Why yes, I do watch and donate to female streamers. How can you tell?

>why yes, I do watch and donate to female streamers. How can you tell?

Attached: DE1B5BC6-DF6A-4E88-829A-C73D839A0B7D.jpg (1000x1000, 115K)

Why is he wearing mouth guard?

>Well yes, i moderate female streamers.

Attached: 1531408958636.png (908x935, 79K)

how can somebody be like this? he didn't even learn from his mistake and went straight back to it

Why do americans do this

Attached: 1556595197606.png (840x854, 412K)

Anyone else decide to stop wearing glasses because of Yea Forums? I’ve gotten so sick of the soi wojack that I cant wear glasses anymore and shave my face every day because I refuse to look anything like this shitty meme

Imagine for a second, being such a fucking beta faggot that not only you mod for a twitch thot, you hope she will give you sex, you ridicule yourself even more when you find out she has a Chad bf and after that you play the "I'm a big boi I don't need you XD" even though you did the work specifically because you needed to get in her fucking pants.
People like him should be brought to camp then executed.

Attached: yuuka.jpg (1500x1332, 1.15M)

>user walks into a lamppost because he's afraid of looking like a dork

if you watch youtubers or streamers you really should just fucking kill yourself

> I let faggots on the Internet dictate how I live because I'm a self conscious little bitch
You don't need the glasses. You're beta enough as it is

im saving this gem

I only wear my glasses when I'm watching TV, a movie, playing vidya, or driving. I don't wear them when walking around or working because I don't really need them most of the time. Just to see objects really far away. Also, I use hair fibers to conceal the fact that my hair is thinning. I also regularly lift. There are no soi features on me because I make a concerted effort not to have them.

you know, when someone opens their mouth, their jaw pivots and opens as well. work on your observation skills and youll improve as an artist

Now THAT'S a wojak

> Lazy wojak edit
> artist
whoa there user, let's not get ahead of yourself

>why yes, I do shitpost on /int/ daily with basedjaks, how could you tell

serious question though how much can they money can they make just through ads?

How is improving your image a bad thing? Like yea he did it for a silly reason but it's still an improvement.

Have you never heard of contact lenses?


It's just streamers, you fat bitch. Watching streamers in general is some sorry ass shit, and it has nothing to do with the topic of the board. Also, nice wojak, you fresh-from-facebook piece of shit.

Imagine being such a desperate beta that you enable women to act like bitches for generations

based filter raping you into submission