Witcher 3

Just beat it. It was amazing, and kept me enthralled nearly the whole way through, except for the long, drawn out part where you have to recruit mages. I did a large portion of the side quests and found them overall more fun than the main quests. I liked the game so much I got the books and am going to start reading the first book soon.

If you haven't played it I definitely recommend you play it. It will keep you playing and wanting more for 50+ to hours, unlike Persona 3, which loses its luster once you get burnt out on social interaction.

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You actually liked the last act, the batman senses and the awful combat? It's a good game but I'd hardly call it amazing.

I didn't like the end of the game, but everything else was inherently fun as hell. Even the batman senses. If nothing else, the game is carried by Geralt, who'd nearly as colmes Snake.

as cool as Snake*

This is the perfect game to spot retards, it's literally "tells you what to do: the game"

It's an open world game. It's perhaps better than Skyrim.

The combat is not *awful*, stop pushing this meme. It's perfectly serviceable as an action rpg.

Did you play Blood and Wine? It's the only acceptable conclusion to the series. Otherwise it's just you all alone at Kaer Morhen, and it's suicidal as fuck.

FUCK I forgot about the DLCs

what's wrong with the last act? I haven't reached it yet

DLC's are unironically better than the main game once you finish up Velen and Novigrad. Strap in, nigga. You aren't finished yet.

Very boring. A lot of running back and forth talking to NPCs about muh magic rock shit.

Playing Blood and Wine made me really, really disappointed that Regis wasn't in the main game. Or the other two games.

The thing I most liked about the game was that Geralt was like a detective Van Helsing. His character was so cool. That's what made me want to check out the books. I love that he's a human who became a mutant just so he could expertly slay monsters. It's badass.

Are you me, OP?
I fell in love with Witcher 3, played 1 and 2 and I've recently bought the books and I'm reading through Time of Contempt atm

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Are the books any good? I hear they kinda suck ass in English translation.

They're okay, you can definitely tell it wasn't originally written in English but it's not that big of a deal, most of it is ok.
There are some parts that are a bit of a drag where I just speed read through it but overall the books keep you interested.

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ya. did u beat the expansions too? BaW is epic. the hearts of Stone expansion is alright

ya, BaW is tight asf

only suicidal as fuck ending is pic related which i got and it makes me want to replay the game again and get a proper ending

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>he didn't get the secret ending

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did u finish the DLC?

Not him and I would agree with you if not for the fact that every single humanoid enemy and half of the non-humanoids can be cheesed extremely easily.
All human thugs can be permanently stunned with igni, for example, and most of them have extremely limited aggro ranges they won't move out of and you can stay on the edge and keep hitting them for free.

I'd unironically argue that Witcher 1 had better combat, and I would for sure argue that Witcher 2 did.

Nigger, play HoS, has the best antagonist of the decade

If The Witcher is an RPG, so is Fallout 4.

it's not a good RPG

Ciri is not for sex you degenerate

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It is, however, a good semi-interactive television show.

Maybe not, but it's a good open world game with a cool protagonist.

Not him but playing on higher difficulty settings improves combat greatly. Also Witcher 1 combat is absolute trash and you have to be baiting. Never played 2 so can’t comment on that.

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Witcher did not have better combat that Witcher 3, this is being plain contrarian. Stop pushing this stupid meme like you're some kind of enlightened being who has infinite knowledge and us plebs "just don't get it". W1 combat was absolute dogshit and a slog to get through.

They ran out of scripting budget. Happens in a lot of AAA movie game titles. Very noticeable in some of the later Blood and Wine missions

Yeah, i've noticed it a lot.

Shit game

I'd argue the same for Witcher 3. Witcher 1 was better balanced, which helps a lot.

I played Witcher 3 on Death March. Didn't help. Enemies can still be cheesed and even if you don't, it's neither engaging nor challenging, the only thing it's got is flashiness.
Witcher 2 on second to hardest (hardest is permadeath) was really good, though.

this is guaranteed to work every single time, I even found it myself from playing normally.

>I'd unironically argue that Witcher 1 had better combat

This is absolutely demented. I'd understand the W2 argument, but 1? It's rhythmic clicking..

Then argue away, I'm waiting.

I don't give a shit about the intricacies of the game. I'm just saying that The Witcher 3 is a fun open world game with an addictive gameplay loop and good enemies and lead character. There's nothing like the first time you try to snoop out a noonwraith at the well and put it to rest. The sense of discovery is heightened by the likeability of Geralt that Skyrim simply doesn't match.


Yeah, that's what I thought. Fuck off.