I'm looking for a good GBA JRPG that I haven't heard of. IE, no final fantasy, dragon quest, fire emblem, pokemon, etc. I played a little bit of summon knight swordcraft story and enjoyed the crap out of it, and I've played through golden sun like 4 times. So what's a good JRPG for GBA?
I'm looking for a good GBA JRPG that I haven't heard of. IE, no final fantasy, dragon quest, fire emblem, pokemon, etc...
Sword of Mana!
Have you played Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga? Also I really don't know any good JRPGS besides the ones you listed and that one in your pic. The sequel for Swordcraft Story is also good btw.
Tomato Adventure
Oriental Blue.
Zoids Legacy
CIMA: The Enemy
Gunna hunt down these three so far, zoids one looks cool.
I haven't played anything mario rpg like since ttyd.
Why does Juno always get fucking captured
Are there any other series like the Swordcraft Story games? Really enjoyed them
The early Tales of games if you're talking about that 2D style combat.
The handheld Mario RPGs are better than the console ones.
Shining Soul 2
>I haven't played anything mario rpg like since ttyd
user, just leave this thread and go play Superstar Saga. That game is pure kino.
Alright, on the list
The Megaman Battle Network series
There are a bunch more summon knights sword craft stories arent there?
I dunno, looking now though.
There are 3. The first 2 got official translations and the third is getting a fan translation.
OP's one is the first one, 2 is the best overall no /u/ enough tho finally there is 3 but it never got out of japan, still played it and it was great, the purple aired villain girl a cute the MC look like a tremendous faggot tho.
>the third is getting a fan translation
Sure it is
Not a JRPG, but try out Ninja Five-O
Definitely try Superstar Saga like other posters have said, it's honestly really fun and has decent humor. I never got too far into any of them, but the Megaman Battle Network games are pretty cool as well.
Sword of Mana isn't very good outside of the graphics unfortunately, but I'll let you decide that for yourself I guess.
Most of my GBA recommendations aren't JRPGs, but Dragon Quest Monsters Caravan Heart is worth checking out if you're a fan of the series.
Oriental Blue Ao No Tengai
Mother 3
Battle network series
Mario and Luigi RPGs
Riviera: The Promised Land is cool.
It doesn't have any grinding iirc. When you're exploring a new area, you get a limited amount of action points, which means you need to think about what stuff you're gonna interact with before you need to move on. Stuff you can investigate can give you new weapons, items, unlock new sub-areas, reveal enemies, give you background info on the world or it can trigger a scene that lets you raise social levels with one of the chicks in your party (yeah it's like a 1/5 social sim). It's a pretty unique system for a JRPG, since it continuously pushes you forward once you've run out of action points somewhere, and you've just gotta manage with whatever you've found.
Oh and the music is fucking incredible.
I've played through the whole battle network series, very fun. Guess I'll start with mario bros since everyone is making it sound great. And then zoids and oriental blue!
Thanks for the input, and happy to take more! Feel free to convert this into whatever, and I highly recommend swordcraft story for anyone who hasn't played it.
Yggdra Union and Riviera: The Promised Land are great
Oh yeah I forgot about this one.
All of Sting's Dept Heaven games are great actually. Yggdra Union is also on GBA, its an SRPG in the vain of Fire Emblem with its own unique spin (like all their games).
Golden sun 1 & 2
They are better on PSP though
Yeah, but OP asked for GBA RPGs.
Knights in the Nightmare is also my favorite of the bunch, but whatever.
Yggdra Union might be the hardest SRPG I've played. Partly because there were so many mechanics you had to learn.
Now this sounds interesting. Top of the list, am checking this out.
I’ve always been interested in Summon Night due to the art, would you say it’s a worthwhile pick up for someone who has mainly played turn based JRPGs before?
But playing Yggdra Union on GBA is a straight up inferior experience, the PSP version adds both content and QoL.
It's kinda like a fighting game really. You craft you weapons and the monsters show, and you all act at the same time, and knowing your move set and your enemy is very important. I feel like it's kinda unique, maybe a little like Tales combat wise. It's fun, and free because you're gunna pirate, so hell yeah I think it's worth a try.
I honestly think anyone can like Swordcraft Story. It's just plain neat.
The GBA ones are spinoff titles and are action rpg's. The mainlines games are srpgs and the only ones that are translated are 5 and 6.
I only ever played the swordcraft story ones, summon night has other games but they are on Japanese I think.
The ones on the GBA aren't turn based they have more like old "Tales of" fighting style and are great, if you play them go for the Pratty + Sugar combination for maximum /u/ potential.
Shining Soul Resurrection of the Dark Dragon
GBA is like my favorite handheld. I'm just constantly impressed by people pulling off crazy shit with its hardware.
Riviera is pretty much the worst fucking game I've ever played. It's one of those unbelievably dull games that tries to be "comfy", but fails even at that because the girls aren't interesting and there's zero exploration. Even awful corridor simulator RPGs let you walk around a bit and maybe find something that does interest you, but not Riviera. You're fucking locked in place. It's even worse than Golden Sun and those games are basically without merit
>ITT: I ended up with the cat as my wife at the end of the game
Loser. You're a loser.