Metal Sonic in Sonic CD is actually the captured and robotocized Sonic from the Bad Future...

>Metal Sonic in Sonic CD is actually the captured and robotocized Sonic from the Bad Future, being brought back into the Present and Past by the already victorious Eggman and forced to fight himself in order to ensure his own creation

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Other urls found in this thread:ソニックシリーズに登場するキャラクターの一覧

That's why it thinks it's the real Sonic in Heroes

Incidentally what's the deal with Metal Sonic in 3&K? He looks weird

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That's Mecha Sonic. Different character entirely.

Metal sonic doesn't get any love anymore... None of the actual cool characters do actually
It's always sonic, tails, eggman, and whatever new deviant art shit they pull out their ass

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>Metal sonic doesn't get any love anymore...
hes literally shilled in every sonic game

>the Japanese manual for S3&K foreshadows Perfect Chaos, as knuckles mentions a "great dragon" mural
>The black arms are foreshadowed in SA2, as next to Shadow's containment pod is a sign that reads "ASTRONOMERS ARE CONCLUDING THAT THE MONSTROUSBLACKS"
>Professer Gerald built the core of the ark based on the Master Emerald shrine, and both Ultimate life form projects are based on the mural of Super Sonic (Shadow) and Perfect Chaos (the Biolizard)
>there are statues of Sonic at the top of Hydrocity

Ok, name 3

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>Sonic Generations
>Sonic Forces
>Sonic Mania
>Sonic 4: Episode 2
>Sonic 4: Episode Metal
>DLC in both Sonic All Stars games
>in TSR

>Sonic CD
>Sonic Heroes
>Sonic 4 Ep II
>Sonic Boom
>Sonic Mania

>inb4 "those games are bad so they don't count"

He also cameos in Sonic Adventure and is playable in SA2B and SADX


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Only 1 of those is from the past 5 years and in all of them he gets like 5 mins to actually do anything

There have been like 3 sonic games total in the last 5 years though and he's in all of them except for Boom: Fire and Ice

I had really high hopes for the next sonic game. Forces wasn't TOO dogshit and they seemed to learn from sonic mania
But once they started advertising the movie there's literally no more hope
Sega/sonic team/whoever is making the movie is fucking braindead it boggles my mind

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And why it's disobedient to Eggman

You didn't quote even half of it user

Metal in the OVA is the best.
Prove me wrong.

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movie is separate from the games, and they have very little control over it. That's Sega's bad.
Only hope I have for the next game is that Sonic Team japanese pride got hurt so bad over Mania being such a bigger success then Forces done by a team of "amateurs" in 1/4 of the time and budget that they finally pull their shit together for once


Why the fuck are the Sonic robot designs so cool looking? I don't care about the series at all, but Metal Sonic and Omega look cool as fuck.

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Why was Metal Sonic not in sonic x? i Always was confused by that.

Sonic Team is dead bro. The Sonic Pillars are the new hotness. Basically Sonic is only made in the USA now (some of the old Sonic Team moved and the SA2 art director came back) and they split into multiple pillars, for example Classic and Modern will both get seperate teams for seperate games. Most importantly Kishimoto is hopefully gone because I think he stayed behind in Japan

There are people who think it's bad.


Sonic x takes place in the same continuity of the OVA.

>3 good Sega Genesis games
>One good Dreamcast game
>One good gamecube game
>Pure shit ever since
>Legions of diehard fans

Explain this

Ah, I see. That seems like a decent idea. I don't keep up with sonic news for centuries now, just pop into the franchise whenever a new game shows up and if it's good. Otherwise it's the sidest of lines for me

"Good" is subjective. And even if a game isn't good, it can still be fun. that one good GameCube game better be Riders or I'm strangling you

CD's reception is odd. I think it's a perfectly good game (better than 1 but worse than 2 & 3&K) but it has gone from underrated to overrated over the years. It's definitely not terrible but let's be honest here, CD isn't 93% good.

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every robot sonic has the same name in japanese

Sonic Forces made more money than Mania though

It outsold it 1:2 despite being twice the price

>Handhelds still good
>Fanhacks revitalized old games on occasion
>Bad games are still memorable because of so bad it's good factor/frustration with how sonic team could have not fucked up
Keeping up with Sonic games was kinda like keeping up with a sports team that you're hopeful it will regain it's glory and you keep rooting for despite them losing so many games lately. Sonic Team's always been on the edge of not fucking up but falling short due to some really bone head decisions that could be easily fixed if they tried. Plus Sonic's design is literal perfection incarnate

I THINK SONIC Adventure 1 and 2 are still pure kino

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Yeah but not the Robotnik/Tails levels from 2.

Everything but those

I find that doubtful. But even then, like I said, Mania was made in 1 year while Forces took 5. Forces also had WAY more people working on it due to the more advanced graphics it has. Meaning that even if it sold 3x as Mania, it still wouldn't be a good number because the profit margin isn't as big as with Mania

Tails and Rouge levels suck. Eggman and Knuckles ones actually pretty nice. Sonic and Shadow are both great but Sonic edges Shadow out by just a bit imo

They need to just make a whole game based on knuckles set in pumpkin hill

>He doesn't enjoy A ranking Eternal Engine or Sand Ocean

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Because Metal was not present during the Adventure era.

Wasn't he a hidden character in adventure 1 or am I imagining that?

was an extra on DX at least. Not sure about dreamcast release

The music alone puts it at 90% tho.

I don't understand all the praise Sonic 2 gets. It has meh music and bland levels.

I think Eggman is the best villain in Sonic, but Metal Sonic is compelling as fuck. For some reason, soulless robots in Sonic are always more interesting than the rest of the cast. I wish they gave him more spotlight.

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>bland levels
outside of hill top I don't see how you could ever come to this conclusion

So what's the deal with Mecha Sonic?

does Sonic Mania have boosting?

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Guys, where does eggman get all the money to create all his space ships, robot armies, planetary space stations, and shit?

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roboticization is only a thing in western continuity

The music, asthetics, and time travel mechanic would put it at 80-85%, but it has the worst level design of the Genesis games.

That's the worst offender.

The quicksands are the worst thing in the game

Rouge had that level with the 5 minutes counter, that one was the wort but overall at least it's fun to control them.

he's probably secretly the owner of like sonic's version of amazon or apple or something

Really? I found that level to be super easy, I got an A Rank on first try. Once you know where the emeralds are, you can beat in the level in far less than 2 minutes.

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dont need money when you harvest the materials yourself

Why the fuck didn't anyone tell me how kino the OVA was?

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I thought it was random. I don't remember anymore.

Knuckles has better stages

It is random, but you could easily fly around the small stage, find the vault where it is (if it even is in one), and then quickly run to the control panel if neccesary.

This is not a thing and was never a thing.

I wanted metal to be playable in mania so bad.

Uh... Yes you do

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>Sonic 4: Episode Metal

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>This city reminds me of Casinolopolis
>My island has mushrooms, but not THIS big >The Egg Carrier is nothing compared to this
Why does everyone hate Heroes' dialouges again

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Did he play differently or was he just a sonic skin

wait really
Thats fucked

It's just sonic 4 episode 2 nBut it's a side mode where you play through Episode 1's stages with Metal Sonic. Nothing special

Episode 1 except levels are in reverse order, there are no bosses and theres only one act for each zone. Metal has no unique moves and is just a reskin. It's just for the "backstory" purposes.

He's a skin. It's the reward you get for 100% completion.

>"Sonic, dead or alive is mine" are lyrics to metallic madness bad future
Yeah, I'm thinking he won in one timeline.

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I know i don't wanna sound like a classiccuck, but man, in Mania Adventures he felt like an actual character.

When did you realize that we have an overabundance of nostalgia on modern games thanks to Sonic "4"?

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It took me forever to A-rank the 100 rings emblem for Eternal Engine
No, the worst Rouge level is fucking Mad Space. The alternate gravity on the various planets is really fucking wonky and getting the emeralds is an enormous pain in the ass, not to mention the excessive size of the level makes traversing it total shit.

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Well yeah. He's the only version of Metal Sonic who isn't a worthless jobber.

Wasn't that a Knuckles level?

Knuckles' space level was Meteor Herd

He is best boy

Metal Sonic > Shadow

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>It's DBZ
>but with Sonic

Pretty cool

Why would a super criminal need money? What form of commerce is happening on South Island or Angel Island?

Robotnik is able to freely stripmine and deforest the planet and Sonic only sometimes stops him

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You are fucking wrong, that's the explanation. It hasn't been 'pure shit ever since'. That's just it.

Sonic Advance aped many level themes.

Can't really think of a single 'ordinal theme' it had except for the second zone which was like a metal foundry

Egg Rocket Zone

More like Meteor Hard because it was annoying as hell.

That's the level with where you're inside a rocket headed to outer space, yeah? So that makes two. Everything else was standard Sonic fair

He literally founded and owns all the worlds major tech, security and casino/gambling companies, as well as basically being an oil/petroleum tycoon and an industrial chemicals manufacturer. Casinos the size of cities, all around the world. He probably inherited a shitload of wealth from Gerald too. Hell, given his 300 IQ he probably is a stock market god or something as well.

Yes it was. Gamma is a robotized animal for example.

Nobody does. Perhaps one or two soulless internet funnymen do here and there. Sadly, level commentary of such quality has not appeared in a game since.

There's nothing wrong with thinking classic is better than modern.

Robotization and roboticization are different things.
Robotization is trapping animals in robots to power them, roboticization is made-up american garbage.

Yeah, MA was the first time he did anything more than be "soulless machine" since heroes, if you exclude the Olympics.

He does nothing like the rest these days, it’s sad.


Fuck the weeks.

SatAM isn't canon and SEGA doesn't give a fuck about it, faggot.

Why can’t regionwars fuck off and understand that both versions of the ost are good

>He looks weird
He looks even weirder in Sonic 2

The OVA had a banging soundtrack. How does Sonic always manage to sound good?

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>ice and water, steak and cow
>moons and headlights
why they didn't just make this song in Japanese I will never know

Ah fuck it... watch the whole Sonic OVA here:

Attached: sonicoav.webm (640x430, 2.94M)


That's Silver Sonic.

It's always funny how everyone's image of Metal Sonic is probably heavily covered by the non-canon OVA, to the point where everyone often forgets that in the games, he's largely a piece of shit.


Thanks to Whitehead, STI will LIVE

Knuckles >

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I want Sarah to step on me
It's Sarah right? Its been years since I watched it.

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Hard to argue that.
Dude even has a sick theme.

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I really hope we're not getting into another saleswar. I'll put it like this. People still base Mania's numbers off severely outdated ones from april 2018, you know, before plus came out. So is it really fair to say it sold bad when we don't know the real details yet? To also put things into perspective, I still see people opening copies of plus and playing it quite frequently on youtube, where as I see more speed battle videos than the actual forces when I look up recent videos for that. But regardless, it was a budget game, i'm sure it made all its profit back long ago.
>inb4 trophy leaks
Don't even start, I will actually get a migraine.

He's also the most successful asteroid miner in the world


His official English name is Robo-Sonic according to Lego Dimensions. Silver Sonic is the little one from the GG Sonic 2/Mania

does this mean they've been building up years of lore on how to teach everyone how to pronounce Hydrocity

It's Hydro City