Thoughts on this game in retrospect?

Thoughts on this game in retrospect?

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it was a game. I played it.

It's one of those games I will always remember warmly. It was by no means even close to perfect but it had that certain charm to it that I massively enjoyed. I really liked it in other words.

Incredible artistic achievement far superior to the original and I both played the original first and loved it.

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Love the game and was my proper introduction to immersive sims. Haven't touched Mankind Divided yet but have to tempter my expectations since it's supposedly not as good. I'll play it soon.

Amazing, very good balance between shooter and RPG. You can also play as a sneaky ninja or shoot your way through the game, all styles are catered for. Plot is engaging and protag is charismatic as fuck. I rate it 8,5/10

Greatly enjoyed it, removing that godawful filter is a must though. I wish mankind divided was better. What other games are similar to this, I don't really know any

This, need similar games. Is the new Prey similar, I've heard it compared before on here but I like fighting humans with these types of games. Is Prey mainly just fightan weird shadow monsters like I've seen from pictures?

The 2017 Prey is definitely worth playing, what it lacks in enemy design it makes up in level design and exploration, which are both top tier. Then there's the obvious ones like Bioshock, System Shock and VTMB. It's actually a rather small genre all in all.

Another PC creativelet with zero understanding of artstyle or aesthetics. I bet you unironically use ENBs.

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>Love the game and was my proper introduction to immersive sims.
It's not an immersive sim though. Heck, the developers outright dislike immersive sims, they gave an entire presentation about it.

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Easily one of my all time favorites, I might like it more than the original for it's more serious tone. The boss fights really drag this game down though.

One thing that irritated me to no end in Mankind Divided were unspectacular takedowns. What happened, you were Bruce Lee in HR

it was pretty solid to be honest, the ending was weak though. It was essentially the mass effect 3 problem but no one made a big deal out of it.

The whole press a button get ending thing.


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>Easily one of my all time favorites, I might like it more than the original for it's more serious tone.
What more serious tone? The original Deus Ex explored a lot more mature subject matter, whereas Human Revolution basically just goes fantasy territory with how over the top and commonplace augmentations are.

>smoking, drinking, guns and cybernetic enhancements on front cover
so cool

graphics ON/OFF

soulless vs. soul

somewhere between the original deus ex and metal gear solid, but it is a great game and replayable as fuck. the sequel is great too fuck the haters

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I still think the piss filter is great.


Unironically looks better, because it actually adds somewhat natural colors and masks the piss filter that dulls all the colors.

it was always graphically unimpressive but aged like fine wine because the art style and deco were god tier

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Why the FUCK couldn't the takedowns just be in real time?

>whereas Human Revolution basically just goes fantasy territory with how over the top and commonplace augmentations are.
This is my biggest issue with the game world as described in HR and MD. MD made it much worse by going the whole "Aug Lives Matter" approach, which was completely uncalled for. I mean, HR had a little bit of that going on with persecution of LIMB clinics prior to "the event" that happens near the end of the game, but its themes of aug discrimination weren't as jarring in their attempt to be topical with current events and issues of segregation. Still, both games are worth a playthrough.

I'll always remember these games for having awesome ambiance and music even if the stories weren't top tier. Both renditions of Jensen's apartment theme are great.

Good game interrupted by bits of crap, like Upper Hengsha and Panchea.
I think DXMD will age better than this game.

>soullessness on / off

>I mean, HR had a little bit of that going on
Not just a little bit, most of MD's issues are present in HR as well.

Contrary to popular belief, OG Deus Ex (and IW) was never about augmentation. Augmentation was merely a framing device to tell a story about how technological advances could exacerbate the dangers of economical and political centralization, culminating in JC merging with an AI to form a new enlightened form of government to oppose these dangers. There was never an 'aug controversy'. Augmentations were only used for peacekeeping operations. There are like five augmented people in the whole of Deus Ex, half of which are your collegues.

While Human Revolution was advertised as a prequel, it's actually a reboot of the franchise. In a prequel things should be LESS advanced, not more) yet somehow augmentation is used not just for military purposes, but everyday mundane activities. Everyone is obsessed with augmentation. This is taken to absurd extremes: even lower-class people, homeless bums and hookers are augmented. You even have augmented hookers. Why would these people spend millions to have their limbs cut off and spend the rest of their lives paying for an expensive anti-rejection drug? How can they even afford it? And for what purpose? To get better jobs? They already have millions to spend, so what do they need those augmentations for? The whole thing is impossible to take seriously.

Augmentations in HR are nothing but a vehicle to preach about topical social issues like the pro-life debate. And they even fail at that. The aug incident happened because someone basically flipped a switch and turned all augmented people in killer zombies (why did nobody question why this was allowed?). This is an issue of cyber-terrorism, not social conflict.

Good sci-fi is universal and timeless, HR (and MD, for that matter) is sensationalist garbage that's already dated.

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>"the event"
All things considered, for an event that kills more people in one day than WWII killed in six years, it's somewhat underplayed in MD

I thought it and the sequel were pretty great it's a shame all the stupid shit they pulled with Mankind Divided ruined chances for another game anytime soon.

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>Why the FUCK couldn't the takedowns just be in real time?

>3rd person mode for using a ladder
>3rd person mode for taking cover
>augmentations literally play a 3rd person cutscene
>no real melee combat, takedowns just play 3rd person cutscenes

I think the developers just aren't very competent at making first-person games.

>playing video games

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>Why would these people spend millions to have their limbs cut off and spend the rest of their lives paying for an expensive anti-rejection drug?
To compete with other people who enhance themselves and therefore perform better in various areas of life, mostly work and sports. Not to mention most folks get something closer to a neural implant and the ones who cut theirs limbs off are soldiers, gangsters, sportsmen and hookers.
> How can they even afford it?
Haven't played DX in few years, but I don't think your commercial-level augs cost more than a good car

>all styles are catered for
yeah except a melee build lmao

should I bother with MD?

>Contrary to popular belief, OG Deus Ex (and IW) was never about augmentation.
Oh I agree. I was trying to figure out how to best word it. Human augmentation in Deus Ex was really just supposed to be a catalyst to diving into more interesting themes about what it means to be human and the nature of morality, like good cyberpunk fiction is supposed to do. The newer games seemed to miss the mark on this and made it more of a class-war issue. To be fair, there are themes of mass media control over the population and the actual plot going on, but the aug stuff was mishandled. Totally agree about the prevalence of the street rat augs walking around Prague, drug-addicted and persecuted and being pushed into ghettos. Like, if life as an aug is so horrible, why did you sign up to cut off your arms and legs? Which leads us to:
Totally underplayed. They just don't give enough of a reason for us to believe that augs should be so feared among the general population, especially since they were either augmented post-Panchea or they were augmented pre-Panchea but without issues.

yes, I don't see how any fan of human revolution can dislike the game even if the narrative is disappointing. the stakes are still high, the gameplay is better, and I like how it ties into the original game more. the prison expansion is also amazing.

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It was great. Except for missing link that should've stayed missing.

>Like, if life as an aug is so horrible, why did you sign up to cut off your arms and legs?
you haven't noticed how many people will buy a sports car they can't afford? only with augs its a little different than a tow truck pulling up in your driveway at 3am

it was a decent dlc but they should never have forced it into the main game in the directors cut

Sadly, there's no choice. Same with piss filter and one punch boss battle. I miss those.

Biggest flaw of HR & MD is that you do not kill Megan Reed.

the director cut is pretty sloppy and it is really shitty of them to remove the original version from all sellers

Piratefags won again

better than Invisible War but not as good as the original


Your dad

it was goty. didn't hold a candle to the original but one of the few bright spots in the wasteland that is the 7th gen.