It's a heated gaming moment episode

>it's a heated gaming moment episode

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Other urls found in this thread:

looks like kinos back on the menu boys

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Look, when my friend breaks my controller because he's upset that I whooped his ass, then I have a right to be angry with him.

Is he going to say the R-word, bros?

A little late to the party eh Arthur?

I don't know, but he better not say the P-word

Arthur is a true gamer. He has to deal with annoying sisters all the time.

Buster about to get an ass whupping

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I'm surprised Arthur is still going in 2019. I watched it in the mornings before the school bus when I was like 6 in 1998. I always expected it to be one of those shows lost to time like Little Bear or Franklin. What makes Arthur stand the test of time, bros?

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>punches DW
>gets in trouble

who was in the wrong here?

So what are the details of it?
Buster gets punched out for breaking Arthur's shit?
Arthur gets stabbed at an internet cafe?
Some kid he beats online calls the SWAT team on him and Arthur's dog gets shot?

Is Arthur still airing? I thought it stopped like 20 years ago...

>nu arthur

>that episode of Arthur where Arthur tells Buster to Get



its still going on, albeit its animated in Flash now

It's funded by PBS donations and costs like 12 cents an episode to make

Remeber when that dude got hacksawed in half over Tibia?

It's not standing the test of anything. This shit is the Zombie Simpsons of children's edutainment. They switched to soulless flash and rehash old story ideas just to keep it going. They've already tackled a similar video game episode before.

>inb4 they suck each other off

Fat, in fact of course

idk I just watched nicktoons growing up

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>Arthur beats his friend so badly at video games that Buster turns into Babs

Having grown up with a younger sibling, the parents would've taken DW's side had arthur not done anything, telling him "she doesn't know any better" and "be the bigger person".

It was a temporary punishment for Arthur, but from then on DW never touched his shit in fear that he'd chimp out again.

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What about Rupert? That was my favorite anthropomorphic show from when I was a kid, do they still make that?

He just pushed her, he didn't punch.

>poor arthur is still going
>its now made in flash
>fucking garbage plots like "the gang had to figure out what to do when the internet goes out
Worst timeline

>"Gee Buster, I'm not sure that's right."

>"Check the numbers, Arthur. Aardvarks are only 13% of the population. It's ridiculous."

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>Steven Crowder voiced The Brain

what the fuck

>What makes Arthur stand the test of time
I don't know if it does, it's probably still airing because it's unbelievably cheap to dish that shit out. It's soulless, dirt cheap flash crap nowadays.
nobody is going to remember any of it in 10 years

Literally who?

Unironicly based.

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Arthur still exists?

And by the looks of it a prime candidate for soul vs soulless discussions

Rupert was kino
And no it stopped in 97 because it wasnt funded by viewers like you

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Man, that new animation style is completely soulless.

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This absolutely this. One broken game and a week of grounding is worth it in the long run glad I figured that out

arthur is still a thing? i used to watch it non stop back in the late 90s. still have all my vhs tapes too.

>nobody will remember arthur in 10 years
Maybe not individual episodes of nuArthur but OG Arthur will be forever preserved through memes

redpilled af

Really? When?
There was that episode where they all get addicted to the goose game, that's about all I can remember. Though I haven't seen anything from the flash era except that episode where arthur goes crazy with the bantz against Sue Ellen.

Is this shit on dvd? I need a trip down the memory well.

This show still has new episodes?

Reminder that Steven Crowder voiced Brain.

I remember being the poor kid stuck with PBS and 4kids/kidsWB while all my friends were watching toonami. I don't think I know anyone in the real world who even knows between the lions existed.

they're still making arthur?

Was Arthur supposed to be black?

they switched around 5 years ago

i remember reading a lot of the cast from are you afraid of the dark used to lend their voices to the show

that was years ago

i dont fucking know user
I already googled one thing for you

Are you me?

Reminder that Arthur is supposed to be an aardvark.

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Can we have a stream for this? It’s on PBS
Nah he punched her.

Also Arthur was objectively in the right here. He warned DW, and told her multiple times and the parents didn't give a shit, then she breaks something he cared about and got angry. Parents should have taken Arthurs side in this cause DW was 100% in the wrong.

Man you don't want to cross Arthur at that range, maybe wait until you're outside the door so you've got a head start.

Well the casting and animation are done in Canada, writing and funding is done in America.


Donald is going to get btfo

My grandparents only had the disney channel and I think WB. I watched all the weird shit when we visited them; none of the name-brand CN or Nick stuff. So unless we'd had the foresight to recorded it on our VCR, I'd come in on monday and kids would be talking about the episodes I missed. (Thankfully they re-ran episodes often the week following so you weren't too SOL)


>born in 1999
>never watched Arhtur as a kid
>used to play this game all the time
>game released in 1998
Anyone else remember this?

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I love this

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kidsWB and foxbox weren't too bad
toonami was the TIGHTEST SHIT tho


francene is literally a monkey

this fucking shit gave me anxiety
everytime i watched it i hoped he would finally get off that cliff but he always round up back on it

I think I remember that show.

man I would fuck that rabbit girl, jesus christ

The production value on these was pretty decent. It could've looked absolutely MS-Paint awful, but it looks rather faithful to the show considering the limits and budget they'dve had back then, and the fact it had to run on actual toasters.

Which new version is worse? Nu-arthur or nu-cyberchase

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Oh shit man all I could remember was her falling on her ass. It is a 50/50 situation though. I'd say the best thing to do if I was their parent is scold Arthur and DW. He didn't have to punch her even though she was being an annoying little shit. Violence begets violence.


I have no idea why, but whenever I see this image my first thought goes to Neopets

wait what the fuck Cyberchase is still going on?

Honestly that be the bigger person bullshit always gets me fuming

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It was when they introduced to that other rabbit. I watched an episode with my mom and we were riffing on it the entire time.

>Blue Forza Xbox S


Cyber chase was never good

arthur is a aardvark

Yeah I suppose your right. I miss old Dic animated stuff like Roswell Mysteries and some Archie supernatural show, cant remember the exact names. And motherfucking Roughnecks:Starship Troopers.

Cyberchase is still going too? Don't they have any new shows to replace their old shit?

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They still make new episodes of this show?

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>"Fuck that's it! I've had it!!"
>"Don't B-B-Buster!" me you dumb fucking retard. I've had it with your dumbass always fucking cheating. You're a little bitch."
>"It's j-just a videogame, don't you think you're overreact-"
>"If it's just a videogame, WHY ARE YOU CHEATING? Huh? You and your fucking nigger logic, honestly, you piss me off, never talk to me again. Oh, and I'm taking the last Fruit Rollup in the pantry. Fuck you Arthur."

>Literally the first book in the series was about him deciding to not get a nosejob
I like the implication with his changed character design being that he decided to go through with it anyways afterward

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t. smaller person

It makes me want to replay gen 4 and get Glaceon, but then I remember you had to wait all the fucking way till the the snow town until you could find a ice stone. Unless it was some espeon-tier bullshit where you had to level its happiness in the snow.

>dualshock controllers

Dic was the shit. They made some great shows back in the day.

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It is surprisingly but its horrid, it follows curious gerorge and arthurs use of cheap flash animation

Not really sure how these kind of things work with educational shows, but Zombie Simpsons continues on today thanks to how amazing classic Simpsons was. Fox only really keeps churning it out because it helps keep the show alive in the minds of normalfags, which leads to more merchandise sales and such. Maybe Arthur is in a similar situation, where they somehow make more money off of it by continuing to produce it rather than just ending it and rerunning the good old stuff.

I remember Brain's family was the one that celebrated Kwanzaa

>that episode where arthur breaks down crying because he realizes he's just playing a menu


>adventure 6767
So hold up for a second.

Each of these bits is about two minutes a piece.
This is adventure 6767.
That's 13534 minutes that Cliff Hanger has been hanging on that branch, which is about 226 hours, which is about 10 days.

10 days that nigga been hanging there.

Is my math right? I'm not all that bright.

>He didn't have to punch her even though she was being an annoying little shit.
No, he didn't have to, but DW pushed him to communicate in the only language she understands, aggression.

She immediately understood she'd erred after, Arthur did all he could to avoid it.

>Between the Lions
I remember kids in my elementary school to watch that that on TV when the teacher allowed it.
Although I think they were just excited to have the TV on during class.

Had a GOAT opening.

>"It's j-just a videogame Buster, don't you think you're overreact-"
>You cheated not only the game, but yourself, Arthur. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. Arthur, you experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference, you piece of shit aardvark.

i loved that show

No of course not
Brain was black and Francine was black. I think that's all.

so wait Francine was a black jew?

based Arthur playing on the highest selling console of all time, the PS2

>literally telling a brown person that you hate brown
Was it autism?

I was in the exact same position as you, until my dad learned how to steal cable.

>Gilbert Gottfried is still voicing Digit

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He didnt have to punch a 4 year old
You gonna punch your preschoolers after they do something you tell them not to?

Wait, it's still on?!

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Didn't they have an episode where they showed Francine was jewish?

okay thats kinda based

Arthur is still going WTF??


Same here. Rocko's modern life, Spongebob, and two angry beavers took up a significant portion of my early-middle childhood

Shes a black jew

Did you guys ever see that episode where Buster tries to get a little touchy with Arthur during a sleepover haha. I've asked people before but nobody ever knows what I'm talking about. I can't remember how it ends, I think it made me feel really weird though but I'm not sure how.

yeah it was the christmas special where Muffy talks shit about Hanukkah

The fuckin Brain celebrates Kwanzaa.

>the only language she understands, aggression
This made me kek but DW is only four years old.
Never thought I'd be discussing this lol

It had a really catchy theme song.

wtf they still make arthur episodes?


Well it's not like he has anything better to do.

Yes, that's actual autism, not meme autism.

The worst part about that episode going back is when binky punches Arthur, goes home and tells his father, then the dad says something like "well now you know how DW feels"

No you dumb cunt. he doesn't, because unprovoked violence is not the same as someone getting repercussions for their actions after being told multiple times to stop messing with his shit. What a mess of an episode

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You know the drill assholes, lets fuckin do this

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>filthy rich and snobbish
Is Arthur redpilled?

It gets funding from both the canadian and american government so its basically free to produce.

Reanimated Flash-Made Corpse.

>tfw I'm the younger brother
>tfw I was almost the same size as my brother (I'm noticeably taller and bigger than him)
>tfw I was able to wrestle with my brother and hold my own
>tfw parents were always quicker to believe my side of the story because I was the younger one

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That's Muffy, Francine was the poor tomboy you dolt.

It's one of the longest running animated series

Old Yea Forums shows thread? Nice

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Francine is the broke one living in the apartment and Jewish

Muffy is the rich one


Arthur will tell Buster that he has potato aim, then Buster will say that Arthur shouldn't be allowed in this country until he has a better KD

>it's a Yea Forums episode

Yeah, I think I saw that. It was called "Bump in the night" or something like that. Not sure though

arthur - white
francene - black
muffy - white
binky - white
buster - white
brain - white

damn arthur was redpilled


Can they possibly be as bad as post-movie Spongebob?


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>You fucking rabbits always fucking cheating the advarks , God's chosen animals, out of everything . You're polluting this country with all of your ilk. Always coming to our land and taking away our jobs. You're only 13 percent of the population but your kind is responsible for half of the crime. You make me sick you, you RODENT

Since when was Sam Rami allowed to work on kids shows?

Like it or not, it's emblematic of why Yea Forums is the best place to discuss videogames because it will meander into very interesting conversations. If this was a reddit thread, assuming moderaters hadn't already deleted it on a power trip, it would just be a comment chain of those retards "singing" the theme song one line at a time, instead of thoughtful nostalgic discourse about sibling moral dilemma and childrens' paid programming operations.

I hate talking in fake spoilers, so I'll go off myself now after some healthy self-castration.

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I thought Brain was black as well

Man I love Arthur

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brain was white as fuck. he was also the smartest.

I was thinking more along the lines of Arthur calling Buster a cockguzzling faggot and making fun of his broken home.

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What games do they play?

>brain - white
He celebrates Kwanzaa. You don't get more black than that.


I never noticed how Crowder sounds like a nigger.

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>tfw boomer enough to remember when bighead was a prominent Yea Forums meme

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Post more.

does anybody actually celebrate that?

the rugrats has a jew episode too
does that mean they're all jewish?

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>that episode where everyone was getting high off drugs in candy.
No wait that was an actual episode.

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awwwww yeah

Thank fuck I no longer have to see this green faggot all over this site but it really makes it apparent how transient everything here is.

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>Not best bunny
Fuck off

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got any Molly?

Without stop? Why nobody talk about it?

There it is

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Literally me user


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This is the picture that eventually led the birth of your precious filename threads. Say something nice.

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>the movie with death grips


>What is Gwain's Word or Silent E

Ah fuck that's right. But they're still both snobby bitches from what I can remember.

I remember. I remember, don't worry, worry.

What was the last "real" era of animation with soul here?

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>following Arthur on twitter
O-ok, then.


Didi's side of the family is Jewish as fuck


My nigga. Cyberchase, dragontales, Clifford, Maya and Miguel were also my shit.
You forgot to add viewers like (you)!

"be the bigger person" is just a shittier, non-religious way of saying "turn the other cheek" which is fucking bullshit because it's misinterpreted
slapping someone backhanded was a sign of dominance, but slapping someone open-handed was a challenge, which meant you were on their level. but you also couldn't slap someone with the left hand (which was used for wiping your ass and thus unclean)
so if someone slaps you backhanded and you turn your other cheek to them, they either have to stop OR challenge you as an equal
it doesn't mean "let people walk all over you so you can be a cool peaceful guy like Jesus"
Jesus was anything BUT peaceful. fucking up the money exchangers in the temple, sell your cloak and buy a sword, etc

He acts like a nigger too, chimping out anytime someone says something he doesn’t like

whatever era where the majority of shows weren't being done in flash tweens yet.


What kind of animal is she anyways?

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>tfw caught between core and late gen Y
Also core gen Y was the last real era of animation with soul. Digital largely took over after that.

All this time i tought his head was poping out of a yellow thing like he was wearing a banana disguise

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An aardvark. Supposedly.

>Jackie chan adventures

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Have I ever steered you wrong?

>Flash Arthur
Get the fuck out of here donald

I hope someone shits in your next meal.

An aardvark. In the original books, that looked liked aadvarks before they changed it to a more appealing design

>Hey Arthur, want to play some games?
>Sure Buster, what do you have?
>How about Mole-hill Kombat 11?
>That game's for casuals. Guilty Deer is way better.
>Guilty what? Oh, I know! I just got Bionic Bunny: the game 3! Remember how much we loved the first 2?
>Not interested. The Social Justice Weasels added a female side kick.
>Arthur, I think you spend too much time on that frog website

Never once. I like the memes where Emily Elizabeth has to shovel Clifford's mountainous droppings

Definitely early Zoomer/Gen Z...around 2008. I remember this is when I first found out that Cartoon Network had started doing live action TV shows. It was all downhill from there.

what does DW stand for?

>blocks your path

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When I was little I always had cringy thoughts about the bird being my best freind. Now I'm older and sometimes I have the same thoughts only he's my boyfreind.
Crazy of life works out, huh?

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post-2nd movie Spongebob is great tho

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You are now remembering Wishbone.

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How cold is his cum?

Dora Winifred

holy shit i still somehow remember that

heated gaymer moment

>blocks your path even more

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What's the story, Wishbone?

legit those shows made me feel like life had a purpose. we grew up poor blahblahblah but Wishbone, Zaboomafu, Cyberchase, ZOOM, all those shows made me feel happy.

Probably because there was a whole episode about it. She hates her full name so Arthur was teasing her about it.

I'm not gonna lie to you and tell you that's not weird at all, but digit was a bro, and I'm a huge fan of the VA, so you're okay man. Life is funny that way

Never heard of it. What's the story?


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>The episode when she and Arthur hung out but didn’t want to be seen by each other’s friends because they’re in different friend groups with different dynamics
>she’s pretty cool
God I wish I was Arthur in that time

Literally yes tommy is a jew didi too

>the black hole sun midi

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So true
Thank you PBS after all these long years
screw those spongebob hey arnold spoiled brats

>Arthur, I think you spend too much time on that frog website
>Who told you that. Mr. (((Ratburn)))?

How the fuck did they get away with making such a blatantly stereotypical Jew?

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I liked the mom

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Your boyfriend is Gilbert Gottfried?
Pretty based

More like the Kino Brothers

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naming the jew

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me and you and zoboomafoo!

>theyre still making animal kino
They could have been the next steve irwin if they really wanted


Honestly, being the bigger person nowadays means to just let people walk all over you. Fuck that shit, if someone hits me, I'm gonna hit back, even if I have no chance of winning. Dying with courage is better than walking away a coward.

Hey now, leave Hey Arnold out of this. I had just enough fortune to sometimes get basic cable, and Hey Arnold really spoke volumes to the poor, the outcasts, the parent-less and the neglected.

>Simon is kike

>he has the hunch
It’s a coincidence, right? Right?

Basic Cable is still more than broadcast that we had

Of course goyim
It's always (((coincidence)))

By not making him a Jew at all? He has no desire for money. He was designed to look like a rat, because that's what he was. Only later did we adopt the hunched over jew as a stereotype

I remember it being played in schools and not much else.

Welp, I guess I’ll go collecting art now

Yes, yes, very good. HOWEVER-

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everyone now remembers the episode with the pidgeon nigga who committed suicide.

Post yfw you realize cyberchase is the greatest sci fi-Fantasy story ever told.

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lol, why is Wild Kratts looking like Kim Possible spinoff?

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what controller does Arthur hand the other fucknut?

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>By not making him a Jew at all?

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Ok lay it on me
How much porn is there of this fucking cat

Haha poorfags didn't grow up watching Aaah Real Monsters and Rugrats and Ren and Stimpy and Doug and Rocko's Modern Life


something something umbrella

>mfw Canadian
>grew up with Teletoon and YTV
Feels good nigga

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I know, because for most of my life that's all I had too. I just have a soft spot for muh Arnold
Kinda dissapointing that Craig Bartlett addressed that in an interview saying it wasn't suicide, but that he went off to explore the world, seeking out pigeons in need.

dude you just activated Vietnam flashbacks

How the fuck did they manage to make Arthur's signature art style look so soulless
Digital fags defend this shit right now

such a good girl

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disappointingly little, apparently

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thanks to you i did
>that Lyon King crossover

Glaceon really does enjoy her freezies.

sugar is still mai waifu


I like Fat Albert.

If there was any universe I would love to be in it would be a cartoon style like Animaniacs where problems were solved by being crushed by a giant anvil.

Franklin still gets new episodes.
What even is this show?

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That's common as shit to have the token black character the smartest character.
>South Park - Token
>Fairy Odd Parents - AJ
>School Survival Guide - Cookie
>Rugrats - Suzy
>The Simpsons - Doctor Hibbert
>Teen Titans - Cyborg
>Chalkzone - the black girl

>Cliff hanger
Oh shit I get it now.

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>claims to be a christian
>swears and is sexually provocative

wait this show is still going?



Early Gen Z. I don’t care what anyone says, I love Chowder, Flapjack, and El Tigre

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>sesame street is somehow still going

Cartoons I get but that had real actors???

Turn the other cheek means you're offering the person a chance to duel to death. People always misrepresent that quote.

Frink is the smartest not Hibbert hes just a shitty doctor though not a fraud like Nick Rivera

Also the chalkzone girl is straight up mexican. Queen Rapsheba is probably meant to be black though I guess

Is it just me or did Little Bear feel like a ripoff of Franklin?

Or was it actually the other way around?

Sesame Street was old by the time you were born, you're now surprised?

Truly disappointing. Not even where'd you would expect it

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Had a crush on this fucking cat. Thank God I turned out relatively normal

Kids are watching it for the puppets. The human characters are easily replaced.

Yeah but I can get it all for free now.

Clearly a rat plotting to get his cheese
cheese is another word for cash. Mother of God how did they get away with it?

>Last name is Sanchez
Hmm, I forgot that. Guess I gotta rewatch it now

I feel like this is the only website on the internet which allows this sort of discussion without actively seeking it out and "joining a community", of course the quality has been steadily declining ever since 2006 and it's harder and harder to find interesting, funny, or funny threads, but it's hard to leave anyway

Of course you could try another chan/imageboard site, but those have their own problems

t. retard

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it could be the one where buster and arthur were fighting to get the treasure in fish finder 6. and they both grab the mouse and unplug the monitor and think they broke the computer

Coming through

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What would you do if you were smol

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I remember some episode had a joke about them saving some meat to eat later and while reading, each of them kept leaving to "do something" and came back with some piece of meat still on their lips.


how fucking long can this shit keep going arent they on like the 50th season now?

For me its life with louie

Who's ready for Savage Kino?

All I remember from this show was the dad being based as fuck


If I recall from the exact same episode, Buster celebrated Hunnakah

The episode when Buster comes back.

rugrats was actual shit
>look they mispronounced another word isn't it so funny?

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that's not how ink works. Also Amy Tan is the textbook definition of batshit self-hating Asian American.

Kino coming through more

Terrible show, I changed the channel every time it was on

>HBO shit
Do I look like I'm made of money or something?

Arthur is an episodic show about social situations. What could Cyberchase do without rehashing math concepts they already covered.

>self-hating Asian American
I'm intrigued. How?

OK, I'll bite. Was there anything specific they were refering to in the room in the opening shot? Was it the "I

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You do realize his name is Randall J Weems which is an anagram for small jew nerd.

It was very funny

>"i'm gonna eat the dick out of this cake"


>have younger brothers
>all very close in age
>reverse pecking order when parents are around because of this dynamic
Seriously I'd at least expect fathers to understand this dynamic.

>surprise attack from little brother at full force
>manage get the upper hand
>he screams to summon parents
>WhAt dId YoU dO, user?!?
>mfw i have no face

>Yea Forums has non-vidya discussion
>is actually based
why does this happen

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Yea Forums btfo

Go back to redit with your stupid altered caps

Wow I'm a fucking faggot

>do your socks stand up on your own

I don't get it?

Yea Forums hates video games, but loves cartoons.

I think they're on calculus now

Someone save me some time. Does it go the too far we secretly all wanna see?

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Technically being crushed by a giant anvil would solve all your problems here too.

I've got bad news for you, user...

>you will never eat the rainbow cake from Zoom


I'd say Yea Forums but yeah, basically most if not all people on this site.
Also is that Rob Paulsen for the second nerd? The tan blonde one

Seasons 1-3 are good. Everything after had the original writers removed and it became garbage.

Cyberchase was kinda rinning out of math stuff long before the flash era. I remember as a kid they taught about body length proportions. I've never been taught that in school and I barely hear it mentioned elsewhere. Well it's not particularly useful infomation in real life anyway unless you're a tailor or something.

Wasn't a very good epsiode, but I still appreciate the mildly esoteric knowledge to this day.

absolute kino

Based Binky trying his best at every step. I can see this is supposed to be cuckshit, but he's just to upbeat and encouraging about it. I'm not sure it counts. Look at that face.

How come she only invited Arthur and not Buster for a ride?

god I hate this modern clean art style. It's like ium looking at Sòyjack Horseman

Wh-What would that be, user?

Numba 5 was the best KND character


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Holy shit, that's amazing.


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She wanted that BAC

Did all old cartoons have this amount of clever writing and soul? I laughed harder at this clip than anything else I've watched in the past 3 or more years now.






just like that graphic, we're smart people pretending to be retards. The reason we bitch about vidya so much is that we're very enthusiastic about the medium. To no surprise, this applies to other mediums, too.

Except snoy-fags, who are just braindead.

I think we can all agree that Dr. Pepper is the superior drink

>Not numba 4
I loved that retarded aussie

There are
you ride a toy tank into a girl's birth canal and shoot her cervix until she orgasms

teletoon is absolute shit, at least YTV had my nigger Carlos

>this fuckin' post


Attached: IMG_0522.jpg (1536x2048, 583K)

>mfw remembering all those "racism is bad" episodes from tv shows as I type Nigger into my keyboard for the 1 millionth time


Stunk up
Stuck up

My nigga

>they attacked gamers

>Am a kid
>Have sick day
>This theme song plays every fucking time I turn the channel to Cartoon Network
This is why I preferred my W98 over television.

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I don't see what's so terrible about getting things correct. Shouldn't you strive for perfection? Why is it so hard to get the details right?

This was what I was watching in my "childhood," tell me how I turned out

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I'm gonna hazard a guess that /d/ is one of your top ten most browsed boards

>article is from 1998
>pepsiman was released in 1999
Sounds like an origin story.

Neckbeard detected

I want them tied up in spider webs

Brahs I've been on Yea Forums since 2009

I'm 22 now.

Fucking hell take me back

Depends on who your favorite girl was.

>tranny face on a lobster

What did they mean by this?

You missing the point on puropse? Either way you're a retard whether you are or you aren't.


I've been here since 07 and I'm 29 now
Chillax you'll be fine


How long has Arthur been on?

>tfw I realized that Totally Spies totally ripped off the cast of Gunsmith Cats
It honestly explains why I loved Alex so much, she's a rip off of my favorite waifu of all time.

definitely a degenerate

I think cartoon Network was a speciality pay extra for channel up until 2003

>user attacked for speaking the truth circa. 1948

forevorially tied-up and loving it

go on...

>not Alex
shit taste

I saw between the lions as a kid even though I had Nick and CN on cable. My parents raised me on PBS shows, dude.

If these two would age naturally they would be getting married in San Francisco on 5/13.

Nigga its just Charlie's Angels but high schoolers

Fuck you guys, Jennifer Hale's voice is diamond forming.

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>looking up stuff about the show years ago
>find out that the old lady during the word counseling segments is actually a famous sex therapist and that segment is parodying herself
Still makes me laugh when I think about the show.

You read my mind man. Maybe we can get a little bit of max shitposting 2011 Yea Forums here. My god it was terrible but those streams were a breath of fresh shit air.

Fuck you, that theme song was a banger

Because it's fun. I actually have all episodes saved and like to watch them every once in a while.

Yes, I didn't like the change to flash, but I'm still happy they are making new episodes.

fucking snowbacks

I like them too and find them enjoyable. Flapjack not as much and El Tigre was less watched but I e njoyed the superhero aspect.
I'd say I love chowder.
I'm from 1999, but I feel like as time went on more shows had more fart humor. Not full on gross out humor, but a fart here and there that got annoying for me even as a kid.
Is it a remenant of the 90s or has it always been this prevelant

>buster keeps pausing the game
>Arthur bites his ear off


d e g e n e r a t e

She's the kind that constantly whines about tradition and Asian men in her books. And for an Asian American author she does nothing but shit on or stereotype Asian culture. For some reason she has this vendetta against Asian everything yet is one of the few Asian American authors that happened to get prominence. Unsurprisingly she married a white person.

Why did Direct TV separate CN and Boomerang. I could watch Pink Panther, the Secret Show, AND Fosters

So he just popped out of his ma's vagoo like a fucking booger, right?

me too brother

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Always been like that. Happened in the 80s, the 20s, 00s of the 1900s, and back when Grug's son, Zum, added fart clouds to the hunters on their cave paintings, with Grug grunting exasperatedly.

No I mean the characters are straight rip offs of the one from Gunsmith cats
>Alex and Rally = Tomboy
>Minne and Clover = Slut
>Becky and Sam = Brains
They even look identical

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This got a vidyagaem. A platformer.

t. fully delitized permanent living bologna

Damn that kind of sucks. I guess there's no changing her mind.
It reminds me that many Asian shows, specifically chinese, always has some mystical element. Xiaolin Showdown had the magical sheng gong wu and Jake Long had his chinese fursona transformation.

Between the Lions

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my dick is erect

Cleo! W-what would your husband think?!

Needs more art

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For a moment I thought I was on Yea Forums


>he probably still doesn't get 'between the lions'

Dumb dumb moeblob scum

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Its a big big world user.
Also same i had cable for like a year or 2 when i was a kid but then it was just satellite. Saturday morning 4kids was nice

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Ted Turner that because he owns all those old t.v shows

Good it's working

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I can't tell if i like lion girls or werewolf girls more. Jesus christ anons

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I didn't have Cartoon Network until I was 9, so the first 6 years of the life I can remember was PBS, and episodes of Scooby-Doo my mother would record on a VHS tape. Also Star Wars, but I had a fundie nanny who thought Star Wars was the devil and she hid it. I couldn't find them for 3 years.

They replace human actors all the time. And they can easily replace puppeteers with apprentices. From what I remember they made a big deal about one person who literally grew up with the show retiring.

Numbuh 5 was a mary sue, and numbuh 2 was STILL better.

Who is the target audience for these pictures

wait what
between the lions
Be tween the lions? What

There's nothing to get

lmao user

You're making this shit up aren't you?

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francene was a jew

You aren't actually this retarded are you?

I guess he doesn't know how to read between the lines


>sToP iT rEeE
You first kiddo

People from real countries probably remember the following opening however

>not between the lions
still, you beat me to it

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Cleo has pretty much no art user

Do they actually talk about PBS shows there. I thought it was just beanface and autistic shipping and tumblr nonsense.

>tfw no cute bunny best friend

You can't say something like this and then not give sauce

Late Millennial tbqh

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I would marry this robot.

Oh I see

Never forget

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Remember when Arthur destroyed trannies?

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Does being born in 1994 make me a middle or late millennial?

>mfw spawning by the chainsaw and going for amputation bonuses

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Most childrens kid shows are. They teach many valuable lessons degenerates ignore once they hit 18.

This epsiode was always dumb to me as a kid but in hindsight there were a lot of things that just mysteriously went missing when I was a kid with no explanation. It really does happen.

late I think

premiered in Fall of 96 so almost 23 years

Like don't be racist?

I guess that makes my younger sister an early zoomer then. Weird to think of it like that.

as much as i hated it it was still better than Thornberries AKA "change the channel kid"

Based Arthur

Didi's parents are Russian Jews (father was the rich kid in the village, mother was a peasant girl he ran away to America with), Stew's family is Christian.

Funnily the maternal grandfather was accused at one point of being an offensive Jewish stereotype. The creators of the show (who were Jewish), as well as the president of Nickelodeon at the time (Jewish), didnt understand the criticism since he was based on relatives they all had. The next Nick president (Christian) agreed it was offensive.

Yes. All men were created equal

the ass was fat

I wanna cum in between the lions


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>genuine cultural differences get called offensive because of overly-sensitive people getting offended on the behalf of others
Nothing's really changed, has it?

This year alone, we had people arguing for game companies need to respect people by having an easy mode.

Somehow that devolved into this questioning about how “getting gud” is now gatekeeping and that video games aren’t worth putting effort into them.

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But there’s two A’s.

Suicide would've been a little too dark considering the message at the end.

Molly is CUTE!

Sometimes genuine gatekeeping is a problem, but it's never a big one, and what most bitches call gatekeeping actually isn't.

I have this book

>at the end of the game you get a phone number to call and get prizes
Oh the 90s

>we're smart people pretending to be retards.

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Fuck off.

God, this video really fucking takes me back.
TFW this was my first exposure to Evangelion when I was 11
Good times.

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I remember that one, It was really weird seeing it alongside traditional math concepts.

disregard the plebs

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Gordon looks real good for his age

i like this one better

And that's why he's called Cliff Hanger.

What the fuck. What if they make an episode talking about Ted Kaczynski's boundary functions dissertation?

literally me. there was some great stuff on cable but ultimately it resulted in a lot of shit taste from the toonami effect.

BECAUSE I didn't have cable my dad let me rent any VHS I wanted. this was back in the golden days of OVAs and a bunch of other foreign and older movies getting direct releases. I knew specific video shops that would have adult anime and other stuff, I grew up watching that. I didn't even know about half the cable shows I missed until the early 2000s because at the time I thought it must be shit if it didn't have animated blood and nudity.

you're trying to watch cartoons when this guy smacks your tv's ass, what do you do? Keep in mind your house doesn't get cartoon network and there's a thunderstorm outside

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going through character deaths and everything

Honestly. Just because some fuck calls you bad at a videogame and to get good doesn't mean you have to stop playing.
I just say leave it to a developer to include an easy mode or not for the release of the game. If they want to add one in the future, then sure. But I rather that future update to include a difficulty mode was a developer choice and not one pressured by others

Sesame Street stopped being entertaining after the 80s. After that the quality really started to drop.

what the fuck?

It's pretty much a global thing on Yea Forums. Talking about something away from its native boards keeps discussion away from shitposters and keeps things from being as inflammatory.

That episode is actually one of if not the most significant moment aired on children's television, and it's all in one take.

Don't worry kids, we still love you.

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Cyborg is not fucking smarter than Raven, he's just a talented engineer.

I switch to the Disney Channel, which is included in even the most basic packages, also if I don't have CN, I dont have nickelodeon either, as they are included in standard packages and have been since the 90's. Unless you mean Nicktoons, which is it's own separate service similar to Disney Channel and DisneyXD, where Nicktoons have more prime time cartoons and doesnt have Nick at Night like regular Nick does.

>mfw the Felix the Cat movie
>mfw the bad guy opens the book
>mfw the absolute nonsense they do right after that

>see someone wearing rival brand

there is unironically a set of asian cucks who get off on BLEACHED. they might also be the same group who seethe for entire threads on /int/ about asian male inferiority complex or something.

She deserved it, but an older kid punching a little girl is never acceptable, specially if she's their own little sister. No wonder everyone was giving Arthur shit for it.

My logic has always been "If you really love something, nothing will stop you from enjoying it". And in today's internet society, it's so easy to find communities for nerd hobbies, so if one community is full of assholes, then go make your own. And if said community really is full of assholes, then people who don't want to deal with them will join one that isn't.

It really pisses me off when journalists say "hobby's fandom has a toxicity problem". Like hell, I have no control over how the game store in the next town over acts. It's looking at the worst parts of a fandom, blowing them out of proportion, and tarring the whole fandom with it. Wish they'd fuck off.

>between the lions

I've tried googling this and still found nothing. I think this fag was baiting hard.



>[captain planets in your path]

the game is from a guy called D-gate,forgot the name of the game though.

Holy shit this was my favorite cartoon to watch on Saturday mornings. That and that one show about hall monitors acting like a buddy cop show.

KidsWB was good. They got all the new Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon episodes before Cartoon Network and they had Jackie Chan Adventures and Xiaolin Showdown which were pure kino

this wasn't a pbs show i don't think but i had a ton of these on vhs

Is this gonna happen?

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Hell yeah man, renting and random stuff from Walgreens birthed my love of toku shit. I still have a bunch of Superhuman Samurai tapes at my folks place.

Feels bad that KawaiiPirahnha quit streaming

Oh fuck I remember this. I unironically had a crush on that pink thing.

will he make a special appearance?

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It's not gonna be gg, it's gonna be bg

I want to fuck arthur's mom.

>no PBS fighting game
for me, it's Ruff Ruffman.

hanging from a cliff

finally, someone other than me posts Kidsongs, always made me wonder how neat it would be to wander around a set like that
bonus points for:

and then coconut freds fruitsalad island came along and ruined everything


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Who here remembers Archie's Weird Mysteries

i remember the umbrella tree but never heard of the first one

sorry I only remember the Mystery Files of Shelby Woo
and this weird ass shit



For me it's wordgirl

i have some recollection of it

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fuck yeah i do
i always liked her voice, shame she only did sesame street stuff

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This thread is going to die with a sauce for this.

I loved jerking it to that show

I STILL think about cliff hanger to this day.


I'm 99 percent sure somebody who worked on this show had a paw fetish.
as someone who read shit like The Boxcar Kids and other assorted boy's mystery books that + cartoons was great

Why do I remember this being a Doug episode?

the show could be a symptom or a cause, we may never know

Burger here, I think I got the original opening at one point.

Sorry lemme fix it

A small jew nerd.

I think I remember a shopping mall episode and one where Archie turns into a werewolf

Arthur did guest characters better than the Simpsons. Though they always ended up a rabbit or "aardvark".

the only guest i remember is mister rogers


On qubo they showed the version with the original opening.

This entire show was just a fetish wasn't it?

for me it was one blockbuster I knew of where the manager was a 90s weeb so the "foreign" section was twice as big as any other blockbuster and it was just anime. my other favorite place was "sayeed video", run by some shady sandnigger and a korean guy. one of those shops where the signs are so faded from the sun you can't even see what they say but they never changed them. that place used to sell bootleged everything, including old fandubs with yellow text made using VHS editors. they would also mod your console then sell you burned games. I have no idea how they stayed in business but it might have been a crime front.

not anime related but one of the most memorable VHS for me was the original star wars collection. this was before extra features on DVD so they put the "extra feature" IN FRONT of every single one of the movies. you had to fast forward through about an hour of george lucas talking nonsense every time you wanted to watch a movie.

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Playhouse Disney did as well in the early 00s according to wiki

i still can't believe the original space jam website is online

Its more of you can get entry level casual bullshit conversations on boards not about their main topic.
Which is nice from time to time.

>I always liked her voice
I decided to just watch one episode and it's pretty soothing. how far have I gone now to long for a voice

it's depressing how responsive a website like this is compared to modern web 3.0 shit.

>one of the most memorable VHS for me was the original star wars collection
The trilogy with Vader's face on the side? I think maybe Yoda on the other? My VHS player ate my empire strikes back tape and it was my favorite.

it's nothing but thirsty idea guys and their incomplete drawings of giant nippleless tiddies

what if
now hear me out
what if tech companies are in cahoots with website makers
what if websites keep getting more cluttered so that way tech companies can sell better hardware

That explains why I only had Disney Channel and Nick for the longest time.