What do you want to see in Splatoon 3 when it inevitably gets announced in the future?

What do you want to see in Splatoon 3 when it inevitably gets announced in the future?

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Other urls found in this thread:



A co-op adventure/story mode would be insta buy for me

Expanding on Salmon Run. Make it similar to MvM with the ability to upgrade weapons, ink capacity, and the ability to purchase specials with the regular power eggs you get each wave

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Post *that* leak. You know the one...

A better single player campaign

Woomy butts in spats.

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I honestly want a single-player focused spin-off. Not a rhythm game either but an FPS or RPG or both.


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More lore.

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I want stages that have bottlenecks again. I get what the devs are going for, and I agree that mobility is one of the best things about Splatoon. It just feels like a lot of the long range weapons are disproportionately gimped by the stages.

Better Matchmaking and of course, no "uh oh, connection lost somehow"

More Callie

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i want to see
>cute boys like the octolings
>new weapons
>new game mode
>no tranny shit
>no sjw shit
>be able to crossdress as a cute boy
more lesbian couples like pearl and marina

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The what now?

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Something that makes the end game worth playing. If I'm sitting at a high rank in all modes and have a full set of perfect gear there's not much to keep you invested and the gameplay can only hold me for so long

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It might be cool to have an Octoling culture centered game. It probably wouldn't be as popular but maybe something like a male comedy radio duo.

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Left 4 Salmon

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> Splatoonfags
Kill yourselves for overshadowing other franchises like Ever Oasis, Dillon's Rolling Western, Sushi Striker and such, all of these didn't become big because of Shitoon


Are you high?

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Anyone else think the next entry might have Nintendo break into the whole vtuber thing with the next idols? It seems like a logical progression of the setup. If they're still relevant when 3 hits, anyway.

Nah how about you go fuck yourself. Splatoon is a great 3rd person shooter and it’s singlehandedly renewed my interest in shooters in a market flooded by bullshit left and right. If you want those games to get attention, go make threads for em you big cock-mongler. Don’t post in splatoon threads if you hate splatoon. Don’t post in threads where you hate the topic baseline. So sick of you new age posters thinking everything has to be a fucking hate fest and contrarian up the ass. Get a Fucking personality stop piggy backing on anons that left this site before you were born.

It sounds like a good idea in theory but just imagining the hackjob localization effort that would be done with a manzai duo is turning me away.

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A story mode that involves the Inkling and Octos teaming up to stop the Salmonid apocalypse.

This and local play in general would be awesome. Now that we aren't bound to a gamepad, there's no reason we couldn't have split-screen play.

Given what we see in the sunken scrolls, that's a likely possibility.

Splatoon 3 music duo will be boys. One will look like a knock-off Skrillex and the other will be more inspired by classic composers. Screenshot this post.

cuter footwear options for the boys. and let ink splatter on their soles

I know it wouldn't make a good Splatoon 3, but a spinoff involving the Great Turf wars of Cuttlefish's age would be neat. Heck, it could even be a completely different gameplay style.

It would give the opportunity to develop Inkling history, show off Inkling adults, and could potentially even include Salmonids, provided it occurs about 70 years ago.

Backfill, voice chat or more preformatted chat options, not battle royale, more Kensa gear, Splatfests last all weekend

spec ops the line but with squids

A boy band.


>Ever Oasis, Dillon's Rolling Western, Sushi Striker
Maybe those games would get sequels if they didn't sell like complete shit. Splatoon actually sells copies

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8.27 pedos

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at least half those players are lolis/shotas themselves you know

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>game with child protag gets popular
>m-must all be pedos...

>Smashfag false flagging as usual
When's the mods gonna make a containment board for these Smashcucks?

That doesn't make it any better!

I didn't say it was a bad thing, merely stating the obvious

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It most certainly is a bad thing! It's honestly a big festering chunk of the community. It's just that MOST people play it for fun, not ogling fictional children. Therefor 8.27 million pedos is inaccurate.

You're right out 8.27 million, 1000 of them are there for the game, the other 8.26 million are there for you know what

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Half the weapons removed. The remaining ones completely reworked. Playable sardines, otters, sperm whales, and seals. Fuck off sharkfags.

That reply, while very funny, didn't actually take what I said into account. 1000 of 8.27 million is not MOST people.

Octoling "culture"


>he doesnt know

Apparently you don't either. Prove it.

dont try to get me to spoonfeed you

Pfft, okay. I think you're bullshitting.

i think youre a retard that doesnt know how to use archives

i want to fuck a veemo

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The only thing I can think of is that this guy's being a dumb coy faggot about the killer wail files but if that's the case I don't understand why.

No gyro aiming ;)

That's the problem, you shitheads overshadow good franchises, go fuck yourselves.

Splatoon is way better than any of that shit you listed

I want a Splatoon RPG that explores the lore and also has plenty of lesbians

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>Sushi Striker
You can’t possibly be for real.

Bad games don't deserve sequels, user.

First off, take Yea Forums's broom out your ass, second, if you're talking about the open world, three way battle royale thing, you're even more retarded than we thought because that shit was fake as fuck.

>killer wail files
>the open world, three way battle royale thing
just use the archives lads

Not seeing anything of value.

>The average splatoon fan

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Dillon has sequels and that's better than Shitoon

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look harder


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Oh fuck off with that, Ctrl+F for Splatoon and leak yielded nothing and I'm not searching hundreds of threads by title looking for a fake leak. If you won't tell me, I might as well just leave.

Just ignore him.

so cute

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customizable rooms

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Like just filling it with your favorite idol’s merch, memorabilia of your splatfest choices, stuff like that just seems so fun

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you werent looking hard enough


the fanbase is too big right now. you can tell by the amount of spergs in these threads. I hope they purge the fanbase by adding nude shota and loli models so only true splatoon fans remain

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Now you’re talking my language user

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>2 maps per rotation
>More squid personalization
>Remove turf war
That'd be it really.

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They had half naked models in OE so I guess it's the natural progression.

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No, I mean fully modelled shota penises and loli vaginas, and the girls with completely flat chests. There shouldn't be any issue with that and it will drive these ironic waifufags away cos their minds only operate around cartoon titties, but real lolis have none.

Every band gets 3d models and it rotates between them in town.

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Imagine being this much of an insular, circlejerking faggot.

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shark lolis
also more momentum while jumping put of ink

I can get behind this.
Don't get me wrong, I love Pearl and Marina/Callie and Marie, but we hear the other's music so much it would only make sense if we at least got to see them.

ironic waifufag spotted

A Monster hunter lite online multiplayer where 4 squids team up to take down ultra bosses who evolve and get new moves where online becomes an coordinated dance to bag the Salmon

I really want a Splatoon turn based Jrpg like Super Star Saga

Nah TMS already flopped so hard Atlus ran off to SegaSammy

Kill yourself

What does that have to do with Splatoon or vtubers?

Please post Marina.

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Here's what they need to do
Take the Mario and Rabbids framework, add squids + greater weapon variety for your squad, make Salmonids the enemy force (the types from Salmon run + new species), and add some kind of ink turfing mechanic to control space in the stages

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More of my octo daughter. Rooms, please.

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Do you think laughter erupts when you enter Grizzco because he knows you're gonna have a bad time?
I'm so fucking sorry for everyone I've been teamed with this rotation. I don't know what's happened to me.

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>Remove turf war
Kill yourself you stupid faggot

Idol games are typically shit

That doesn't mean its good Telly!

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No one mentioned an idol game. Splatoon just has idols in it. The question was if they would extend their presence with a virtual youtuber channel.

It's pronounced veemo.

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beebos are made to be gyarus

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A strong single player out of the gate

More sexy Mariana.

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I honestly don't care as long as it has cute girls I can masturbate to. The gameplay can be shit for all I care, but if the waifu's aren't good enough then I wont be buying it.

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Dillion's Rolling Western got 2 sequels tho

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>next SR shift is all Grizzco weapons
This is either going to be really good or really bad.

She's so precious.

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Here's another (You), it's all you really want.

This series needs to embrace Persona 5 or Fighter Z style cel-shading, The art style is screaming for it, the realistic shading makes it look iffy.

I like art with these two together

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>Me, boss killer
>Friend who's good at game and runs eggs
>Friend who's learning but is Profresh and doesn't know what a GrizzCo weapon is
This is going to he fun.

Not RNG-gated gear abilities. Grinding to win is just not fun.

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Let me just customize my own abilities instead of rolling for fucking ever until I have enough pieces.

There's not too much of it, is there? Most artists seem enamored with the relationships between 3, 8, and the others since there's technically only one canon octo down there.

Lucky bastard, I have to roll with randoms.

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pedo thread

Marina from Splatoon 2

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Of course. I feel it is an interesting idea though. I remember seeing someone posting art of them being shipped together which is quite frankly odd

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>New town hub
>single player is started by pearl crawling out of the sewer where she belongs
>Salmonilds have over taken Inkoplis
>Inklings cared so much about turfwars, they just ignored the salmonid invasion
>Octolings also allowed Octo canyon to be taken over because they are now invested in turf wars.
>Final battle involves you teaming up with DJ Octavio to defeat the salmonid mennace.

>Octavio is still trapped in gay baby jail and got left behind when the city was evacuated
>You have to fight through waves of Salmonids to recover him and free him to help you in the final fights

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It is pretty odd, since going by OE there should only be one or the other. The manga looks really nice, but the official Agent 8 being the dude instead of the girl sort of bothers me.

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you mean this one?

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>He doesn't agree with working with you
>Callie comes in from the sky and puts his own hypno glasses onto him
>He spends the rest of the game helping you but constantly reminds you he hates you for not stopping Callie

So silly, but so cute.

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A room to decorate with various furniture and knicknacks like band posters and such. Inside the room will be a trophy case that will list your rank and who won/lost in each Splatfest so players have a way to keep track of them over time.

The square to be fully explorable, including the insides of shops. Merch would be displayed on the shelves to buy individually if you walk up to it, or if you go and talk tot he shop owner a traditional menu interface will open for people who just want to do quick business and get out. Instead of doing the weird meal ticket thing Splatoon 2 does, lemme just buy food to eat, hell if you want to keep the limited time EXP/Coin/Slot buff system they have going sure, make those meal ticket exlcusive but lemme go to a cafe and get a coffee or some shit any time I want.

Every squid has a cell phone, on said cell phone is your quick menu naviagation insteadof a menu just materializing from the aether as happens currently. If a friend wants me to join them in a lobby, instead of just getting a generic invite notification, have my squid's phone ring and have them answer it and/get a text message.

Expand the goddamn rotations to three maps per already, you have enough for this now holy shit.

Delete Moray Towers, bring back Urchin Underpass and Saltspray Rig

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My man.
>Delete Moray Towers, bring back Urchin Underpass and Saltspray Rig
My brother.

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I guess the Japs must love Moray or something considering that it both came back in Splatoon 2 AND was the stage that got picked to represent Splatoon in Smash, but holy fuck is it awful for almost everything. At least Eliter cancer is mostly gone.

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They needed another main guy for goggles to constantly pants

user are you me? you have excellent taste

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The only reason I can think of for them liking it is how tedious and unfun the stage can be. Japs fucking love stupid tedious bullshit, and I can only assume Moray being Splatoon's worst case of that is the reason why they cream themselves over it.

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Godly taste user. I really would kill for the rig back. What do you envision for the story? Or are you not that into it?

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Not him but I hope grizz is involved

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Either a Salmonid invasion like other people have suggested OR corporate fascist Grizzco takes over Inkopolis and sterilizes everything and the single player story is about the Inklings/Octolings getting their groove back and bringing back the fun. For extra lore flavor, the news when you fire up the game for the first time is just a super boring and unfun listing of the stages over a PR speaker on a lampost instead of a fun news segment, when you beat the single player story things go back to normal and the fun times return for all.

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>A filter System to hide pol/nonsense shit out of the Plaza.
>A report system that actually works, unlike that piece of shit in the phone app.
>A Playground Mode to contain the retarded party fucks.
They can go fuck themselves. Pieces of pure maggot shit. And fuck you smash folks for creating this abomination party shit. Fuck you to hell.
>3rd Ink brush weapon class.
>A loadout that isn't a chore to go through.
>More online casual mode than mother fucking Turf War.
Stop locking every mode to the damn ranked mode! Can we just relax and play without all the little bs meters on every single thing. Why the fuck do i need a meter for weapons use!?


I could dig a story where shit actually happens to the populace and all the different species come together to take back their home. It would make a nice change of pace from 1 and 2 where no one has a damn clue how close they were to being invaded.

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What would a third class of Inkbrush even do that the others don't? Genuinely curious if you have any ideas.

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Hot diggity dang user that’s a great idea

The only problem I see with my own idea is that Salmon Run is a fun game mode and destroying Grizzco in the lore might present a problem with the mode continuing.

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A Ink Brush that acts like a spear, but need to aim like a Nozzlenoose/Sloshing Machine.

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Yeah that’s an issue

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I see no reason why they couldn't just have some other company couldn't take over the salmonid killing business in the absence of Grizzco. It's probably still a vital service since those fish fuckers are dangerous as all hell. It's one thing for Octavio to want squid land for himself, it's another for an entire species of punk rockers to devour the whole race.

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Gotta say that I'm happy that so many people like the idea of Grizzco being more relevant. Salmon Run is pretty much the only thing I play. Hopefully the next game makes Octavio and the New Squidbeak Splatoon team up so we don't have to fight that fucker again. Unless he becomes a secret boss

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I will endorse this idea only if my Woomy gets to do some badass spear twirling in her winpose

I suppose so. I hope they don't confirm if Mr. Grizz is actually a bear or not though, the air of mystery is part of the appeal.

Part 3s feel like the perfect time in a series to do the whole "team up with the former villains" thing, especially if they were recurring in the first two parts.

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It's not fair!

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I really hope we don't fight Octavio again. Twice is good enough.

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It seems like the logical progression, given that salmonids are an established threat to society both in-game and in the lore. Having Octavio for a third time would be trite, predictable, and just straight up boring. A secret boss where he's a super hard version of his 1 fight would be rad as hell, though.

I would enjoy a huge joke where they keep building up his real appearance and every single time he weasels out of it somehow. I've always enjoyed silly gags like that.

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I want the Wail and Echolocator back, all the other Splat 1 specials can stay dead tho

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Even with the buff Sting Ray really is just a poor man's Killer Wail. The only special from 1 I truly miss, even if I still like the bubbler and kraken. I forgot echo locator was even a thing, and I that was one of my go-tos in 1.

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I vote for this too, but have restrictions on specials. No more multiple players having the same specials. No more limitless bomb side arm as well. Enjoy learning how to shoot than cheesing with your bomb spam. I don't give a fuck if you're having a hard time dealing with long range weapons. Don't worry, they'll be fuck up too if i was in control of gameplay design

>inb4 he’s harder than inner agent 3

>Not going all out on SPU and spamming Point Sensor everywhere.
I miss being a supporter class. I don't understand why there isn't a ink armor/point sensor combo. Also Thermal Ink is underrated.

I want to explore their world a bit more, maybe make it a coop shooter.

Co-op would be cool but would require a radically different design from all of the single player entries so far. If we go back to my previous idea as an example, having the stages be various Inkopolis locales that you battle Grizzco enemies instead of just random Mario Galaxy floating platforms could be a solution.

That just made me think of a weird mix of splatoon and borderlands

It wouldn't be too bad, I only spent a few hours on that fucker. They were a hellish couple of hours, to be fair.

Might be considered either too OP or just underpowered for an individual. They're probably considering both randoms and people who team up. As for thermal ink, I think most people just don't think it's that necessary. Most firefights are over in an instant, very few weapons would utilize it efficiently.

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>last Splatfest is probably gonna be Pearl vs Marina

I don't wanna choose

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I’m never touching inner agent 3 again. After finally beating her using stick controls, I never want to hear that beginning part of the inkantation

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I know how you feel, they're both wonderful girls and are even more beautiful as a duo. Hopefully this time around the result wouldn't end up tearing them apart.

Why the fuck wouldn't you just use gyro?

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I beat her with gyro first, decided to try stick for the challenge. Never again

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There's a fine line between a self-imposed challenge and banging your head on a brick wall, user.

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I am not a smart person, user. I eventually beat it at least, so I have that

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I'm trying to learn gyro but it's pretty rough, I need to invest in a Pro controller.

At one point, I would have been Team Marina all the way, but now...I'm not so sure.

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That's something, I guess. Never let it be said you aren't a man of conviction.

It's not too hard, I just use the regular joycons. What are you struggling with?

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Also S3 need to stop adding randoms with mic players in Turf War. Getting sick of going into games where one team can talk to each other, but you can't do the same on your end. Fuck this Nintendo protect the kids bs.

Finding a comfortable neutral position more than anything, I tend to fidget when I'm focused on something and that fucks me up too

My pride wouldn’t let me start on something like this and then admit defeat. It might’ve taken me like 12 hours straight of trying, but by god did it feel good when I beat it.

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I want flags to be removed from turf war. That shit is fucking nightmare for grinding. I wish it was linked to a mode that isn't such a fucking crapshoot.

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Shit, that's not really something anyone could really help you with. I can give advice for how to effectively use gyro and aiming, but it seems like you just need to chill.

Pride goeth before a fall, as they say. Next time perhaps you'll think twice before attempting something for almost no reason.

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my reasoning was i felt like doing it, that's pretty much my reasoning behind anything i do. while it was hard, it still wasn't as bad as attempting the death mode of terraria's calamity mod. I havent even come close to beating that, slowly whittling my way through it though

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Yeah I hate it. I'm slowly getting better but it's painful getting splatted by Timmys in Turf War trying to work out the kinks.

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well it's nice to see a splatoon thread with actual discussion instead of just waifufaggotry for a change

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Whatever that last splatfest map was, I want that back as a new mode or something. It's really cool locking your turf away for insurance. And I wish they were more liberal with the singleplayer gimmick stuff. I'm surprise there's no grind rails yet in multiplayer.

Whatever makes you happy, then.

That's really the most important aspect of gyro aim. Above all else, you just gotta practice and eventually it'll click. At first I wasn't too sure on Wii U but suddenly I was demolishing people left and right with my charger. Of course, 2 came out and I couldn't do that anymore but the point stands.

user, don't be silly. I don't waifu post, I daughter post. Whether or not that's better or worse is up to you.

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We've managed a few of them lately. I recognize a few of these anons from previous threads, they're good folks.

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It's a nice change of pace.
better than most.

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The inevitable Calamari Inkantation remix.

I'll take it, and I'll also take that veemo.

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i just like a real good challenge, even if its to the point of anger, the rush you get after completing it is just too good to pass up.

i recognize daughterposter as well, im just a simple callieposter who's trying to not overdo it after getting a bit too excited with my new folder a little ways back still climbing, reached 1k images finally, felt real good

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I have a combined Veemo/Woomy folder going, it's only at about 120 images so far. I love all cephs, they are too adorable.

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I have so much fanart saved because I have a feeling most of them will get deleted at some point. Not the first time it has happened

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Oh hey, I didn't know it was you. Should've known only a Callie lover could be so insane. You probably already have most the Callies I have to offer but I'll try to help anyway.

I have a fine appreciation for woomy, they're cute as a button even if I never actually played as one. Octo just stole my heart out of nowhere.

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That's why I save every single image I like, no exceptions. You can't trust the internet to not fuck you over, it's happened time and time again. Save a video, save an image, save a song before it's too late. The cloud will inevitably fail us all.

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yeah im trying to not post too much callie like i used to, just in healthy doses. I suppose you're not wrong on the crazy part. No sane person tortures themselves just for the rush.
i myself actually have an veemo, i always thought i would go back to using a woomy, but my veemo was too precious to get rid of

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How is there not 8 ball soccer as a ranked mode yet

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>i myself actually have an veemo, i always thought i would go back to using a woomy, but my veemo was too precious to get rid of
Truly, you are a person of great integrity and fine passions. I mean, crazy but still.

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I think Nintendo just stopped giving a fuck already, which sucks because it wouldn't be the only potential new mode. A while back people datamined a suppose "rocket" mode. It had no models but the style was readily apparent and they just went nowhere with it. Fuck them for abandoning the game already.

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What precisely did that entail? First I heard of that.

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you're great yourself user. You put it in a better way than others have.
didn't have that one, super cute

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This was a long time ago, so take it with a grain of salt. Also found this next to it, not sure as to the validity.

I aim to please.

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Dillon has 3 games user

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and please you do, for that, have a dancing nogami still trying to get the entire video, it's on a locked twitter account so getting it fully and not just small webm's like video related is impossible as far as i can tell

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Godspeed, Callie lover. I love that goofball and his inherent passion for this series.

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he's just so wholesome, and passionate about what he does. You can't help but love the guy

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New Idol Group
Music Rock
1 Octo boi and 2 Squid girls

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>we'll never get Splatoon concerts and fun dancing events in the west
It hurts.

I do not like this Marie doll, Callie. Its smug aura mocks me.

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The problem I see with these two gamemodes is that they seem like they could be over super quick, especially if the 8 ball is only a "one point to win" kind of situation.

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heres a transparent version
don't remind me user, it hurts

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Music to go along with it

You can already do the same thing way faster in Rainmaker so I don't see it being too much of a problem. I mean, have you seen that webm of Blackbelly that's over in like 8 seconds? The rainmaker can move as fast as a player can move, while these two modes clearly don't have that luxury.

Thanks for that, I kept meaning to look for the better version but forgetting.

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I unironically use those to sleep easier, they're just so calming that it helps me sleep.

no problem user, I'm always happy to help.

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I suppose. They seem like more fun than Clam Blitz anyway, fuck that stupid ass mode.

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Oh man, I forgot about these. So peaceful.

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Clam Blitz is only fun if you can get a group of actual people to play it with you. Otherwise it's even worse than most modes because of how much you need to rely on others.

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I only ever get to play with randos, hence my severe distaste

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splat zones is where its at for me. CB just makes me hurt inside, especially when i see people bring out the aerospray

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The sad thing is I still attempt to play CB, because on the offchance you come across a competent group it's fun as all hell. Part of me still wants that fun even if I have to wade through morons to get it.

Tower control is my jam, even if I don't use blasters much anymore.

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>Tower control is my jam
i could never truly get into TC, i usually found myself to be the only one on my team actually going for the tower, while the rest did bumble fuck all.

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I love everything except CB. Tower Control feels the most tense to me though.

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I have a particular fondness for the mode from my TF2 days, back before Valve ruined everything.

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makes sense to me. TC is the only one i have trouble with besides CB for obvious reasons, i just get fucked trying to push for S rank in it yeah im barely S rank in the other modes as well sadly, im not great at the game

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Bring back Squid Squad.

I'm not exactly top 10 material either. It doesn't help that I spend the majority of my playtime killing salmon.

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Sea Hares. They're the last ink based race not shown yet. Plus the rabbit reference makes it all come full circle.

yeah i spend like 90% of my splatoon time now doing SR, soon enough its gonna be 99%, while the last 1% is for splatfests

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Despite playing a shit ton of the original I'm only level 20 and High B/Low A on most things so far. I only really play on off days because work destroys me.

Splattle Royale

Should add I only got the game like three weeks ago.

Gotta say, I absolutely hate the single-player content. Platforming in weird, esoteric looking stages that looks nothing like the urban city hub that you start out in or any of the multiplayer stages.

Bossfights are neat, but everything else is frustrating.

Maybe if they took the Shibuya motif and plastered it all the game and making the campaign more of an urban exploration game. In fact, just team up with SEGA and turn that part into Jet Set Radio 3.

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I'm going to miss those things. Fucking Nintendo dropping support so quick.

I'm barely around 35 and have had the game since Christmas 2018. I'm addicted to purging the world of salmonid scum.

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The Second Great Turf War now just known as TW2.

I don't know about that. They had a concert in France.


I don't even like Salmon Run. I'm always getting swamped because my team can't keep the fish under lock.

im barely even at like lvl 25, salmon run is like all i do now, since it's fun- Well thats all from me, it's about time i hit the hay. it was fun talkin veemofriend

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>Harelings are the new baddies that invade Earth from the moon since Japan has a huge boner for moon rabbits
>salmonids join them to create an Axis of assholes

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Of course the Euroweebs get it. Sometimes being in burgerland is a pain.

Good night, Callie friend.

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Ye it's bedttime for me too Octofriend. See ya next thread.

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New mammalian enemies would be cool as fuck.

Good night, pal.


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4 ships it and so do I

You devious bastard.

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I can't help it.
it's great

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Now there's a rare sight. Usually it's Agent 8 gushing over 3.

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>say I'm going to bed
>still lurk thread and save pics


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it is indeed an oddity

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I can see why, though. People are so taken with 8 being the adorable new girl who likes everything after finally escaping to the surface.

Sleep, or suffer the wrath of your eyelids.

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I wasn't going to post any Callies since you left but...

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I'm actually the other guy, I realized after I posted Callie I'd probably get mistaken for Calliefriend. Oops.

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Yep, everyone has their own set identity.
Agent 8 is the shy one who gets flustered or excited over anything
4 is the clumsy one
3 is the cool kid

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The best part to me is that 8 doesn't particularly have those traits set in tone. Folks are just so attached to her being a sweet, doe-eyed girl who saves the world that they take it to its adorable conclusion.

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ok, all this talk makes me want another dlc expansion to be honest

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What can I say, I have an immense attachment to this little cutie.

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>Annie refuses to stock any shades for me to buy on Splatnet

Please, you were always my favorite Splat1 shopkeeper, be kind to me

Yeah, I'm not seeing anything useful aside from maybe those squidkid shoes. On the bright side, Annie's stock refreshes at a far faster rate than the game does so they could come at any time.

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Just give me this cut haircut from the concept art and I'll be happy. Octos deserve more haircuts.

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>Asking for no SJW and Tranny shit
>Next line wants to cross dress as a boy
isn't that an oxymoron?

>just found out that Nintendo uploaded the lastest OTH concert with English subtitles for their dialogue
>after Into the Light
>Marina: Wow, things got kinda intimate for a moment there huh?


I want my Ringo Starr octodudes.
>Firefox just axed all of my add-ons
What the actual fuck, I didn't even update.

Shit, that has English subtitles now? I should watch it, that concert was amazing. Into the Light is possibly my favorite song from OE.

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Here you go friendo

Thanks, dawg. Pic related is probably the best part of the concert, though. Pearl is an adorable little ragamuffin.

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Oh for sure, the gremlin launching herself back onstage legit made me go "Oh shit" the first time I saw it.

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>you can hit ignore on your phone when you start up the game to skip opening idol dialog

The FUCK was top tier, as well. Oh god, all my add ons disappearing is brutal as fuck. How am I meant to veemo efficiently?

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>will never get holo thrash metal Pearl screaming FUCK at the audience live

The things we want but can never have

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We can dream, user. We can dream.

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I legit want a full version of that bit. Full three minute profanity laden Pearl clusterfuck.

I'd pay money for that.

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As would I. I would pay money for anything new ceph related at this point.



I need more of it and Nintendo isn't budging.

>4 years ago
It's amazing how one game became a flagship series and overwhelming hit seemingly overnight. Thy really didn't have anything like this since Pikmin and AC.

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I mean I'm confident Splatoon is going to have more coming, it's just the wait that's killer

More of an open world or game maps designed for specific game modes. Or maybe variations of existing maps for game modes. Maps like tf2 that are each unique and memorable.

It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't support for both titles like a sack of potatoes after so little time.

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I didn't know they talked about how you're supposed to flick the roller before release. Everyone was just rolling that shit in the test fire. Was great reading all the threads and people started figuring out how you're supposed to use them.

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Was it really that fast? A year's worth of free content update is more support than many games get, hell most games want you to pay for stuff like new maps and weapons.

I suppose Valve spoiled me. It doesn't help that 2 got roughly the same amount of support that 1 did, even if 1's updates was clearly Nintendo just unlocking stuff gradually to entice people to keep playing.

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Oh thank god, /g/ helped. I can veemo at full capacity now.

What the hell is that thumbnail?

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I just want a male squid and/or octo idol duo with a dynamic that is similar to Pearl and Marina.

I want a roomy for my woomy I can decorate with splatfest and band merch and hang out with my woomy friends in

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Why couldn't it be real bros

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I dunno, that sounds kind of gay. I like it.

>you will never trade cool in-game LPs or fresh knick-knacks with your friends in each others' rooms
>the minigames from 1 will never came back in a multiplayer capacity that you can start from a squid game console
It hurts.

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Would you?

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Take care of her and love her with all my soul? Yes I would.

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>squids will never lose their virginities next to their amiibo collections

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why do people want things that could easily just be in a menu to be an actual location. Soon you'll be asking for hairstyle changes to have the option of you doing them by visiting a tentacle stylist


How could "a room to chill out in and decorate" be relegated to a menu?

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squid pearl is a gremlin but humanized pearl makes me diamonds

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because all the stuff you mentioned is either shown or can be shown in the app or shown in the game menu

This guy gets it.

First off, that isn't me, and second no one wants it on the app. I mean, it's cool you can check all that shit out there but people explicitly want more cool in-game stuff that marks your progress and just shows off more of the game world.

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Not today.

Wake up, it's morning.

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>play splat 1
>competent charger
>play splat 2
>garbage charger

Why not be the charger?

I don't know, but people have talked about the gyro being inferior, Spla2n's netcode and chargers not working like they used to. Personally, I think the biggest factor is not having the gamepad to aim anymore. That thing was better than it had any right to be.

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someone said that 2 has a lower refresh rate than Splatoon

I use sticks.

That wouldn't surprise me, 2 is great but a lot of the design choices are more than questionable.

You're only hurting yourself, you know.

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Gyro is uncomfortable. I prefer being able to hold the controller however I like without it fucking with my controls.

Playable Salmonlings and Jellylings

Suit yourself, but gyro is the next best thing to kb+m.

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holy fuck the amount of seething in this post! LOL

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Funny thing is Dillon came out before the Wii U did.

Mouse and keyboard support.
A decent campaign in the base game instead of having to wait for dlc
An explorable inkopolis, or at least sections of it

>3 stages per rotation which actually rotate giving every stage equal playtime rather than RNG making you play the same stage all rotation
>integrate shifty station mechanics into actual stages
>more ranked modes
>one more regular mode
>endless Salmon Run mode
>more customisation but definitely more hairstyles and pants maybe allow us to customise our eyebrows to make out inkling even more unique
>everything in the app should be available in game and the app should be for the purposes of seeing it on the go

weird nitpick, but i would love if we could choose our main color of hair to have in the plaza, i just want my woomy to have emerald green hair at all times

Same here, but I'm looking for purple.

It would be nice to have the default veemo colors whenever I liked it.

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>Better character customization
>A change to the map rotation system (still have them on rotation, but maybe have a third map or something just to add the little extra bit of variety)
>A "lobby" room you can enter and walk around in, friends can join this room and look at how fresh your character is, and you can also go online as a team from this room.

So Mario Kart's globe or whatever

Yeah something similar, though obviously a little less soulless and more splatoon-y.

>JTVeemo recently went on a trip
>even got some little Splatoon doodads
How nice for him, the guy deserves a break between school and all the lewds he's being paid to draw.

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I want him back.

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I'd like to see them take on another genre. No clue what it would be but the world is pretty ridiculous and fantastical in terms of area designs so I can only imagine what they could think up. Hell, even an RPG or adventure game would be neat, it's just a question of how they would do things. Plus, with the octos and squids now being BFFs they can fight salmonoids together or something.


shota bulge

One last octo baby, I need sleep. She is perfection.

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The fact that you can't play it handheld gets me for some reason.