MK11 Mortal Kombat Games as a Service

>Some full-time employees were allegedly part of cliques at NetherRealm and they would sometimes mock contractors behind their backs. "They were called nicknames behind their backs and they were very inappropriate, especially for women. A lot of the nicknames for women were really perverted and disgusting." Other sources say they've only heard of the nicknames second hand.
>The desperation to earn a full-time position at NetherRealm, essentially a protected status, was repeatedly dangled in front of young, hungry developers. Leads would tell contractors of openings at NetherRealm "in the 'near future' and to 'keep working, you're doing great!'"
>"We all had hopes of getting hired after our contract were up," said another former contractor. "Spoilers: none of us got hired immediately after our contracts were up."
>"I worked about 220-plus hours during a month last year, back-to-back-to-back weeks of overtime," said one source. "[Everyone] knew it'd come again for updates and DLC, it was almost endless."

Yea Forums devs pour blood sweat and tears for your entertainment. Why don't you care?

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Other urls found in this thread: %1$s&share=

americans are pathetic

Imagine thinking about a pathetic person daily without provocation

i dont give a fuck

Imagine getting a straight-forward answer and feeling offended so you proceed to shitpost

>company is shitty to employees
>lol all Americans in existence are pathetic
>not a shitpost
What -stan country are you from?

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Why don't Americans sue the media for deformation anymore?

We literally had this same thread yesterday and was answered already, someones got a screencap even.

>company is shitty to employees
and they just take it up the ass
where else is this sort of mentally unhealthy behavior considered '''normal'''? Not a lot of places as far as I know

i wonder if the vidya industry will crash not because of sales but because of middle management incompetence

god i feel lucky to have a boss that is both extremely competent and appreciates me. never jumps down throat or micromanages me.

The entire world? How sheltered are you?

I hate all the whining of poor people working a couple more hours on a computer lile game devs or cgi movie monkeys

You knew that was the standard when you started studying it, it's been common knowledge for years.

Try some physical labor then lets hear how hard your clicking and typing is

>considered normal
it's normal to be abused with overtimes constantly and then essentially get fucked in the end, all the while suffering ill treatment from coworkers?
Good lord, I feel sorry for you

>making fun of women
Is this supposed to make me hate NRS?

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It won't crash because smartphones

Its supposed to make you click on the article

>220 hours
fucking limp wristed amateurs lmao get a real job you worthless faggots stop making shitty videogames

>I'm mad this sexist company that forces people to do 200 hour shifts won't give me a full time job
I should feel sad for these people why

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Bait and fake

unironically this
zoomers are ruining that entire field because they're so gullible, soulless and practically begging to get used and abused

Yes lmao have you stepped outside of your cardboard box lately? I'm not condoning it or saying it's good but when there's still sweatshops in China, Somalis dying by the hundreds in small skiffs to escape their country's conditions, European countries dealing with old technology and cramped workspaces, and Russians constantly dying to industrial accidents, then it is indeed normal.

>>Some full-time employees were allegedly part of cliques at NetherRealm and they would sometimes mock contractors behind their backs. "They were called nicknames behind their backs and they were very inappropriate, especially for women. A lot of the nicknames for women were really perverted and disgusting." Other sources say they've only heard of the nicknames second hand.
i guarantee the ones making fun of them were women
women fucking hate other women and they always form cliques to shit on other women

I used to hate NRS for not treating women in vidyas as sex objects, but now I like them for treating actual women as slaves

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>>"I worked about 220-plus hours during a month
that's 7 hours per day
10 hours if you only work 5 days a week
boo hoo

Not sure what the fuck happened to that link so here's a giant one instead %1$s&share=

>Treat actual women like shit
>Try to be a feminist ally by covering up the virtual women

Attached: [Muffled Eurobeat 2].png (704x480, 293K)

>Yes lmao have you stepped outside of your cardboard box lately?
yea I have
>3rd world shitholes as argument
alright this one is my fault because I never specified a region, so let's focus on the western world
I know from experience that people (not americans ofcourse) aren't generally willing to deal with a lot of bullshit such as poor management and overtime (that's result of shit management among other things) and are even willing to quit the jobs in bulk to prove their point
your link doesn't even cover the things we're discussing (or which I thought we were discussing) which is mostly overtime (slavery) and mobbing

These faggots have jobs most people dream about having but we should still feel bad for them

How about feeling bad for people with actually shitty jobs who are more than 0.00000001% of the population

Even when they are victims they are elitists

>"I worked about 220-plus hours during a month last year, back-to-back-to-back weeks of overtime," said one source. "[Everyone] knew it'd come again for updates and DLC, it was almost endless."
Well a normal work month is like 180 hours at 40 hours a week (4 1/2 weeks in a month).
So this soul crushing amount of overtime is like the normal work week for most professional level salaried positions (finance, medicine, engineering, etc).

Also only absolute bottom of the barrel tards to video game contract work. You're literally accepting half the pay that more skilled people make with the same tenure.

>#coders are 0.00000001% of the population

How on earth do you get crunch time when developing FIGHTING GAMES? They're not AAA open world action RPG. Is it just mismanagement?

>I used to hate NRS for not treating women in vidyas as sex objects

>nrs games

they have men and men with boobs.

i STILL don't give a fuck.

Fucking this. I've busted my ass in a warehouse for likely half of what those fuckers earned.

As far as I can tell anyone with a shitty job is a fuckstick who does nothing but talk about how they have a REAL JOB and how hard done by they are. Who the fuck is going to care about people like that?

>temps complaining about having to do bitch work
>220+ work hours
Those are rookie numbers compared to how fucked up the Japanese games industry is.

The mask fixed the terrible face.

>gacha and bejewled knock offs are video games

the industry will crash because retards like you with th least bit of disposable income have shit taste and feed the cancer that is "mobile games"

>other people have it worse so it;s ok!!
exactly why nothing ever gets done about this

Just because you worked hard to make a turb, that doesn’t mean I care

you'd be surprised at how far you'd go to pay the rent, support family, not starve, etc.

>support family
your own fault lmao

>not reading anything in the OP
you're a mong

let me guess you also think if a boy wears a skirt then she' s a girl and that panty bulges are hot

i cant wait for God to smite you degenerates, turn this sodom and gomorrah into a pillar of salt

>Why don't you care?
They make shit games.

220 hours a month isn’t even a full work day. They have it easier than most other americans in white collar industries

you don't pay your rent or your own food either loser
have sex

Either complain to your boss about it or call the cops. I can't do anything for you.

Right, because condoms never break and birth control works 100% of the time

>have sex
no thanks, seeing how it clearly leads to making bad decisions and poor life situations

>All muscular girls are trannies

MK9 girls were actual girls. Calm your sperg

Don’t have sex

whatever keeps you from killing yourself incel
o wait

Hahahaha got'em!!

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>The Evolutionary Imperative is a "bad decision"
This is why whites are dying out

Sorry, but I don't want to be a 40 year old depressed virgin who kills themself at 45

Nigga you got blown the fuck out! Rotfl

>Having only post-marital sex when you’re ready is Evolutionary Imperative

NRS sounds based as fuck, trannies get pumped and dumped by contract work

>”Wah! but people have to support their families!”
>Well stop having sex
Tough shit. Stop having sex you slut.

You realize that, past a certain age, you'll be supporting your parents, right? Unless you're a complete shitbag?

Please don't smoke marijuana, then post on Yea Forums

it was an amazing game. hire them

So me and my wife are only supposed to 69 each other until we die?

I'm not paying for MK11. I don't give a single fuck about it's devs.

>full-time position at NetherRealm, essentially a protected status
No wonder these fucking cunts are so content to shit out the same jank every entry

I think that’s a general problem for tech companies and contractors. In my experience these roles will stay as contractors. In my IT dept I’ve worked with 2 other guys for years who have been stuck in the contracting role and will never be hired in

But, ya see, with their manly women Characters, obviously nrs supports trans rights. Why are you attacking a studio that obviously supports trans rights!? Are you a transphobe?

>falling for the overtime jew
well i hope getting burned like this wizened them up.

this always happens. Look at all the male feminists that end up having fiddled women

>devs pour blood sweat and tears for your entertainment. Why don't you care?

The games are still shit though.


The labor market is pretty fucking abstract now. Companies dont want any actual employees if they can avoid it. They'll route everything through outside firms and temporary contracts.

Game developers are the lowest of the lowest among programmers.
They deserve shit conditions and shit pay.

Its not the gamer who should care but the government. In here its illegal to be forced to work that long.

NO ONE is "sweating, crying, or bleeding" while making a video game. They have the easiest jobs imaginable, they have the safest jobs imaginable, and they get paid better than 99% of the people on the planet. The fact that anyone would complain about that is indefensible.

>can't cite a single one of these "nicknames"

Because they don't exist.

As if you even know your father.

did they get paid? Why complain then they knew what they signed up for.

Technology is inherently built on slavery. I'd have to ditch my PC and phone if I don't want to support someone working slave labor for my products.

Most of them think they're special. They have the "well I can make video games not just play them!" attitude, like that makes them some kind of higher being.

Reality however is that the reason these people get treated like shit is because there is too many of them and they're so easy to replace.

The video game industry is basically the McDonalds of tech industries and it's workers are treated as such.

EVERY fucking job they will push the "just keep working hard! you'll be manager/full-time/tenure in no time!" and every time it's just a ploy to string you along so you keep working for them. i learned this at my very first job in high school. if you fall for it as an adult then that's on you

because the company strung them along with a promise of getting a contract. If you get told in a gentlemans agreement that some of you contractors might find permanent work, only to just then discard them as soon as theyve been useful, its kinda a dick move. And if that promise of a contract was empty and shouldnt matter, why bother hinting at it?
Sure they were retards falling for it, but a lot of people are told the lie of "work hard and you'll be recognized". And thats not just in this kind of instance, it also happens if you stick with one boss. Sure you get told you are a rock to build on, and they appreciate your dedication, but the extras they give you are peanuts compared to shopping around for jobs and demanding a raise.