How did they get away with this in 2017
How did they get away with this in 2017
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I don't even know what game this is, but this looks like one of those free to play mmo or rpg games, so that's probably why no one gave a fuck.
it's divinity original sin 2
Looks like Divinity Original Sin 2.
>How did they get away with this in 2017
The people who bitch about misogyny in video games are similar to the rightwing evangelicals in the late 90's bitching about satanism in pokemon. They don't actually play video games.
oK, I looked it up. It's not a F2P game, but I have never even heard of this game. I think there was some game called Divinity on the Xbox 360, but I never played it.
its an very popular game, unless you're a console person
The game doesn't even have any cute looking faces for women by default. Modding can help a bit but it only goes so far.
by backing it up with the best gameplay in a CRPG ever made
Is it important to play 1 before 2 or is it just like NWN?
This. Also glad people are making the comparison. Its certainly a religion they're trying to make. They're even banning studies and research that may be "heretical". Fuckers need to be wiped out, without a guide they'll purity spiral into insanity.
You should be at least 18 years old to post here, kiddo.
Get away with what? I dont get what im supposed to be looking at
>get game
>download a bunch of mods
>they don't work
>never bother playing the game past the ship part
great game huh
I googled before getting 2 and apparently 2 takes place 1000+ years after 1 so not rly, its basically a direct upgrade I believe
How can somebody be this fucking new?
the armour system in this game is fucking retarded
Red Prince
best party
Belgians dont give a fuck. They made this game while working in a trash container and sustaining themselves with beer and mouldy food
I picked Fane as my starter guy
It's basically him or red prince you have to pick. They are the real protagonists. But mostly just Fane.
I liked being able to CC lock big enemies in the first game. Also sad they nerfed the lone wolf builds in the first and second game. It does make for a 'better' game but I like having braindead options available when I'm not terribly focused on whatever game I'm playing which is usually a single player / offline RPG such as DOS
>I liked being able to CC lock big enemies in the first game
Did they change something in the definitive edition?
I definitely remember CC chaining threatening enemies in 2, you just had to burn through some of their health first.
Hydrosophist was exceptionally good at it.
>pick Fane
>do the right thing
>everybody but the boat hates me in the end.
Yeah there's nothing more charming than a friendly smart skeleton
>tfw fucked Lohse and Sebille in the same save thanks to constant glitching
life is good, that one succubus woman also drained my balls
In 2, you had to burn through their armor first (which was like an extra health bar). Most 'bigger' enemies had lots of it. Granted, there were plenty of mini-boss enemies that had zero armor so you were free to bully them to your fullest capabilities. I could be recalling wrong though - it's been a while since I've played both
Is DOS one of those RPGs that doesn't respawn enemies? That actually bothered me in ME2. I'm not sure if that's more of a western thing or what, but I like to keep fighting whenever I want and come across random encounters.
>apply acid
Nothing personal armor dork
Enemies don't respawn, no. Presumably to help keep XP finite. There's probably a mod or two to fix that though
kill yourself you dumb nigger
I wish they made a Divinity style game with a deeper class system, it doesn't have to be D&D but something like that.
Diviniy 2 came out 2 years ago, shouldnt a sequel/new gaem be announced/soon to be out from the wafflebois by now?
yeah theyre making some lame xcom ripoff instead of dos3
It's a crowdfunded game
It was way too successful for its own good so now they're going to milk it instead of making Divinity 3
well they also announced year worth of free DLC for the game
>divinity XCOM
>taxes place immediatly afterwards with the cast returning.
Huh, I like XCOM so I guess yay for me. Wonder if it will have save importing, and what the fuck will happen with my save since I was fane and brought back my people, making everybody else salty cunts.
They also say that this game is the result of them giving the engine to some danes to dick around in, so a proper Dickvicinity should still be in devolopment.
Div2 or the xcom game?
There might be some references you'll miss if you didn't play 1, but even without playing it, exposition is given explaining anything worth knowing.
pick one and only one
It was a different time.
Get away with what? Do you mean her outfit?
is this game worth playing coop?
i remember the first one had some cool mechanics to determine coop actions that seemed to make it worthwhile, but it was a bitch to get my bro to commit to 2+ hours more than a few times a month.
meanwhile, at any music festival...
Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2 is like the time commitment of playing a PnP game so unless you can get a group committed to doing that sort of co-op experience it'll never work.
The levels of retardation of OP is over 9000!!
>Get away with what? I dont get what im supposed to be looking at
There is a virtual woman in a video game who isn't ugly, has cleavage, navel, and leg skin on display. This is akin to saying that Mohammed(blessed be His name) isn't the prophet and the best man who ever lived, but for feminists and their bitchboys.
Imagine typing this out and pressing Post.
I know, he didn't even say PBUH.
They shouldn't give the option for females to be warriors. It makes more sense that they are better at psychological manipulation, etc.
Is it worth getting this game to play skeleton mage?
The environmental interactions with elements are pretty fun so I'd say yes.
You can even join your own LAN lobby with new instances of the client if you just want 4 skeleton bros off the bat.
It depends if you enjoy playing with those people in Coop. They removed the traits system and the RPS argument decider so most of your conversations together are for flavor more than anything else. That's in exchange for being able to play an up to 4 person campaign and an arguably easier to get into game if you have friends who aren't that big into RPGs.
convince me that original sin 1 is good
Can you not read, kid?