Everyone ready for all sega games to come to PC?

Everyone ready for all sega games to come to PC?
>Yakuza Kiwami 2
>Yakuza 3-5 HD
>Yakuza 6
>Persona 5 Classic
>Persona 5 The Royal
>Catherine Full Body
>Project Diva
Get Hyped Bros

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>Persona 5 The Royal

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Catherine did horribly on PC though(fucking Shining making the graphic but Catherine didn't should be proof enough), what makes you think they'd put other Atlus stuff on there, at most you're getting more stuff like Yakuza, maybe Judgement.

this. sad as fuck to see how catherine did no well never see atlus games on pc

What is it with nintendo fanboys and pc faggots always portbegging?

no games

This is a PR stunt to get more sales for their existing games btw lol

sega pls

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Other way around, kiddo. Sonyfags are always begging PC and Nintendo for their games to come out on PS4. PC/Nintendo fans are always idorts


>he actually believes this

Did it really do that badly? I never paid attention to how it sold. But I'm not surprised. Even if Full Body won't be released for awhile in English, why the fuck would anyone buy a version of a game when its rerelease will be coming out so soon within like six months to even a year? It's like people recommending others in Persona 5 threads to play it now, then buy it again when Royal releases. What's the point when the new version is releasing relatively soon? They should have waited a year and given PC Full Body then

the only games you'll see SEGA actually put on PC are the ones that they know they'll make more money off of when they do so. Persona 5 won't because any PC user that wanted to play p5 already emulated it(and Catherine flopped so I think they got the hint that nobody actually cares about Atlus shit on PC), Project Diva won't since 90% of Project Diva's audience is Japanese and a lot of SEGA's PC ports aren't even available in Japan. Yakuza has a chance because that series actually appeals to westerners really well and the demand is clearly there, so 3-6 and Judgement actually have a strong chance of coming eventually but everything else is kind of a maybe. Though I'm still holding out for Jet Set Radio Future.

>PS4fag trying to claim anyone else has no games

>Persona 5 The Royal
Why does everyone want this game so bad? Just buy a PS4 dude.

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>yakuza, fatlus, nintendo financed Bayonetta and VC are Sega's only real quality active IP's at this stage

fucking yikes. How did it get this bad for them?

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Atlus didn't want to give SEGA the re-release(Atlus has a huge vendetta against PC for some reason), and SEGA Europe just took the old Catherine and put it on PC(and didn't even sell it in Japan). Plus a new version releasing soon, the fact that it was released the day it was announced, the fact that the game was already available to pirates the day it came out, and the fact that they didn't even bother promoting it since it released all pointed to the game flopping

No DRM-free, no buy.

maybe they shouldn't have ported an old version when a new one is available, lol. most people have a PC and 8th gen console

>What's the point when the new version is releasing relatively soon
Is more then a year relatively soon?

They aren't wrong.

They should remake/remaster 06 and Unleashed to PC

you forgot Puyo Puyo


If fans can do it by themselves Im sure a big company can do it quickly

Catherine Classic went on Steam January 10, 2019
Catherine Full Body released in Japan on February 14, and will release in the West on September 3

Unless you're referring to P5R, in which case yes, that's soon
I bought P5 at release and I still feel like it's too soon for me to play it again. The cooldown on an 80+ hour RPG is pretty hefty

I agree with the rest except Persona games, Sega has already said they want to bring the series to PC before. So it has a high chance of happening.

Who the fuck cares about all that fucking weeb garbage? Gib JSRF already, for fuck sake.

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No just your blatant ass thread plugging

>Port an old outdated version of a already niche game with zero advertising
They didn't expect any sales.

You forgot Sonic, you frickhead.

Many people that caredid knew about it since an atlus game on pc is a big deal but since it was the original and not the new one, A lot of people decided to not buy it and probably wait for the maybe Full Body release. Didnt help that Catherine Classic wasnt that well marketed.
Unlike something like Yakuza 0 that was a massive success but in part because it was announce on E3

>Best of Japan

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Gimme more Yakuza, JSRF and I'm happy.

>Project Diva

1st day buy

>1st day buy
more like 1st day pirate

Remember when Sonic Mania wasn't confirmed for Switch (then called NX) but Sonic Forces (then know as project 2017) was? How did Yea Forums react to that?

they probably used Catherine as a reference point to see if people cared about Atlus games on PC, and since it flopped I sincerely doubt more is going to come from that.

>Catherine as a reference point
Atlus are retarded but not that retarded, calm your tits. Even if their shit doesn't come out on PC it's because of their usual atlus bullshit, not catherine's sales.

you seriously think atlus WOULDN'T be that retarded? this sounds exactly like something atlus WOULD do. I'm calling it now, whether or not Nintendo ever gets a genuine persona game is going to be dependent on how well Scramble does....

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People cared but when something full body exist, You dont expect people to just eat it up.


Full Body sold worse on Vita than Classic did. FB sold like shit in general in Japan. 80k sales between PS4 and Vita iirc.

Why would anyone buy catherine at all? When i saw it on the steam store all i saw was a turbo-weeb gay as fuck dating game. At least yakuza has an heir of masculinity / comedy to it and isn't a complete embarrassment to be seen purchasing.

>fucking Shining making the graphic but Catherine didn't should be proof enough
You do realize the graphic is from last year's E3, right?

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and what's going to happen is Atlus just won't do anything with the VITA...

user, Kiwami came to PC earlier this year...

But it was announced during last year's E3 retard. Catherine was not announced at all, they just started posting sheep pictures out of nowhere and then Australian Ratings Board leaked it.

user... Catherine PC is estimated to have only sold 50k at most, Full Body sold more in Japan

Why don't pc gamers buy games Yea Forums? Don't they want more games to get ported?

You're wrong too. It was from a Steam sale round month ago.

fact: the main reason people want games on PC is because it's easier to pirate.

Stop talking shit, nigger. How do you know that Catherine didn’t sell?

t. console kike

He's literally not wrong.

According to?

>1 platform, PC
>no advertising
>a game literally nobody here knows about
>OLD version despite the new one coming out soon

>2 platforms, PS4 and Vita
>actual fucking advertising
>in a country where atlus and the catherine franchise itself are a lot more relevant

>still very comparable sales
What the fuck is up with the braindead anti-PC rhetoric? Are you niggers pretending to be stupid or what?

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prove him wrong

> [PS4] Catherine: Full Body (Limited Edition Icluded) (Atlus, 02/14/19) – 3,000 (61,855)
>[PSV] Catherine: Full Body (Atlus, 02/14/19) – 9,241 (New)
Literally 70k and it's a new game vs 8 year old port.


Stop larping, samefag

it's an atlus re-release that nobody wanted... holy shit are you guys retarded

What about real numbers?

i'm waiting

it's impossible without replacing the music user. the labels who owned most of the ost rights are dead so it's really hard to license the music.

No arguments, huh?

Fucking this, Unleashed was the last truly great modern Sonic game

literally non-existent until sega says something, and considering they'll brag about Yakuza sales every time it comes out while they've gone completely silent over Catherine on PC, it's pretty clear that it failed


tick tock tick tock

>prove him wrong
Burden of proof is on him.

Just because you samefag doesn’t mean I’m him

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Still, Even if many people pirate on PC there will always be people that buy the games on PC. And no matter what it would still be profitable. Hell even with the low sale of Catherine i'm pretty sure it was very profitable for sega.

That’s still no source

The people who pirate on PC are the same people who chip their consoles.
There's is no difference between platforms for piracy, and the people who claim otherwise are just the typical exclusives hoarders vying for psueo-elitism.

>all time peak only 1000
>every day the # of players gets lower
>barely breaking 100 a month after it released
it flopped man... just accept it