Classic WoW: Going home

Classic WoW: Going home
Definitive & final rating edition

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>Wrath better than TBC

Top Pleb, Wrath's Tier 7 was a joke


TBC is like an DLC for vanilla and it never brought enough originality to carry a better rating than given, that said it was a fine expansion, albeit it started the downtrend seen accelerated in next few expansions. Wrath carries its rating based on creativity alone, art, story, music, etc, while foreshadowing what's to come in mechanical/social sense. Stop arguing zoomers, list is perfection, respect your elders.

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>Not riking mists
>Not liking legion

zoomer detected

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>Wrath Better than BC

More like Queue of the Lich King, the fucking queues lasted for months and if you managed to get in your server you were in for a happy lagfest.


worshiping a glorified DLC, yikes

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BC is peak WoW

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TBC fucked the economy, and made the the old world into a ghost town.

Warcraft 1 fucking sucks dick. TBC should be equal to wrath

it cant be, its just a DLC to vanilla, it doesen't have enough weight to carry it alone without piggybacking off of vanilla.

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>Cut out Azjol-Nerub
- Cut Utgarde Keep raid
- Cut Crystalsong Forest
- Naxx rehash was an embarrassment and an insult to the original
- Heroic dungeons horribly undertuned
- Started the whole theme-park feeling in leveling zones instead of immersive world building
- Trial of the fucking Crusader
- ICC was nothing but a connection of large empty halls

There's lots of good stuff to be found in WotLK, but these points can't just be overlooked.

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Mists was the most kino expansion. If you disagree you’re a double horde nigger.

Person who made this has never played WC1. It's dog shit.

For once, OP's pic accurately pictures my feelings about each game in the series (except Classic, which I expect to be shit).

I "quit" after WotLK but tried Cata for a month after getting a free upgrade and trial from Blizzard. The novelty wore off and I haven't resubbed since.

Based. BC was the best PvP expansion.

>still this ass blasted by a single repeating thread out of the dozens of other topics currently on the board
You have a mental illness or something?
>inb4 "Home posters are mental"

>wrath better than TBC
Found a Wrath babs

>spend 144 hours speed leveling to level 60 with the most optimal spec spamming 1 ability
>farm instances countless of times (mostly BRD) to obtain BiS for your class
>farm molten core trash for 20 hours so you can summon Ragnaros and Majorhomo
>clear molten core for 6 months till the next wave of content
i-its going to be fun r-right?

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i'm not a huge fan of wrath, but it had its good parts that were more creative nature. This is why TBC is ranked lower, less ambitious. They were not my fav but i gave them a fair rank that they deserve. Vanilla clearly superior as ranking shows.
similar to WOTLK, its rated as is because of its creative nature, launching some of the best lore found in gaming.

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>i-its going to be fun r-right?
yeah but not for the reasons you listed

Phase 2 better come soon. Honor grind is the glue that keeps the game together.

Mists of Pandaria was awful at launch. Everything revolved around grinding microscopic amounts of rep on a daily basis, for over a year.

Cata had a couple of interesting concepts like archaeology giving people a reason to just wander around, and for a glorious month or so the 5 mans were actually fun and challenging until they got direct nerfed.

Wotlk brought lots of cancer to the game, including "heroic" modes, LFG and achievements. All of which destroyed immersion and turned the game I to a theme park.

Just reminding everyone that there was good and bad in all xpacs. BC was the obvious high point for art style alone.

Mists really started to show the clutter of WoW, I ranked it in a way that shows it was still being played by the most hardened and addicted of the old guard, if they dident quit in that colorful mess of an expansion, warlords surely did them in.

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why do you all expect classic wow to not be a dumpster fire?
blizzard hasn't done anything good in like 10 years
even if it was 1:1 how it should be they'd find a way to fuck it up
there's no redeeming that company and there's no chance they don't screw it up

and besides ffxiv just keeps slowly getting better over time

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>Ghost town
>First expansion with 2 new races
Yeah cause no one was lvling the new races, right?
No one was lvling in Ghostlands/Bloodmyst Isle, right?
No one was running the Caverns of Time instances, right?
No one was running Karazhan, right? No one was running Zul'Aman, right? Darkmoon faire was just completely ignored, right?
No one EVER went to IF or Org again, right?

>similar to WOTLK, its rated as is because of its creative nature, launching some of the best lore found in gaming.
Wrath was the fucking nail in the coffin for WoW lore. Are you fucking high?

sometimes dumpster fires are fun, a lot of people really love vanilla. Does it really have to be explained?

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legion was ok. BfA is actually, unironically, for real killing WoW

XIV is consistently getting worse though
Homogenizing and simplifying jobs, tons of content that's dead on release, the same boring endgame tome cycle for years now
It's fun if you want to play dress up I guess

it introduced flying which slowly started the autism slide of non participation and antisocial zoometry.

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I agree with you. Nah i wish, I'm sippin tho.

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Wrath is trash, ruined Naxx and Dalaran. "Heroic class" that starts at level 55 bullshit is wrath's doing also.
TBC at least just added things without touching what was there.

Wrath is the first Activision-Blizzard game & it shows, so much cut content because Kotick cares only about the bottom line, he wanted Wotlk out for the holiday season & not early 2009 like originally planned

>not likely mists

I might like it more if i didn't have PTSD from those goddamn dailies.

>he didn't like WoD

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agree with first part, DK addition had its pluses and was hell of a lot more ambitious than adding races which is just skins ala TBC, TBC is DLC and it cannot be ranked higher, its a generous rank for such low ambition.
agreed, world design and music nailed it tho. Otherwise a disaster that sealed WoW fate.

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Disregarded the minute it said Wrath better than BC. Wrath was good, but BC was a better package all around.

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Outland dlc had its good aspects for sure

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>giving a flying fuck about "art, story, and music"
what about GAMEPLAY?

I don't like classic because of how unbalanced it is and how some specs are just no-fun allowed: the spec. Want to play feral? Don't even bother trying, want to play warlock anything? Go farm soul shards first for 1 hour.
It sucks.
TBC is better for those reasons.

what about it? I said it was shit. They're tied, TBC wins the PVE while Wrath carries PVP. WOTLK scores higher than TBC on ambition and creativity, and that's that.
The reason Vanilla is such a monster is because it had all three of those things in spades.

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I havent played Wow since December 2014. What was so bad about WoD, Legion and BfA?

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>WoD literally everything
>Legion It was better than WoD, to put it simply they designed it a bit more like past expansions
>BfA an absolute mess in class design, mechanics, and story. some people think it's even worse than WoD

game lost social aspect somewhere in early TBC, the quality which makes a MMO an MMO. Wod,legion and bfa are the hyper examples of single player MMO that only autists can love. Among with countless other design choices that I cannot even begin to name.

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I don't see particular amibition and creativity in WotLK, Outland landscapes and dungeons are far more diverse than boring frozen tundra and the only thing I liked about WotLK is that it completed the WC3 saga.
I guess if you like mess of a dungeons like that thing with flying on dragons and shit then it gets bonus points, I didn't particularly liked it.

WoD wasn't bad, it just had zero content. Only had one patch throughout its entire duration.
Legion pruned every class to hell but in exchange it added artifacts and class halls which were neat, flavorful things for each class/spec. It was enjoyable enough.
Then BFA pruned classes even MORE and removed artifacts and class halls and gave nothing in exchange. Literally every spec is a variation of "use builder to get combo points, use finisher to expend combo points" but with "combo points" having a different name for eacch spec

>somewhere in early TBC
Not on my server at least, it lost it for me when PUGs became a thing.

Not in the slightest. The community was still there even in Wrath. In the end of Wrath is when it started going downhill, that's when LFD was released.

when was that? the killing of 40 man raids killed many guilds on my server and eventually the social aspects suffered too somewhere mid expansion, the servers lost the feel they had in vanilla.

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I did this, it was fun back then, but it didn't age well, especially mc fucking sucks. All the mechanics are known so all the raids are a cakewalk. It's going to suck.

I think it depended on the server. When TBC came out I swapped to one of the new servers because I wasn't in a dedicated guild or anything during the end of Vanilla. A lot of other people switched over too, the community was great.

not on my server, cracks started in early TBC with guilds spliting up with killing of 40man raids, people were not as dependent on one another. By the time WOTLK rolled out the world instancing sealed the deal.

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Jesus christ, learn some nuance.

People are still pretending MoP was bad?

>not the original vanilla experience
>not free, 12 dollars each month like retail
>implying the majority of those faggots that want classic ever played vanilla when it was content, instead of playing on "blizzlike" private servers
hopefully it's the straw that breaks the camel's back and blizzard sinks with it

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that depends, are you a moplet?

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Because it was. I hated it all around personally, but the people that liked it was because of it's class design and raids. But the retarded pandas and blaring Chinese market shilling was an issue. They could have gone about it in a much better way. They made it too childish, even in the quests.

>vanillafags sink blizzard for good
>zoomers on suicide watch

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How did you get this right?

What the fuck those retarded wojaks even supposed to mean?

>wrath pvp
you have to be fucking kidding me, death knights ruined arena

Can you imagine if there's such a great reception for Classic that they decide to implement BC and Wrath in the future.

It would be perfect.

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Sadly this is zoomer tier. Tbc was fucking hype, first expansion. Remember sitting infront of the portal, all my mates there we held a lan party. Was fucking epic.

>let's go down the path that killed the game
Classic+ is the only good way to go forward.

If Classic ends up having a decent stable population, there is no way they wont do BC and Wrath. It would just be like printing money for hardly any work compared to developing totally new content.

G-guys I just don't know what to roll. I played shaman for pvp, classic through WoTLK. Very minor raiding experience. I wan't to experience the 40 man progression but I don't want to be a heal bot and probably don't know enough about encounters to tank.

you never played warcraft 1
fuck off

INFJ master race autism. Thanks senpai. Took a few tries until it manifested, i'm happy with it now. Took good feedback seriously and it evolved, here's how it started when i did it by my gut. I bumped wotlk because it deserved it . There's a lot of waring factions so people will never really agree, and tbc/wotlk is a sticking point for many, but there are some constants past the biases. Granted this is just an opinion.

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Only if separate servers, let people who wanted vanilla to have their vanilla, while ppl who want TBC and WotLK will have their addons.

it was really hype, I dinged as first 70 priest on Horde side Bleeding Hollow US. Bought a mount and left it flying in shitrash city & went to school. I remember when I was driving i felt disorianted, first time i felt like that in my life and never felt it again. It was as if i came out of my monitor back into the real world. Surreal. That said, TBC deserved the rank for being a vanilla piggyback DLC.

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Of course it was hype after vanilla

We've talked about what classes are the best, but what are the LEAST viable dps picks in raids? moonkin? ret paladin? BM hunter? non-moonkin balance druid? arcane mage?

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>g kidding me, death knight
sure but lots of classes had viable comps and arena pvp was thriving. WOTLK was a great time for pvp.

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what's the current best tbc private server? I would kill for an official tbc server.

>TFW can't be a ret pally with Sulfuras

Why live?

They already mentioned the idea of BC servers in the survey they put out last year. Specifically, they asked the community about setting up separate TBClassic servers and allow Classic characters to be copied over while maintaining the Classic characters on the Classic servers.

>arcane mage?
When will people learn that arcane mage doesn't mean arcane damage and 31/x/x is perfectly viable build, especially early on with frost.

How ironic the moment wojacks appear is when everything went to shit even worse and this means classic would suck too

Looking for someone to poop sock with from 1-60 ally side, PvP server.

I'd cum buckets if they did TBC servers, it'd be worth the price that way
vanilla is good fun but the class balance in TBC was much better, and I'm a sucker for muh space goats and Outland
not to mention that it makes locks and paladins actually fun to play

Yeah, this is a sober correct

Hmmm lets see what did I wanna post....what was it....ah yes now I remember!

>trash throughout most of the game
>only becomes relevant when spoonfed gear
>barely tank without a shield while leveling (wow what a bitch)
>no utility
>sucks up all gear from poor rogues, etc. (what a faggot)
>randomly will steal cloth for their 'spirit set'
>needs a baby sitter in pvp or they can't catch anything and look like a total faggot basically
>needs entire guild to help get his bis weap because he's a bitch and can't solo anything
>That takes fucking months btw
>sucks at leveling
>Attitude problems, think they are the main character (definitely has a small dick)
>Gets disarmed like a bitch
>LITERALLY cannot even do their signature quest for the WW axe without tons of help
>needs to take out loans for his mount like a true goy

>can tank the moment they can turn into a bear
>higher health and armor values
>amazing utility, a bro to all healers
>literally cannot be killed/kited in pvp
>god tier at wpvp
>doesn't even need gear to be good while leveling
>BIS weapon for entire game is a lvl 29 weapon (holy fuck that efficiency)
>tanks NAXX in fucking BWL like a true chad
>can heal and tank by just swapping gear (name one other class capable of that)
>one of the most comfy leveling experiences in the game
>Entire zone dedicated to the class, gets to chill with literal druid gods
>More entertaining in PvP, premium flag carrier and 1v1 god
>Can't be disarmed
>always a good attitude towards others
>uses gear no one else needs (like a true bro)
>will always pass on weapon epics (unlike a warfag who will take them and add them to his bank of forgotten weaps.)
>best at gathering profs
>doesn't even need 60% speed, travel form + gear /w enchs = more speed
>can aoe farm in open world and dungeons while being in heal spec.
>can do emp runs easily
>much more efficient trib runs with a rogue.

not looking good for warrgins, Druchads lookin fine tho

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>implying wrath wasn't a disaster
>implying death knights weren't retardedly OP
>implying death knights didn't start at lvl 60 so it took no time or effort to roll a retardedly OP class

baka desu senpai

correct tier list coming through

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entering the portals was hype. The process from 60-70 in TBC was much better than vanilla all around.

>no 40 mans
>pvp gear
>welfare tokens
>shamans/paladins on both sides
>pussy shared capital with portals to shrink the world
>meeting stones shrinking the world

>10 mans for every raid
>EVEN BIGGER pussy capital that shrinks the world MORE
>spec has too much weight on capability, throwing on gear isn't enough to shift your role capability, dual spec invented to combat this
>AoEfest more casual than any vanilla private server
>no attunement, and so much welfare that you skip the entire game to get fed in ICC
>RDF shrinks world size to literally nothing

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Interesting...the moment they stopped doing the right aligned portrait for the box art the game becomes shit.

Fuck off

max/high level ganking rarely happens from my experience over the past decade on pvp servers (retail and private). usually you'll run into 2-3 purposely higher level pvpers in total when leveling from 1-60.
also, the ganking really doesn't matter unless you have someone camping a zone 24/7. some zones are going to be rife with pvp like STV and Ashenvale; that's just how they are designed. if someone is camping a random place, just quest somewhere else for a bit, get people to kill the ganker, or log off. certain places like wetlands and barrens are going to be bigger targets for gankers.

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wc3 was left aligned

I liked TBC a lot since it was the first "new" experience WoW had unless you were in a serious raiding guild. But I can't deny that it fucked a lot of things up
>flying mounts
>daily quests
>welfare epics
>removal of 40man pve content
>leveling experience became completely focused around quest hubs
>only allowed to do each end-game dungeon once per day instead of 5/hr

>ICC was nothing but a connection of large empty halls

Gotta be honest, I liked this a lot about ICC. It did a great job of creating atmosphere and scale. Current WoW you can't take a fucking step anywhere without there being a pack of mobs because the areas are so densely packed with bullshit. There's 0 atmosphere in the game now. All they have in mind is making it an easier experience for players and it sure as hell shows.

it's very fitting that classic is a wojak too, the game has a tough fight ahead to capture magic of classic in this god forsaken 2019. It's pretty much impossible, but we are here to have fun in the attempt. Vanilla WoW in the age of trump and zoomer nihilism. I have faith in griefers tho.

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I agree with you except I liked Legion more than Cata and MoP

different genre


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Based, tho gap between A and B tiers is huge.

While we're at it let's just gradually release all of the expansions, slowly kill the game once again, and then in 2029 we can have Classic 2.0 and go home (again)

My comfy social guild so far, Yea Forums

>No alt characters, only your main
>No min maxing tryhard bergers
>No "point" system to incentivize X, Y, or Z
>Memespecs allowed in premade BGS and WPvP, but will have to work hard to get invited to raid
>Autistic trolling on voicecoms = instant /gkick (loud screeching, annoying sound boards, open mic, etc)
>Promotions only awarded if you help other members with elite quests, dungeons, etc
>Raid night will probably be sunday afternoon for maximum comfy-ness
>Frequently host naked lvl 1 gnome race from Stormwind to Booty Bay, 200g prize pool

Need good comfy guildnames, frens.

what if they made an alternate timeline with good expansions this time


what do you reckon is fun to play in vanilla? I've yet to pick a class

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It's very obvious a wrathbabby made this lol


ooo i like this one

even better I like 3 syllable guild names

Balance was shit, do NOT play: Shaman, Druid (unless you want to be a mana battery bitch), Rogue (unless you want to be le meme ganker), Hunter (unless you just want to be a solonigger and first to 60)

they're all fun to play. i have played all 9 to level 60 at differnet points over the last 15 years and i've never been disappointed.

In retail over the past 6 years tho, I haven't played a single class that felt unique or fun though. I'll take any Vanilla class over any retail class any day of the week.

This mentality is what killed MMO's, fuck you, you sock pooping autist

Legion was a leap in the right direction rather than a great expansion.
If we knew the next expansion(potentially expansions) would be just like it, it would have been shit on by the community harder.
Artifact weapons, m+ and class halls were cool as fuck though, probably the best features released post wrath.

couldn't be more correct desu

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Is there any good private PvE classic server around currently to get my fix until retail classic rolls around?

I will never understand vaniggers. The classes are all unique in Classic? Are you fucking retarded? All casters play similarly, all tanks play similarly, all melee DPS play similarly...

There is, at most, one unique gimmick a class has in a given spec that makes it "special."

Reminder that *LITERALLY* the only redeeming parts of Wrath are 3 fights in Ulduar, 2 fights in ICC, the Wrathgate cinematic and Grizzly Hills.
The solo, small group, BG, wpvp and questing in general were all awful.
People who put it above TBC or MoP are deluding themselves.

You expect Classic to be ANY different? Oh you poor, innocent cuck. I hope you enjoy reality, when all the minmaxers kill the game for you.


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Unique? All of them play practically the same in vanilla.

not a fan of natural caves i see

Why not?
>2h are a meme for PvE on alliance
>fine for PvP
You just need to be a good healcuck, and you'll be given it for loyalty.

THIS, fucking THIS. Every class in vanilla feels unique. Hunters had to teach their pets, and tame new ones to get new moves, paladins had their seals 30sec minibuffs that changed judgment effects... every class had something special going on.

PvP server was a mistake

TBC was what EOC was to Runescape

Don't get me wrong, TBC had good content & aspects, but many of it's design choices sent WoW down a horrible road

Flying, mass token gear/welfare epics, heroic mode (lol more numbers!) removal of WPVP to focus on arena & balance, linear corridor dungeons, removal of attunements in 2.4, dailies, etc etc

Even shit like Jewelcrafting was meh, basically it was just Enchanting 2.0, another gold sink for your gear

Legion was C tier at best, the first year of the expansion was pretty goddamn gay unless you hit the fucking lottery multiple times with loot and spec balance hotfixes

>farm soul shards first for 1 hour.
This is a meme, you can fill your shard bag in

I'd move BFD down one, RFD down one, SFK up one, SM up one, Deadmines down 2, Gnomer down 2.

>tfw 22 year olds wont stop talking about how great TBC was and how they hope classic turns out just like OSRS

I keep screaming but god doesn't answer

wailing caverns is kino

The non-meme dps classes are warrior rogue mage warlock hunter
GL deciding

Oh & safe Disney designed Draenei instead of the Monster designs from Warcraft 3, Blood elves into Horde making the faction comfortable for normies

>had heart set on Hunter
>Tried priest for the first time and loved it on p server.

I'm conflicted now, which will be more fun from the start? Hunter can go fast but you will be less valuable to raids as time goes on. Priest is always wanted but soloing and farming sucks if you're holy.

What do? As for faction, it depends on what my friends decide to do.

>there are unironically zoomers in this very thread that would rate bc and wrath above classic

absolutely disgusting.

>tfw dwarf hunter

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You can tell that op is a literal shill

Arcane mage is the best spec for molten core and blackwing lair, monsters are immune/resistant to fire and most frost talents are pvp talents, so even if you cast frostbolt you go 31+ points into arcane. (One frost mage gets 30 points in frost though for winter's chill but the rest goes arcane)
BM Hunter is big dmg, but not worth passing trueshot aura on

I'd say retardin is the worst but I'm not an expert

You bumped Wotlk because it being so casual allowed you to raid for the first time & you hold it in higher regard

oopst my bad, this is the right way

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>play chinkdale
>go to zone, pick up quests
>go to quest location #1, 10 people there, all mobs on farm
>go to quest location #2, 20 people there, not a mob in sight
>repeat ad infinitum

remind me why this is fun again? I literally just grind out my 5 bars of rested XP everyday, it's quicker than attempting to quest on this infested shithole(and no they aren't quests you can group for, not like they'd accept the invite anyway)



I was present at horde first rag kill on my server, can you say the same peasant?

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>LFM FULL RUN [Insert S tier dungeon here]

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you forgot Paladin aka healers only

Balance & PVP shitters ruined the game, WoW wasn't designed with every class being able to be optimal in every role

>Bawww why can't my pally top the DPS charts?

Fuck you go roll a rogue

Light's Hope

im an alliance fag, so i just didnt run those as often and have no nostalgic connection to them. im looking forward to running them in classic though

Shamans, Pallys, and Druids not being at the top of dps or hps meters is not "bad balance" its fucking working as intended

real list coming through

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Paladins were good in PVP though, they were never designed to rekt shit in raids

>Prefer dwarf aesthetic
>But shadowmeld is too fucking useful for hunters to pass up

What do?

t. sub 2k scrub

Mage here. As the natural predator of warrgins, I propose an alliance with druchads. Let's keep bullying and cucking those fags till kingdom come.

I fixed your picture wrath baby.

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I played Ret pally and I was top DPS once when I outleveled rest of the group

If I wanted the full immersion experience and wanted to do every single dungeon and the quests associated with said dungeon, what order should I do them in as I level? (minus RFC)

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i never played arena more than like twice because its actually pure cancer, esports wannabe retardation that killed wpvp and the game by extension

This guy gets it.

>balance was shit
for classes that were all over the place in abilities? obviously yes, why would it be any different? paladin, shaman, and druid would be the only classes used if all of their specializations were equally viable due to the overlap between abilities.

What side? Good luck getting to Ragefire Chasm as alliance.

id take world pvp over arenas any day as well, but the ranking system and gating gear behind it was smart. actually rewarding people for being good at the game and improving is a lost art in wow now

if you hated arena you hated pvp, meaning you were a pve babby

Don't you have some fire to move out of or something?


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You didn't even play bc.

silence le ebin esports zoomer

Why you fucked up hunter?

No I like pvp in open air environments. Not gay little super contained 2v2, 3v3. AV, wpvp, even WSG and AB were 1000x as fun as arena.

Arena is like the old meme FOX ONLY NO ITEMS FINAL DESTINATION

Its not fucking fun, this is an mmo not a fighting game. Dont expect perfect balance in 2v2 and 3v3 combinations. Itd be like trying to balance fucking dungeons and dragons pvp. Like wtf why would you even try to do that

what is this supposed to show? dps?

>shamans and paladins anything but backup dancers

>RFC (skip if alliance)
>WC (Deadlines if Alliance, or you could try it if you're feeling frisky)

Did I miss any?

SM lib
SM arms
SM cath
Sunken temple

From memory so i may have missed one or 2

>creating tier lists for classes

absolute mentality of a retail player. thats not how classes work in vanilla

whats the desert dungeon in tanaris called?

You weren't even alive when it came out.

I remember doing 2s as combat rogue/combat rogue with a friend. It was some of the most fun I had in the game.

I really like arena as a setting but I don't like that the best PvP rewards came from it. If it was up to me I would not allow the best rewards to come from there and honestly only make arena rewards you with a special title & mount at the 1%. There should be a R14 grind every expansion for the best PvP gear.

In my perfect CLASSIC+ expansion Arena would exist but the rewards for being the best would be a title and special mount (faster move speed). R14 grind would still exist and that would net you the best gear.

Attached: 35037-savory-deviate-delight-one-of-the-effects-of-eating-a-savory-deviate-delight.jpg (640x419, 57K)


>complaining about staleness of SCRIPTED fights from 15 years ago

not like the content matters. im going to spend 95% of my time sitting in STV making sure none of you faggots make it to max level anyway.

Attached: rogue.jpg (253x200, 12K)

thanks brothers. you both missed stockades and one of u missed ZF but aside from that, i appreciate ur help.

Dumb trannyposter

I'd agree hunter and druid are the weaker classes when it comes to pve raiding
The only thing hunters can do well in raids is dps and they don't do it that well
The only things in raids that druids can do well (kind of) is heal and they don't do it that well
Any other class basically excels at some role
Not sure why paladin is A since they are arguably the best healer in the game
Also not sure why warlocks are below mages, they aren't worse dps at any point in the game

Zul Farrak?


Like I said youre a mongoloid

Zul Farrak!

I also forgot gnomer, but it sucks to do if you're horde. It's pretty gud for alliance though.

We assumed you'd be playing horde, but I guess you're an alliance bitch

Will gank you on sight

you were so close

Attached: wow tiers fixed.png (1020x860, 222K)

I don’t care what anyone says about Cata. 4.0-4.2 was fun. Shit like dungeons was challenging again, Firelands was a 10/10 raid and pvp especially 3’s were the best they had ever been balancing wise. But every casual got so btfo by having to cc adds in heroic dungeons that they now call the entire xpac garbage as damage control


How's warrior dps in classic?
