>tfw the older I get, the more I prefer singleplayer games
Did this happen to anyone else?
It doesn't help that the RTS genre is dead and my old favourites have nearly empty servers.
>tfw the older I get, the more I prefer singleplayer games
Did this happen to anyone else?
It doesn't help that the RTS genre is dead and my old favourites have nearly empty servers.
I feel the same. I used to be obsessed with fighting games, now I only casually play Smash every now and then.
I wish I had some buddies to chat with about cool single player games we're playing, but everyone I know seems obsessed about multiplayer games.
just play castlevania
now THIS is based
i am the exact opposite
i'm almost 30 now and i can't even fucking touch singleplayer games anymore
the last singleplayer game i enjoyed was The Messenger
Happens to me, altough I atribute it more to how busy adult life can get so I no longer have the time to organize raids or Counter Strike sessions. Single Player allows me to play when I can on my oen terms. It's peaceful
I never stopped single player games to begin with. Multiplayer games have always been for children
Man I've been replaying these old Indiana Jones point and click adventures, having a blast desu.
>People constantly wanting to talk which inevitably lead to some shitty multiplayer game
>Honestly just want to play quality single-player stuff
How to escape the being social meme?
im the opposite. I keep stopping my hand from buying single player games as it feels like a waste of money now i'm older. whereas multiplayer games have far greater lastability
I had a period where I played multiplayer games obsessively back on early 360 Xbox Live. Rainbow Six Vegas, Gears 1, Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3. After that I just stopped playing them pretty much cold turkey.
This. I gifted my friend the code I got from buying Risk of Rain 2 at launch, i played a total of 3 runs with him and after that ive been making excuses not to play with him because I really just want to play my roguelikes alone not depending on others. Ive played ror2 alone for 100 hours now and he has only played like 2 hours because all he wants is to play multiplayer.
Happened to me. As I got older I stopped liking other people in general, which translated to me playing less multiplayer until eventually I stopped entirely.
Yeah. I just got worse and worse at multiplayer games anyways. At least I can play through the dark souls series without dying.
35. I can play multiplayer if I have to, but people and maybe me are difficult to cooperate with. Theres always the one player that dont play ball. I have no friends so pubs are it. I like single player when possible or games where interaction with other players is simple so they cant troll or I suffer if they suck.
>Pushing 30
>Still love multiplayer shooters
>Get shot constantly by kids with faster reflexes and more free time to practice
Why live Yea Forums?
No. I have always been fixated on multiplayer games, ever since I was a little kid playing 1.5 CS, Warcraft 2, etc.
I buy some of the quintessential "must have" single players for PC often on steam sales as I feel like I don't want to miss out on some kind of pop culture hit, install and play them months - a few years after their release, play a couple of hours or even 40+ yet never beat them.
I just find singleplayer too boring, and it's only gotten worse as I have aged. I often cycle between OW, chivalry, RS2:vietnam. I'm not obscenely competitive, as in trying to max out the highest rank in competitive modes or organize pre-mades, raging at defeats, etc but I do play to win or at least altermy playstyle as much as possible within the session to dominate. I just don't find single player near as exhilarating.
And it's gotten worse it seems. I've always played 95%+ multiplayer games, but occasionally in my youth or teens I could sit and marathon a rare single player game if it captured my attention, like the mass effect series, dragon age, Total War campaigns, etc.
Now im lucky to even start them, yet alone beat them. I keep telling myself im missing out on gaming experiences and I need to get around to beating some of these games, but when im tired and busy throughout the year the only thing I want to play are multiplayer games. Anybody know a way to get around this?
I think since Skyrim released ive installed it at least 3 or 4 times on different clients, always put 20-50 hours in it, primarily side quests and just directionless exploring, but I never beat it. I just spent a whole evening a couple weeks back finally purchasing the game and installing around 20-30 visual/texture/rebalancing mods, played maybe 20 hours and yet again ive stopped playing
I think this thing have three main motives
1- When you get older you stop being in the mood for drama, trolling or stoners
2- Most multiplayer games (at least the popular ones) are based on grind, even fps have it now so in the end it really looks like you are on a second job
3- The psychological effect of microtransactions, being all the time bombarded by ads for all kind of things inside the game itself not only robs the joy from your moments but really makes you tired, since you have to keep your defenses up even inside your home
and the most important pic related
I cant care about winning against people in any shape or form anymore
I'll take a game with an engrossing experience over emulating it through cheap competition any day of the week.
Probably the biggest reason why I stopped playing multiplayer right there. There's nothing like joining a 24/7 server and playing one map for 14 hours straight with a couple dozen other people who are also there to spend all day on one map. Matchmaking and modern game design trying to focus the games on having "complete" matches took all the fun out of the games for me, and even the remakes of old multiplayer games that I enjoyed.
Its called finding enjoyment in what you want fren. Just because everyone likes multiplayer games doesn't mean you have to. That feeling of being able to listen to music of your while accomplishing a goal you set for yourself is none like any other in the world.
Single player or Co-Op with voice chat (like borderlands or killing floor)
Competitive games/pvp are a no go for me nowadays
Same here. Multiplayer is just too much time wasted and not worth it.Also full of kids. I always liked point and click games and games with good atmosphere more anyways. I mistly olsy those on rainy days if nothing productive is to do, or if I nees to unwind. Sometimes I just read a book and go to bed. I am 30 btw. Probably should get some women pregnant, but so far none was worth it in the long run. Who knows what will happen. Could always be worse.
I don't play new multiplayer games because they take too much effort to get to the point where they are enjoyable and I could die any day. Last multiplayer games I bothered with were melee and brood war, those should last me forever.
No, but every trolling video I see nowadays, even ones made back then I cringe at.
I can no longer watch Team Avolition because they just aren't funny, they kind of look like jackasses to me. Like, trolling used to be an art of subtly doing it online so people didn't even know you were doing it. Anything thats just straight up hacking or trying to get little kids mad makes me cringe real bad. Like, I can no longer watch half of Stggg's videos because I just find myself cringing at everything he does to other people, and what other people do back.
Shit sucks, I wish I could find this shit funny again
>There's nothing like joining a 24/7 server and playing one map for 14 hours straight
I hope you people eventually realize that even amongst your own kind this isnt normal at all
These servers were always much fewer in number, and the people who played on them for the most part left after a couple of matches, specially if they won.
I cant imagine how wasting hours willingly limiting your acess to content you paid for is entertaining in any way, maybe you dont even know it but you are sacrificing the quality of your own experience and burning out faster just to increase your chances of winning.
It's not about winning, it's about having fun. A lot of those servers even have the objective disabled entirely, so it's just teams pushing against each other for eternity.
That's what I hate about these game communities, man. I keep getting older, and they stay the same age.
that's kinda shitty man
I play single player strategy or puzzle games and co-op games.
Grinding and PvP is mostly a waste of time, successful co-op is more satisfying then pwning high ping noobs.
More like the opposite. It’s not that I don’t like singleplayer games, but I find it hard to get myself to that right mental state where I’m both relaxed enough from stress that I’m able to focus on a game without thinking about real life problems, yet still energic enough that I can play efficiently. It’s just somehow much easier to ask a friend in Steam chat to play some MP game and keep chatting through Teamspeak, that captures my attention so well that I can do it even if I’m stressed.
What I wouldn’t give to be able to focus on single player games as well as I could back when I were a kid or teenager. No stress, no worries, only long game sessions without any nagging feeling distracting me from enjoying it.
i'm with you on that, son
i used to play lots of fighting games but i got tired of the fickle bitchy annoying community that makes it hard to find someone to just settle down and play lots of matches with while they get all sanctimonious at each other over twitter
i'm old enough to be dad to most of them and i'm pissed off enough to want to kick a lot of their faces into their asus monitors for stupid melodrama over video games
Makes sense. When you are young you need to position yourself in society and gitting gud at electronic toys gives you the impression of social achievement.
The problem with multiplayer games for me is that they are endless and the experience is fundamentally the same after some number of games.
It doesn't help modern multiplayer games are made to have enough random factor that even a shitter can win every once in a while.
I want a game to be done at some point and after it I can move on taking the experience of playing it with me. With a multiplayer game that experience is a blur of games I don't remember the specifics of and with the big ass open world games it's a blur of side crap I did to be done with the quest-backlog.
It's why I've entirely stopped playing games like that. I just want my games as handcrafted experiences of meaningful content because I want something to remember at the end of the weekend and I don't have all the free time in the world to waste anymore.
>can enjoy both