>tfw problems are pilling up and videogame escapism gets harder and harder
Tfw problems are pilling up and videogame escapism gets harder and harder
Other urls found in this thread:
>Using video games as escapism
You’re supposed to play video games to have fun for a little bit not to escape life you fucking loser.
Is escapism an inherently unmanly/cowardly thing?
>tfw moderate erectile dysfunction due to death grip masturbation
I can't even get hard enough to use a flashlight feels fucking shit man.
Yes, rather than faxing and fixing problems, you turn your back to them.
I know that feel bro, shit's getting harder by the day
Time for something more effective. Try meth
wow, I'm so sorry.
help the left fix society, don't ignore it, man up
Except there are problems that cant be fixed and trying is as futile as pushing a mountain. I mean, you can waste all stay trying to push a mountain but you won't be called a man for it, more like the village idiot
what are you Japanese?
In a time when Trump's loyalty is low, the Democrats STILL are not rolling out strong candidates to replace him. That's really shady. Almost as if they are afraid of investigations (which we all know he will commission).
4 months no fap
>help the left
leftist scum
>muh death grip
you're probably circumcised and your dick is desensitized from decades of rubbing on your boxers
Face/solve the problems first then, videogames come later. You enjoy them more when you're at peace anyway.
grow up
try some better escapism, such as anime.
The left wants me to kill myself
YEah, ur suppose to be getting mad puss, having normie friends that all have kids and have adult dinners like grown ups in their 500.000 dollar house.
I'm 28, never had an grown up dinner party with "friends". Hell on of my friend has a gf and I've never met her and I'm kinda glad because I wouldn't even now how to act.
kek, do mutie dicks actually do this?
Anime makes me cringe too much
Where the fuck do you redditors think you are?
>tfw no friends
>tfw only time I meet people is on Tinder dates or cashiers
>tfw watch as asmr gf videos to help me sleep
>tfw dropping out of college
>tfw constant suicide thoughts
actually it's just cleaner that way which reduces infection
There's always a second option, try to get around a problem then. Even if you fail at least you'll die with a clear conscience, anything is better than giving up.
the left wants me to fuck off because I'm not black, Asian, or of the Islamic faith.
I really feel at home with them
Just switch genres
I go from car sims to fps to rts to fighters and everything else I can think of.
Better than wasting time shitposting here and fapping to weird shit like I've been doing since 2004
wow, they're actually right about something for once
they still need every pair of hands and everyone's lip to help them make society better, you should devote your life to it, it's kind of like atoning for your sins
The left wants you to do it too
Go noporn and nofap, these problems are easy to fix if you want to
No I would only do it if offered a loving and loyal gf/future wife
>Finally meet up with this girl after she invited me over
>Had some tension before
>Tonight it's full blown
>Immediately start cuddling
>Talking and kissing lightly
>She moves onto her back and gestures me over to her
>Go start making out
>Ripping off her clothes
>Destroy her pussy
>Wake up
Happened this morning. I can't stop thinking about it, it felt so fucking good and real
What game should I play to distract me before I get drunk tonight?
Name five good animes
I want off too...
good thing I don't give a fuck about them
Space Dandy
Pop Team Epic
Sailor Moon
Kiki's Delivery Service
Just play more video games and pump up the music louder.
I know that feel user, some people aren't meant to have nice thinks going on in their live, I've basically just accepted it and no matter how /fit/ i'll get it won't get me pussy.
The Dating Game
atoning for my skin color? No thanks, I don't see how that's any different than the shit they're bitching about
you don't deserve any loyalty, you have to atone for your ancestral sins
>not giving a fuck about someone who has power over you
Um, that's not how it works sweetie
Sooner or later they'll make sure you'll pay, you will all pay :)
it's simple, you're in the wrong, and they have every right to retaliate in any way they see fit
Starting to smell a bit like R9k in here.
But my ancestors were poor dirt farmers
Make friends
no way, I'm a masculine presenting transgendered lesbian
Hmm not bad
they had privilege
It'll go away when you do
>Racism is fine as long as it is the right skin color
You are the cancer killing your own party.
we're just purging the bad parts that are revolting against humanity itself
>tfw rich webgf that has money to see me
i don't know what do i do with my cute girl folder now
>DVT, can't even sit down in a comfortable position
>only want to lay down
>nearly addicted to pain killers
>can't hardly move, job requires standing all day
>still believing those lies.
It's not cleaner user. Every guy with a foreskin knows how to pull it back and clean it. Foreskin is nature's intended way of protecting your glans. If anything, it's actually more unsanitary without foreskin since your dick has less protection. Modern health and hygiene norms are the main reason it holds up to this day.
Loss of sensation during intercourse, erectile dysfunction and being more open to urinary infections have all been linked to circumcision. I feel bad for burgers who let them talk into it by their Jewish doctors.
Only for certain afflictions is it truly warranted to do this procedure. Anything else is myth and cultural pressure.
t. Nurse (male). Also eu, which means I'm not a doctors lapdog like us nurses. We get to actually do shit. Us nurses can't even intubate kek.
just work harder at your job or get a better job and use the money to make your problems go away, went from being a janitor getting $15 an hour with free food at a school to a maintenance man changing light bulbs and fixing door handles for $30 an hour over the course of 2 years. optinal overtime is pay and a half so that's $45 an hour for a lil bit of weekend work. used to be mad depresses, now i'm aight and fly out to the west coast each summer to chill with gamer bros i met online and we suck each others dicks and shit
We're not all gonna make it, are we?
Just eat a big scoop of chunky peanut butter.
You'll feel much butter.
>30 year old boomer
>life hasn't budged since HS guaduation
Sometimes I feel like I've gone through a timewarp when I see technology, having not played many new games or had a phone since 2008.
Some make it, some wallow in mediocrity and some crash and burn. We all suffer just the same.
Not him but Can I regrow my foreskin back ?( I know its s a dumb question)
make new friends and stop whining
what's the difference
I doubt it's from the deathgrip. More like looking at degenerate porn or just too damn much porn. A century ago men didn't feel a diminished libido until their 40s, now it happens in your mid 20s thanks to porn addiction.
Seriously though, just don't fap for a while and you'll be amazed at how energetic you feel.
your dream self managed to do it. fuck it, go dick a chick
No. I'm sorry, but you've been quite literally mutilated.
Literally no other reason to bother otherwise.
There is also many problem that you can't get around. Proper futile shit exists user. And it's here. Escapism is not giving up, it's mitigation. Everyone does it as much as they are able to.
I had a friend from school who is a father of 3 boys invite me over for dinner. It was bizarre meeting his wife and kids and gave me a slight feeling of panic like my time to do the same is running out.
Nothing he said sounded like whining though
The only pair of hands the left needs are the ones making sure the rope is securely fastened around their neck.
Shit well i gotta get used to it
Same but with anime
I fap on average twice to three times a day for the past at least 7 years and my dick and libido still works perfectly fine. Better than ever actually. It does get kinda boring though, I need a real person
I have trained myself to dream about anime girls. It doesn't always work but when it does it's really nice.
>tfw not even cute anime girls can't cheer you up anymore
"I have a dream, that a man would be judged not by the color of his skin, but by the color of his character" - Martin Luther King, 1963
"It's simple: you're white, you're wrong." - the left cannibalizing itself, 2019
It's not as bad as uncutfags make it sound. Yeah it sucks that we didn't get a choice but if you had it done in a 1st world country odds are your cock is still healthy aside from some dry skin. My doctor didn't take off that much skin so I still have most of my frenulum. Dudes who have it rough are guys who had too much skin taken off so that when they get a boner their pubes go halfway up the shaft. Also look up some fucked up circumcisions from 3rd world countries if you want to feel better.
Notice that spellcheck says frenulum is not a word, THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW IT EXISTS
What do when no chicks want the dick?
I have one that is too tight. Hair on the shaft, feels like it might burst when I’m hard enough
>and my dick and libido still works perfectly fine
It's a different story when you actually get with a chick. I had the chance to plow a milf and realized that I was so nervous and self conscious that I couldn't get it up. Had to close my eyes and think about hentai just to get enough of a semi for her to suck.
>friend invites me to go out
>first time i went out in like 7 years
>eat dinner with him and he tells me how he has a fiance, he's making 120k as a software developer, and is buying a house
>i still haven't completed university at 24 (dropped out, NEET for 4 years, then went back)
>feels awkward as fuck the whole time because i feel out of place
>want to go back to my room and rewatch luckystar asap
i don't know what i'm supposed to do this image describes me perfectly
>not ugly and usually attractive
haha yeah that's totally me
i'm not attractive either i have not been made fun of for being ugly i don't even know if i am , i'm still khhv and 5'4, never had a female friend all throughout highschool and none in uni
I'm so sorry my brother. Someday they will pay for what they have done to you.
I dunno I still get hard just from accidentally brushing past a girl in public. Hell just talking on the phone is bad sometimes. I dont think I'll ever understand how people get so fucked up that they can only masturbate to hentai, I'd get bored of only one thing in just a couple weeks, always gotta switch things up.
It's a wonder I managed to go so long only using my hand without getting bored but I was contemplating learning to suck my own dick lately but I heard it feels more like sucking a dick than getting your dick sucked
>health getting worse
>brain fog
>slipping away
necking it !
drop eva and meme team and you've got a decent entry level list
describe getting harder, in which context?
problems are piling up, no games to play, games get boring and doesnt serve imersion anymore etc?
I've been masturbating non-stop for 10+ years and haven't really noticed any difference overtime despite having my foreskin stolen. I might just need to have sex.
Says the redditor trying to fit in
>health getting worse
Exercise helps. Every winter for the past 3 years I think I'm dying then I realize I'm just in godawful shape from literally melting into the couch for months at a time.
Video games don't distract from the constant anxiety of being a 30 year old neet who would be homeless if not for mom.
eva will forever be a fun good anime
Alright faggots lets stop bitching about how our lives suck and go out for a walk.
you gotta find something that engages you more again, maybee a genre switch.
had this issue for a time aswell, was mainly due to allways playing the same till it was some kind of routine, and didnt pull me in anymore
eva will forever be babby's first deep anime
>just get immersed into a 4x grand strat
>normie bro comes in
>"duuuuude works sucks xD gf bitching at me :DDD fuck work tho hey lend me $50 for some loot crates"
Im still playing games from 2006
Because there's nothing better to play
This is why my shit is in order and im not a broke ass gambling addict zoomer
It's a start. Keep it up.
>take care of little Tyrone, man up, she needs you!
Nurse are still shitty no education wannabe doctors in any country.
>he fell for the NEET meme
Everyone says i look like Keanu Reeves...
...From the sad bench pic.
Some time in my early 20s video games stopped being able to hold my attention for more than a few hours at a time. If I don't play games for awhile I can probably binge for a solid day or two but if I play games a few times a week I can't play for an hour or two before I'm bored. Any game. Even the "addictive" ones. As a kid I'd play these games day to night breaking only for sleep and food. I guess some people just grow up. Now I have a good job and while I play vidya on occasion I no longer feel like I have to and have begun to develop other hobbies that are more fulfilling.
It just kinda happened naturally for me. I wonder why some people turn out to be manchildren and some don't?
its one of the things that happens while becoming an adult.
you get resistent to trying out new things, rather you allways stuck at what you think is good untill you dont like it anymore.
its like loving cheeseburgers, but only eat cheeseburgers again and again untill you cant see the fucking food anymore, while as children your eyes are more open to all kind of different things. you just kind of need some variety.
Welcome to living on the edge of suicide. Been here for years. Even coming to Mexico to clear my head and work has done nothing.
I think I was about 23 when it finally hit me. It really does get so much worse every year.
>It just kinda happened naturally for me. I wonder why some people turn out to be manchildren and some don't?
Having no job, ambition and gf certainly helped with that development.
>tfw perfectly normal, stable life with nothing to complain about really
>is this the way it's gonna be until I rot with old age/die?
How do you deal with the massive fomo sensation?
I mostly just want a gf, at every single milestone in my life I was told “don’t worry user it’ll be your time soon” and it never was.
>Only 28
it's ok bro. make a cup of tea, put on some music and just sit for a while. give it a moment to sort itself out and you'll feel a weight off your shoulders.
As an adult you meet new people through the ones you already know.
>How do you deal with the massive fomo sensation?
unironically religion
What are you implying? Are you trying to spiritually annihilate me?
you could probably meet some new folks if you signed up for some night classes or something
I let go of that shit after high school. I knew it probably wasn't going to work out for me so I just focused on developing my skills. I think in the end I realized I'm happier being single. It's more freeing. I can kinda do whatever I want whenever I want and it's pretty great. The other reason no gf is fine with me is I do not want kids and there aren't too many women that don't wanna pop a few of those little demons out. Not for me thanks, I'll pass.
>start of 2019
>say 'fuck it im getting a gf'
>a lot of anxiety i actually get a date and my first kiss, nothing more though
>doesnt work out
>next girl is a weirdo and not as pretty as she was on photos
>lose all motivation and don't try again
>despite getting multiple superlikes and shitloads of matches
i feel like i'm getting more retarded as the time goes. talking with girls is supposed to get easy with time so why it feels like it's worse than it's ever been? i feel massive anxiety and cant even chat on dating apps, despite managing to get dates before.
nice pasta
Uh, buddy, it's not pasta. It's original.
Maybe you're confusing it with some other pasta that expresses a similar sentiment.
do you not realize how lucky you are?
the gf meme simply depletes your bank account because you are a beta and will give her anything just to hold hands
Why are Gamefreak so incompetent, lazy, and rewarded for it?
It will only get worse user. You need to take a break. Use a feather to retrain your brain on penis touch.
I live in bumfuck nowhere and all you city fags complaining about being lonely is actually insulting. Fuckers i have to drive at least two hours to get to the nearest "town" thats only claim to fame is a big hole in the ground, full of retards dumb enough to trust clive palmer while huffing ice. All of my coworkers are 40+, I am the youngest worker on my grandfathers farm, and have nothing in common with any of them. the nearst town with any semblance of a "nerd" community is Melbourne, a good ole Six hour drive away, and like hell do i wanna deal with a bunch of ugly girls and disgusting dudes trying to tell me im some monster for shooting foxes or killing snakes. You fucks complain you can't find a GF? you have the internet at least you fucking retards. Play games online, cos i sure fucking cant, and if you end up being an interesting person you can probably find some chick. If not? well shit at least you can make friends with people who share your interests in a video game. fuck
i've seen that shit nearly word for word on facebook and Yea Forums before. course theres always the possibility i dreamed that up
Based farmhand
im just lonely, user. i dont want a roastie just to have sex, i want a genuine intimidate relationship with someone who cares about me and whom i can care about.
my first kiss was awful because i felt nothing towards the girl and was anxious as fuck. hugging/holding hands/cuddling doesn't mean shit when it's a random girl
start going to church and meet a Christian girl
Brother, I am exactly in the same situation. I hope you have a couple of good friends, thats what makes it somehow bearable for me. That and tons of alcohol.
>'''friends'''' making plans with each other
>they dont invite me
>while im standing next to them
games for this feel?
I just want to smell a cute woman's ass. I don't even really care about getting laid. I'd feel happy if I just had a nice facesitting session with an attractive woman.
Yes a good christian girl (IE divorced 35 yr old single mom)
All women cheat. It's not even worth trying to date in my opinion.
oh fuck off you dumb cunt.
A girl can be just as shitty as a dude and vice versa it depends entirely on the individual.
thats as dumb a statement as that one lesbian on Yea Forums who claims "men cannot experience love, they are chemically incapable of it"
might as well ask here
why the border of my dicktip have some small..dots? dunno the fuck are those things
they make my dick really ugly
Literally how is it better
How is possible to sustain a relatively normal health style without hardly ever hanging out with peers your own age?
Duuuuude this site is like for depressed peepoll ut a normieeee haha
Penile pauples?
This is my secret club, man.
What kind of beer do you like? I'm drinking this right now.
>men cannot experience love, they are chemically incapable of it
this is unironically 100% true but for women. they will chase dicks because it's in their genes, any woman would cheat if they had an opportunity to do so (with a better-looking man).
men love in a "i must protect her, she is my everything" way, a woman's """"love""" is just "he makes my life easier so i'll stick with him until i get bored or find someone better"
Have a child. Or get married. Both of these will obliterate any social life you’ve ever feared of having.
infinite and accelerating abortion, transgender children, neo-liberal/conservative capitalism, economical expansion disguised as philanthropy, destroying free speech and dumbing down education isn't exactly fixing society.
Haha MGTOW my fellow bro!
>torrent and install 5 games in one day
>never touch them for months
Tell me your secret senpai. When awake, my brain thinks anime girls are the cutest possible. But I can't imagine myself having a romantic relationship with one, and it's always 3D girls in my dreams (if I'm so lucky to not forget my dream immediately anyway)
its PIED (porn induced ED)
well, its not. but these kinds of people were on this board way before you knew of its existence, and they wont go away just because you want them to
Nope. That’s a mans POV. Women actually are dumb enough to sink into a life with a man they hate. Men will cheat at any time to boost ego or simply because don’t matter had sex. I’m not sayin this as a man that wishes to be in love. I say this as a man who is a serial cheater.
Oh they'll go away alright. And not because I want them to. They'll commit suicide or man up.
We'll always be here for you, user.
don’t have anyone i can really call a friend. The “friend” I went out with was my friend in high school he just randomly asked to meet up and I just said yes because my parents think I’m too far gone (I already am) since I have 0 friends and never go out. Feels like he just wanted to brag. I’m just hoping I can do good this semester and get a internship.
>one of my testicles slowly gotten very large over the last year to the point where sitting is uncomfortable
>makes sitting to play games for a long time difficult
Shit's fucked brehs
i always used to respond "we'll make it user, i'm sure of it" but then i gave up myself. some of us won't make it, that's the truth.
This is correct down to eye color.
i havent willingly left my house in over 10 years. i'm supposed to go to uni this year and my parents think i'll finally start being social but the truth is i'm going to be that beta loser who plays video games while everyone is partying and fucking each other.
I'd love to look like sad Keanu, you should be happy user.
Someone said I look like Benedict Cumberbatch once. I fucking wish I did.
What have you tried to improve?
The rare moments when the feeling comes back can be quite rough though.
you dont miss anything.
people at partys are no friends, they are just people using eachother for their own benefits, and once they dont need you they'll throw you away.
sex is also not that great. trust me in this one user, you`r better of hanging out with other beta losers online.
when I first went to uni I made 0 friends. Just stayed in my room and watched anime and played vidya all day. actually got bullied because my room mate would go around telling people that + that i masturbate at night (was forced to live in dorms big mistake).
Some advice would be just to power through it and try your hardest in courses, and get the fuck out of uni as fast as you can. Try to get some work experience and take courses in the summer. My GPA is a wreck since it carried over from when I first started up until now..
and mass immigration, having a terrible effect both on culture, the people within the nation and the environment.
>It's the system, not the immigrants you racist!
no shit you moronic fuck, everything is 'the system' and you're not fixing it. Instead you're acting out emotions, like you're told to act them out by the spectacle. You hold all these false beliefs to feel falsely good and true about yourself, like you'll be appreciated through objectivity and history. Social progress as it is today is an illusion. The internet creates these constant and different bubbles of hyper-reality painting something for different people that they perceive as the real creating cases like child transgenderism, the NZ shooting or Randy Stair.
9/11 was a (although moronic) a rebellion in its most abstract idealistic sense against the ever expanding culture industry and american economical expansion.
Destroying free speech will create one large hyperrealiy to place the people within through the personal computer spectacle. A singularity.
Fuck all these demonic leftists and boomer conservatives, they should all be pushed into a locker. Have sex.
That’s why you find the rare ones that are actually virgins
If you have to ask this question, the answer is probably no.
Find strength in Jesus
Aside from the nofriends, accurate.
MLK was a faggot and you are too if you quote that dumb coon
>tfw middle of the night in a room dimly lit by my computer monitor and the glow of street lights streaming through the blinds is the only time I feel at peace and not constant gnawing existential dread
>tfw nothing fills the void anymore
Delete this.
I regret giving a way my first (and only kiss) like that a lot. Still makes me cringe 10 years later.
The well rounded man:
Mind: Videogames
Body: Mountain Biking, Hiking, competitive athletic sport
Soul: Religious Faith (preferably a healthy faith like christianity)
Escapism: alcohol
>tfw spent all winter turning the heat on in my bedroom to save money and watching joseph anderson, reviewbrah, and steveMRE1989 videos and not even playing vidya or bothering to leave other than to go to work
I wasn't even sad, I don't know if this is depression or autism.
>single mom is pushing 65 and smokes
>Her dying would immediately put me up a shit creek without a paddle
>Push the thought to the back of my mind for another day as I do nothing with my life
while i know uni is probably not where you meet friends for life i feel like i will regret not being social till i die, just like i regret wasting my entire childhood playing video games instead of trying to, i dunno, experiencing teen love n shit.
but it's all anything but a distant dream. it's not like i'm actually capable of not being a total social sperg.
Based and hyperpilled
Thirsty for (You)s?
>Graduated in December
>Been a NEET since then
>Activaly applying but no luck yet
>Playing nothing but gacha shit these dayz
it hurts
>have been told I'm attractive by both genders
>still a virgin who's never had a gf at 20
>can only get myself to play shit like Black Ops 4 and Apex for an hour a day because games that require actually digging into give me anxiety about other shit in my life that needs fixed
Getting pretty good at Apex though. Too bad they quit supporting it immediately after release
i know user. i don't even remember the actual act of kissing because i was too nervous, just that it was quick. sometimes i think 'did i actually kiss a girl or was that my alter ego or something', because i'm even more of a sperg now. the worst thing is that the girl doesn't think about that at all and she probably sucked 10 dicks before me.
Asians at least also understand what it's like to be buttfucked by affirmative action
I already do help the left, but solutions like this don't come overnight.
i've been told 'you'd look decent if you actually cared about yourself'
which to me was actually an insult because at that point i did care about my look and was doing pretty much everything to look better.
Pretty accurate rp desu
Same thing happened to me but I graduated 3 years ago. Hopefully one day a car will hit me as I cross the road.
10/10 bait
>tfw you know what steps you should take if you want your life to improve
>tfw make all sorts of plans or a "roadmap" of some sort
>"tomorrow i'll look for a job"
>"i can still finish my degree....at some point."
>"my dad/mom aren't THAT old..."
>tfw always an excuse to delay things
>tfw always end up back on Yea Forums shitposting about your pathetic life
complete and utter lack of willpower and discipline
i've thought "what if there was a guy who pointed a gun at my head until I applied for a job" but then I realized I'd just ask him to pull the trigger
Whenever I'm feeling down I take some shrooms and then smoke a giant bowl of DMT. Keeps the void at bay for a couple months.
Not that user, but it's alright, man.
Those people aren't "friends for life", they're just people you stick around because you've got nobody else.
At least you can play vidya, unlike me and
>the right guy wouldn't have to try...
A nigger will make excuses.
>at 20
if it makes you feel any better i'm 24 and i've had at least one girl come on to me, if i wasn't retarded and moved away from her, we probably would've had something.
it's on you, just don't let it control you.
>tfw escape through reading
>passive hobby so nothing is created
>i feel like i will regret not being social till i die
then what about taking another route?
instead of wanting your teenage love and social fake friends at the uni, go to your next local wizzards of the coast and find yourself some neckbeards to play d&d or muchkin with.
heres your social experience, the diffrence is that these people will be your friends.
dont throw that away for th sweet taste of being "popular", it will literally cost you your fucking brain. (well it did atleast for me, might be different for you, but you propably get the gist of what im trying to say)
Fuck you all, it took me until I was past 30 to figure out I like being lonely. I don't have to please anyone but myself. I already know what's coming:
"Have sex"
I have had sex, i think it's way overrated. I have been married, and divorced, and it seriously does not serve any of my needs. I have a full time job, not too great, but I have a 401K and steady work. I can still be social with people at my job and talk about games and movies.
But... I don't know. After my work is done, I just like being in a dark room, playing a game wile i listen to humorous youtube videos. I feel... so content. So happy now.
>Turning 25 in two months
>Retail job
>More mental illnesses then I could count on my hand
>Do nothing on days off except sit on Yea Forums and YouTube
>Fap and edge for four hours some nights
>Every time I try to change something I just realize how awful everything/everybody is
DOTR when?
Have sex.
This but play Vidya while your spun
+1 internets if it's a fightan game
>chronic depression still persisting for seventh year straight (tried everything)
>got rejected from the last school I applied to
>dad's going to nag me to get a job and learn to drive immediately after graduation
>I'm a faggot
>people abandon me often
>Neighbor yelling exacerbating my stress, can't report them
>finals are coming up
>feel like I'm deceiving my dad for not telling him I'm a faggot, which he'd hate
>forgetting what little Japanese I knew because I haven't had time to study lately
>Want to meet up with only guy who hasn't abandoned me yet but can't because of living situation
>therapist gave up on me
>bad at the only game I play (UNIST)
If I weren't afraid of Hell I would have killed myself already.
>I feel X so everybody better feel X
were your parents disappointed when you slithered out of the abortion bucket?
are you me?
>Fap and edge for four hours some nights
not like I need to tell you but stop, nofap never really worked for me but when you feel an urge just power masturbate and cum in a few minutes. Your life will be much better, you'll feel that brain fog for 30 minutes after but rest of the day will be better.
No, because my parents were themselves abortions.
Also, that's not what I said. I just said I was happy, not "better than you."
>in a ok spot in life
>can really do well for myself if I put my foot on the gas from now on
>secret crippling alcoholism and drug use
I swear it's like my body and mind are totally separate entities 90% of the time. My health has started going to hell to recently due to my habits too. It's catching up with me and I can't control myself.
Unfortunately I don't really see any reason to stop. It's not like I got anything else to do that makes me happy, and I doubt I'll be using muh dick with anyone else.
That fucking sucks man. I'm not even mad that they probably sucked 100 dicks, I'm just regretting I didn't take that one chance I had. A cute virgin girl told told me to come over to fuck - and I was too autistic to get the hint and took it as a joke. I was 14 at that time. Wonder how my life would have went if I just sat down on my bike to visit her house in the rain at 3 am back then.
if you stop entirely you'll lose the interest in it, and womens wont bother you anymore.
it literally gives you multiple advantages
Good hobby. Better than mine (eating chocolate and browsing the chins and sadpanda with my brain turned off).
What are you reading?
My existence is pain. I'm utterly incompetent unless I work as hard as possible, but now I'm spent. I've had thoughts of life having no point since 6th grade. There's no future for me. I just want to curl up and die already.
Seek help. There are tons of resources for people that will accept help.
Bother me as in physically or mentally? Because I can assure you that no woman is bothering me physically. It's also kind of hard to mentally not think about woman as a 24 year old KHHV.
wowme2. Except for the faggot and therapist part. Hell is not real anyway, so go ahead.
We're in luck user.
I'm a proper cunt and refuse any kind of aid on the grounds of being the kind of the person that never whines to people about my problems. I'm convinced I can get myself together, eventually.
Would you say the mental torture aspect was already at its peak in your 20th / 21st year or does it get worse?
How the fuck do I get a job
You can't. I thought I could too.
I'm not going to be able to convince you, you will have to just crash and burn on your own and see. Good luck buddy.
Oh god user, I hate to say it but it gets MUCH worse. I personally developed severe OCD to the point where unless I was literally thinking about it ALL THE TIME, I was certain that I would "relieve" myself in my pants without me knowing. Could you imagine what that does to a person's mental state?
>was doing great when I moved out of parents house
>Really thought I was going to make it
>Worked a job for 2 years
>No luck with romantic love
>Feel so pointless in living
>quit job
>basiclly have not left my room for more then an hour total everyday for the past 2 months and roommates are creeped out because of it
>Try playing TF2 to take the pain away
>Video games are not working anymore
>Anime isn't working anymore
>TFW you don't think you can make it in this world and that the good times are all in the past
I'm scared guys...
This must be Asian Boy!
Thanks lad. On the 1% I can pull myself together on my own, I'll tell you I told you so preemptively. I told you so.
FUCK. This right here is the blackest of pills - how every user seems to think he's special.
When in reality we're not better than the normans by any means. Everyone will just waste away in mediocrity.
>raised gender-fluid
>dressed up, made to play with girl toys
>molested once by a guy, other time by my mother
>parents moved around
>always had to leave my friends because of them moving
>violently bullied at one school
>lost one of my only friend to cancer at that time when we were 9 years old
>at 16 I come very close to suicide after losing memories from a concussion while playing sports
>feel a cosmic love of energy hugging me, pushing me back as I leaned forward over the edge
20 now, able to understand something greater about what's going on, bound by that understanding. Living in the present and trying to be the true boy within me as he who resignates and adapts himself to the world ultimately dies but by being true there's eternity, and in the soul that is true to itself finds beauty within and outside created by those who were true to themselves. A green larva on a green leaf is very beautiful. Everything isn't perfect, I'm still beaten and my life has broken me down but in truth everything is going to be alright, I promise. When you realise the falsity of mortality and our modern world, finding your subconscious in your dreams it doesn't get worse or better. It stop, there's simply only it and is left.
You think people play RPGs for the fucking story?
Oh I don't think I'm special or better than anyone, it's just these issues I've had for such a long time, and are so deep seated, I know only real change can come from me, not from something I learn, not from other people, not from anywhere but inside my own head. That was way too long a sentence.
Thanks. At least I can prepare myself ahead in time for the incoming mental breakdown now.
Life is what you make of it. If you stay home alone filling your head with fucked up shit then you have only yourself to blame. If you don't take chances nothing will ever happen. Failing is part of life. The difference between winning and losing is that winners get back up when things go wrong.
If you don't have a job. Find one. Anything will do. My first job was delivering groceries for my local convenience store. Learning how to deal with people is a valuable skill. I had a job in a bakery after that. Learning how to keep a schedule and making sure things are done when they need to be done is another valuable skill etc. You need connections to be successful. Owner of the bakery talked about me to his partner who owns restaurants. I worked for him and through that job I met other people which led to many opportunities.
Try to limit your time on the internet. Get off of social media. Find hobbies where you can interact with other people. Even if you're a sperg and people think you're a retarded manchild just remember that human interaction is something you have to practice.
Don't overthink and just fucking do it.
You're right, I think so too. It's the only way to realize something. Unfortunately, my experience suggests that it seems that just wanting to change is somehow not enough.
Not the user who told you to seek help btw.
Literally all of this only works if you are good looking enough.
>space dandy
yes, since the story/world/characters are the most important part in immersing yourself.
its only usefull escapism if you completely get sucked in.
Maybe you're right, only time will tell at this point I imagine.
>help the people that have destroyed society destroy it even faster
accelerationism is on the rise
You still havent shed your humanity yet. Whether thats a good thing or not is up to you, friend
Hiring agency, maybe? I don't know either but that was probably my plan when I start looking soon. My entire life is an employment gap so I'm really not sure how to explain that away in an interview.
How the fuck do I throw it away for good?
Look at this duude.
>dissociative issues are getting harder to ignore
>so much shot to deal with that you decided getting mad at your life isn’t fucking worth it anymore
>I can know enjoy video games again
Protip: Careful how hard you scratch your ballsack bros, you might tear open some skin.
I know this feel all too well user. Some days are ok, but I get paranoid derealization episodes a few times a week, and some days the chatter in my head gets so loud that I want to scream just to hear something over it. Doesn't help when most of those loud thoughts don't even feel like my own either. Factor that in with switches and lapses in memory and there you have it, full fucking crazy. At the very least I try to be self-aware, though.
I know those feel.s
i wish i wasnt a neet
i wish i hadnt been a shutin at college
maybe id actually have connections or people to put down as references
I'm homeless and still playing fucking video games.
Never give up, Yea Forums. I know I won't.
How? Need some tips for being homeless in case I ever get kicked out.
>Remember when you were young
>You shone like the sun
Nigga I live in France where you get free money just for existing, being homeless here is not as hard as being homeless in a third world shithole like the United States of aids.
>make money from crypto and stock trading
>smoke weed and play vidya all day after
Btw because I lived outside and abandoned the unhealthy neet's life I discovered that simply doing sports and walking outside everyday in order to feel good isn't a meme at all. Your diet is also the most important thing to manage in order to be happy so stop eating overprocessed garbage and learn how to cook, your brain and body will thank you.
Alcohol, drugs and stuff is also a big no.
The first year of homelessness was the greatest year of my life, taking back my body and my muscles.
I wouldn't mind living out of a van but there's no way I could make it sleeping on the streets around here.
Try living in the countryside, living in the city as an homeless guy is like being a Christian in a goatfuckers town.
>Truly, we are Robotnik's mean beans machine©!
I can't fax my problems if i don't have a fax machine.
We're in for a ride, user. 2020 is going to make shit worse
>not posting the updated version