There will never be another game with as much innocent fun, purity and raw creativity as LBP

>there will never be another game with as much innocent fun, purity and raw creativity as LBP
>even Dreams looks more serious and with a focus on "creating your own games" instead of having a specific design aesthetic and a fun story

hold me bros

Attached: 46afe6a2-c266-48ab-86c2-ca38d6801084.jpg (720x540, 57K)

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Little Big Planet VR is probably real, and they're holding it back for PS5.

I miss the first 2 games so much, even Karting was very fun for me. How is LBP3 on PS4? The game is playable nowadays or is it still full of bugs?

>Raw, unfiltered soul
>Fun, worthy successor
>Solid, Mario-esque racer
>Depressing, soulless impersonation
It hurts bros

what would that even look like though? it's a platformer, what could be gained from VR

me too man. I actually made this post because i decided to pick up LBP3 on a whim the other day and i've been loving it and having nostalgic flashbacks. It's obviously missing MM's touch and you can feel it, but overall it's worth playing and pretty fun. They did a lot of really cool things with the campaign like a more open world hub system for each world, and the staff picked community levels are pretty good quality. i haven't experienced any bugs but i've only had it for a few days.

>LBP is already 11 years old
what the fuck

Nincel here. I wish lbp was a bigger franchise for Sony. It's truly their best. Mario maker only has a fraction of the soul lbp had.

>tfw this isn't the timeline where Sackboy/LBP became so popular that he's Sony's mascot

This is unacceptable

never heard of astrobot? Platformers can be good if you build around vr. I doubt they will make a new lbp for ps5. Maybe release a collection with updated graphics for ps5 you will have to buy all the dlc again .

Dreams is literally anything you want it to be and somehow you fucks still manage to complain

Dreams is soulless

i know, i cant believe it either.

worst timeline

they still use sackboy in some promo materials but he's quickly fading away

i havent actually, ill check it out. i would buy a collection of the three again easily, at full retail price, as long as it's a release big enough to jumpstart the online community again. custom levels with LBP3s huge layer system would be incredible, 3 just didnt have the playerbase.

that's the problem though, jack of all trades master of none. Leaving all the options in the hands of the player just means you'll get some people who make incredible levels and a sea of garbage with no direction. like
said, LBP has soul. Dreams doesnt. I'll still buy it and give it a try, but i really don't think it's going to be a huge smash hit or give me the same feelings that LBP does.

LBP was a dogshit platformer.

Dreams is too complex a set of systems.
Might as well make a Unity game and get paid for it.

>sees someone enjoying something
>goes out of their way to shit on them
Why are people like this

Nah, it really was. Really bad mechanically. I've played basically every major platformer, huge fan of the genre and LBP just felt awful to play.

As a game rather than a toy game designer, Puppeteer was far better.

Attached: pqafkb6d9ba01.jpg (645x729, 57K)

Dreams absolutely has soul. It still feels like a passion project even in the unfinished EA build. There's gonna be a story mode later too

>LBP is old enough now that it isnt shitposted into oblivion for being casual
at least thats one good thing about neo-Yea Forums

I like LBP platforming. Felt way better than the usual bing bing wahoo/sega platformers. And indie shit is fucking boring.

I'm a Mario, Sonic, Meatboy, and N++ fanatic and I disagree. LBP is floaty and does shit a little differently but it's emphasis on grabbing and dragging shit and being flung is fun as fuck. It's a different take on platforming and I appreciate the creativity.

Puppeteer feels so clunky and slow even compared to LBP. And the cutscene interruptions every 5 mins are unbearable

I'm surprised a remaster for the first 2 games hasn't happened after all these years.
Was there even a way to port all your shit from LBP2 to LBP3 PS4?

Attached: 1542569931865.jpg (275x183, 7K)

You can just upload your levels in LBP2 and download to LBP3 PS4

Think they'll ever remaster or remake LBP1? And then add LBP2 as a free update or as a paid expansion?

Attached: 1554953627603.jpg (674x960, 93K)

You can port all of your stuff over from 1 and 2, ie costumes, dlc, objects, levels etc. You cant play any of the story modes from the first two but anything else is fair game

That said I'd still love a remaster of all 3 stories combined into a classic pack or something. I'd pay full price.

>Solid, Mario-esque racer
it was alright, but i wouldn't say it was THAT great
it had numerous framerate issues and i recall it crashing a number of times in the create mode

Why would you want a remake just make a fourth game and add all the levels from previous games to it

This looks like innocent fun to me.

Attached: 1529776024825.png (610x571, 590K)

The game was left in such a state of broken, unstable spaghetti code with LBP3 that it would probably just be better to go back instead of even trying to build upon that mess.

Looks interesting. I hope it plays as well as it looks.

I think you just get up, user