This month's free games are shit AGAIN

>this month's free games are shit AGAIN
>golden week sale is shit AGAIN
>Sweary69's game about cute traps is not on sale AGAIN
that's it
I'm switching to a Switch

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I've been to various Twitter pages (none of them as funny as the official PlayStation comments) and it's a mixed bag. Hipsters keep trying to shill What Remains of Edith Finch, but I already own it, so it's even more pointless.

Wew they're tearing sony apart in those comments.

Didn't japan get metal gear survive this month? i wanted that.

I can't believe I laboured under the delusion that they would add more PS4 games to compensate for the PS3 and Vita games missing. Why did I think Sony would ever do anything nice?

Holy shit Jimmy on damage control. Why the fuck do Sony ggers defend every retarded decision they make?

When your mom only buys you one console you have to keep yourself convinced that it's the best one.

>Some pretentious indie garbage
Holy shit you're paying 70 dollars a year for this.

yeh it fucking sucks

I got both Gravity Rush games for cheap, I'll manage with that Golden Week sale.

I got the first one on PS+ back when they actually fucking cared, same with Uncharted Golden Shower.

Imagine paying for this shit. It wouldn't be as bad if PS+ was optional, but you have to pay for it, if you want the full experience. Damn these jews at Sony

better than nintendo's

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The games have been so disappointing lately. What the fuck happened.

>paying for ps plus
>not making new psn accounts and using the free trial whenever you want to play online or get one of the free games
You can play online with your main account if any account on your ps4 has ps plus.

yeh but we shouldnt have to use exploits to get the full value from an official service, plus i heard that only works ten times per console

>paying for online

Don't worry, pal. I'm not stupid enough to pay for this shit, although I'm curious about that free trial.
You have to use your credit card, don't you? Won't they notice that you use the same card on 10 or more diffferent accounts?

>UNIST $15
Looks like a good sale to me.

i'm guessing that NA was going to get survive as well, but because of all the kojimadrones in the west, they just gave them random indies


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I delete the credit card info after activating the trial, I've done it like 20 times.

No, Sony are a bunch of incompetent fucks. They took 10 years to let users change theirs names and even then it doesn't work properly.

cursed image

no shit, huh? thanks user, will give it a go

>They took 10 years to let users change theirs names and even then it doesn't work properly
Really glad I found a video elaborating on that before I changed my username. Worst case scenario is it corrupts your PS3's saves, IIRC.

>Sweary69's game about cute traps
what game?

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The Missing. Also, they're trannies, not traps.

I can't stand either of them. Nintendo you are literally paying for peer to peer and a bunch of shitty NES games.

and play what?

It's on sale on the yurope store

Thank you, user.
You convinced me to upgrade to Ps4 in the future.

At least Dragon's Crown is on sale.
Are the games stil rentals?
haven't had Playstation Plus active since 2013.

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Nintendo never has eShop sales on their games. You'd think I could get a slight discount when subscribed to their online, but no.

Whats wrong with those games?

>Why the fuck do Sony ggers defend every retarded decision they make?
Cause Sony and gaming journalists brainwashed their fanbase into thinking that everything they do and make is remarkable and everything is a masterpiece. Go into any Days Gone thread to see it in action.

are these niggers serious?
if it is overcooked 2 i wouldn't be as mad, still mad but not that mad

they literally had a fucking sale 33% off LAST WEEK for zelda, mario, xenoblade and octopath
what up with people love to talk about shit they have absolutely no idea about

I'm glad I got PSN+ for multiplayer. Otherwise I'd feel ripped off. More than I am already, that is.

You know what's really fucking stupid? They never upgrade their online loyalty rewards program either.
There are still things you can trade in your Nintendo Points for that include discounts on fucking WII U games. Why is Nintendo so incompetent?

>tfw you don't play online multiplayer
feels good man

>You convinced me to upgrade to Ps4
The ps5 is gonna be able to play ps4 games so you could wait for that, and there aren't many games with good multiplayer on PS4 that aren't also available on PC

Good point. I forgot about that.
Will Ps4 games be 100% backwards compatible on Ps5 or only partial?

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Last month I got Conan and the Surge.

They should just roll PS+ and PSNow into the same sub fee at this rate. The current price of PS+ as it is for the current offerings is fucking embarassing, especially with Xbox still releasing four titles a month (2 360 w/ BC, 2 Xbone)

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Does PSNow track trophies ? I never tested it

They just unlock for your account as a regular game would, they are not considered their own trophy list entries because they're on PS Now.

Nice deflection, as usual.

>free games and sale are shit
>im moving to a console with no sales or free games

Made me thunk

Lel, I'm pretty sure you could get those 2 games for cheaper than the $5 you technically payed for this month
Edith Finch was free on Epic. And i'm sure Overcoocked 1 was cheaper than $5 on some sale

Absolute joke
Anyone still paying for this shit should be hanged

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>Raise price
>Drop PS3/Vita
>Continue shelling out indie-tier titles on PS4
The system is over six years old, they can afford to bring back IGC and use some of their earlier retail titles to prop up the value of the service.

Was I spoilered?