Will this game sell? Who besides Yea Forums is interested in this?

Will this game sell? Who besides Yea Forums is interested in this?

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No it won't
Platinium's games don't sell all that well and 3rd parties despite all the portbegging faggotry and Indies having their best numbers ( which are still pathetic and not even half of nu-SMB ) on Nintendo

so this is the power of snoy

More than W101 at least.

If anything, the fact Astral Chains will sell like shit will only make Snoyfags seethe more, you should be happy. It's not like it's gonna stop Platinium from making exclusives for Ninty.

Attached: BestSellingSwitch.png (1143x343, 32K)

Wait, that makes no sense.

What the fuck, how did LGPE sell more than Splatoon 2? Why the fuck are people buying LGPE?

> snoyger trying to d&c nintendobros

It's the only game on Switch that is interesting to me in that releases in the next months but after the massive downgrades the latest screenshots shown...well, when Yokai Watch 4 and SMTV release I'll get a Switch anyway and will buy Astral Chain.

>Game sells like shit
>Raises argument that the target audience for Game is elsewhere
>Rub it in the face of the opposing faggots that they'll still never ever get it
What do you not understand?

What downgrades?

That is retarded.

I just want devil may cry 1,3,5 on switch so I can play it while I'm pooping. Every other action game is just hoping to be near as good as dmc

Console wars are retarded. What did you expect?

I don‘t see enough boobs to sell

What downgrades faggot?

Just look at the new screenshots honey, the backgrounds look like something that was acceptable in 2004.

750k views for new IP that came out of the nowhere is really good. So far the only thing we can say for certain is that it will sell more than W101.

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It was extremely front-loaded, Pokémon fans with no self-control all bought it in the first week and it's sold like shit ever since.

I don't see anything.

It's a game where you play as cops. Cops are shit. Won't be buying.

Oh honey, when you need to see a doctor you have to make an appointment.

Those are “best selling” because those are the only numbers released to public every quarter.
Nobody knows what the non-nintendo games actually sell because nobody’s telling the public.

You're talking to a dumb faggot who doesn't realize Platinum is one of the only companies that doesn't release doctored screens prerelease. Probably the same fag who was melting down when MGRR was about to release and had tons of honest to God, genuine gameplay screens and not shit running with 16x AA and resolutions no console could handle.

What if you are allowed to be a good cop, a bad cop or a judge greet I AM THE LAW! Cop?

For whatever reason "chibi" games don't sell. Same to Viewtiful Joe on Gamecube.

>not wanting to be the law

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How the fuck is a port of Mario Kart 8 outselling both Mario Odyssey and Smash Ultimate?

To be honest W101 had everything against it.
>No marketing
>Experimental as fuck
>Chibi style

Because nobody had a WiiU.

It will sell more than than it would if it was multiplatform simply because Nintendo is backing it.
Platinum fans will buy it. Animu fans might buy it.
People who slobber over nintendo's cock will buy it. virtually nobody else will. Like Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Some do, Ubisoft said Mario+Rabbids sold 2 millions.

It looks like from the last decade. Bayonetta 2 on the Wii U looked better.

That's under the impress that most people don't have a Nintendo along with whatever other platform they choose.

Don't you have other thread to shitpost, Eric?

because it works with Pokemon GO

Who the fuck is Eric? Am I missing a new or obscure trip fag that plagues these threads as some sort of anti nintendo fag or something?

I'm getting the game because I own more than one platform and I'm a Platinum fan.

Only incels play character action games. Have sex.

Xenoblade 2 sold 1.5 million last time we got info of it, must be 1.8 million right now. MS gas said several times it sold far beyond their expectations.

Yeah, 8 months ago, when they have it on 30%-50% off every couple of months.
Meanwhile every single game that tops it on that chart had sales data updated like a week ago.

it'll break a million copies easily, it's the big august release for switch and software sells at record levels on switch

I've never played a Platinum Game that held my attention for more then 4-5 hours.


Was the game cheap to make because it used "anime" graphics?

Eh. I own XBC2 as well. Didn't think it was that successful. Wasn't remotely as good as XBC1/X.

user, Nintendo never puts sales of games they don't publish in those lists.

i'm only buying it if its at least trying to target 60fps
p+ can get fucked if they forsake me

Fuck off.

That’s what I’m saying, the list means nothing for other publishers, it’s just a list of best selling first party games.

We really need a second trailer, it's been far too long with no new info

And I was just saying some third parties do announce the sales of thier games.

Attached: 1D6F2246-7CFD-4870-A97A-556179718A6F.jpg (1002x880, 191K)

>numbers released to public every quarter
>every quarter
M+R sold more than 2 million. It’s definitely ahead of ARMS. The list means nothing.

1,000,000 minimum

It is the most successful title from monolith ever
For some reason Yea Forums is often under this weird delusion that whatever game they enjoy sold "very well" and should have sequel and new titles all the time, while in reality they are often sell like shit

yeah its 24 fps like daemon x machina most likely

These AC heroes are 100% going to be smash DLC which will help sales

>buying games
>buying gay shooters
>statistically relevant

Artists need names and an idea of Characters personalities before working. Gameplay info would be nice too.

I just thought it wouldn't have sold simply because it's UI was fucking awful and the character design was all over the place and most character was the Waifu garbage that barely sells and was factually worse game than the last two installments.
It's actually just a bad entry in the series. I always forget that even if a game is going to be trash that it doesn't matter if the prior game was popular enough. Dragon Age 2 taught me that.

Every single thing you said was retarded.

I really REALLY hope they make Astral Chain a pure action game and not some pseudo RPG-action game like Automata.

But the stand being customable is a must.

Yet you can't refute any of it.
DA1 was loved. DA2 was hated. Sold more than DA1 though.
Gundam Breaker 3 was loved. New gundam breaker was gutter trash. Still sold more than GB3 though. If people liked the prior game then it doesn't matter if the next games sucked. People expected the next game to be just as good as the prior game.

I agree but please no fucking RPG stats and the like.

Fuck off, Eric.

there's at least some action adventure elements like sidequests or investigation mechanics

Who in the fuck is eric?

>I always forget that even if a game is going to be trash that it doesn't matter if the prior game was popular enough
This somehow imply xenoblade chronicle and xenoblade X were popular, which they weren't as obviously demonstrate by sale. What really happened to help the xenoblade series is actually the smash inclusion, people can fucking whine about smash as much as they can but it is just reality

Popular enough to get a following and get whole Nintendo directs dedicated to their games alone. At least for XBCX. Popular enough to basicly get a pseudo MMO.

The part where you dressed as a dog and pick up the trash to me seem like you can somewhat moving around and interact with the normal world. Oo it might not be pure action like bayo where you pick each act to play and instead having a hub you can fuck around at least

Masakazu Katsura working on it pretty much guarantees it's pretty firmly stuck in the niche zone - I don't remember any of his stuff ever getting huge. Kinda weird too given how often he works with Toriyama.

the baba yaga

Nintendo doing directs to promote their own games isn't what dictate how popular something is, that's just business sense of trying to make something successful. They even had a fucking 20 mins direct for wonderful 101, do you think it indicate how successful or popular the title was?

Yea Forums posters are living in this weird bubble, for all intended and purposes xenoblade is still a niche as fuck series IRL. You want to talk about popular, go to mario or pokemon or zelda. When you can make a shit ton of dosh by just pushing merch and other shit that related to the game but not the actual game itself, that is real popularity

Can we please talk about AC?!

Then why didn't they take whole directs for shit like Codename s.t.e.a.m. or Dillon? Those were Nintendo only games. Why did Xenoblade Chronicles X get special treatment?
Maybe. Maybe it was because it was dare I say "Popular"?

Looks alright. We know nothing about it it. I'm a fan of Platinum and will probably pick it up unless news comes out that makes it look like trash.
there is nothing to talk about.

I doubt it but you don't fund a Platinum game because you think it'll make money.
You fund it to make your library better and more robust

If Days Gone taught us something is that marketing is everything and so far they havent announced anything since the reveal.

Everything I've seen of Days Gone is that it maximum generic with shit load times.

Sure, what new features do you expect from the new animal crossing?

I fucking knew this would happen when both series turn out to be AC

Dillon was 3rd party indie shit you dingus nintendo only published it. And for codname steam, they legit have a whole conference when they revealed it for gaming sites at e3. Also the last i would ever do is asking how would nintendo approach something, the answer is nobody know. They just do whatever shit they feels like, Tomodachi and Miitopia got their own fucking direct for christ sake

And it still sold gorillions, really makes you think

Did it?
Reviews and such on it seems rather mum.
Only ting I've heard lately about it is People bitching about the game showcasing midwesterners as human beings instead of walking racist stereotypes.

>Animal crossing
>Astral chain
So that is why pic related exists.

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I feel dumb for not realizing this sooner.

where's the Isabelle / FeMC porn

i didn't know i needed it until now

Artists need more info before working.

that because you keep forgetting to take your meds, faggot

I'm more interested in what's the secret self published title Platinum is developing. They have been going on and on about this shit for years now and so far nothing.

In terms of Nintendo trailers, people who look at those already have an interest in the product as the trailer released just after the direct.