAC wonder track

Because that's how they sold it. Just like Gone Home. What a fun trend.

Shit seriously? I fucking heard the number stations in my pure evil playthough. Oh god

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Were you just bullshitting or did (((/r/petscop))) shut you up?

What are Care’s deformities supposed to be?
Why did Marvin kidnap her?
What did he do to her?

It's weird that that had no payoff. I still vividly remember seeing that for the first time while playing with siblings. We freaked out.


The entirety of Toe Jam and Earl. Game was weird, man.

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>referencing the Newmaker death that happened in 2000
>while claiming the game is from 97
>could easily fix this by saying it's a Net Yaroze game he found since people are still fidgeting around with those and cut off the year it's made, making the Newmaker stuff actually compelling and not big ass plothole
>but no, its "definitely a legit spoopy ps1 game from 1997 that's also been in the family for years"

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There is no number station in fallout 3. It was probably a mod.

This was answered in the latest batch of episodes
Care doesnt have any deformities aside from marvin, his dad plucking her eyebrows so she could resemble the sister of her mother (windmill girl), care NLM is her after 6 months of psichological torture to make her believe nobody loves her and that she should be reborn.
Marvin kidnapped her after he and her wife (care's mother) broke up

Just what the FUCK was this guys problem?

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I swear I heard it, I was right out side the enclave base after blowing it up and waited only to hear three dog saying that the queen is dead. I must be going crazy

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This guy doesn't realize there never was a game called fallout 3 to begin with. Time to wake up buddy, you're in a dream.

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Also, what is Rainer’s evidence that Lina was reborn as Care?

You guys are just playing trick on me right? Ha ha very funny guys please tell me you’re joking right

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I think it’s just being used to convey in a meta context that the story is about child abuse by using a particularly famous case to give the audience that first clue.

It is implied that they looked almost identical except for the eyebrows

>THAT sound when you're exploring a cave in minecraft

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thought I was gonna have a nice comfy house then I got spooked

bump for more horror

You are probably misremembering. That is from the Creepypasta.


he was streaming a few days back, playing some point and click. not obscure though.

not for long

>watching Night Mind
He's gone from a decent YouTuber to some scummy tasteless pleb, I regret ever enjoying his content knowing what hes like now.

what made you hate him?

Quick rundown for phone fag at work please

He fell in love with his own voice and doesn't do research anymore.
>His big breakthrough on Poppy is that she does the As above so Below hand gestures
Wow no fucking shit retard

The quality of his analysis' have gone down considerably, he no longer goes into in-depth and detail and the 'quality content' he so prides himself on has become rushed food-for-thought. If it wasn't for his voice and his legion of furfags on Twitter, he would have fallen into obscurity months ago.

eh, I still personally enjoy him, but hearing him rave on and on about babby's first immersive thinkpieces does get grating.

I get it, you fucking like house of leaves and donnie darko.

Not him but something definitely changed recently. At first it was neat to see complex series given a proper explanation and it was nice to get a platform for the lesser known ones that would end up being some of my favorites. But something weird happened that’s hard to describe. It’s like he got jaded really fast, he barely uploaded for a while and it seemed like he was only having fun looking at series that fucking killed themselves. Not even like I have a problem with a good riff but it’s like the soul of the channel was gone. Again it’s weird to describe but it’s not the same. That sense of wonder and discovery seems gone as he seems to gloss over more and more series that get popular, so when he gets dozens of emails or messages about it he doesn’t even bother, but then the rest aren’t good enough for his standards because they’re not Marble Hornets.

>something changed
I actually was a patron of his during that drought - he lost all inspiration and had a massive falling out with one of his former best friends on the platform, and said falling out was entirely his fault.

>guy set this game of quake with learning AIs to go on for years
>forgot about it, came back
>AI weren't moving or doing anything
>soon as he made a shot, they'd turn around and instagib him, then go back to standing still


Spooky, thanks friend

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what do you mean, an

he's a pretty prolific furry fag. He goes to furry cons all the time with his boyfriend.

no you dont get it you simple-minded cunt, if you unironically enjoy his shit content then maybe you'd enjoy something more your speed like teletubbies



I don't have anything to say about Night Mind but I tried watching Marble Hornets a few months back and was really surprised to find it to be as good as it was. Not sure why but from what I had seen I remembered it being crappy or something but I was able to finish it and thought it pretty well done, even up to the end.
Tried to watch everymanhybrid and it did well with the fitness stuff cover but I just stopped after the second or third "whisper into sharp piercing noise" shit

you might want to try tribetwelve.

Noah’s decent into insanity amuses me greatly.

It’s weird. For a while EMH was peak and MH turned kinda shitty but both took so long that MH actually turned it around and ended decently while EMH stopped giving enough of a shit while still putting one video out bi-yearly.
TT was just always that middle ground, never being good but never being the worst.

Petscop 20 shows you what the censored things were.

>no mention of AngusNicneven anywhere
Shit chart.

Secret room in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for PS1 with a roaring kitten

Exploring Hogwarts in this game was genuinly terrifying. A huge abandoned castle (no npcs populating it) with secret rooms and unsettling music.

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>not good
I’ll fight you on that one

Ghehehe, fpbp indeed

> If it wasn't for his voice
He's not using well anymore. For some reason, he decided to stuck with the "creepy and monotonous", which only makes him sound more like one of those fags that do nothing but "creepy" top 10s

>"hello and welcome to nightmare expo"

number 15

a species of sentient beings created solely to serve their master, only to be abandoned for years, voiding them of even that purpose

also, the first level of this game is a slave-ran quarry where the player fights through an execution chamber where the slaves would be put in a room with a bunch of enemies that are basically land piranhas

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new Pyro video when

agreed, shame because his videos use to be nice little things I watched at night when I wanted to be spooked, but they're all just terrible now

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God, with that kind of voice one should consider using text in your videos instead.

The hidden cave in SNOW:

fucking glitches

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Well, you got me, lad.

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Imagine the smell.

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>tfw I actually find the content he covers interesting, but fuck me if I hate his voice

no idea but I remember being 8 years old and the second one in the pic came up, and my older brother hit me because I was shaking and my knee hit the reset button on our windows 98 computer

found in the map data of Dark Souls 2

Attached: lost bastille lobster.png (1182x634, 159K)

Given that random events like skunks and burglars can happen at any time, young me fully expected some fucked up nightmare fuel to appear after these calls when I least expected it
It didn't help that the raccoon in the pets expansion sometimes glitched out, causing the burglar theme to play at night without anything noticeable happening

the latest easter egg videos explain a shit load man

Oh for fuck's sake, take this fake shit to /x/.

iirc it's not real but got popular in japan to the point where they referenced it in synchronicity

Courage the dog

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 8K)

Two years later
Just to finish one story arc.
You know how many other webseries and ARGs get more shit accomplished in that amount of time, and even shorter?

>What did rainer do in the bathroom
It's implied he killed himself
>What did he do when he bcame lost twice
Probably work on Petscop
>why it was so important to censor the items
Because Paul was uncomfortable with showing them

Perhaps the censored items becoming uncensored has to do with the disappearance of Pauls commentary from the more recent episodes?

>Because Paul was uncomfortable
And those items ended up being shit that's hardly anything to get even creeped out over. All this shit build up with too little too late is what will kill this series, if it's leddit fan cult doesn't kill interest first.

They creeped *Paul* out, that was the entire point. The censored items ties him and his family to the game and he was understandably not very comfortable with the idea of showing them to thousands of strangers.


AI learns game theory, OP acts shocked.