The game's villains are an allegory for nazi germany

>the game's villains are an allegory for nazi germany

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Detroit: Become Human

>the game's nazi germany are an allegory for people the writer doesn't like

>know exactly one finn
>he's a loud and proud neonazi
>he's also half black
What a magical people

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It's not as if there weren't black nazis back in the ol' third reich

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>Villain's turn out to be the good guys all along, but when everyone realizes it's far too late.

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>nazi germany is so well known that people accuse anything resembling a fascist society as an allegory for nazis even though it was mussolini who basically invented fascism and even minted the term

The blacks weren't, at that time, the threat. Everyone knows who the real threat was and still is.

>ever being the good guys
I think you need to put a bullet in your head.

>Nazi is a term invented to use as propaganda, when in reality no such member of the National Socialist party refereed to themselves as such

In the Enclave's case, they were the closest thing to "the good guys" the wasteland ever got.

>anything you can think of

>weeb game
>not-3rd Reich are the bad guys
>not-DaiNippon are the good guys
like niggas cmon you were allies

>literally just pre-war burgerclown government
>good goys
Just shoot yourself already.

Who the fuck cares about leafs?

Who is Giovanni Gentile?

>the game's protagonists are an allegory for soap

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I don't see anyone else wanting to rid the world of the scourge of mutation and disease, no matter the sacrifice

the enclave wants to literally kill everyone not because there is anything wrong with people having damaged genes (remember that they are an ENCLAVE of very few thousand individuals that have naturally led to quite a lot of inbreeding and damage to their own genepool) but because they want to rebuild the glorious UNITED STATES OF AMERICA from their own perverted stock of loyalists, even though they are literally the people who are responsible for the war and subsequent death of everyone.

there is no more thorough villain than the enclave in any kind of story. anyone else has more of a reason for receiving lenience or understanding.

>the game's heroes are an allegory for nazi germany

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>smashfags seethe

Be honest Yea Forums: Are the so-called "artistic types" that create videogames, film, and tv shows uncreative?

Is there a reason particular motifs are picked at again and again?

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If artistic types were creative they'd be known as innovative types.

Find one thread on Yea Forums that isn't about a subject that has already been discussed to death. Humans as a whole are uncreative, all they can do is mix/recombine ideas. Nothing new is created. Just modifications of things that already exist.

Human creativity has been grossly exaggerated.

>they were the closest thing to "the good guys" the wasteland ever got.
But they're not Caesar's Legion

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Because it's a stupid fucking idea when you're living in a irradiated hell-hole. Also,
>being pro mutt
No thanks.

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no, it is a contraction of a long word. Nationalsozialisten is not as easy or fast to pronounce as nazi is, and even my grandfather, who was a soldier in the Wehrmacht and proud deserter told me that the term was used back then in austria.

and just because someone does not refer to themselves as something does not disqualify a word as a legitimate description or identification.
british policemen also do not call each other bobbies, either.

If the Legion were actually tough they'd wear rugby armour, which is none at all.

>proud deserter
Husband to a proud whore, father to a proud faggot.

Caesar's Legion are a bunch of degenerates who enjoy torturing people and everyone knows it. They find joy in torturing people and being generally uncivilized.

"Proud deserter"
If you deserted Germany during WWII and you were of true German blood, you were nothing but a disgraceful piece of communist trash.



There's literally nothing wrong with torture
Fucking profligates deserve it

>Someone is actually defending the Enclave
Embarrassing. Just admit you find their tacticool edgy style cool and we'd be fine. If you genuinely think they have anything else redeemable about them, then I suggest suicide.

man what the fuck is up with that third one?
it like he could barely muster up the effort to be antisemitic

The Legion is somehow even worse than the Enclave. It took some effort to write a more degenerate disgusting faction and they somehow did it.

Yes there is. It makes you the very thing you set out to destroy. Degenerate. If they killed quickly and sent the ones they killed off with a prayer would be the only way I could ever have any respect for them. They are merely thugs. Slavery is also an abomination, and just shows how truly weak and lazy they are.

To be fair the legion were meant to be more fleshed out instead of basically being the defacto villains, but bethesda rushed obsidian so they didn't get to finish that part

Always with the "Bethesda rushed it" excuse. New Vegas just can do no wrong in Yea Forums's eyes it seems.

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New vegas isn't perfect, but it's still one of the best rpgs out there. And yeah, bethesda rushing it did fuck the devs over. Are you seriously going to argue that not being allowed to finish your game isn't going to effect the final product?

>you have to respect the dirty profligates you kill
>slavery bad
How can you be this much of a fag

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>the game's villain is nazi germany

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Thats the best kind.

Ya get to slaughter the fuckers with no guilt. Ha.

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>How can you be this much of a fag
opposite day?

How's that "losing of virginity" project going?

I'm a decent God fearing person who doesn't want to be governed by savages who don't have any real long term goals besides a lust for power.

Based and redpilled

>thinks he's based

among neo nazis the definition of white is a little larger

The what? I stopped giving a fuck 15 years ago.

Neo Nazi's are a disgrace. Hitler would be disgusted that they use his image

>Writers accidentally make the Nazis sympathetic.

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why do swastikas look so cool?

Because they're actually a Buddhist symbol for peace.

that's quite the blackpill

How's that "getting rid of irritable bowel syndrome" project going?

You sir are based

>lying on the internet

(Nazi) Germany supported China. They were terrified by a scenario where Japan take over China and use the Chineses to take over the world.

Don't have that. I have Crohn's.

How's that "moving out of your parents' place" project going?

Supported Japan* All forms of communism were always demonized, and rightfully so.

Can't. Dad's outta work and they need my rent.

Look imagine a colour that doesn't exist. If thats too philosophical for you, imagine something that doesn't share any traits with anything we already know or have fiction of.
We remix and modify things we know because that produces something interesting and relatable. We are capable of understanding it because it follows certain rules and themes we are familiar with, while it is interesting because its a novel combination or puts a twist on those rules.
We aren't """"""""creative"""""""" in the sense that we produce wholly unique works. We are creative in that we continually produce interesting permutations of ideas, that after many iterations become quite divorced from their original sources but are still intelligible because of their connections to the zeitgeist.

Because everything in the Third Reich looked cool.

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China wasn't communist until after world war II. Before that they were just warlords and mud huts.

>inb4 "everything is made out of atoms so why even try to be creative"

>wehraboo doesn't even know basic history
Why am I not surprised even?

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>The supposed "good guy" is defeated by a spear chucking tribal
Any other games where this happens?

The word Nazi comes from Ignatz which was a word that ment something like "Ignorant, dumb, stupid, farmer, non-city person, backwards, traditional etc." as well as Nationalsozialist.

>who was a soldier in the Wehrmacht and proud deserter
Sounds like a good man to me. Speaking of deserters and the like. Anyone read The Adventures of Werner Holt? I know there's a movie, but I've recently got the books from my dad and been meaning to read them.

your grandfather sounds based

because mr Adolf specifically stole symbols that would make his buddy club look cool to the general populace, like the eastern swastika, or the eagle and salute from roman empire

I still don't understand why wehraboos jerk off to Hitler so much. Even the top generals of the Third Reich knew he was an incompetent idiot. Look at how many assassination attempts made at him and just the amount of rats that there were trying to get him out of the picture to actually try and win the war.

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The swastika has been used in europe for thousands of years, it wasn't stolen from asians just because they also use it.

How fucking retarded should you be to be unable to write a swastika?

they have to defend him since he's the face of the their ideology. it's like being Christian while hating jesus