Why are people getting nostalgic for edgy over serious sonic...

Why are people getting nostalgic for edgy over serious sonic? Honestly saying they prefer Shadow the Hedgehog to Sonic Generations

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They are? perhaps it's movie shills or something trying to lessen the blow of the film because I can't believe anyone who genuinely likes Sonic games would think Shadow is better than Generations or 2006 belongs anywhere except a fucking sewage plant.

because only nintenfaggots like soulless safe franchises

>I'll get that hedgegoyim

Shadow the hedgehog and sonic 06 was turbo shit.

Attached: 1556748408896.png (526x526, 216K)

Mostly in terms of story and tone

That's even worse because plot in a sonic game peaked with SA2 and nothing has come close since.

Is it bad news that I think I might enjoy this fucking trainwreck?

>le edgy xD
Because the only people that ever whine about "muh edge" are faggots that want every game to be a pink and cute funtime adventure
>b-but Sonic is cute!!
Sonic was always "edgy"

All of Sonic’s edge was in marketing. Where’s the edge in the classic games? In Sonic Mania?

The very first thing Sonic does in the intro is stare you down hard and wags his finger, imitating his penis inside of a giant "ring".

as a kid i liked both of those. grow up

Zoomers who grew up on shit

and then there's you, who never grew up

Did you really tell me to grow up while admitting your had taste so shit you enjoyed two of the worst Sonic games ever made? kek fucking zoomers man.

what can i say, a kids game satisfied a kid. maybe if you stopped playing with baby toys that do nothing dor you anymore you'd stop being so mad all the time

Peaked with 3&K*

Says the grown "adult" shitposting on an African Mandingo Board.

Only kiddies want to be grown up

>Honestly saying they prefer Shadow the Hedgehog to Sonic Generations
Anyone who doesn't is a fucking queer

it's cool man, you're just a late bloomer. just be sure to listen to the boomer

Kek what kind of faggot rhymes on an imageboard? you can't talk shit lad because your childhood was a fucking 360/PS3 of all things and that's just sad.

Because le self-awareness Sonic sucks and is overrated. Cool Sonic was always better

when I say "never grew up" I mean you grew up, but refused to accept it. that's why you continue to chase satisfaction from something that can no longer give it to you, but hey refer to


my childhood consisted more of ytp and tv than games, but yes those did play a huge part. notice the past tense? i'm not gonna pretend to have cut off games, but i do keep an open mind when i replay old ones, you know, cause they're for kids and not for me anymore

Woah check out the fucking alpha male here. You're really convincing me by saying big dick stuff while posting on an image board for children as you keep saying.

i'm just trying to convince you to not cry over spilled milk, is that too much to ask for of a man? it's slowly getting more dificult to believe that you're older than me

>don't call shit games shit games
It simply sounds like you can't handle the truth user and have been on a shitposting warpath since, that dosn't sound very adult either.

mostly because shadow is the most protected character in the sonic franchise

sonic is allowed to make an ass of himself and make stupid obnoxious comments like in forces (its nearly guaranteed that hes going to fortnite dance in the new movie)
tails lost his character progression turning into what he vowed NOT to become back in adventure
knuckles is comic relief retard rather than gullible but pure of heart like he use to be
shadow was the only enjoyable way to play forces since he was silent throughout compared to "MORE LIKE SAND HILL ZONE HAHA!!"
from a gameplay standpoint people just miss the adventure formula and 3D sonic stages that you platform around in rather than boost past

thing is that everyone expects too much out of sega, theyre mediocre AT BEST and a ragtag group of fans made the most successful sonic product in almost a decade compared to sonic team whos last best game was generations cashing in on the nostalgia trip, before that every game since adventure 2 has been shit
unless sonic team can replicate adventure 2s sonic movement and then JUST make a game soley consisting of speed stages and chao garden then sonic is doomed to forever be mediocre

but sega doesnt care since sonic is SO cool that they can put out trash like forces and boom with little quality control and STILL consider them successful since they sell well
they do not care and it doesnt matter that no one likes those games since kids will STILL buy them

the truth that as a revisiting adult i don't have the same experience i did when i was but a wee lad? i can handle that perfectly. you just can't handle that you're too old to enjoy them anymore

Sonic 2006 and Shadow didn't suddenly become better because you grew up into a pretentious twat who has to like what is universally hated user. It just makes you a twat.

Shut up boomer

i've been saying the opposite, but you can't read soallow me to simplify. a lot of what you liked as a kid will turn out to be shit when you get older because kids are dumb. during my replay of these games i saw flaws that i completely ignored as a kid and ofcourse the ruined the re-experience of these games, but even now that i know of these i can't erase the posotive memories i've had of these for well over a decade. so here's the test, what can you take away from this?

The takeaway from this is your arrested development.

i gotta say, i'm stumped. never met someone with their head so far up their own ass that it's back on their shoulders. i'll fuck off now, but you'll remember this longer than i will