>”son, I’m gonna have to write you up for those strategy guides in your backseat. I also noticed you donate to streamers and watch playthroughs instead of just playing the damn game. This isn’t gonna look good on your record.”
”son, I’m gonna have to write you up for those strategy guides in your backseat...
Other urls found in this thread:
Shave your arms you fucking animal
> shave your arms
T. hairless soiboi.
he's probably just Greek or Italian
Why don’t you just cut your cock off and be done with it?
You better watch that mouth of yours basedboy
>'Sir.. that will be an extra 20 dollars plus tip on your ticket for aggressive behavior'
>caring about how people play games and spend money
>all the cops gather in the same, safe thread instead of helping the mods in threads that actually matter
typical pigs
Watching streams before buying was legalized for medical use 2 years ago you racist boomer fuck. Here's my autism card and just so you know I'm posting this on YouTube. You can leave now. Am I being detained?
Who let the tranny in?
I'm sorry, I thought we were all consumers in the holy religion of capitalism, not an authoritarian economic police state. I'll need to see a warrant
This. Hair arms are for fags.
>not wanting embraced by big, warm, hairy arms
It's like you're a faggot or something.
I've got 400 guns in my trunk, pig! I know my rights! Constitution! Ass cop! Buttfucker!
>"Sir, it's not the guns that are the issue. It's that you have a PC Gamer Top 10 Tips and Tricks magazine sitting on your passenger seat. I'll have to take you downtown for being a casual"
Sir, is that a pre-order receipt from GameStop?! For Madden 20?!! Drop your pants and put your hands where I can see them!
Why do americans call someone who clearly isnt their child son?
Good idea. After a few runs with the razor it'll grow back in even thicker and hairier than before.
power move
It just sounds confusing to me.
>Americans unironically shave their arms
No wonder the soiboi meme is so strong, you fucks are men only by technicality.
Don't over think it, son
What do they say if your a woman?
>so your defense is "i play easy mode to get though the story better"??
>ok we'll sort this out at the station