No wait, actually it's the only thing you're getting LOL

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Who fucking asked for this? Zelda makes perfect sense for a musou. Even Fire Emblem makes sense. But Persona?

It's over bros, we will never live this down

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>that'll be $59.99 plus tax plus tip for the same game on the same console again

Based Atlus giving them some form of P5 on Switch.

>bing bing wahoo

It's an improved version of the best RPG ever made. I will happily pay for it again whereas you don't even have the option to play it and never will. Keep seething nincel

>Not even a tactics game a la Devil Summoner

Musou games are boring.

This game will bomb on both platforms.

P5R will sell less than P4 Golden.

P5 Classic on steam soon lads

based underage consolewarrior

i doubt anything could sell less than a Vita game

i played it on PS3 though.

Well, DID anyone see a Warriors Persona spin off coming?

haha yeah, thats weird. Who would even do that?

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>on the same console again
haha, y-yeah. Sucks to pay 60 dollars but it's fine

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>says the smashfag

>P5R will sell less than P4 Golden
Considering people are starved for quality games on ALL systems at the moment, there is a rather large amount of hype for the game.

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Are we? Just this year i have played REmake 2, DMC5 and Sekiro, and thats not counting my backlog.

Most of Yea Forums waits for pricedrops on AAA titles, then looks forward to what comes after.

Prime Day alone should discount most of those.

Hmm dunno, i bought them all day one.


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we got too cocky bro