Who've you been mainin' Yea Forums?

Who've you been mainin' Yea Forums?
For me it's Raiden.

Did you use the head & amulet exploits b4 they patched them?

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Been playing Boon Tobias.

Been fucking with Kung Lao and Shao Kahn a bit.


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Sub Zero, the true man's not-a-ninja though he dresses like one.

The Lin Kuei are ninjas though.

No one. Letting the AI play Noob for me.


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Bi-Han throws a hissyfit at Quan-Chi in mythologies stating that he's a way cooler Lin-Kuei and not a ninja like dummy poop Scorpion.

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Shaolin Bois.
Too bad I haven't taken the time to learn combos and shit because I've been too busy with the SP stuff

Same here man. Been maining him since day 1.

What's wrong with him?

I managed to get all the head chests unlocked before the patch

Most of the skins suck, but the intros are pretty neat

Too ugly to live

I can see that.

Brap Goddess Gassie Cage
Chad Lao is my secondary
Jax is third

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Me too.


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How the fuck do you give someone mercy, some cunt mercy, d me after beating me and it brought me back but I didnt even fucking know then got wrecked a 3rd time, like how the fuck, is there other stuff like babality or some shit hidden?


Shao Kahn, Liu Kang and I'm torn between learning Geras or Cassie for my thrid

Actually it's sub zero in his ressurected form :')

Hold your stance switch button at mid range then press down 3 times then release the button and you'll mercy. It's literally only for bm

Mercy is the only secret like that.
It's hold stance switch (LT/L2) then press down,down,down and release (LT/L2) you get extra hearts for showing Mercy. It's also disrespect.

Nope, it's the original sub-zero

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Rate me Yea Forums:
Erron Black


Future interest:
Sub Zero

Mastered but not a main:

You get extra hearts if you do a Mercy + Fatality/Brutality.

Reg. Fatality is 3 hearts
Reg. Brutality is 5 hearts
Mercy + Fatality is 6 hearts
Mercy + Brutality is 8 hearts

Hearts are used to access certain Character Towers or used on Shao Khan and Scorpion Chests in the Krypyt for best augments/gear/outfits

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Baraka has no way to effectively beat zoner fags.

fuck this meta, might as well play cancer myself

>Did you use the head & amulet exploits b4 they patched them?
Did it already get patched out?

Literally this morning.

Which is when I would play scorpion, but zoner fags are retarded and with half a brain you can get in on them.

nice, I got it done last night

Am I the only shitter that uses ai to cheese towers?
I've played maybe 100 matches as myself.
Over 3,000 as ai.

Yeah, it would take months to do it naturally or weeks if you did it grinding. Fuck that, nothing in those chests were worth the grind. It's not even the best gear. Fuck that.

>Jade has one midscreen combo
>but it's super telegraphed and can be interrupted by anything
>her corner combos have insane timing

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>playing jade
they really put minimum effort into making her fun or interesting at all. she looks cool but thats about it

All her cool stuff isn't in tournament variations.

Jade doesn't need combos to win. She has insane pokes and decent zoning.
If you want to win just poke them out and only combo as a punish.

If you would rather combo people out try Raiden, Geras, D'Vorah or Kung Lao

Is this game good fun for Fighting game noobs?
I tried getting into Tekken 7, and while I found some success I never got out of 3rd Dan, Apparently there are a lot of smurfs who're are really good at the game that make it hard for new players.

How do you boys feel about Kabal? I’ve been having a ton of fun with him recently

Whoever said this game was going to be neutral based is a god damn liar.

It is either advancing safe strings, full screen moves that get you in or opposite sides of the screen zoning. This game is not won in neutral, it is won by getting in and having basic mix ups. Just look at the top tier and you see they are all about that.

>Is this game good fun for Fighting game noobs?
Yeah probably. It is a pretty straight forward game

Some characters rely on neutral, but others can just use their bullshit for advantage like Erron, Scoprion, and Geras.

I opened all of the head chests but had to head back to work after. When I got home it was patched; wish I also got that river amulet too

Yes, Mortal Kombat is and always has been pretty easy to get into. And 11's tutorials are very detailed and probably the best in any game ever. If you go to ranked you will likely get shit on. But kasual is fun, and Mortal Kombat's single player modes are very fun.

>Some characters rely on neutral
I don't see it. Everyone relies on the strings that gets them in, pretty much everyone has a fuck the neutral move and if they are lucky a teleport. The main difference from past MK games is the lack of armored moves, but you still use all the stuff in a similar way. Your objective is always get in and pressure outside of maybe Cetrion. If your character can't do that it just means they are bad.

One thing I'll give the game is that whiff punishing is pretty easy

Is anyone else guilty of actually enjoying the mobile game, lol?

Legit only downloaded to get Kronika's voice as announcer. But, it's a fun time waster. I'll play it while taking dump or letting my ai grind the Towers for me.

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it was fun to unlock everything cross-platform on MKX release, but that's about it, after that it becomes too grindy and pay to win, and the "PVP" is garbage, the gameplay is neat for a few hours, but gets tiring really fast

mobile gaming is a mistake, I'm glad I have my hacked N3DSXL

I agree. I meant in relative terms to other mobile trash. There are no mobile games that are great or anything. But in comparison. MK mobile is at least not complete trash. Like I said, it's a good time waster.
I'm level 33 and starting to reach that wall where you have to pay to progress at this point. But for about 25 to 30 levels it was actually possible to compete/progress without a dime.

Dataminers found code for the Living Forest and a teleporter to and from it. Has anyone found it in the Krypt yet?

I think it's going to be a Krypt expansion for DLC characters chests and shit. There is also code for a bury mechanic in the Living Forest that lets you bury your gear to make it stronger. I'm guessing this is how you unlock the third augment slot. But other players can steal it if they find it.

Been learning on Geras first, switched to Raiden yesterday, next Kung Lao or Kabal. I almost feel a bit dirty wiping dudes with geras who have like 10 games played, and I'm trash myself

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>I meant in relative terms to other mobile trash.
Oh yeah, definetly.

> starting to reach that wall where you have to pay to progress at this point.
Download Injustice 2 mobile and do the daily chores until you can get Armored Aquaman, his special 1 does DoT (which can't be blocked) and drains meters, invest all you can to get him as strong as possible. You can, for the most part, clear almost any enemy using him because of his special 1. Maybe it was his special 2, I'm not sure, but still.

Geras is absolutely fraudulent, but I wouldn't mind it so much his design wasn't so boring.

Ive been maining Zero Suit Samus. That said I aint a fag that plays second place fighting games. Hold this L homo.

Eh I like his design but the outfits seem really boring and samey, and not only his

But you play a kid's party game, user.

If you said Zangief orJin I'd still disagree with your taste but Smash is not and never will be a fighting game, much less a competitive fighting game. EVO uses you basement dwelling Nintendo party game autists to boost ticket sales and attendance numbers. You know it, I know it, we all know it. If you have to disable 90% of your game and the only way to win is a ring out, you aren't playing a fighting game.

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>When the current highest streamer for this game is DSP with a rocking 1K viewers
top kekerino

>Smash is not and never will be a fighting game,
you're wrong, because it is a fighting game, even if the mechanics are less aligned to Street Fighter than the other fighting games

> much less a competitive fighting game
why? because you're bad at it? poor babby

>tfw Raiden's default design is so good looking that there's literally no point to any other costume for him aside from MK1 Raiden
I suppose it's not a bad thing, but damn. They should have thrown in an outfit with the 3D era cape just to shake things up visually.

But it's sajam

I'm actually not using his default. I'm using one with blue under suit and white sash. I a!so have his lightbulb hat. His default is great though.

Scorpion's best is his default though. Even elder skins are shit. One of his elder skins is literally purple. I would have preferred not giving color swaps. If you have a red Sub Zero or purple Scorpion online I want to hurt you. If I saw you in person I'd fight for real.

>because it is a fighting game
No it's not.

>back in hs ages ago
>decide to use my lunch to go play with the nerds who play whatever that gamecube smash game was because why not
>one of the guys takes the game super seriously
>I meanwhile have never played a gamecube and haven't played smash since the n64
>completely body everyone over and over
This is not possible in a real fighting game

My nigga

you proud playing OP shit?
bet you think you have skill

Bitter much?

Kano Variation 2 for me

His buff to Kano ball makes it go through projectiles. It’s really good.

Literally scorpion.

I only labbed him because PC was behind in framedata and he wasn't changed much between patches.

I actually intended to main shao kahn, but i like playing scorpion a ton now, plus i read that shao is in a terrible spot with his competitive variations being garbage.

>No it's not.
Yes it is.

Your example is garbage, not only because it's anedoctal evidence at best, but also because Justin Wong got absolutely destroyed when he tried to play Smash when he was really casual.
Keep in mind that Justin Wong is one of the best fighting game players in the world (being relevant in the competitive scene for multiple fighting games, live, on EVO no less), before you start running your mouth again.

I feel like they fucked up kitana in this game so I'm gonna have to find a new main. I might pick Frost.

I've been playing it for over a year, now. I have almost every card.

>but also because Justin Wong got absolutely destroyed when he tried to play Smash when he was really casual.
Yeah no shit, Justin Wong is good at FIGHTING GAMES and has proven that he can compete in multiple games in the genre, you admit this yourself

>Keep in mind that Justin Wong is one of the best fighting game players in the world (being relevant in the competitive scene for multiple fighting games, live, on EVO no less)

Smash isn't a fighting game, why would you expect a pro fighting game player to compete with serious players of a non fighting game. That's like saying that sprinting is a contact sport because the best sprinters out there beat a random TE in a sprint, it makes no sense and is not an argument.