look at this DOOD
wait till you see the... oh no no no no
look at this DOOD
wait till you see the... oh no no no no
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Rotten tomatoes ;)
bros... this was supposed to break the curse
We use Metacritic on these boards
It’s pretty hard for movies to get a great score on metacritic.
Even some of the best movies of all time barely scrape by 80
Disney shill, weird how suddenly Memecritic is the site you use as proof instead of your precious RT
>listening to 50 versions of IGN telling you the quality of a game
Keep seething pokefag. In the meantime, I got a couple of oscars to pick up.
It still has a bad score either way.
Literally half of the mixed critics say that is bad or mediocre because if you don't care about Pokemon you will not like the movie. What a shocking surprise.
RT is a terrible measure for the quality of a movie.
It looks pretty bad either way.
>worse than Alita
I already saw my garbage movie of year with Alita. Ain't gonna watch another one and even if it would be Hellboy and not Detective Pikachu.
>Rotten Tomatoes
Their rating system is godawful, literally any review that isn't absolutely trashing it increases the tomatometer
>6 days until release
it's just a beta, they'll patch it
I actually wanted this to be good
movies based off japanese properties don't appeal to boomers like MCU movies do
I see you are another Sonichad.
>movie I decided to not like gets mediocre reviews
Hahaha I’m so right
>movie I decided to not like gets good reviews
Fucking shills, rotten tomatoes cannot be trusted reee
metacritics is even worse
>let's pretend any blog with a score has the same weight as a pro site
>let's pretend having 5 IGN reviews for each AAA is ok because it's from different countries, some having less inhabitant than a big american city
>let's conveninently filter reviews we don't like, like anything from Japan
>Also it's not suspicious to have a big "buy on amazon" button near the score of each review now.
But why? It's all the same averaged horseshit
A Yay or nay average is better than pretending 9/10 means anything.
That 50 makes it the highest rated pokemon movie to date:
Critics hate Pokemon so much
>it’s real
oh no no no no hahahhahahaaaa
9/10 means the movie is very hot