Will GDQ be a tranny fest like it was last year?

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Other urls found in this thread:


duh and or hello?
it's been like this for years

Why is every other post about fucking trans people it looks like a fucking obsession

Trannies make me physically sick.

why do they all have to wear dirty tennis shoes like that? like shit at least girly shoes or riding boots or something

because they are walking freakshows and I like laughing at em

Attached: gokudefault.jpg (480x360, 18K)

Fuck off with this transphobic shit.

>like it was last year
So you didn't watch it?

we need something to laugh at and trannies do the job

I'm excited for the GDQ ladies

Attached: dva.webm (1280x720, 707K)

>keeps 1TB folder of proto's bulge
>i-i swear i'm not masturbating to all of this!
>please believe me!

Dilate yourself.

weird projection m8


>please believe me!

I could care less about whatever dumb shit GDQ tries pushing. I am only looking forward to some silly shit zallard1's blindfolded punch out wii run and GDQ can't really get in his way.


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What will be Yea Forums's next obsession once trannies wear off? Cast your bets here. Fedoras, cucks and soi have all worn off by this point, so it could really be anything, especially now that NPC has worn off as an insult too due to overexposure.
Cast 'em, lads.


no straight man nor woman will fuck you traniel

jesus christ
if I woke up someday and had legs like that I'd kill myself lmao
God those proportions are fucking with me

Of course. It's GDQ you're talking about

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what does GDQ stand for again Yea Forums?

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It's not like all the trannies from last year have killed themselves yet, so I imagine yeah.

Yea Forums will stop caring about trannies when the 40% become 100%

Being a trannie is so 2015. Current year its all about being a system pastebin.com/6xUeU2rF

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just watch RRLAT or ESA instead, there are a lot of other great speedrunning events other than GDQ

t. tranny obsessed freaks.

>Frame Fatales
>A hyena


Attached: D4Nc8LhW4AInee4.png (780x459, 507K)

Gotta Dilate Quick



This. Making fun of tranny freaks on the internet is entertainment for me.

I don't get it. I've seen some genuinely girly males in my time, ones that before a second glance, do almost pass, even without necessarily intending to. Even with that aside, I've seen plenty of males with fairly feminine voices, vocal patterns, manners of speaking, etc.
But people like proto have nothing of the sort. Like, as weird as it sounds, I've seen some males with some really feminine legs in my time. But those legs are literally more masculine than most masculine men i've seen.
My point is, I feel like there's some weird compensation shit going on. Because its always the way more manly dudes who were rocking beards and shit in the leadup that seem to become diehard "transitioners".
The average gay male seems way more naturally girly. But these trannies are fucking manlier than I am.

Will my "girl" be there...

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>desperately clinging to a 'competition' with made up, ever changing rules to pretend that it's worth a damn and has any significance in the subculture of gaming
>it's a tranny fest.
Somehow it all adds up. The struggle to give their worthless life have any semblance of relevance. Both in hobby and lifestyle.

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>made up, ever changing rules
You mean like all competitive gaming?

because americans deserved to be mocked for allowing this

Because Yea Forums wants to be the little girl but is too scared to cock yeet

>desperately clinging to a 'competition' with made up, ever changing rules
This describes virtually every competitive activity known to mankind.

Same I get seasick even looking at them. I feel like Im looking at a picture of a moving virus thing that can morph into people. Like some kind of biological morph of flesh that emits a rotting sickness into the air around it. Im honestly quite afraid of them because of the diseases they carry.

>he thinks the rules in sports weren't made up
>he thinks that the rules in sports don't change
>muh real gaming

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the make up is kinda okay for a orc

monkey brains

the only part of gdq i even care about anymore is all the cringey retarded shit these socially inept assholes come up with

God Damn Queers

Have you checked the new anytime recently? Every other week trannies get into an uproar about something infentile and everyone caves to their desires. They deserve to be mocked.

if he has any dignity left, No

you sound pretty obsessed yourself, are you okay?

Gender Done Quick

How big is your proto bulge folder?

Yes. And what's sad is that the quality of the runs has decreased in general thanks to that, I wouldn't care if the trannies were good speedrunners.

Seriously, why a Hyena? It's so self-parody it's hilarious.
A cheetah would make sense, but that is definitely not on. Those spots are closer to the design of a Hyena's fur than a Cheetah's.

In a dress, and with appropriate padding, he could probably go stealth as an ugly fat woman. Would also make an excellent Matchmaker.

Attached: potatoindrag.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

That's identical to the walking animation in Skyrim.

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ask a tranny anything

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Almost forgot about this guy

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You guys cry every week about kids toys. They want to be treated like people. Who's the one who deserves to be mocked?

fuck i hope not, im not watching transition any% or wrong warp genders.

fuck that, its SUPPOSED to be about the GAMES, not the mentally ill faggots running them.

>cucks and soi have all worn off by this point

i wish.

Last GDQ didn't have trannies though

Threadly reminder that even liberal feminists are getting woke to the TQ.


Inb4 a tranny janny deletes this.

Is this achievable natty?

Gone Done Quackers

when do you plan on killing yourself?

You hate them because you hate yourself

Uh yeah that's not your voice, post your actual voice faggot I bet you have that forced "female" voice that all trannies have

Could have something to do with turning events about gaming or charity into soapboxes for malcontents and deviants and demanding recognition for their lifestyle choices as well as the privilege of being paid to exist.

Soi wore off because it was censored.

Yeah probably. Every game I speedrun now has at least 2 trannies, and I only run obscure shit. I'm sure it's only higher for games with an actual fanbase.


I'd rather fuck Pavel

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>tfw hate trannies because I never got to transition young
It's a hard life lads..

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seething faggot, go back to your containment board /lgbt/

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>I claim this convention in the name of Ken-Oh!

When's that sausage party going to happen?

That's a tranny? I was literally praising her for actually being decent at the games she does on her channel despite being a woman.

jfc if you're gonna transition at least fucking try. It sucks when these delusional blobs make trans-women look bad and worse yet when they're loud about being trans. I have trans friends that have been through a ton of bullshit only to have it invalidated by these victim-complex having, nightmare inducing slobs. ffs transitioning is more than just growing hair long, putting on makeup and dressing differently but god forbid you tell these train-wrecks they need to improve.

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If you can't stomach being an effeminate gay man, then you've probably just caught the poobrain from porn.

Stop it; get some help.

What were GDQ threads like before tranny shit happened?

What do you think?

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Your friends are the extreme minority. Most trannies can’t even get close to passing.

>at least fucking try

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it always cracks me up how it looks like he's leading all of those people into battle or something

>Cpp, where everyone has a pp

Because they insist on shoving themselves in front of the camera at an event that has nothing to do with trannies, while constantly reminding everyone that they are trannies and doxxing anyone who misgenders them.

>when you try to shitpost but prove them right

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>a bunch of whiteoids discussing diversity and inclusion

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Why is Ozzy Osbourne wearing stockings?

>Most MTF trannies can’t even get close to passing.

fixed. FTMs are usually fine passing.

Golem get ye gone.

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No one needs your validation to exist.


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Political action committees shitposting. Ignore all of it. Hiro is getting paid to allow it on Yea Forums.

without facial surgery, taking estrogen and starting early it's hard for anyone to pass.

don't forget the hands and shoulders

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reminder for all trannies

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Imagine the smell

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>1 non white guy in the back with a stonecold face and holding up a spoon

What did he mean by this?

I love how frogposters feel like this statistic is some kind of victory for them. The truth is that when transgendered people are in a supportive environment their suicide rate is the same as cis people's.

This right here is a tranny model.
You probably noticed that at first glance. Even if you hadn't, """her""" voice is absolutely manly and would ring your alarm.

That being said, not even a tranny model looks passable. What the fuck are these ogres at GDQ thinking?

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not an argument

Is it possible for a tranny to look good? All of them I've ever seen look like middle-aged men in dresses and wigs.

thats my actual voice what do you want me to say. your choice

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>only gets through each week because Heidi Dumb needs some justice points and brown noses the media
absolutely disgusting, I want cute, anorexic dumb girls, not this failed mess

Wh*te roasties look like this though.

>They want to be treated like people
Then maybe they should act like it instead of trying to live out their retarded fantasies.

When will the tranny bubble burst? I mean come on, everything comes to an end eventually.

the skeleton reveals all


reminder that I'm a girl with boobs

Attached: gdq_miles_claris_girl.jpg (1236x3228, 636K)

>tfw brown indian girl is the prettiest of those trashgirls

>the skeleton reveals all

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I saw some acceptable ones when I was in Thailand.

Yes it is, name me one other condition with that rate of suicides. go ahead I'll wait. These people are natures way of saying you are better off dead.

yes, but they're all non-white.

of course

Discord trannies? More like dead by forties!

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Soon. People are getting sick of their shit.

I really like Melissa Bonekinha.

this is shopped right

Its gonna be kinda sad when (if) these trannies start reaching their autumn years.
Tons of Alzheimer ridden oldsters gonna be wondering where their cock went and why they have weird tits.

Beat up a tranny today.

Is that matt Kroc?

Attached: download.jpg (299x168, 9K)

Prove it.

you want me to say 40% i can do that for you if you want

Yeah but they're not obnoxious about being a tranny and they make good content they're passionate about.

Because gdq is a modern freakshow

I don't hate trannies but I dislike people who defend trannies with faux science thinking every case of transgender people is gender dysphoria when it is not

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>trannies are destroying tomboys by convincing them that they're simply gender confused
>we will never get another Kittens

Attached: kittens.jpg (1600x1200, 297K)

what kind of life-long psychological pathology causes this behavior?

Reminder that GDQ created a whole other """""women's""""" speedrun event so the main GDQs wouldn't have to be tranny central anymore

it isnt
there is a webm of this

no transphone allowed

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>cis people
haha based post my dude but you better hurry or you'll miss your dilation schedule



>commissions Dross for channel art
you really should have known

>make "female" only event
>its exclusively males



Why is it speedrunning in particular with so many?

are you kidding? Thanks to trannies like 30% of zoomer girls are cutting their hair short and calling themselves soft bois

it is commonly accepted now that you do not need any type of dysphoria to be trans. anyone who defends them with that line is behind the times.

If you can't pass, why bother?

A while ago I realized that I wanted to CD/live as a grill, but I'm fucking swole and would come off as a creepy hon. So what did I do? Accepted the fact that God gave me a cock. If I can't pass - there's no point. It's not just about identity, it's about the look.

If you don't have the look, you're a dude.

If you have the look, you're a girl. Even if you're hiding a 9 inch meat monster.

Attached: be762858da19eb7b156ec84c5450731d--jay.jpg (440x560, 42K)

Absolute unit

The real sin right there

this webm always make me laugh uncontrollably

>Kittens probably fell for the "nonbinary" meme like every other short haired girl who wants to be special and uses they/them pronouns now
I'm kind of glad she disappeared before we saw her fall.

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Unironically impressed with the size of this lad

She's beautiful, would make a fine Husband!

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i've been treated far worse online from other trannies for not being the right kind of tranny than i ever have by my parents or anyone irl. this is bullshit, trannies are the worst kinds of catty toxic and passive agressive people. They literally phoned around my city at all the places i could have been working at looking for me just to try to out me as trans and get me fired for not being a communist

ask a girl anything

>cherry picking ogre American models

Go European and the trannies are better than American women.

Attached: emma lying down.webm (1280x720, 2.07M)

The same that turns girls into disney wedding sociopaths and churns out furries. The longer the generation has spent sitting in front of a screen being programmed the worse it is. You only really encounter this crap in decadent societies throughout history. When entertainment is the moral compass of a culture it's erosion is certain.

AGDQ backpedaled hard this year, but whether or not the trannies get relegated to SGDQ or abandon GDQ altogether is an unknown. Protomagicalgirl basically quit GDQ events and went on a rant meant to paint the event as becoming unfriendly to trannies, so it's possible the ripple effects might discourage other trannies from attending.

How big are your titties?

>who had received puberty suppression during adolescence
Pretty sure that's the big factor here, because that impacts how good you look.

post some of her naughty parts. This is a shit boring webm


>CD/live as a grill
Those are completely different things.
One is dressing as a woman and one is a mental illness.

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thats bullshit because trans people are literally killing themselves due to lack of validation

>Cis people

You mean normal people?

>Where's your evidence!
*gives peer reviewed studies*

Arguing with /pol/tards is fucking impossible.

>better than real women
Let’s not go that far

did this guy lift and roid for 10 years and THEN somehow decided he wanted to be a woman or is his build just naturally bulky?

Who paid you to fuck Dr Pavel?

post op tits or fuck off

i have a gf sorry im not posting tits but i can continue to prove the voice is mine if you want

Source: your ass

Still looks like a dude. Monstrous amount of makeup in the middle of his face.

What a fucking unit

prove him wrong

Why do Trannies have huge adams apples? Is it cause the truth that they'll never pass is hard to swallow?

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Nice excuse faggot

how did you train your voice to be that feminine?

i wasnt even the person you origonally replied to though, im not a poltard and you can even literally listen to my voice here Im telling you that in my experience i have been treated far worse by trannies than anyone irl, not that other people werent treated horribly irl by non supportive parents.

Your reading comprehension needs a lot of work but you should also work on passing better.

I'm scared...

Tbh, who cares. Post your opinion on GDQ.

Children who would grow up to be perfectly healthy gays end up being maimed by their parents for no reason.

The trans movement is another cruel form of gay conversion therapy and will be remembered for what it is, child abuse.

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i don’t care to dispute a negative

It's all a big ploy by the (((pharmaceutical companies))) in order to push pills and surgeries on people

oh no no no

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>tfw I've fucked and gotten fucked by trannies
>tfw I hate them and think they deserve to be treated worse than niggers

>If you have the look, you're a girl
Incorrect. They will always be males. Never ever entertain their delusions . They will always have XY chromosomes.
Kill yourself closet tranny fuck

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shes too cute to cheat on
i was planning on making a guide voice clip later today if you want it.
speedrunning has been ruined by rediculous trannies who inject their sjw politics into an event that has NOTHING TO DO WITH TRANNIES. Im sick of them, i just wanna watch people play games.


>cheat on
are you retarded?

Absolution status: Unit.

>user unaware of voice changing software

the wig always cracks me up

Attached: tranny_chad.jpg (652x700, 73K)


stop replying


Looks like a girl, sounds like a girl, acts like a girl - might as well call her a girl. What do I gain by insulting another human by going out of my way to call them a "he"?

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I say it every time I see this picture, this is literal obsession and there's no way that thinking like this all the time is mentally healthy.
To think these people could be getting real help...

>I just wanted everybody to know I was a sissy faggot and liked anal, why are they attacking me?!

sending nudes when you are in a relationship without their permission is cheating.
i hate twitter trannies.

Why do you gain from saying the sky is green?

>paint a dog turd to look like ice cream
>spray the dog turd with vanilla perfume
>it's ice cream, eat it up

Attached: all_the_boys_love_trannies.jpg (1000x850, 112K)

I don't hit women, I hit trans people.

Fuck, it's not even about passing, just look like you actually take care of yourself and arent using being trans as a band aid on top of a mountain of brain problems

not a fetish by the way

No, they look like a caricature of a girl, sound like a man with a falsetto, and acts in a way they think is a girl. The truth is not insulting.

Respect is earned, not given. Courtesy is given, but courtesy does not mean lying to yourself. If you demand respect then you deserve nothing but vitriol.

this isn't wrong, but posting bailey jay with this is retarded. she has the voice of a gay dude; anyone can tell.

So if I wear blackface and want to be called antiquated farm equipment does that make me as such?

Kill yourself leaf.

>needing therapy to coax you not into committing suicide

Friendly reminder that "gay tolerant" Greece would publicly ridicule bottoms over the age of 18.

Shes not even on estrogen, when that kicks in it will be perfect.

Attached: emma dancing.webm (640x360, 1.4M)

Don't give the closet tranny any more you's bros

wait how do you know im a leaf?

It's not feminine. The pelvic structure is completely wrong and lacks the characteristics you would find in girls in their early teens.

but bailey calls himself a guy, and says if you think he's hot you're gay

Because no sane person can just accept their abominable existence.

They would also call over 18 bottoms "stretched assholes"


>I feel like I'm trapped in the wrong body (even though gender is just a social construct, meaning I can simply decide to be whatever I want regardless of physiology)
>It is critically important that I "pass" as the opposite gender (even though looking "like a girl" is entirely based on societal norms I disagree with and stereotypes that I will ceaselessly argue are a bad thing which we need to stop reinforcing in children)
Trannies don't know what they want or what they believe. It is ultimately just a desperate need for attention mixed with general depression which is unfortunately widely misunderstood and exacerbated by a community of "support" which encourages you to go down a path you otherwise would never had considered or thought was a good idea if you hadn't seen all of the attention (both positive and negative) you can get for it on social media.

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Attached: tranny_im_the_cute_gamer_girl_now.jpg (880x907, 158K)

>not on hrt
>has tits

i don't believe you.


>Alright who's the grossest looking person here? Get them up front and center.

How big is your bulge trannykun?


shit do i really have an accent? well played my good sir

That's cute, he has imaginary friends

Laughing at trannies is more entertaining than watching an Ocarina of Time speedrun for the hundredth time where nobody involved is allowed to even make a joke anymore.

The entertainment value of the actual speedrunning tanked when they sucked the fun out of them since a couple years back and they do a bad job keeping the game selection fresh. It's all just the same rehashed runs with maybe some indie games nobody's actually played on the side. Repeated games could be fine if the runners were allowed to actually have fun while doing them but they're not anymore.

The tranny freakshow is honestly all that's worth watching for now just to see how bad the trainwreck is each time. The fucking picture of the balding tranny shopped to be Benjamin Franklin on a $100 bill is still the funniest shit to come out of GDQ in years.

Show bepis

Straight men now shape their eyebrows
Gay men have always plucked their eyebrows
Women have always plucked their eyebrows
But these people? They can't even be bothered to do that

because it is.

Where was this? Russia?

Giant Dilations for Queers

>more entertaining than watching an Ocarina of Time speedrun
but dude there's a new skip that saves 4 seconds

Attached: girl6.jpg (647x664, 37K)

it's almost like there's more than one of them and they have different opinions

>GDQ not til next month
>threads already being spammed about it
Textbook definition of rent free

>It's the same shit as before but this time we discovered a new technique that involves mashing pause for 8 minutes to save an extra fraction of a second at the very end of the game which we'll be lucky to reach because of constant technical issues almost invariably related to TASBot being a piece of shit

Either way it won't be that way. She'll just have to look like her identical twin brother in the back

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Accent, and I've seen you post the one voice clip before on a board with flags. You also said you were havin a female friend do them for you then though.

I just realized it looks like a fat Ben Shapiro

I was about to post this. I distinctly remember him saying that he doesn't give a shit about the whole identity/pronoun stuff. I mean he started off on fucking Yea Forums and doesn't get triggered by the word "trap" like the rest of the twitter trannies.

Bruh, look at these dudes.

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yeah because i wanted to see if it would get the retards who are so booty blasted about trannies to admit that my voice passes and they were just lying, and it worked.

>Supportive environment
>Needing a hugbox to keep from killing yourself

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that's fat and a corset

ayy what the fuck is wrong with white men lads?

what a coincidence

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Literally The Mountain

>Poster asks why there are so many posts about trans people and says it appears like an obsession
>Almost every subsequent reply affirms that it is an obsession
>Another poster points this out
>Continue to reply about your obsession
You guys are obsessed with trans people, you might as well just fuck one and get it out of your system.

This image still blows my mind. Mentally ill doesn't even begin to describe how un-self aware these creatures are.

Hold on a minute are you telling me identical twin where one transitions? There could be some actual science done with that but it would never happen.

>if every single person arounds them panders to their degenerate delusions then they wont commit suicide

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Because your here and we know it.

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We just want to have nice things they don't ruin...

>Being intentionally isolated from any and all even slightly negative influence, i.e. the real world, is being "supportive"

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>one is a mental illness.
user put down your mother's bra and panties, they're both part of the same mental illness

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can't wait for GDQ lads

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>They want to mutilate their genitals and persecute any heteronormative male that refuses to stick a dick in their infectious, puss dripping axe wound.
This is closer to the truth and you know it as well as I do.


Hormone seller I'm going on to stream and I require your strongest hormones.

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disgusting specimens

you mean like mri brain scans of trannies before they get on hormones to see what their brains look like? yeah, they already did that. lots of times.


> See Pee-Pee

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please fuck me

Attached: trapped.webm (638x460, 844K)

>that fucking filename

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Because they're autistic sexual fetishists who, like most shuti-ns, don't spend much time on preparing to go outside.

This user gets it.

>Sterk avatar
No wonder he's a cuck.

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Member this? So brave...

> cis


Out of her 26 tweets from this month of May, 20 were about her being a tranny or a """"girl""" as she would say. We are only on day 3.

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No one cares about gdq except for normies who just got on the train and corporate bugmen now

How do I achieve this mode?

nobody wants to fuck you tranny, you're just really funny to look at

Guys, Don't Queef

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> Mutilate body
> oh wow, the people who got roped into it now suffer from sunken cost fallacy, who would've thought.

fuck trannies

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That's a big guy.

I just read this
Honestly it made me feel really sad
This is what people are being pushed into. It's destroying them and everyone who (actually) loves them. And these people who push "trans rights" brand anyone who speaks out against it as evil. What an awful world when the only thing we can do is laugh at our own destruction, as we do every day in these tranny threads.


not a fetish by the way

Mike Uyama and GDQ as a whole sucked this pathetic fucker's pseudo-clit so much, practically making him the face of GDQ, and he STILL bitched about how non-inclusive the event was.
Nobody fucking does that if they actually cared about the event and not themselves, they'd just take it to the staff and not their personal Twitter.
Spike, Golden, Blechy, and anyone else don't shit all over the event that brings attention toward their own Twitch channel, or are possibly even paid to be there.

Fair enough I guess, just don't get mad at me for calling you a tranny next time when you've said you are.

Who the hell brings their entire laptop to a GDQ?


in awe at the size of this lad

Worry about your own life and stop stalking these people. God forbid someone is happy about who they are and wants to express that.

>paying a guy thousands of dollars to convince you not to commit suicide drops your chance of suicide from 8 times more likely to 4 times more likely


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this is the true crime so many girls i knew who were just tomboys now auto think there lesbian

GDQ oldfags, what was old GDQ like?

So the question is what is the selective pressure we have introduced into the environment to cause such abnormalities to explode at the rate it is. Could it have something to do with the chemicals we pour into the environment causing similar abnormalities in other animals? Can you accept that humans are animals as well and subject to the same types of abnormalities. If you are aware of that why would you encourage people to engage in destructive behaviors that are a result of environmental pressures.

>Son of Bob Ross

Attached: Joyofkilling[1].png (319x269, 101K)

Estradiol + speedrunning megaman all day everyday.

Show the fucking penis.

Who said I'm trans? I'm just a normal dude, I just think it's really funny to laugh at you morons that are obsessed with trans people and can't help but insert your thoughts about them into every single post, even when nobody is talking about them.

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>When you love Fallout so much that you date a super mutant.
The comments

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But they shouldn't be supported. They should be corrected. Indulging in their madness is not helping either them or society around them.

I met and made friends with a transgender person a year before he decided to get the surgery. The more I got to know him the bigger of a basket case I found out he was. I eventually stopped contacting him, not because he was a tranny, since I didn't really care, but he was just mental and unpleasant in general. He just reinforced all the shit I'd heard about trannies being nuts.



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does a bear shit in the woods?

wtf there's trannies on Yea Forums?

imo trannies basically just have fucked up intersex brains that think they are the wrong gender, which is why they get dysphoria. its probably caused by hormones in the water/food we consume

Where do you think you are troon?

I started watching in 2013. There were annoying and cancerous runners then too, just not quite as bad I guess.

Gotta clean the gene pool up somehow.

That's extremely wrong and you know it lol
I've known several "trannies" who were in extremely supportive environments who killed themselves or transitioned back to their original gender. The human body's not meant to flip flop genders.

holy shit

Attached: FUCK.gif (382x308, 1.47M)

the dude on the left looks like he is in great pain

god what a fucking unit

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Bigger screen so the likes on your endless stream of tranny selfies show up clearer

yeah you're definitely normal. lol

I keep screaming but God doesn't hear me

Last year it really wasn't a tranny fest though, at least not the summer one.

Don't they know Mother's Day is about mothers and not about """"women"""" in general?

this kind of research is selective; brains of gay people also resemble the brains of the opposite sex.

>But your fetish on blast for everyone to hear
>"Stop worrying about my life!"

If you don't want people to judge your sick fetishes, keep them in the bedroom.


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did they have a dilation station? no? then it's not fucking inclusive is it, bigot


Imagine being 40 and coming home for Christmas to your old-ass father with a wig and make-up on.


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Probably equates owning a cat to motherhood. To be fair, plenty of delusional real women do this too.

Look, I'm not against trans people or gays or infidels, I'm really not, I just can't tolerate them being visible or making themselves heard in public, but they're totally fine as long as they keep to their private quarters. This does not detract the slightest from my undconditional support of democracy, human rights, and freedom of expression.

t. /poI/SIS

Is mass brainwashing and chemical castration a form of cleaning?

Imagine this monstrosity demanding for rights and respect

it was more the lads amity back then.
horrendous goofballs coming together wasting time and raising money.
now it's this pile of executive negativity Don't say X! Ban Y! no toilet policing!

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God has abandoned us.

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This. Trannies are lolcows

dude whut

Even worse, maybe it's somebody's damaged dad who went tranny, so he thinks Mother's Day is his new holiday.

based Rmac524

>that long neck
>that alien face


Ben Franklin Any %

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>this is what trannies and fags ACTUALLY believe

Don't bundle us gays with those mentally ill freaks you call trans """""""people"""""".


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I don't understand how or why there could ever be a "supportive environment" for a mental illness that leads to self-disfiguration. No good doctor or psychologist would ever say that the way to deal with something inherently self-destructive is to embrace it. And these people are destroying themselves instead of dealing with how they were born.

She man and the trannies of the universe was the beginning of the end, I think. They can't survive in a world where a meme like that explodes like it did.

Come on now, are you really going to use the fact that little kids aren't miserable as proof that by many years into adulthood many trannies don't kill themselves and suffer greatly?
It'll take 10-20 years before we actually see the results of early transitioning in children, given how new many of these things are.

wow, you DEFINITELY pass.

Jesus fuck, can you imagine trying to pass as a woman when you can't even pass as a fucking human?

>i am now the girl i always wanted to date

This says so much about why these idiots want to be the girl.

Self improvement should be easier than transitioning into an abomination.

The classic.

Have sex

this poor woman is suffering from male pattern baldness

not enough porn of it though plus most of the porn is the hardcore FTM faggots who look straight up like dudes

Much more fun, at most it was just shittalking the staff for being nofunallowed.

I bet comments are full of cheering for this monster.

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And? If I got close to it, close enough to be intimate it would not have the pheromones a woman produces. It still has beans and and a frank. Post OP it's a vile putrid never healing wound. All it has is a forced voice and a hope it will find something as perverse as itself before pattern baldness and a post 30 metabolism reveal it's true nature.

Huh mentally ill people are killing themselves how odd

>trans WITH made up bullshit

Needs to do some squats and that bottom half of the body, combined with the petite upper body will make a great combination.

i'd say people sending in depressing life stories as donations are more annoying then the trannies. Only by a bit seeing as the tranny shit is more behind the scenes


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Delusional mentally ill 'people.'

Hormone pills should be illegal.

the left can't meme

it'll also be filled with people who avatarfag with impunity

Honestly, seeing these crazies is kind of cool. Like we're living in a movie world, with unbelievable shit.

I will for as long as you trigger me equally.

whatever man she's already fucking chad


I think chads know more about this than you do.

When in doubt, inspect their hands.

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nose pickers

>desperately clinging to a 'competition' with made up, ever changing rules to pretend that it's worth a damn and has any significance in the subculture of gaming
This. I've never understood the appeal of speedrunning anymore. So many different rulesets and different categories for world records. Ambigious lines between min/maxing the time, abusing bugs and outright injecting codes, modified hardware, etc.

I understand the technical skill and absurd time amount of time these people put behind it and not bashing it, but if you're going to autistically play one game for so long just to be a second faster than somebody else in a forever changing ruleset leading more towards outright exploiting, why not just pick up a competitive multiplayer game?

I don't really watch either, but e-sports seem more sane and definitely more controlled than speedrunning.

Or at least establish what should be the nearly official ruleset of this shit. It's like powerlifting, there has always been countless federations and rulesets making it convoluted and nearly impossible to export to the olympics, but the past few years they have made one ruleset (raw unequipped) the unofficial-official league of the sport, homogenizing the sport and increasing the caliber of competition.

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Downsyndrome bill hader

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>Cute animu profile and ugly reality

like bread and butter.

knowing that a thousands of people feel sorry for me, regardless of the fact that they don't know me personally, makes me feel better


You will never be a woman

>nerd girl

All I see is a nerd.

what if the index and ring finger are the same size?

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I don't envy them user and I do prefer they find partners because they have come to a genetic dead end and i'm alright with that.

that's what I needed to know. Thanks, you will save my life from the tranny horror.

post more, good laugh

That Pajeet can shit in my street any time

Attached: Beavis and Butt-Head - S02E21 - No Laughing.mkv_snapshot_14.46_[2019.05.01_20.57.12].jpg (656x432, 62K)

>Got somewhat depressed during college for a lot of reasons
>Started falling for the maybe I'm a girl trap
>Spent about a month thinking about what it would be like to be trans (this was all before it became trendy online), going about my daily routine just imagining it but otherwise not acting or doing anything differently
>Without anyone convincing me this was my destiny and I should embrace it and don't listen to the haters, I eventually got bored of the idea and realized it was stupid
>Still kind of depressed for a while but got it treated properly instead of taking a one way trip down loony lane
For sure if this part of my life happened within the past couple of years, I'd be full tranny on my way to suicide. Social media is an absolute blight on humanity.

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>tfw manly hairy man
>tfw have tiny woman hands
It's not fucking fair.

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>i'm a girl because i copy the dress, mannerisms and vocal synchronizes of the average US reality show, TMZ-appearing whore

I would also like to know

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They can provide their genetic material, combine it with their partners, find a surrogate mother and birth a child that way. Science has come along way, and biological bigotry has been defeated.

Glad you didn't do it my dude.

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im a tranny and i have the F one. this is dumb

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Apparently the majority of mentally ill trannies are MTF...

I can't remember a FTM tranny showing up at GDQ. Do you think that's because of the gaming scene or are Men just gradually turning into the weaker sex?

you gain the knowledge that a dangerous storm is not far behind.

Yea Forums is an even bigger embarrassment than Kiwifarms.

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>You kinda look like Helena Bonham Carter

Attached: tumblr_m7i9yt5GkK1qko769o1_500.gif (500x433, 999K)

You can see the bias when the abstract and data sections paint such a different picture

This kills the ugly trannies

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>Moving in soon
Da Fuck?

basically all speedrunners are autistic males. for whatever reason there's a huge correlation between autism and being a tranny

It's because male faggots are worse than women because they have this misconception that straight men will treat them like women when they grow out their hair.

Call it whatever you want user. Man has not surmounted nature and never will. Through our own machinations or that of nature the reset button is getting pushed and their won't be time for pronouns and dealing with the results of toxic avenger trannies. They only exist because of man's mistakes and won't survive nature without a welfare system.

Picture this every time you see Astolfo or that cat faggot posted here

I fully understand the notion that the ones convincing trannies not to go through with it are the only ones actually looking out for them. I have nothing but resentment for "support groups" whose preferred form of virtue signaling is enabling unhealthy behavior. Encouraging someone to transition is just telling them to kill themselves slowly.

It can't be mentally healthy for these people to think and obsess about transsexuals constantly.

Moving in for the family to kill him. I hope.


Just remember:

Depression can be cured. Cutting your dick off can't.

>plastic sugery
you can tell a man made this post because of how easily they are fooled

God I hope so, this shit is comedy gold.

It's a fetish.

too much makeup tho...

>you kinda look like Helena Bonham Carter

That's not even a compliment

How many terabytes is your proto bulge folder?

pls give me anri

Why do you let trannys live rent-free in your mind?

stop projecting

>lot of white men and brown cuties
>lots of fat mutts and trannies
Really makes me think.

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Trains is hard job.


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You wouldn't look so pathetic if you just admitted you have an obsession.

Do you think Elajjaz has seen pussy since Maral left him?

It means you are turbo gay for massive dicks.

Ah, the death wail of the sore loser. Feels good to win.

Excuse me?

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>Yea Forums: I hate trannies
You people need to be gassed.

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Who's the girl on the right?

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GDQ is so sterilized that there's nothing left to laugh at but the autogynephiles.


Post more cute asian girls doing cute things.

why are you in this thread with all these people

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Maral always looks like she is in heat.
Isn't he fucking one of the other girl at the event?
Psychobunny but goes by a new name now I think.

Attached: sloot.jpg (2048x1536, 265K)

>Yea Forums is one person
>Yea Forums has only one homogeneous community in it

man, ozzy really let himself go

>thread is still alive
>will hit post limit

like clockwork

have sex

>This picture will cause some tranny somewhere to take a metalworking file to their fingertips

Fucking based as fuck

123456789 GET AAAAAA

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what comes first agdq or the tranny parade thing?

anybody else peepee curve?

Because they demand we respect them and treat them with dignity, while flagrantly treating us with disrespect with slurs like incel and telling us we don't own gaming-culture even though we were its founders.

Give respect, get respect, it's that simple.
They want the get without the give, and therein lies the hypocrisy.

Sayvi is pure btw

When you consider the fact that the trannies themselves make these threads then the whole thing becomes one giganting meta attention whoring attempt from them

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Who's the girl on the right

>tfw you're a genuine male with no body-related mental illnesses and you know you'll never be that hench
Dude is a beefcake. Wish I looked like that.

>This describes virtually every competitive activity known to mankind.

Rules for most major sport are unchanged for ages. An Eagle in Golf has hardly if ever changed. New rules for Chess are unheard of unless to create an entirely different game type.

Most rules for speed runners are just totally arbitrary depending on making certain acts legal or not.

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why do these girls look like young mexican guys in wigs?

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>zoomers think they founded gaming culture

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>tfw no tranny gf that gets off on being insulted

The two trans individuals I know are both FTM and I think it has something to do with them both being originally female but both are extremely passing. Yeah, they have feminine faces and a higher pitched voices but they actually TRY. The one even started growing in facial hair as a part of the transitioning.

I think the issue is that there are so many MTF (there's about 3 for every 1 FTM from what I understand) that I think a lot of them validate just not trying at all to make themselves look feminine. I think they're with each other so much that they fail often times to understand how to actually be a woman. Pluck your eyebrows, shave yourself, ETC. Long hair and purple and pink t-shirts do not make you a woman.

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A supportive environment that hides what a nightmare their life will be having to shove a metal rod up their gaping crotch wound to stop the body from trying to heal itself as well as scraping out the ball of dried puss and hair every couple days, living what's left of your life one day at a time because realizing the scope of what you've done to yourself makes not blowing your brains out a chore.

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I miss comfy old DS3 speedrunning days, why is she playing CSGO now? I fucking hate esports meme

I'm a GIRL with BOOBS

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I remember there was that short stint where some sweet honeys came to GDQ, but then all the incels scared em off so it's a bunch of smelly nerds and trannies now.

>but let me post the 23984723984th tranny thread of the day on Yea Forums haha
you're even worse than trannies

Attached: 1553888094227.gif (192x192, 1.3M)

>Rules for most major sport are unchanged for ages
Like most speedruns.
>New rules for Chess are unheard of unless to create an entirely different game type.
Yep, speedrunning categories work like that too.
>Most rules for speed runners are just totally arbitrary
No they aren't. Are you just pretending to be retarded?

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tranny detected

Every fucking time I wander around town just to kill some time I see that shit. Makes me so glad women my age still have their hair long and act girly.

haha GOTTEM!

>supportive environment

Nonstop lying and pretending near a tranny that they're a true "woman" after surgeries and HRT doesn't change it into a fact and eventually said trannies realize this themselves

Hate? Trannies are a riot.

I find these trannies pathetic but I also find annoying incels pathetic as well
this thread is probably 80% american

These threads are had for the same reason LOL threads are, for the humor and laughing at jackasses.

Needs to be edited into the Oblivion face creator

Attached: god.gif (300x169, 863K)

Charice a cute! CUTE

Attached: charice.jpg (960x1200, 197K)

>i'm taking my life
>one day at a time
>but im one fret away from blowing my head off
what a rollercoasterride

cute girls are cute regardless of their hair length, and no matter what they call themselves they still fuck handsome straight white men, so whatever.

For guys who are disgusted with trannies. You guys sure are obsessed about them.
Really makes you think

why would you hate free entertainment

>Rules for most major sport are unchanged for ages.
Name 5 rules for any major speedgame that have been changed in the last 5 years.

Am I lost?
where is the speedrunning/videogames in this here thread.

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It's easy to see why these people have become mentally insane. They hide behind anime for 2 reasons - one, the simplistic art style hides many of the nuances on the face that differentiates men and women, and two, anime presents a world that may not be perfect, but desirable. These people hide behind anime because it is a projection of a world they truly want to live in. The only problem is that anime cannot be emulated in real life, the characters aren't real, the appearances aren't real, and the protagonist is not real.
The pursuit of the impossible leads to insanity, and it looks like these folks have already gone beyond that point.

the sad part is the only man who will want you needs to be fooled...

this is a kino image, but there needs to be an addition that shows the passage of time and that he's been doing this for literal YEARS.

>everything comes to an end eventually
Give it about 10 years for them to hit their thirties and realize what a mistake their entire existence is.

>can't get gf
>become gf instead

Looking forward to some more quality GDQ threads and streaming this year, Yea Forums.

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>average south mexican goblin streetwalker takes a selfie before application of makeup

I don't see any tranny presence until you guys start spamming these kind of threads

so shitposting retards

Both are bad but trannies are worse.
Obsession > being mentally ill and mutilating own body while being encouraged to do so by the media

Holy fuck. No joking here, that's probably the saddest thing I'll read in a long time.

>I swear I don't have a tranny fetish
>please believe me!

In a way I kinda feel sympathy for them because they are gravely mentally ill and being taken advantage of by greedy, heartless people but all that sympathy goes away seeing just how fucking vile these trannies are.

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>start as goons and wind up as weird twitter
>brigade places for years while using social pressure to convince people they are traps
>do it so long that you believe what you're doing and are surrounded by trannies
>seethe when it goes rogue in the wild

You're in the "men feel threatened by other men who wear dresses" thread.

I mean, he's right in that passing isn't the same as being a desirable female, but he's also completely delusional about his own circumstances.

>the left 15-20 years ago
You're beautiful just the way you are.
>the left now

no one actually cares about speedrunning its all about the cringe memes for my compilation

go back to r*ddit if you dislike shitposting

I want to see what it looks like naked.

based unitbro

>the look-at-all-the-trannies-at-GDQ community is bigger than the GDQ community

Attached: 8v0.jpg (720x480, 163K)

Because trannies are one of millions of things that live in /pol/'s head rent free.


more like you're also obsessed with trannies
stop spamming these mentally ill people in the videogame board you fucking teenagers

literally the redditest post I've seen today

i have a gf, sorry not sorry.

they totally fuck.

nobody is attracted to you fred, no matter how many times you make that exact same post



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*medically necessary surgery

I feel bad for kids that were just born in the past 10 years and are helpless to rid of these inappropriate people invading their lives

How can you eat and watch at trannies at the same time?

And still doing it to this day.

yeah, you would know about reddit wouldn't you. called it.

>i'm not obsessed with trannies!
>i swear!!!
>please believe me!

Attached: 153101143204707.jpg (601x508, 31K)


>Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me.
Got it, Bill.

I pity middle zoomers.
t. early zoomer

I just learned what a terf is. I love seeing various factions of the progressive left tear each other apart.

>*medically necessary surgery
these wounds they will not heeeAAAALLL

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You're like the little boy on the playground who pretends to hate the cute girl but secretly loves her.


is there fucking chicken on that pizza? absolutely fucking degenerate

christ I need to md5 filter this.

*medically necessary suicide

The slaaneshi horde boss fight is looking good

Trannies are a joke. Just laugh along at the cosmic comedy. It won't last forever.

I'm unironically ok with being obsessed with something, at least i'm not mentally ill, black, gay or a woman


what is a terf?

>Just talk about the shitty speedrunning and not the modern day Victorian freak show being streamed live to right fucking now!

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