*bingo bongo songo starts playing*

*bingo bongo songo starts playing*

Attached: 5910e118ae653a5616641f23.jpg (323x433, 34K)

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all the hate for it 11 years ago was truly unjustified in comparison to Fallout 4

It was a mediocre game at worst but Fallout 4 was miles worse than 3

agreed fellas.

Attached: ok.gif (500x500, 1.77M)

Gamers complain all the time, even if the Van Buren Version would´ve been Falloout 3 they would complain

Attached: 1_nyito.jpg (807x1200, 145K)

Ok then

I remember when I first played Fallout 3 on my ps3 and for some reason some of the songs where corrupt
And butcher pete sounded something like
*Gime fryed gime fryed gimi fryed guinness*
It was weird.

When it comes to Fallout 3 it wasn't the main story that made the game, it was the side content, the exploration, the collectible weapons, armors, and items, the unique encounters and characters. People don't give the game enough credit for just being a fun game. The DLC's were all good, as well.

Fallout 3's biggest flaw was having an unoriginal main threat. Enclave/Super Mutants ect.

I'm honestly disappointed you couldn't do this in FO3.


oh nonononono

fo3 was and still is mad buggy.
Writing is pretty trash too.

DLCs were iffy. Zeta was a linear slog with the spongiest enemies in existance, quite samey as well. And Anchorage was the textbook definition of a Monty Haul with all the busted shit it gave you for a simple linear as fuck campaign.

I think Fallout 3's setting and main story would have been better if they set the game around or before Fallout. There the story is swiss cheese still, but it the setting would still be more appropriate. Either way, it's still a decent game, and there are things I prefer about it over New Vegas. Its biggest crime is locking the true ending behind DLC.


>hey hey this android it's disguised as a human but you have to find it in the wastelands, but don't kill him, just let him be free
>or get paid big bucks to do it then kill the big man who paid me
Are we fucking serious? Fuck the android, haven't found him yet, but all the NPCs are android like anyways.

That's because we saw the bigger picture - dumbing down of the game mechanics would only lead to even more dumbing down.
Fallout 4 is a natural evolution of a regressive design of Fallout 3.

>absolutely bored with fo3, never slightly felt the urge to touch it again
>fell in love with new Vegas for gun depth, survival mode and the western style
>never looked back when fo4 came out thanks to gun depth with mods, base building anywhere and the new asthetic on full display
>never had the urge to even touch 76 well before the release

If they make fo5 its gonna have a time travel dlc to pre war times and I'll love it

I wish I played fo3 before I played fonv because then I wouldn't have noticed all the stuff 'missing' from it.

Pre war times never should have, and never should again be shown.

>Rhythm For You starts playing

Attached: 1456713231705.jpg (437x373, 22K)

The last 20 seconds of that song is so satisfying.


It personally disgusts me that Fallout is starting to have 50's and 60's music.

well the timeline did diverge like early 60s

New Vegas had a better soundtrack.

Attached: 1552049878457.jpg (800x624, 27K)

>DC is the most bombed place in the whole US
>Buildings still standing

It really fucking bothers me how dc is in this game.
I think the only thing I like in the Fo3 setting is Rivet City, it's a neat idea, especially compared to the fucking stupid Megaton.

Agreed. Beating Big Iron is impossible.

The time of the divergence is never stated. I didn't hear any music past 1950 in the openings of Fallout 1 and 2. Just sounds plain wrong.

I agree old game was good and new game was bad.

Literally never realised until Fallout 4 that Butcher Pete is actually a song about some guy that nails loads of men and women, and not a serial killer.

much better than new vegas
mostly because I like exploration not a forced linear story

In the areas where New Vegas fails, Fallout 3 excels, and in the areas where Fallout 3 fails New Vegas excels. This is literally facts.

Biggest brained post in this thread.

Are you fucking stupid?

Make examples

>Bingo bongo songo plays
>Not the Jingle Jangle sango

Attached: 24.png (250x369, 94K)

Play them yourself and find out, I don't have to explain anything to you. It would take forever and a half to explain it all.

bingle bangle bongle i dont wan to big iron my lone star guitar lets go sunnin wacking and smackin

Thank you for proving you were fishing for (you)s, you got one.

Why do people love New Vegas then?

It's all been said a billion fuckin times do I really have to list off every single thing they both done individually right? Just look back in this very thread for Christ's sake.

For me, I think the overall map layout in 3 is better and encourages exploring more so. Neither game has a bigger map, but FO3's is less cramped feeling. Also Freeside is the worst location out of both games. There are some decent quests that are just tedious because the entire area is just a big empty space with multiple loading screens you go back and forth in just to talk to a single person.

reply was for

fallout 4 was about the same as 3 on the whole

one of the best tracks right there

4 was better than 3 in nearly every aspect. 3's half assed attempts at being a shitty rpg don't change that.

4 was terrible at everything did, including being a decent shooter, being a decent open-world game, being a decent survival game, and being a decent rpg. Nothing about it was fun.

Some people like guard rails to keep them on the proper narrative path.
They get confused if left to their own devices.

You can just go north and avoid the enemies you know?
It's not that hard. If you were to find a single stealth boy it's also stupid easy.

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