The bad guys are British

>the bad guys are British

England was the good guy in history. They brought civilization to the whole world.

>Hurr Durr Spaniards
Look how great South America is doing

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Other urls found in this thread:

What the fuck are you talking about you horse toothed schizo

I'm English and I'm bad to the bone


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>WW2 game
>No German campaign
Pic unrelated

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>England was the good guy in history.
>that's what anglos actually believe

britbong here, we weren't always the good guys
e.g. south africa

>brought civilization to the world
Yeah by mistake and accident. If it wasn't for Britain for accidentally making America then your "civilization" wouldn't have happened.

>>the bad guys are British
Americans are still mad

dont forget rhodesia. After WW2 we became a joke of our former self.

England manufactured the potato famine and starved the Irish in an attempt to wipe them out because they were considered the white version of black people

Brits helped actively destroyed the few competent African civilizations and countries. Anglos are simultaneously the biggest cucks and jews in the world. Plus British accents are a meme that normalfags fawn over so it's unsurprising charismatic villains get them.


English accents sound sophisticated and intelligent to Americans, which makes them ideal for villains because they're supposed to be a threat and you're supposed to take them seriously. It's a similar situation with Russian accents too. No-one can take anyone with an American accent seriously because they all sound like cartoon characters.

This is a bait thread.
OP doesn't even use an example of a game.

Out of all the European places to be butt hurt about unfair representation you pick the British?

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yes after

survival of the fittest nigger. If your low IQ cant handle that then i pity you

>trusting Perfidious Albion

Attached: Eternal-Anglo.jpg (620x421, 191K)

>end the slave trade worldwide
>ayo pay reparations white boy
No good deed goes unpunished I guess.

oh my fucking god that pic is 10/10

>inherently good

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English owners of land in Ireland were taxed by the crown per-person living on their land so they wiped them out because they 'did not want them'


>Be British
>Bring civilisation and technology to billions
>Create the langage billions use to their benefit
>Invent the steam train
>Invent the worldwide web
>Invent modern music
>Invent the telescope
>Invent TV
>Invent jet engine
>Invent industry itself
>Everyone still mad

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you have your shitpost license?

>kill billions with disease
>replace real languages with babby's first native tongue
>invent the United States
>invent Pakistan
>invent modern music


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>posts fucking japanese caricature

this is now a Brit/pol/ thread

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Hello /pol/

I'm not much into history, but aren't the only "good" places that the british colonized eighter

Desolate wastelands

Stolen from other, more successful colonial powers efforts.
>Pre. US North America
>South Africa

Or regressed back to their old ways, but with an added hatred for the west to this very day
>Middle East

Not to mention the atrocities committed which are brushed aside due to "well, I was scared of what MIGHT have happened"
>Attack on Mers-el-Kébir
>Bengal famine of 1943
>Battle of Copenhagen
>Potato famine
>Impressment of american sailors

If I were to take inspiration from an "evil" and incompetent yet somehow successful empire, I'd choose to mock the brits too.

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I’m not, I love UK


cause brits are insufferable irl and you naturally want to punch them in a face

If it wasn't for WW2 and the USSR the Brits would be universally recognized as the villains of the last five hundred years

video games

Have fun living in your globalized blacked world, anglo-cuck.

That's wrong though.

>canada and australia
two of some of the richest countries in the world right now
>american colonies
they were literally all british settlers at the beginning??? you being "not much into history"

>south africa
>middle east
exploited the shit out of these. no regrets would do again.

>potato famine and bengal famine
neither were done intentionally by us, but we didnt care either way. poos and potatoe niggers are expendable.

>all the other atrocities
again no regrets

Brits were the bad guys in both world wars

it isnt. pre-war britain was peak

the saddest part is that we didn't even accomplish anything.

>invade land, enslave the native people, oppress them for centuries, even attempt to commit genocide on them at one point, which reduces their population to half of what it previously had been
>send fascist police to kill their civilians and terrorist groups to do the same
>a few freedom fighters try to rise up against you but you portray them as the villains in everything
>in almost every single piece of media out there, you're portrayed as slightly odd at worst and saviours of the world at best, while the people you enslaved and genocided get treated as comic relief at best and terrorists at worst
OP, I hope you get kneecapped, acid'ed and raped to death.

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>Implying Rome wasn't the true good guys in history

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t. Acadian

Couldn't conquer England, also stopped at Russia like the scaredy cats that they were. Napoleon at least made an attempt at them instead of stopping right at their borders like that.

>Couldn't conquer England
>Map shows England and Wales being occupied

what the fuck are you even talking about, faggot? We both know you just want to reminisce about your shorty country. BONGISTAN IS DEAD NIGGER, GET OVER IT

reminder that anglos aren't people they are property of the queen so it isn't murder to kill them

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Ngl sometimes the sheer size of Rome turns me on

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>have to literally build a wall because you can't stop half naked men from fucking your shit up in a continent you set out to conquer
>skitter around the russian borders like cowards
>have the biggest empire in all of history and still somehow manage to let literal shit eaters conquer all of you

I feel like giving all badguys posh english accents isn't much of a thing these days. Also hail Britannia

"Insert EU parallel joke here"

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But no one is saying to ave a line, or calling people larpcels.

>Objective: Don't Survive

Britland was just lucky they were on an isolated island with absolutely nothing to offer anyone so they were able to gather their resources together and take control over most of the world. But only for about 100 years. lol

>100 years
Nigger cite your source

Because the high english accent is associated with intelligence, education and class superiority making it that more satisfying to put in its place by fucking it in the asshole to submission.

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Well we and our mutt progeny did bail the USSR out, so we're partially responsible for their shenanigans post second world war. Should have let the megalomaniacal manlets slug it out with each other a while longer then kill two birds with one stone.

You say that, but everyone have had a go at the british isles.

The romans conquer Brittania
The scots conquer Picts
the germanic tribes (anglos and saxons) conquer England
The vikings conquer some of everything (the danelaw and the scottish isles)
Normandy conquer England and more